
This is one of the passages to which Mr. Porson alludes in his notes on Toup. IV. p. 436. "Ne longus sim, unius H. Stephani exemplo utar, qui Schediasm. V. 12. ex bonis trochais et Anapastis pessimos fecit Senarios." The same act of Legerdemain has been attempted by other critics: Casaubon in Athen. III. 235. calls the Tetrameter Iambics of Alexis, or of some other comic poet, Trochaics; and in XV. vIII. 9. 64. he attempts to change some Trochaics into Iambics; for which he is properly censured by Dorville, in Charit. p. 359.-as Grotius is by Brunck, in Sophoclis fragm. LII. p. 41. for transforming two Epic Hexameters into Anapestics.-It should not be omitted that Brunck himself has also been induced, by a false reading in Harpocratio, V. παρακρούεται, where ὑπὸ χεῖρα stands for me xeos, as it is in Hesychius, II. 1598, to fancy that an Iambic of Sophocles was a Pentameter of Theognis.


To proceed: Grotius in his Stobæus, LXXIII. p. 309. makes the fragment consist of a dimeter anapestic and a Paræmiacus : Κακίον ἄλοχος και ο κάκιστος

Γήμῃ τὴν ευδοκιμούσαν.

where naniov must be a typographical error, instead of xaxiev, as the accent may shew. In the note, the separation of the two verses is recorded: but there is no mention of any change in the termination of naniwv. Grotius, indeed, whether he considered the Iota to be long or to be short, could scarcely have placed xxion at the beginning of an anapestic verse.-Musgrave has placed the fragment under the Oedipus of Euripides, but adopts the arrangement of the verses which stands in Potter's note on Clemens. Alex. p. 592. note 4.

Πᾶσα γὰρ ἀνδρὸς

Κακίων ἄλοχος, κἂν ὁ κάκιστος

Γύμῃ τὴν ἐυδοκιμουσαν.

So that Grotius, Potter, and Musgrave, supposed that the penultimate of this comparative was short.

should, perhaps, stand thus:

Πᾶσα ΚΑΚΙΩΝ ἄλοχος τανδρος, +

Καν ο κάκιστος

Γήμῃ τὴν ἐυδοκιμουσαν.


The verses,

The penultimate is short Ionicè and Dorice. Homer, Il. N.52. Ελκεῖ· ου μήν οι τίγε ΚΑΛΛΙΟΝ, ἐδέ τ ̓ ἄμεινον.

Lexic. Sophocl. V. wagaxuitar.


+ Tavogic pro To ardor. Esch. Agam. 1376. 1617. Eum. 46. 244. Sophocl. Ph. 36. Aj. 119. 226. 800. 817. Trach. 351-386. 798. 1256-et sic passim.


Pindar. Pyth. E. 15. IA. 87. Nem. IA. 32. and in a fragment cited by Aristophanes, Equit. 1261. Theocr. I. 54 Callimach. in Cerer. 19. 20. 23.

In the tragic and comic writers, it is long. EURIPIDES Med. 584.669. Bacch. 877. 897. in Choro. Heracl. 512. Helen. 781. H. Fur. 624. Antiope. 27. 1. SOPHOCLES, Œ. Tyr. 55. ARISTOPHANES. Plut. 938. Eccl. 71. 626. Lysistr. 1158. Eubulus i ago, apud Athen. XII. 519. & Grot. Excerpt. 627.

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The quantity of the penultimate of Kawy is doubtful in the following places. Euripid. Orest. 781. Iph. Aul. 1471. Phoen. 549. Hippol. 615. Heraclid. 298. which is cited by Stob. Grot. LXXIX. p. 337. and again LXXXVII. 359. Arist. Aves. 63. Lys. 76. Menander ap. Stob. Grot. LXII. p. 233Cleric. p. 222. Idem in Grot. Excerpt. 947. The verse appears in the Gnoma of Menander, published by Morel, Paris, 1553. Though Grotius places it inter Incert. Fragm.

The penultimate of Kaλaiwv has also been corruptly made short. This line of Aristophanes, however, must not be adduced as an example, Equit. 1261. T. xxx dfxqμevolv

This is the Antistrophic verse: 1287. Η πολλάκις ἐννυχίαισιν. It is borrowed verbatim from a gordion of Pindar, who would in course use the penultimate of Kaxa short. This opening of the passage is quoted by Athenæus, at the end of his XVth Book, but from a writer who, as Casaubon properly observes, in his Comment. p. 997. has imitated the Lyric, or the Comic Poet“Κατα τὸν χαλκῖον Διονύσιον·

Τί καλλιον ἀρχομένοισιν

Η καλαπαυομένοις, ἢ τὸ ποθεινόταίον.

Athenæus. XV. 702. C.

In the fragment of Pindar, the line cited, as well as the three following, is in the Prosodiacum Metrum; a kind of verse on which much might be said, and which has been little understood. The first foot is a third Peon, which at the beginning may occupy the place of an Ionic à Minore; this is followed by a Choriambus cum Syllaba.

The instance of a metrical corruption, to which we alluded, is in MENANDER,

Ταίματον ἡμῶν ΚΑΛΛΙΩ βελένεται.

By Morelius in his Collection of Comic Fragments, Paris, 1553, this line is placed among the Gnomes of, Menander: but by Grotius as from an uncertain author, in his Excerpt. p. 945. as it is by Winterton, Poet. Minor, 525. by Hem

Conf. Fragm. Pindari, in nová Heynii editione, vol. iii. p. 47.


sterhusius at the end of his Colloq. Select. Luciani, Amst. 1708, and by Brunck, in his Poeta Gnom. 242. Grotius gives nui, for us, and all these editors have xxx. with a short penultimate. Cicero alludes to this verse, in his Epist. to Atticus, 1. 12. p. 64. Edit. Græv. « Νescio an Τα μπλον ἡμῶν.”

Corradus, in his notes, cites the whole Iambic as anonymous, with xaw in its usual situation: but Lambinus assigns it to Menander, and reads xanov, without regarding the false quantity. The genuine trimeter is easily restored:

Κάλλιον ἡμῶν τα θύμαζον βουλέυεται.

The sentiment may be found in Plautus, Mostell. I. 3. 40.; and in Terence, Phorm. V. 1. 30. Those who wish for farther information may consult Victorius in his Var. Lectt. XXXV. 24.


This comparative does not appear in the Dramatic poets." The penultimate is short, Ionicè & Dorice.

Homer. Ιl. Γ. 41. Καί κε τὸ βαλοίμην, καί κεν πολὺ ΚΕΡΔΙΟΝ μεν. Pindar. Nem. L. 30. ΚΕΡΔΙΩΝ φαίνοισα πρόσωπον ̓Αλήθει άτρεκες. according to the very ingenious Herman's new metrical arrangement of the ode. The corresponding words to xeptov are: in Epod. B'. čupavou, and in Epod. I'. div. So Apollon, Rh. III. 798* & Theocrit. xs. 33.


The quantity of the penultimate of xudwy cannot be settled by any authority which we are able just now to produce. In Hexameters, we not recollect it, and it does not occur in ESCHYLUS, who uses xola, Suppl. 14.-In EURIPIDES, it is twice placed so as to form the latter part of the fourth, and the whole fifth foot:

Alcest. 981. Εξω. τί μοι ζῆν δῆτα ΚΥΔΙΟΝ, φίλοι.

Androm. 640. 'Αλλ' ἐκκομίζου παιδα· ΚΥΔΙΟΝ βροτοῖς which Stob. Gr. cites LXXII. p. 307. The plays of Sophocles and Aristophanes, and the various dramatic fragments, we believe, afford no example of Kud.wv.


This comparative is used, Ionicè & Doricè, as a trisyllable, with the penultimate short: Homer. Il. A. 229. "H TOXU ΛΩΙΟΝ ἐσθαι, και στρατὸν ἑυρὸν ̓Αχαιῶν.

Hesiod. Οp. & D. 350. ̓Αὐτῷ τῷ μέτρῳ, καὶ ΛΩΊΟΝ, ἄι κε δύνηαι.

* The passage is - τ' ἂν πολὺ ΚΕΡΔΙΟΝ ε. which ήτ ̓ ἂν o appear in Homer more than once to have occupied the place of * και πολυ, before κέρδιον,

REV. AUG. 1799.



So Theocrit. '. 32. Apollon. Rh. III. 527. IV. 1102. Calli mach. Jupit. 2. Epigr. I. 5. Add. Oracul. ap. Herodot. I. p. 43.

In the tragedies, it appears as a dissyllable. EscH. Pers. 526. It is never used as a trisyllable by the Attic poets. ESCHYLUS, Pers. 526. ̓Αλλ' εις τὸ λοιπὸν εἴ τι δὴ ΛΩΙΟΝ πέλοι.

So EURIPIDES, Med. 916. SOPHOCLES, E. Tyr. 1038. 1513. Trach. 736. Phil. 1079. 1100. Ajax, 1265. 1416.- It does not occur in ARISTOPHANES, but so Lycophr. 1412.


Is not found in the Attic poets. The penultimate is short, Ionice & Doricè :

Hom. Il. A. 325. Ἐλθὼν σὺν πλεόνεσσι· τό ὁι καὶ ΡΙΓΙΟΝ ἔσται. Hesiod. Op. &. D. 703. Tis ayabès. Tñs d'aule nanîs du PIΓΙΟΝ ἄλλο

So Apollon. Rh. III. 43c. IV. 402.-and Orpheus, apud Clem. Alex. Stromat. VI. p. 738. 10.

̔Ως ἐν κύντερον ἦν καὶ ΡΙΓΙΟΝ ἄλλο γυναικός.


The antient Ionic and Doric Poets do not seem ever to have admitted the comparative Tax w. It occurs, indeed, and with its penultimate long, in an Epigram by an Antipater, in Brunck's Anal. II. 6. 1. in which the Attic form brow also appears.

Εις Αΐδην μία πᾶσι καλα βασις· ἐι δὲ ΤΑ'ΧΙΟΝ.

Ημετέρη, Μίνω θάσσον εποψόμεθα.

The Dramatic poets use this latter comparative instead of Taxiv. An infinity of examples might be produced: but a few may suice : Ου γὰρ ἐγχωρεί πολλοις χρῆσθαι παραδείγμασιν. Dionys. Halic. De Lys. Jud. XX. II. p. 140.

EURIP. Or. 729. SOPHOCLES, Aj. 581. ARISTOPH. Plut. 604. MENAND. Cleric. p. 236. PHILEMON, Cleric. 292. EUPOL19 apud Suid. V. Axpave. ALEXIS ap. Athen. VI. 244. E. ANTIPHANES ap. Athen. XII. Phrynichus, p. 26. and Thomas Magister, p. 436. abjudicate Taxiv, as do Maris, p. 364. and Herodian, p. 436. Pierson, however, cites the following example of tax, from a most abstruse fragment in Menander's Lov. Cleric. 152. Grot. Excerpt. 741.

Παιδισκάριον θεραπεύτικον, καὶ λόγου
ΤΑΧΙΟΝ, ἀπήγαγ', ἵν ̓ ἄλλην


The passage, of which these are the concluding words, is extremely corrupt; and it defeated, apparently, the acuteness of the great BENTLEY. It is preserved by Aulus Gellius H. 23. There is also another passage in which Taxio appears. It is nearly as corrupt as the former, and is found in a little collec

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tion published by Nic. Rigaltius, [" Menandri et Philistionis sententie comparate,"] at Paris 1613. p. 1o. and afterward inserted, from a more complete copy, in Rutgersius's Varia Lecti p. 335, and p. 423.


Ὅλαν] ἴδης πονηρὸν εἰς ὕψος φερόμενον,
Κακῶς τε πλόντῳ καὶ τύχη γαυρουμενον
Οφρυν τε μείζω της τύχης ἐπηρκότα,

Τούτου ΤΑΧΙΟΝ νέμεσιν ἥξειν προσδικα.

The whole passage is here quoted, as the collection by Rigaltius is scarce, and as the verses do not appear in Jo. Clericus's compilation.

The Grammarians mention some other COMPARATIVES in INN, but we have intentionally omitted them in this list, as they do not appear to have been in use among the antient Epic and Dramatic poets.

This discussion, which is so closely connected with the remains of the Greek stage, may prove of some service to our learned readers. It will, at all events, assist in supporting DAWES to hold the elevated station among the Greek critics of the present century, to which he is so justly entitled; and it may serve to induce our own countrymen, as well as foreigners, to be cautious in rejecting or neglecting any metrical Canon which has been advanced in the MISCELLANEA CRITICA.

Here let this long article draw to a close. To our general readers, we have endeavoured already to apologize for occupying so large a portion of the space which is more usually allotted to subjects of a less confined nature. To our learned friends, we can only say that, if our discussions have tended to enlarge their stock of knowlege, or if they have afforded them any entertainment, we shall not deem that time consumed in vain which has been devoted to this criticism.

To Mr. WAKEFIELD we beg leave to express a hope, that he will pardon any asperities which may have escaped from us unintentionally, in the course of so long an examination of his Diatribe. To observe more accuracy of investigation, and less acrimony of expression, in his future philological researches, will afford us real pleasure. We shall then be enabled to bestow those commendations on his learned labours, to which our respect for his erudition would readily incline us to wish them entitled. If we have been betrayed by want of time, or by

Should any errors appear in the accents of the Greek passages quoted in this article, the pen of a scholar will readily correct them; and the feelings of a scholar' will, it is hoped, easily pardon them, in a composition which has been printed with compelled celerity..

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