
matter. Some ideas have been more fully brought out and discussed. Several illustrations have been rendered, perhaps, more striking and attractive, by a few selected proofs and examples from Biography and Biblical Litera


Though written for the rising generation, these plain addresses are not meant for mere children. Simplicity has, indeed, been aimed at in their style and arrangement, in order to adapt them to a class of juvenile readers, whose minds have already enjoyed some previous training and discipline. They are designed to stimulate thought, as well as impart information. The object of their publication is not only to promote present improvement, but also to foster in the youthful spirit a hallowed taste for farther study in the best of all the sciences. As conducive in some measure to the same

desirable end, brief quotations of sanctified genius, from a few authors not usually familiar to the young, have been occasionally introduced.

And, in fine, it is humbly hoped, and earnestly implored, that the Divine Blessing may accompany these small contributions to the precious cause of early knowledge and piety. They are now sent abroad in the spirit of that ancient and appropriate prayer-"Let thy work appear unto thy servants, and thy glory unto their children; and let the beauty of the Lord our God be upon us, and establish thou the work of our hands upon us; yea, the work of our hands establish thou it."


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