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respect and reverence that we look to the garden bower where this good man meditated, and we cannot help cherishing an inward dignity, when inmates of the domicile which has harboured from the persecutions of tyranny, the sacred heads of those who may well be denominated the " Scots worthies,' but of whom indeed the world was not worthy. The Relics (of which we are hereafter to speak) of any of these men, may indeed appear to some of little value, but to their Biographer they would not so. They were the property of men whose lives he had spent much time investigating-whose deeds and memories were precious in his eyes and the every incident and minute characteristic and traditionary story connected with them, handed from father to son; all could not fail to give to these so many identities, a zest which no other than he could savour, and which would make them, to be regarded by him little short of the persons themselves. These, like the bones of the Patriarch Joseph carried through the wilderness by his people, have doubtless, with injunctions no less sacred, been produced as a memorial of the times of firy trial.

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Lupo RELICS. "Captain John Paton's Bible," octavo Size Printed at London, 1652. On the back of the Frontispiece the following is printed in capitals with a pen Captain Joh John Paton's Bible which he gave h his wife down of the scaffold where he was executed for the cause of Jesus Christ, May 9. 1684." Here follows undoubted testimonials of its authenticity Zavob lonxere

Captain John, Paton's Sword," with sheep-head handle, 26 inches long, blade about 1 inch broad, with which Captain Paton is said to have killed 28 persons in one day,

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there were formerly on it 28 notches said to denote the 28 years of persecution, but these are now worn out by rustCaptain Paton used this sword on all occasions.

"Linen Flag," on the left side near the top, is a representation of an open Bible, with the words " Verbum Dei" on it. To the right side, on a line with the Bible, is the Crown supported by a Thistle. Beneath is read in antique capitals PHINIGK FOR GOD


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"Pair of Drumsticks" made of a sort of black mahogany. M

"Books of Manuscripts" apparently written by different hands, seemingly containing Sermons, Oaths, Do

cuments, &c. On the board of one of the books we found the names of Cargil, Bruce, and Wm. Guthrie, &c. Part of the sermons have been published.

The life of Captain John Paton is fully detailed in the "Historical account of the Scots Worthies," where those who feel an interest, may readHe was born at Meadow-head, in the Parish of Fenwick, and Shire of Ayr, and it is supposed he received his Captaincy from Gustavus Adolphus, King of Sweden, for his heroic achievements in the wars of Germany. Notwithstanding an Asthmatic disorder which the early caught, the whole after period. of his life, with the exception of a few breathing times, appears to have

been one scene of conflict, so that his spirit became so wearied out, and broken down, that he seems to have relaxed in the wonted diligence which he formerly exercised to preserve his life. In his history are recorded many marvellous" hair-breadth scapes"remarkable instances of his intrepidity, perseverance, and single handed valour. Like those Christian Heroes of old, whom he attempted to imitate," he stopped the mouths of Lions-out of weakness was made strong-waxed valiant in fight turned to flight the armies of the aliens." He was at last apprehended in one of his hiding places, in the parish of Mearns, by five soldiers-speedily brought to trial-con

victed of what was then called Rebel

lion-and condemned to be hanged in the Grass-market of Edinburgh, which sentence was accordingly executed. As his Biographer adds, "though his extraction was but mean, it might be said of him That he lived a Hero and died a Martyr."


When we departed from the friendly and hospitable roof, the sun had sunk into rest, bequeathing his dying ray the twilight on the east-the curtain of night had began to settle a sombre shade, which was invisibly expanding -the cattle lowed for the bughts and the milk-maid-and the toil-worn rustic, with the unharnessed companion of his long day labour, wound slowly to their home. Thus terminated a

day, the future recollection of which, will never damp the spirits or cloud the mind. May all the pleasures of our existence be as sweetly mingled, and as innocently drunk.

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[Continued ba

Upwards of a year, he informed me, had now elapsed without effacing from her mind this singular taint of insanity; still her friends hoped that it might wear gradually away. They had at one time removed her to a distant part of the country, in hopes that absence from the scenes connected with her! story might have a salutary effect; but when her periodical melancholy re turned she became more restless and wretched than usual, and, secretly es-"I caping from her friends, set out on foot, without knowing the road, on one of her pilgrimages to the chapel.

This little story entirely drew my attention from the gay scene of the fete, and fixed it upon the beautiful Annette. While she was yet standing of on the terrace the vesper-bell was rung from the neighbouring chapel. She listened for a moment, and then, draw2001 ing a small rosary from her bosom,21¶ walked in that direction. Several of acc the peasantry followed her in silenced and I felt too much interested not towed do the same. used low.sa The chapel, as I said before, is in to the midst of a grove, on the high promontary. The inside is hung round with little models of ships, and rude perils of wrecks and perils at sea, and providential deliverances; the votive offerings of captains and crews that have been saved. On entering, Annette paused for a moment before a picture of the virgin, which I observed, had recently been decorated

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with a wreath of artificial flowers.-
When she reached the middle of the HY
chapel, she knelt down, and those who
followed her involuntarily did the same
at a little distance. The evening sun
shone softly through the chequered
grove into one window of the chapel.
A perfect stillness reigned within


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and this stillness was the more impres-
sive; contrasted with the distant sound
of music and merriment from the fair.
I could not take my eyes from the
poor suppliant; her lips moved as she
told her beads, but her prayers were
breathed in silence. It might have
been mere fancy excited by the scene
as she raised her eyes to heaven,
I thought they had an expression truly
seraphic. But I am easily affected
by female beauty, and there was some-
thing in this mixture of love, devotion,
and partial insanity, that was inexpres-
sibly touching.

As the poor girl left the chapel, there was a sweet serenity in her looks; and I was told that she would return home, and in all probability be calm and cheerful for days, and even weeks; in which time it was supposed that hope predominated in her mental malady; and that when the dark side of her mind, as her friend calls it, was about to turn up, it would be known by her neglecting her distaff or her lace, singing plaintive songs, and weeping in silence.

She passed on from the chapel without noticing the fete, but smiling and speaking to many as she passed. I followed her with my eyes as she decended the winding road towards Honfleur, leaning on her father's arm. "Heaven" thought I "has ever its store of balms for the hurt mind and wounded spirit, and may in time rear up

this broken flower to be once more the pride and joy of the valley. The very delusion in which the poor girl walks may be one of those mists kindly diffused by Providence over the regions of thought, when they become too fruitful of misery. The veil may gradually be raised which obscures the horizon of her mind, as she is enabled steadily and calmly to contemplate the Sorrows at present hidden in mercy from her view," ?

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On my return from Paris, about a year afterwards. I turned off from the beaten route at Rouen, to revisit some of the most striking scenes of Lower Normandy. Having passed through the lovely country of the Pays d'Ange, I reached Honfleur on a fine afternoon, intending to cross to Havre, the next morning, and embark for England. As I had no better way of passing the evening, I strolled up the hill to enjoy the fine prospect from the chapel of our Lady of Grace; and while there, I thought of inquiring after the fate of poor Annette Delarbre. The priest who had told me her story was officiating at vespers, after which I accosted him, and learnt the remaining circumstances. He told me, that from the time I had seen her at the chapel, her disorder took a sudden turn for the worse, and her health rapidly declined. Her cheerful intervals became shorter and less frequent, and attended with more incoherency. She grew languid, silent, and moody in hermelancholy; her form was wasted, her looks pale and disconsolate, and it was feared she never would recover. She became impatient of all sounds of gaiety, and was never so contented as when Eugene's mother was near her. The good woman watched over her with a patient, yearning solicitude; and in seeking to beguile her sorrows, would half forget her own. Sometimes as she sat looking on her pallid face, the tears would fill her eyes, which, when Annette perceived, she would anxiously wipe them away, and tell her not to grieve, for that Eugene would soon return; and then affect a forced gaiety, as in former times, and sing a lively air; but a sudden recollection would come over her, and she would burst into tears, hang on the poor mother's neck, and entreat

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her not to curse her for having destroyed her son.

might overpower her enfeebled frame. They ventured, however, to probe those wounds which they did not dare formerly to touch, for they now had the balm to pour into them. They led the conversation to those topics which they had hitherto shunned, and endeavoured to ascertain the current of her thoughts, in those varying moods that had formerly perplexed them. They found however, that her mind was even more affected than they had imagined. All her ideas were confused and wandering. Her bright and cheerful moods, which now grew seldomer than ever, were all the effects of mental delusion. At such times she had no recollection of her lover's having been in danger, but was only anticipating his arrival. "When winter has passed away," says she,

Just at this time, to the astonishment of every one, news were received of Eugene, who it appeared, was still living. When almost drowned, he had fortunately seized upon a spar which had been washed from the ship's deck. Finding himself nearly exhausted, he had fastened himself to it, and floated for a day and night, until all sense had left him. On recovering, he found himself on board a vessel, bound to India, but so ill, as not to be able to move without assistance.His health had continued precarious throughout the voyage; on arriving in India he had experienced may vicissitudes, and had been transferred from ship to ship, and hospital to hospital. His constitution had enabled him to struggle through every hardship; and" and the trees put on their blossoms, he was now in a distant port, waiting only for the sailing of a ship to return home.

and the swallow comes back over the sea, he will return." When she was drooping and desponding, it was in Great caution was necessary in im- vain to remind her of what she had parting these tidings to the mother, said in her gayer moments, and to asand even then she was nearly overcome sure her that Eugene would indeed by the transports of her joy. But how return shortly. She wept on in silence, to impart them to Annette was a mat- and appeared insensible to their words, ter, of still greater perplexity. Her But at times her agitation became vistate of mind had been so morbid; olent when she would upbraid herself she had been subject to such violent with having driven Eugene from his changes, and the cause of her derange-mother, and brought sorrow on ber ment had been of such an inconsola- grey hairs. Her mind admitted but ble and hapless a kind, that her friends one leading idea at a time which nohad always forborne to tamper with thing could divert or efface; or if they her feelings. They had never even ever succeeded in interrupting the hinted at the subject of her griefs, current of her fancy, it only became nor encouraged the theme. when she the more incoherent, and increased adverted to it, but had passed it over the feverishness that preyed upon both in silence, hoping that time would mind and body. Her friends felt gradually wear the traces of it from more alarm for her than ever, for they her recollection, or, at least would feared that her scuses were irrecoverrender them less painful. They now ably gone, and her constitution comfelt at a loss how to undeceive her, pletely undermined. even in her misery, lest the sudden recurrence of happiness might confirm the enstrangement of her reason, or

In the mean time Eugene returned to the village. He was violently affected when the story of Annette

was told to him. heart he upbraided his own rashness and infatuation that had hurried him away from her, and accused himself as the author of all her woes. His mother would describe to him all the anguish and remorse of poor Annette; the tenderness with which she clung to her, and endeavoured even in the midst of her insanity, to console her for the loss of her son, and the touch-she with a smile, "have you not noing expressions of affection that were ticed the trees putting on their wedding intermingled with her most incoherent dresses in blossoms? Has not the swalwanderings of thought, until his low flown back over the sea? Do you feelings would be wound up to agony, not know that the time is coming for and he intreated her to desist from the Eugene to return? that he will be home recital. They did not dare as yet, to-morrow, and that on Sunday we to bring him into Annette's sight, but are to be married ?" he was permitted to see her when she was asleep. The tears streamed down his sun-burnt cheeks as he contemplated the ravages which grief and malady had made; and his heart swelled almost to breaking, as he beheld round her neck, the very braid of hair which she once gave him in token of girlish affection, and which he had returned to her in anger.

With bitterness of lows began to build in the eaves of the house, and the robin and wren piped all day beneath the window. Annette's spirits gradually revived. She began to deck her person with unusual care; and bringing forth a basket of artificial flowers, she went to work to wreath a bridal chaplet of white roses. Her companions asked her why she prepared the chaplet. “What,” said

Her words were repeated to the physician, and he seized on them at once. He directed that this idea should be encouraged and acted upon. Her words were echoed through the house. Every one talked of the return of Eugene as a matter of course; they congratulated her upon her approaching happiness, and assisted her in her preparations. The next morning the same theme was renewed.→ She was dressed out to receive her lover. Every bosom fluttered with anxiety. A cabriolet drove into the village. "Eugene is coming," was the cry. She saw him alight at the door, and rushed with a shriek into his arms.

Her friends trembled for the result

At length the physician that attended her determined to adventure upon an experiment; to take advantage of one of her cheerful moods when her mind was visited by hope, and to endeavour to ingraft, as it were, the reality upon the delusions of fancy. These moods had now become very rare, for nature was sinking under the continual pressure of her mental malady, and the of this critical experiment; but she did principle of reason was daily growing not sink under it, for her fancy had weaker. Every effort was tried to prepared her for his return. She was bring on a cheerful interval of the kind. as one in a dream; to whom a tide of Several of her most favourite com- unlooked for prosperity, that would have panions were kept continually about overwhelmed her waking reason, seems her; they chatted gaily; they laughed, but the natural current of circumstances. they sang; and danced; but Annette Her conversation, however, shewed reclined with languid frame and hol- that her senses were wandering. loweye, and took no part in their gaiety. There was an absolute forgetfulness of At length the winter was gone; the all past sorrow; a wild and feverish trees put forth their leaves; the swal-gaiety that at times was incoherent,

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