
Yet despair not, thou desolate one! for thy dower
Lovely Scio, thy lands and thy beauty is left.-Pierpont.

36. Hark! the notes, on my ear that play,

Are set to words:-
:-as they float they say,

"Passing away! passing away!"-Id.

37. Alas! madam, said he, one day, how few books are there, of which one ever can possibly arrive at the last page.-Johnson.

38. Pausing a while, thus to herself she mused.-Milton

39. The monument is more than a hundred cubits high.

40. They are so happy that they do not know what* to do with themselves.-Paley.

41. I have more by half, than I know what to do with.

42. They to their grassy couch, these to their nests, Were slunk; all but the wakeful nightingale. She all night long her am'rous descant sung.-Milton.

43. Homeward bound! with deep emotion,
We remember, Lord, that life

Is a voyage upon an ocean,
Heaved by many a tempest's strife.

Be thy statutes so engraven
On our hearts and minds, that we
Anchoring in Death's quiet haven,

All may make our home with thee.-Pierpont.

'the word what appears to be used here adverbially in the sense of how. The expression "know not what to do," "what to do with," & are explained by some as elliptical; as follows: They are se harpy that they do not know that which [they are able] to do, &

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Little Franz

How I love thy gay smits
Finapling round thyrning
Twould a sound beguile
But thighon art young fel
to know ought- ob
Thine blaue

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