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" The schoolboy whips his taxed top; the beardless youth manages his taxed horse, with a taxed bridle, on a taxed road ; and the dying Englishman, pouring his medicine, which has paid... "
Wit and Wisdom of the Rev. Sydney Smith - 195. oldal
szerző: Sydney Smith - 1870 - 458 oldal
Teljes nézet - Információ erről a könyvről

The Monthly magazine, 49. kötet

Monthly literary register - 1820 - 694 oldal
...and the rich man's spice — on the brass nails of the coffin, :\nd the ribands of the bride — at bed or board, couchant or levant we must pay : The...youth manages his taxed horse, with a taxed bridle, or a taxed road ; and the dying Englishman pouring his medicine, which has paid seven per cent, into...

The Edinburgh Review: Or Critical Journal, 33. kötet

1820 - 590 oldal
...spice — on the brass nails of the coffin, and the ribands of the bride — at bed or boaid, couchnnt or levant, we must pay : — The schoolboy whips his taxed top — the beardless youth mi1: ' uages his taxed horse, with a taxed bridle on a taxed road : — and the dying Englishman pouring...

Tickler, Or, Monthly Compendium of Good Things, in Prose and ..., 1-3. kötet

1818 - 596 oldal
...tli« ribbands of the hride— at bed and board, courhant or lerant we must pay: — The school boy whips his taxed top — the' beardless youth manages his taxed horse with a taxed b'ridle on a ruad taicd;— and the dying Englishman pouring his medicine, which has paid 7 per cent fnto a spoon...

The Monthly Repository of Theology and General Literature, 15. kötet

1820 - 770 oldal
...salt, and the rich man's spice — on the brass nails of the coffin, and the ribands of the bride— at bed or board, couchant or levant, we must pay. The...manages his taxed horse, with a taxed bridle, on a taxed road : and the dying Englishman pouring his medicine, which has paid 7 per cent, into a spoon that...

The Literary and Scientific Repository, and Critical Review, 1. kötet

1820 - 562 oldal
...and the rich man's spice — on the brass nails of the coffin, and the ribands of the bride — at bed or board, couchant or levant, we must pay : —...manages his taxed horse, with a taxed bridle on a taxed road : — and the dying Englishman pouring his medicine, which has paid 7 per cent. into a spoon that...

The Parlour Portfolio, Or, Post-chaise Companion: Being a ..., 2. kötet

1820 - 442 oldal
...and the rich man's spice — on the brass nails of the coffin, and the ribands of the bride — at bed or board, couchant or levant we must pay : the...youth' manages his taxed horse, with a taxed bridle, or a taxed rod ; and the dying Englishman pouring his medicine, which has paid seven per cent, into...

the edinburgh review

david william - 1820 - 564 oldal
...and the rick man's spice — on the brass nails of the coffin, and the ribands of the bride — at bed or board, couchant or levant, we must pay : —...schoolboy whips his taxed top — the beardless youth ma2 nages his taxed horse, with a taxed bridle on a taxed road : — and the dying Englishman pouring...

The Literary and Scientific Repository, and Critical Review, 1. kötet

1820 - 558 oldal
...spice — on the brass nails of the coffin, and the ribands of the bride — at bed or board, conchant or levant, we must pay : — The schoolboy whips his...manages his taxed horse, with a taxed bridle on a taxed road : — and the dying Englishman pouring his medicine, which has paid 7 per cent. into a spoon that...

The Life and Character of Stephen Decatur; Late Commodore and Post-captain ...

Samuel Putnam Waldo - 1822 - 418 oldal man's spice ; on the brass nails of the coffin, and the ribbands of the bride ; at bed, or at board, couchant or levant, we must pay ! The school-boy whips his taxed top—the beardless youth manages his taxed horse with a taxed bridle on a taxed road; and the dying...

Essays on Peace & War: Which First Appeared in the Christian Mirror, Printed ...

William Ladd - 1827 - 298 oldal
...the ribbands of the bride — at bed or at board, couchant or levant, we njust pay ! The school boy whips his taxed top— the beardless youth manages his taxed horse with a taxed bridle, on a taxed road — and the dying Englishman, pouring his medicine, which has paid seven per cent, into a spoon,...

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