

THIS book is intended to be an index of the phraseology of Shakespeare; a concordance of phrases rather than of words. Its plan is to take every sentence from his dramatic works which contains an important thought, with so much of the context as preserves the sense, and to put each sentence under its principal words, arranged in alphabetical order. Some of the sentences it did not seem necessary to repeat as often as this plan might allow.

The text of Messrs. Clark and Wright has been followed, with the exception of the change of the final 'd to ed.

At the end of the book comparative readings are given from the texts of Dyce, Knight, Singer, Staunton, and Richard

Grant White.

CAMBRIDGE, MASS., May, 1881.


Tam. of the Shrew, i. 2.

AFFAIRS. Since the affairs of men rest still uncertain, Let's reason with the worst Julius Cæsar, v. i.
AIR. - The blessed gods Purge all infection from our air whilst you Do climate here Winter's Tale, v.i.
ARTILLERY. Heaven's artillery thunder in the skies
BOASTING. - To such as boasting show their scars A mock is due
We cannot weigh our brother with ourself


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Troi. and Cress. iv. 5
Meas. for Meas. ii. 2.

CHARITIES. With thoughts so qualified as your charities Shall best instruct you Winter's Tale, ii. 1. CONSENT.- Many things, having full reference To one consent, may work contrariously Henry V. i. 2. COUNSEL. Where you are liberal of your loves and counsels Be sure you be not loose Henry VIII. ì. COUNTS. I know not What counts harsh fortune casts upon my face

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COWARDS living to die with lengthened shame

Ant. and Cleo. ii, 6. Cymbeline, v. 3. Winter's Tale, iv. 4.

2 Henry VI. v. 3. As You Like It, i. 2. Othello, ii. 3. All's Well, iv. 1.

DAME. She was both pantler, butler, cook, Both dame and servant
DAYS. - More such days as these to us befall!
DESIRES.- Your heart's desires be with you
DISPOSITION. She is of so free, so kind, so apt, so blessed a disposition.
EARTH.- A heaven on earth I have won by wooing thee
EVIL. Do as the heavens have done, forget your evil
EXECUTORS. Let's choose executors and talk of wills
-You taught me how to know the face of right.
FORTUNE. I embrace this fortune patiently, Since not to be avoided it falls on me
GROUND. - While I remain above the ground, you shall Hear from me still
HAPPINESS. - Of all saved yet, I wish thee happiness!

With them forgive yourself Winter's Tale, v..
Richard II. ii. 2.
King John, v 2.
Henry IV. v. 5.
Coriolanus, iv. 1.

Pericles, i. 1.

HONOUR. And those about her From her shall read the perfect ways of honour Henry VIII. v. 5. INFLUENCE. Whose star-like nobleness gave life and influence To their whole being Tim. of Ath. v. . Joy. Led on by heaven, and crowned with joy at last

KIND. Came of a gentle kind and noble stock.

KNIGHT.A true knight, Not yet mature, yet matchless, firm of word
MEMORY. I am weary; yea, my memory is tired

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Pericles, v. 3.

V. I.

Troi, and Cress. iv. 5.
Coriolanus, i. 9.

MIGHT. To be wise and love Exceeds man's might; that dwells with gods above Troi. & Cress. iii. 2. NEIGHBOURHOOD.-Plant neighbourhood and Christian-like accord In their sweet bosoms Henry V.v. 2. ORDINANCE. Let ordinance Come as the gods foresay it

PALACE. - Thou seem'st a palace for the crowned Truth to dwell in.

Cymbeline, iv. 2.

Pericles, v. 1.

PEACE. With smooth-faced peace, With smiling plenty and fair prosperous days Richard III. v. 5.
PLANT. - Amongst a grove, the very straightest plant
POSSIBLE. - Is it possible he should know what he is, and be that he is?
POSTSCRIPT.-Jove and my stars be praised! Here is yet a postscript.
My prayers For ever and for ever shall be yours.


1 Henry IV. i. 1. All's Well, iv. 1. Twelfth Night, ii. 5. Henry VIII. iii. 2.

PROJECT. My project may deceive me, But my intents are fixed and will not leave me All's Well, i. 1.
PROSPEROUS. Of all sayed yet, mayst thou prove prosperous!
REDEEMING time when men think least I will

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REVENGE. By this leek I will most horribly revenge: I eat and eat, I swear
SIDE.Which is the side that I must go withal? I am with both
Whoever wins, on that side shall I lose; Assured loss before the match be played.
SKY. Ascend the sky, And there awake God's gentle-sleeping peace
SORT. If God sort it so, 'Tis more than we deserve, or I expect

SOUL. What thy soul holds dear, imagine it To lie that way thou go'st
STREAM. - My boat sails freely, both with wind and stream

TIME.- You shall have time to wrangle in when you have nothing else to do
WORLD. And time, that takes survey of all the world, Must have a stop

iii. 1. Richard III. i. 3. ii. 3. Richard II. i. 3. Othello, ii. 3. Ant. and Cleo. ii. 2.

1 Henry IV. v. 4.

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Abandon the society of this female, or, clown, thou perishest
ABANDONED.— Being there alone, Left and abandoned of his velvet friends
He hath abandoned his physicians.

ABATEMENT. - Falls into abatement and low price, Even in a minute
This would changes And hath abatements and delays

ABBOMINABLE. - This is abhominable, -which he would call abbominable

ABBOTS. See thou shake the bags Of hoarding abbots
A-BED. Not to be a-bed after midnight is to be up betimes

But for your company, I would have been a-bed an hour ago
ABEL.- Be thou cursed Cain, To slay thy brother Abel, if thou wilt
Which blood, like sacrificing Abel's, cries

ABET. And you that do abet him in this kind Cherish rebellion
ABETTING him to thwart me in my mood

ABHOMINABLE. - This is abhominable, -which he would call abbominable
ABHOR. Whom she hath in all outward behaviours seemed ever to abhor
I abhor such fanatical phantasimes.

If ever I did dream of such a matter, Abhor me

It doth abhor me now I speak the word

ABHORRED. But if one present The abhorred ingredient to his eye.

More abhorred Than spotted livers in the sacrifice

Boils and plagues Plaster you o'er, that you may be abhorred
His name remains To the ensuing age abhorred

With all the abhorred births below crisp heaven

V. I. ii. I. All's Well, i. 1. Twelfth Night, i. 1. Hamlet, iv. 7. Love's L. Lost, v. 1.

King John, iii. 3. Twelfth Night, ii. 3. Romeo and Juliet, iii. 4. 1 Henry VI. i. 3. Richard II. i. 1. ii. 3.

Com. of Errors, ii. 2.
Love's L. Lost, v. t.

Much Ado, ii. 3.
Love's L. Lost, v. 1.
Othello, i. 1.
iv. 2.
Winter's Tale, ii. 1.
Troi. and Cress. v. 3.

Coriolanus, i. 4. v. 3.

Timon of Athens, iv. 3.

V. I.

. Romeo and Juliet, v. 3. Hamlet, v. 1. King Lear, v. 3.

O abhorred spirits! Not all the whips of heaven are large enough
And that the lean abhorred monster keeps Thee here in dark
And now, how abhorred in my imagination it is! my gorge rises at it
Who, having seen me in my worst estate, Shunned my abhorred society.
It is I That all the abhorred things o' the earth amend By being worse than they. Cymbeline, v. 5.
AnIDE. By my troth, I cannot abide the smell of hot meat since

When you depart from me, sorrow abides and happiness takes his leave
Abide me, if thou darest; for well I wot Thou runn'st before me
A' could never ab de carnation; 't was a colour he never liked

Let no man abide this deed, But we the doers.

If it be found so, some will dear abide it.

ABILITIES. Your abilities are too infant-like for doing much alone.

All our abilities, gifts, natures, shapes, Severals and generals of grace exact

I will do All my abilities in thy behalf

ABILITY.Policy of mind, Ability in means and choice of friends

Out of my lean and low ability I'll lend you something.

Any thing, my lord. That my ability may undergo


- To make a loathsome abject scorn of me

Merry Wives, i. 1. Much Ado, i. 1. Mid. N. Dream, iii. 2..

Henry V. ii. 3. Julius Cæsar, iii. 1.

111. 2. Coriolanus, ii. 1.

. Troi. and Cress. i. 3.
Othello, iii. 3.
Much Ado, iv. 1.
Twelfth Night, iii. 4.
Winter's Tale, ii. 3.
Com. of Errors, iv. 4.


We are the queen's abjects, and must obey

Richard III. i. 1. I read in 's looks Matters against me; and his eye reviled Me, as his abject object Henry VIII. i. 1. ABJURE. Either to die the death, or to abjure For ever the society of men ABLE. Be able for thine enemy Rather in power than use.

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I am the greatest, able to do least, Yet most suspected .
None does offend, none, I say, none; I'll able 'em.
ABODE.- Sweet friends, your patience for my long abode
ABODEMENTS. — Tush, man, abodements must not now affright us

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Mid. N. Dream, i. 1. All's Well, i. 1. Romeo and Juliet, v. 3.

ABOMINABLE. Such abominable words as no Christian ear can endure to hear
ABOMINABLY.- They imitated humanity so abominably.

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King Lear, iv. 6. Mer. of Venice, ii. 6. .3 Henry VI. iv. 7. .2 Henry VI. iv. 7. Hamlet, i. 2.

1. 3.

iii. 3.

'Tis not so above; There is no shuffling, there the action lies In his true nature. ABRAHAM.-Sweet peace conduct his sweet soul to the bosom Of good old Abraham! Richard II. iv. 1.

The sons of Edward sleep in Abraham's bosom

ABRAM. O father Abram, what these Christians are!

ABRIDGEMENT. —Say, what abridgement have you for this evening?

For look, where my abridgement comes.

This fierce abridgement Hath to it circumstantial branches

ABROACH. -Who set this ancient quarrel new abroach?.

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The secret mischiefs that I set abroach, I lay unto the grievous charge of others. Richard III. i. 3. ABROAD. I have for the most part been aired abroad

What news abroad? No news so bad abroad as this at home
And then, they say, no spirit dares stir abroad.
ABROGATE. So it shall please you to abrogate scurrility
ABRUPTION. - What makes this pretty abruption?.

ABSENCE. Which death or absence soon shall remedy

There is not one among them but I dote on his very absence.

Winter's Tale, iv. 2.
Richard III. i. 1.
Hamlet, i. 1.

. Love's L. Lost, iv. 2.
Troi. and Cress. iii. 2.
Mid. N. Dream, iii. 2.
Mer. of Venice, i. 2.

We should hold day with the Antipodes, If you would walk in absence of the sun.
By reason of his absence, there is nothing That you will feed on

I am questioned by my fears of what may chance or breed upon our absence
Our absence makes us unthrifty to our knowledge

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V. I.

As You Like It, ii. 4.
Winter's Tale, i. 2.

V. 2.

Thy grief is but thy absence for a time. - Joy absent, grief is present for that time Richard II. i. 3: I hope, My absence doth neglect no great designs

His absence, sir, Lays blame upon his promise

I a heavy interim shall support By his dear absence.

ABSENT. - Attend upon the coming space, Expecting absent friends

They have seemed to be together, though absent.

Grief fills the room up of my absent child, Lies in his bed.

What pricks you on To take advantage of the absent time?

None serve with him but constrained things Whose hearts are absent too If thou didst ever hold me in thy heart, Absent thee from felicity awhile. ABSEY. Then comes answer like an Absey book

ABSOLUTE. So absolute As our conditions shall consist upon.

Be absolute for death; either death or life Shall thereby be the sweeter
It is a most absolute and excellent horse

Hear you this Triton of the minnows? mark you His absolute' shall'
You are too absolute; Though therein you can never be too noble
Most absolute sir, if thou wilt have The leading of thine own revenges
With an absolute Sir, not I,' The cloudy messenger turns me his back
How absolute the knave is! we must speak by the card

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My soul hath her content so absolute That not another comfort like to this Succeeds
Sweet Alexas, most any thing Alexas, almost most absolute Alexas

ABSTINENCE. A man of stricture and firm abstinence

He doth with holy abstinence subdue That in himself

Your stomachs are too young; And abstinence engenders maladies

Refrain to-night, And that shall lend a kind of easiness To the next abstinence ABSTRACT. He hath an abstract for the remembrance of such places.

iii. 2.

iv. 5.

Macbeth, iii. 6.

Hamlet, v. 1.
Othello, ii. 1.

Ant. and Cleo. i. 2. Meas. for Meas. i. 3.

iv. 2.

Love's L. Lost, iv. 3.
Hamlet, iii. 4.
Merry Wives, iv. 2.

ABSTRACT. This little abstract doth contain that large Which died in Geffrey.
Brief abstract and record of tedious days, Rest thy unrest
They are the abstract and brief chronicles of the time

A man who is the abstract of all faults That all men follow

ABSURD. This proffer is absurd and reasonless

King John, ii. 1. Richard III. iv. 4

Hamlet, ii. 2.

Ant. and Cleo. i. 4. 1 Henry VI. v. 4. Hamlet, i. 2. iii. 2.

A fault against the dead, a fault to nature, To reason most absurd
Let the candied tongue lick absurd pomp And crook the pregnant hinges of the knee
ABUNDANCE. - That deafs our ears With this abundance of superfluous breath.
If your miseries were in the same abundance as your good fortunes are
He may sleep in security; for he hath the horn of abundance
Such are the rich, That have abundance and enjoy it not
ABUSE. — Lend him your kind pains To find out this abuse

Abuses our young plants with carving Rosalind' on their barks
For the poor abuses of the time want countenance

Cries out upon abuses, seems to weep Over his country's wrongs

I shall drive you then to confess the wilful abuse

Linger your patience on; and we 'll digest The abuse of distance

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Why hast thou broken faith with me, Knowing how hardly I can brook abuse?

King John, ii. 1. Mer. of Venice, i. 2. 2 Henry IV. i. 2. iv. 4

Meas. for Meas. v. 1. As You Like It, iii. 2. 1 Henry IV. i. 2. iv. 3.

.2 Henry IV. ii. 4Henry V. ii. Prol. .2 Henry VI. v. 1.

Strained from that fair use Revolts from true birth, stumbling on abuse. . Romeo and Juliet, ii. 3.

The abuse of greatness is, when it disjoins Remorse from power.

As he is very potent with such spirits, Abuses me to damn me

I confess, it is my nature's plague To spy into abuses

ABUSED. You are abused, and by some putter-on That will be damned for 't
Abused her delicate youth with drugs or minerals That weaken motion
'Tis better to be much abused Than but to know 't a little
You are abused Beyond the mark of thought

Why hast thou abused So many miles with a pretence?

ABUSER. I therefore apprehend and do attach thee For an abuser of the world
ABUSING. - An old abusing of God's patience and the king's English
ABYSM. - What seest thou else In the dark backward and abysm of time?
And shot their fires Into the abysm of hell

ACADEME.- A little Academe, Still and contemplative in living art

Julius Cæsar, ii. 1.

Hamlet, ii. 2.
Othello, iii. 3.
Winter's Tale, si. 1.
Othello, i. 2.
iii. 3-

Ant. and Cleo. iii. 6.
Cymbeline, iii. 4
Othello, i. 2.
Merry Wives, i. 4.
Tempest, i. 2.

Ant. and Cleo. iii. 13.
Love's L. Lost, i. 1.

iv. 3.

iv. 3.

iv. 2.

V. 2.

Mid. N. Dream, v. 1.

The books, the academes From whence doth spring the true Promethean fire.
They are the books, the arts, the academes, That show, contain, and nourish all the world
ACCENT. - You find not the apostraphas, and so miss the accent.
Action and accent did they teach him there.
Throttle their practised accent in their fears

Your accent is something finer than you could purchase in so removed a dwelling As You Like It, iii. 2.
A terrible oath, with a swaggering accent sharply twanged off

The accent of his tongue affecteth him

The senseless brands will sympathize The heavy accent of thy moving tongue
To pant, And breathe short-winded accents of new broils.

I have a touch of your condition, Which cannot brook the accent of reproof.

Do not take His rougher accents for malicious sounds

Such antic, lisping, affecting fantasticoes; these new tuners of accents
Our lofty scene be acted over In states unborn and accents yet unknown.
Prophesying with accents terrible Of dire combustion

Well spoken, with good accent and good discretion

.Twelfth Night, i. 4.


King John, i. 1. Richard 11. v. 1.

1 Henry IV. i. 1. Richard III. iv. 4Coriolanus, iii. 3. Romeo and Juliet, ii. 4. Julius Cæsar, iii. 1.

Neither having the accent of Christians, nor the gait of Christian, pagan, nor man
If but as well I other accents borrow, That can my speech defuse

I am no flatterer: he that beguiled you in a plain accent was a plain knave .
call aloud. - Do, with like timorous accent and dire yell.

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ACCEPT. If you accept them, then their worth is great


We will suddenly Pass our accept and peremptory answer
ACCEPTANCE. I leave him to your gracious acceptance.
ACCESS. Make thick my blood; Stop up the access and passage to remorse
ACCIDENCE - Ask him some questions in his accidence.

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Tam. of the Shrew, ii. 1.
Henry V. v. 2.
Mer. of Venice, iv. 1.
Macbeth, i. 5.
Merry Wives, iv. 1.

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