NEW PUBLICATIONS. 1851. MR. CHARLES KNIGHT begs to announce his intention to publish, and to complete in 1851, THREE PERIODICAL WORKS, EXPRESSLY DESIGNED TO MEET THE REQUIREMENTS OF THAT YEAR, AND TO BE OF PERMANENT VALUE AND INTEREST. I. KNIGHT'S CYCLOPÆDIA OF THE INDUSTRY OF ALL NATIONS. 'THE INDUSTRY OF ALL NATIONS' is a large subject. The material products of that Industry will require for their exhibition a Building whose area will be computed by acres, with Galleries whose length will be measured by miles. The People are anxiously looking for information upon this great theme. The curiosity and the emulation of the vast army of Workers in these kingdoms is stirred into more than common activity by the preparations for the approaching INDUSTRIAL GATHERING FROM ALL LANDS. We propose to meet this popular desire for information in a manner that may convey the results without the ostentation of science, at a price within the means of all readers. We propose to publish AN INDUSTRIAL CYCLOPEDIA, which will form A COMPANION TO THE EXHIBITION OF 1851, AND A PERMANENT DICTIONARY OF ARTS, MANUFACTURES, AND COMMERCE, WITH ELABORATE WOOD-CUTS OF IMPLEMENTS, MACHINES, PROCESSES, AND SEATS OF INDUSTRY. THIS DICTIONARY OF ARTS AND INDUSTRY will occupy somewhat more than half of the proposed work; and will, it is confidently hoped, be COMPLETED AS A VOLUME OF REFERENCE BY THE OPENING OF THE EXHIBITION OF 1851. But the Dictionary will be followed by the publication of A WEEKLY PAPER ON SOME SUBJECT OF INDUSTRY. In these Papers, the general results of the Exhibition will come to be discussed; and the lessons of instruction which it has offered will be carefully set forth. KNIGHT'S 'CYCLOPÆDIA' OF INDUSTRY will be completed in SIXTY-FOUR NUMBERS AT TWOPENCE; and in SIXTEEN PARTS, at NINEPENCE; FORMING TWO VOLUMES, EXTENDING TO 1500 PAGES. NUMBER I., NOVEMBER 2. PART I., DECEMBER 1. II. KNIGHT'S CYCLOPEDIA OF LONDON. In the year 1844 was completed a Work on 'LONDON,' edited by CHARLES KNIGHT, which extended to Six large Volumes. It is proposed to publish a digested abridgement of that Work, with every necessary addition and correction, that may be completed in One handsome Octavo Volume, WITH ELABORATE WOOD.CUTS. In 1851 there will be a gathering from all lands in this, the largest city of the world, whose inhabitants are in intercourse-commercial, political, literary, or religious-with almost the whole human race. We purposely select this period for producing a full, compact, and cheap book on LONDON, that will endeavour to combine accuracy with amusement,-a Guide for the Visitor, a permanent Volume in the National Library. KNIGHT'S 'CYCLOPÆDIA' OF LONDON will be completed in THIRTY-SIX NUMBERS at TWOPENCE; and in NINE PARTS at NINEPENCE. Each Number will be complete in itself. NUMBER J., NOVEMBER 2. PART I., DECEMBER 1. III. KNIGHT'S EXCURSION-TRAIN COMPANION THROUGH THE LAND WE LIVE IN. ONE of the most remarkable developments of the RAILWAY SYSTEM is that of EXCURSION TRAINS. At a rate for Second and Third-Class Passengers, varying from 20 miles to 55 miles for a Shilling, or, from a little above a half-penny to less than a farthing a mile, hundreds of thousands of Travellers from London, during 1850, have been carried into the heart of our most beautiful Inland Scenery to our Watering-places to our Ports to our Universities-to our great Seats of Manufactures and Commerce. Upon the same principle Excursion Trains from the Provinces have duly brought visitors to London. The amount of pleasure and information thus derived, and of prejudices thus removed, cannot be estimated at too high a rate. In 1851 this wonderful system will probably be carried out to an extent of which we can scarcely form an adequate conception. To provide the Excursionist in every direction through 'The Land we Live in' with a cheap and intelligent Guide-Book, ILLUSTRATED WITH ELABORATE WOOD-CUTS, will be the object on KNIGHT'S EXCURSION-TRAIN COMPANION.'' It will be completed in FIFTY-SIX WEEKLY NUMBERS AT TWOPENCE; and in FOURTEEN PARTS AT NINEPENCE, forming Two VOLUMES. Each Number will be complete in itself. NUMBER I., DECEMBER 28. PART I., JANUARY 31, 1851 COMPLETION OF THE NATIONAL CYCLOPÆDIA OF USEFUL KNOWLEDGE. On the 1st of February, 1847, the publication of "THE NATIONAL CYCLOPÆDIA" was commenced. ON THE 1ST OF FEBRUARY, 1851, THE WORK WILL BE COMPLETED, in 48 Parts, and 12 Volumes. The Publisher has a real gratification in repeating the original announcement:- "THE NATIONAL CYCLOPÆDIA is founded upon the Penny Cyclopædia. The Proprietor of that Work, by a careful abridgement of its vast materials, with the addition of all progressive information that the lapse of time demands, is producing A CYCLOPÆDIA FOR THE NATION, of the most extensive interest and utility, at a price which precludes all competition. No similar copyright materials exist for the production of a cheap Cyclopædia, whose popularity shall be founded upon the acknowledged excellence of the sources from which it is derived. "THE NATIONAL CYCLOPÆDIA will consist of Twelve Volumes, demy octavo, of more than five hundred pages each. Each volume will consist of Four Parts, published Monthly, at One Shilling each, the entire number of Parts being Forty-eight. A Volume will be published every Four Months, strongly bound, for Five Shillings. The time occupied in the publication will be Four Years. "These CONDITIONS OF PUBLICATION are founded upon exact calculation-so exact, that the Publisher here pledges himself, if the National Cyclopædia should exceed Fortyeight Shilling Parts, to present the quantity in excess, withcut charge, to every subscriber who has taken the preceding Series of Parts or Numbers." THE PUBLISHER WILL HAVE REDEEMED HIS PLEDGE, IN EVERY PARTICULAR. He has the satisfaction to state that in this important undertaking he has received the co-opera tion and literary aid of gentlemen fully qualified to take large departments of the work, who have applied themselves to the task of condensation, revision, and completion, under an uniform plan and efficient superintendence. It has been their endeavour to produce a popular Cyclopædia that within its necessary limits shall omit nothing of general importance; and, whilst it is peculiarly addressed to the greatest number of readers, shall satisfy the most critical inquirer. The Completion of the Work will involve a very extensive demand for Sets The Twelve Volumes are stereotyped; but it is not an easy operation to re-produce a book of more than six thousand pages, and impossible to do so, without delay, if previous notice is withheld. The Publisher, therefore, most earnestly requests that persons desirous of becoming purchasers of the complete Cyclopædia, at the price of 21. 8s. in Parts, or 31. in 12 Volumes, strongly bound in cloth, will intimate their intention to their respective Booksellers before the close of 1850, *** The Complete Work will be also sold, very neatly and strongly half-bound in calf, at £3 12s. Od. On the 1st of January, 1851, will commence a RE-ISSUE OF THE 'NATIONAL CYCLOPÆDIA,' IN TWELVE MONTHLY VOLUMES, sewed, price FOUR SHILLINGS each. } To be completed in Forty Parts, KNIGHT'S PICTORIAL SHAKSPERE: With One Thousand Wood-Cuts. The original edition of THE PICTORIAL SHAKSPERE has long been out of AN ENTIRELY NEW EDITION. The Editor ventures to believe that the peculiar character of the This EDITION in FORTY PARTS will consist of the THIRTY-SEVEN PLAYS, the POEMS, and an INDEX. Each Play will form a distinct Part. "The BIOGRAPHY" has been already published in a separate Volume, and so have the Critical Notices, in another Volume entitled "STUDIES OF SHAKSPERE." These Two Volumes are sold at 7s. 6d. each, bound; and with the Six Volumes now announced will include all the Notes, Illustra- tions, and other critical matter of the Eight Volumes of the original Pictorial Edition, THOROUGHLY REVISED. A distinguishing feature of the NATIONAL EDITION will be its typography. The text will not be printed in double columns ; but in a clear and beautiful type extending across the page. The ILLUSTRATIONS, which include many hundred Wood-Cuts, will be given at the end of each Play. These, with a shorter notice of each Play than is given in the "Studies," will render each omplete in itself. To every Volume will be added an Engraved A PART will be published Fortnightly. *** The above announcement has reference to the completion of the BUT IT IS ALSO INTENDED TO ISSUEA MONTHLY SECTION, Comprising Two PLAYS, and a portion of the BIOGRAPHY OF STUDIES; TWENTY MONTHLY SECTIONS, AT HALF-A-CROWN. HALF-HOURS WITH THE BEST AUTHORS. In Weekly Numbers, price THREE HALF-PENCE; Monthly Parts, SIXPENCE; Quarterly Volumes, HALF-A-CROWN. MR. KNIGHT is issuing, in FIFTY-TWO WEEKLY SHEETS, at Three Half-pence each, HALF-HOURS WITH THE BEST AUTHORS; Selected and arranged by him, with short biographical and critical notices. His plan is to confine the selection, whether in POETRY OF PROSE-whether ESSAYS-CHARACTERSSTORIES-DESCRIPTIVE, NARRATIVE, or DRAMATIC VERSE-REMARKABLE ADVENTURES -MORAL and RELIGIOUS EXHORTATIONS-to pieces of sufficient length to occupy half an hour's ordinary reading-or to pieces which can be so connected as to supply the same amount of instruction and amusement. The larger extracts, forming distinct "HalfHours," are selected from about two hundred and sixty different writers. In the smaller pieces, which are grouped under the general head, will be found selections from about forty writers, who have not contributed to the larger extracts. The work, there. fore, will contain SPECIMENS OF THREE HUNDRED WRITERS. Each Number will consist of Twenty-four large Octavo pages. The issue for the year-OR HALF AN HOUR'S READING FOR EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR-will thus be formed of Twelve Hundred and Forty pages, equal in quantity to six ordinary octavo volumes. The Four VOLUMES, which include Sixteen Miniature Portraits, engraved on Steel, will be completed early in 1851. PICTORIAL HALF-HOURS; OR, MISCELLANIES OF ART, WITH ILLUSTRATIVE DESCRIPTIONS. Now publishing in Weekly Numbers, Price TWOPENCE; and in Monthly Parts, NINEPENCE; forming Four Quarterly Volumes, at THREE SHILLINGS AND SIXPENCE. In no low-priced periodical work of the present day do engravings of any pretension form a prominent feature. That faithful and spirited copies of the greatest productions in PAINTING and SCULPTURE; representations of the most renowned monuments of ancient and modern ARCHITECTURE; accurate delineations of objects of NATURAL HISTORY; sketches of beautiful SCENERY; characteristics of CLASSES and OCCUPATIONS; and Original Designs illustrative of our History and Literature;-that these are most. valuable accessories to knowledge can scarcely be denied by the least imaginative reasoner. As instruments of education, there is no intelligent teacher who is unconscious of their value. To supply the want thus indicated "PICTORIAL HALF-HOURS" is undertaken. Such a Miscellany has different purposes to accomplish than "Half-Hours with the Best Authors," to which it is auxiliary. Its object is to raise attention and gratify curiosity, by what has been called "EYE-KNOWLEDGE." The FOUR VOLUMES, which include Illustrated Frontispieces, will be |