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OR WEEKLY REGISTER.tel aid nodw135e dancing with one of his rivals, and as her made by relation, who was fe eye caught his, fixed on her with usting out a ship at the port of Honfleur, feigned distress, it sparkled on him with and who wished in to be the com more then usual fire, to It was a finish-panion of his voyage. Absence ap voyage.Absence ing blow to his hopes, already so much peared to him the only cure for his impaired by secret distrustri Pride unhiek passion and in the tempor and resentment, both struggled in his are transporty of his feelings, that! breast, and seemed to rouse his spirit was something gratifying in the idea to all its wonted energy. He retired of having half the world intervene from her presence with the hasty de- between them. The hurry necessary termination never to see her again. for his departure, Teft no time for cool reflection it rendered him deaf to the remonstrances of his afflicted mother. He hastened to Honfleur just in time to make the necessary preparations for the voyage and the first news that Annette received of this sudden deter

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A woman is more considerate in the affairs of love than a man; because it is more the study and business of her life. Annette soon repented of her indiscretion; she felt that she had used her lover unkindly; she felt that she had trifled with his sincere and gener-mination, was a letter delivered by his ous nature and then he looked so handsome when he parted after their quarrel his fine features, lighted up by indignation. She had intended making up with him at the evening dances but his sudden departure prevented her. She now promised herself that when next they met, she would amply repay him by the sweets of a perfect reconciliation, and that, thenceforward, she would never never tease him more! That promise was not to be fullfiled. Day after day passed but Eugene did not make his appearance. Sunday evening came, the usual time when all the gaiety of the village assembled, but Eugene was not there. She enquired after hims he had left the village. She now became alarmed, and forgetting all coyness and affected indifferencey she called upon Eugene's mother for an explanation. She found her full of sorrow, and learnt with surprise and affliction that Eugene had gone to seand hdd bonefoarte

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Annette never left the side of Eur gene's mother. She watched every. change of her countenance with pains de no fulsolicitude, and endeavoured to cheer do." her with hopes, while her own mind vol was racked by anxiety. She tasked her la se.. efforts to be gay; but it was forced and onsit unnatural gaiety: a sigh from the mov ther would completely check it; and low when she could no longer restrain the duci rising tears, she would hurry away,tods bus and pour out her agony in secret.ildest Every anxious look, every anxious oms is enquiry of the mother, whenever a sdt door opened, or a strange face appeared, i was an arrow to her soul. She considered every disappointment as a pang 1970. of her own infliction, and her heartros iad sickened under the care-worn expres eod n sion of the maternal eye. At length siab sris this suspense became insupportable 91007 She left the village and hastened to will af. Honfleur, hoping every hour, everys ven: moment, to receive some tidings of tower her lover. She paced the pier, and on buss wearied the seamen of the port with her inquiries. She made a daily piloma 287 grimage to the chapel of our Lady of od to Grace; hung votive garlands on the ori mot wall, and passed hours either kneeling sdtr. before the altar, or looking out from i as the brow of the hill upon the angry sea.

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stiengA bus bwors and grom. At length word was brought that the long-looked for yessel was in sightedT She was seen standing into the mouths a of the Seine, shattered and crippled, bearing marks of having been, sadlyfontei tempest tossed. There was a general. joy diffused by her return and there ainges". was not a brighter eye, nor a lighterz ode heart than Annette's in the little porthal 1979.: of Honfleur. The ship came to an chor in the river; and shortly after of 193 boat put off for the shore. The po-T pulace crowded down to the pier-head? to welcome it. Annette stood blushing and smiling, and trembling and weep-si ing for a thousand painally pleasing

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mind, in which hope and fear are
strangely mingled; some imperfect
idea of her lover's shipwreck, and yet
some expectation of his return.

Her parents have tried every
means to cheer her, and to banish those
gloomy images from her thoughts.
They assemble round her the young
companions in whose society she used
to delight; and they will work, and
chat, and sing, and laugh as formerly;
but she will sit silently among them,
and will sometimes weep in the midst
of their gaiety; and, if spoken to, will
make no reply, but look up with
streaming eyes, and sing a dismal lit-
tle song, which she has learned some-
where, about a shipwreck. It makes
every one's heart ache to see her in
this way, for she used to be the hap-
piest creature in the village.

emotions agitated her breast at the thoughts of the meeting and reconciliation about to take place. Her heart throbbed to pour itself out, and atone to her lover for all its errors. At one moment she would place herself in a conspicuous situation where she might catch his view at once, and surprise him by her welcome; but the next moment a doubt would come across her mind, and she would shrink among the throng, trembling and fait, and gasping with her emotions. Her agitation encreased as the boat drew near, until it became distressing and it was almost a relief to her, when she perceived that her lover was not there. She presumed that some accident had detained him on board the ship; and she felt that the delay would enable her to gather more self-possession for the meeting. As the boat approached the shore, "She passes the greatest part of many enquiries were made, and lacoric the time with Eugene's mother, whose answers returned. At length Atte only consolation is her society, and heard some enquiries made after her who dotes on her with a mother's tenlover. Her heart palpitated; there derness. She is the only one that has was a moment's pause the reply was perfect influence over Annette in every on brief, but awful. He had been washed mood. The poor girl seems, as for- Leacon from the deck, with two of the crew, merly, to make an effort to be cheerin the midst of a stormy night, when ful in her company; but will someit was impossible to render any assist-times gaze upon her with the most A piercing shriek broke from piteous look, and then kiss her gray among the crowd; and Annette had hairs, and fall on her neck and weep. nearly fallen into the waves.

The sudden revulsion of feelings after such a transient gleam of happiness, was too much for her harassed fame. She was carried home senseless. Her life was for some time despaired of, and it was months before she recovered her health; but she never had perfectly recovered her mind: it still remained unsettled with regard

She is not always melancholy, however; she has occasional intervals when she will be bright and animated for days together; but there is a degree of wildness, attending these fits of gaiety, that prevents their yielding" any satisfaction to her friends. At such times she will arrange her room, which is all covered with pictures of ships and legends of saints, and will wreath a white chaplet, as if for a wed "The subject," continued my in- ding, and prepare wedding ornaments. formant, is never mentioned in her She will listen anxiously at the door, hearing; but she sometimes speaks of and look fréquently out at the window it herself, and it seems as if there was as if expecting some one's arrival, some fagne train ofimpressions in her his supposed that at such times she

to her lover's fate.

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looking for her lover's return; but as others.


character ob"a military char no one touches on the theme, or men-tained amidst the dangers of climate, tions his name in her presence, the the privations incident to service, and current of her thoughts is mere matter the sufferings of repeated wounds, it of conjecture. Now and then she is difficult to select any point as a will make a pilgrimage to our Lady of ferable subject of praise. The life of Grade, where she will pray for hours Sir John Moore was spent among at the altar, and decorate the images troops." with wreaths that she has woven; or will wave her handkerchief from the terrace, as you have seen, if there is any vessel in the distance."

iston To be continued.] bas; bicski we de

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During the season of time was devoted to the care struction of the officer and the soldier in war, he courted service in every quarter of the globe. Regardless of personal considerations, he esteemed that to which his country called him as the of honor; and by his unpost daunted spirit and unconquerable pers severance, he pointed the way to vie tory."*

SIR JOHN MOORE. Sir John Moore was the eldest of Sir John four sons of the late Dr. Moore, and ali atoe Milanofol was born at Glasgow, in 1762, where Every soldier's heart must warm in his father practised as a physician till reading so just a tribute from a Com he accompanied the late Duke of Ha-mander-in-Chief to the memory of this milton on his travels. He took his brave man. He was a soldier of the son along with him, and thus he was best mould, and was endowed with a early introduced into the first society vigorous mind, improved by everyb in Europe. Having his education accomplishment which an anxious and and pursuits guided by so able a di- intelligent parent could suggest or berector, and so accurate a judge of stow. With a face and figure uncom mankind as his father, every improve monly handsome, he was active and ment was to be expected. How comcapable of bearing great fatigue; but god pletely these expectations were fulfilled, in his latter years had a considerable the military history of his country will stoop and was much broken down by shew. Sir John Moore from his wounds and service in warm climates. youth embraced the profession of arms, His keen feelings of honor, and enwith the sentiments and feelings of athusiastic zeal for the duties of his soldier. He felt that a perfect know- profession, often raised his indignation ledge, and an exact performance of at any dereliction of conduct or duty. the humble but important duties of a Hence, with the mildest and most subaltern officer, are the best foundaamiable temper imaginable, he was tion for subsequent military fame. In considered by many who did not suffi of regimental duty, he ob- ciently know him, as fierce, intemper tained that correct knowledge of his rate, and unnecessarily severe while, profession, so essential to the proper in truth, no man was more indulgent direction of the gallant spirit of the and easy, when strictness was unne soldiers and he was enabled to escessary; at the the same time, when sevetablish a characteristic order and regu rity was called for, as the correctness larity of conduct, because the troops found in their leader a striking example of the discipline which he enforced in

the school



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General Order. Horse Guards, February, 1809.


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biscuit, and slept on a cloak underla bush. Several officers had obtained leave to go to other islands for change i of air, and so many were dead or diss abled there was not a sufficient number for the duty. He therefore issued or


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nd propriety of his own mind led him aver to excuse neglect of duty, he was on such occasions very severe; and in this he s he greatly resembled the eminent men by whose example he was always a anxious to form his habits and character, Sir Ralph Aberders, that none, except in the last? cromby Sir Charles Stewart. necessity, should quit the island Athe It was under General Stewart, in length he was himself attacked; and -Corsica, that Si John Moore, then when informed that if he did not gov Lieutenant Colonel of the 51st, was on board ship, he could not survivest first distinguished at the storming of four days, he referred his advisers tous Calvi; he headed the grenadiers, and his orders, saying, that he was deterin the face of an obstinate and gallant mined to remain at any hazard; and resistance, carried the place by assault. it was not till he was insensible that General Stewart, who witnessed the he was carried on board where he for attack, rushed forward and, with an tunately recovered. enthusiasm which only such ปรายแลก: minds can The scene which closed his mortal feel, threw himself into the arms of career, took place at the battle of Colonel Moore, the surrounding sol- Corunna. While animating the 42d diers shouting and throwing up their regiment, a cannon ball struck Sir caps in the air for joy and exultation. John Moore in the left shoulder, and In 1796, during the operations of beat him to the ground. He raised army y under the command of Sir himself and sat up with unaltered Ralph Abercromby, in the West In- countenance, looking intently at the dies, Sir John Moore, particularly dis- Highlanders who were warmly engatinguished himself. At that time the ged. Captain Harding threw himself mortality among the troops was so from his horse and took him by the great, that hardly a sufficient number, hand; then observing his anxiety, he fit for duty, were left after the capture told him the 42d were advancing, upon of St. Lucia. Brigadier General which his countenance immediately તા Moore was appointed to the command brightened up. Assisted by a soldier ya of the island; and as considerable bo- of the 42d he was removed a few yards dies of the enemy continued in the behind the shelter of a wall. Colonel woods, and refused to surrender con- Graham of Balgowan and, Captain formably to the capitulation, he, with Woodford of the Guards came up that zeal which so eminently distin- and perceiving the state of Sir John's guished him, penetrated into the most wound, instantly rode off for surgeons of the woods and He consented to be carried to the rear compelled the enemy to surrender at and was put in a blanket for that purdiscretion. Here his exertions were pose. Captain Harding attempted to unremitting. He visited, in person, unbuckle his sword from his wounded every post, of which there were a great side, when he said in his usual tone many established in different parts of and manner" It is as well as it is the island. He was, in fact almost I had rather it should go out of the always in the woods, so careless of any field with me." He was borne, concomfort, and so anxious to shew antinues Captain Harding, by six solexample of privation to his men, that diers of the 42d and guards, my sash he fared as they did, on salt pork and supporting him in an easy posture.

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