

Abandon in style, 239.

Abruptness of transition, 305.
Absolute beautiful, 411.

Abstract put for concrete, 128.
Accent in English, 263.
Accentuated metres, 582.
Accumulation, 149.

Accumulative invention, 319.

[The figures denote sections.]

[blocks in formation]

Aims of composition, to instruct, 313; to con-
vince, 314; to persuade, 315; to please,
316; union of different aims, 317.
Aitiologia, 523.

Allegory, 112.

Allison, vocabulary of, 13.

Alliteration, a figure of, 186; in versification,

Allusion, 118; historical, 119; literary, 120;
distinguished from quotation, 121; in il-
lustrative style, 249.
Amatory songs, 599.
Ambition, 467.

American humor, 435.
American oratory, 555.

American Taxation, speech by Burke on,
status of, 329; generalization of, 383;*
argument from experience against, 372;
transition in speech on, 378.
Americanisms, 41.
Ames Fisher, quoted, 164.
Amphibrach, 592.

Amplification-one of the augumentative fig-
ures, 144; defined, 145; by dwelling on
details, 146; by direct statement, 147; by
comparison, 148; by accumulation, 149;
collectio, aggregatio, 150; synathroismus,
151; diasceue, 152; synezeugmenon, 153;
epexergasia, 154; dinumeratio, 155; de-
scription, 156; ecloge, 157; hypotyposis,
158; metastasis, 159; in argument, 379.
Anacœnosis, 511.

Anacoluthon, 211.
Anadiplosis, 180.

Analepsis, 219.

[blocks in formation]

"And" repeated, 264.

Anecdotes, a source of allusion, 120; used in
illustrative style, 251.
Anglo-Saxon words conducive to simplicity,
12; percentage of, in different authors, 13;
the essential element in the English lan-
guage, 14; predominates in the most pop-
ular books, 15; power of compounding
words, 45; excess of metaphors in poetry,
108; excess of epithets, 140; alliterative
verse in, 186.

Animation of style, 239.

Annals, order of thought in, 343.
Annominatio, 123.

Answers to objections in oratory, 524.
Antanaclasis, 123, 451.

experience, 372; from analogy, 373;
from contrast, 374; application of the
different kinds of, 375; presentation of,

Aristophanes, parody by, 444; satirical poet-
ry of, 445.

Aristotle, definition of rhetoric by, 1; classi-
fication of oratory by, 499.

Arrangement of words in a sentence, general
rule for the, 50; limitations of rule for, 51;
for purposes of harmony, 274.
Ars Poetica, Horace's, 313.

Art, a source of new words, 41; terms of,
transferred to poetry, 308; in description,
490; in classification of knowledge, 497.
Arthurian epopœia, 324.

Antecedent and consequent, incongruity in, Artifices of oratory, definition of, 526; ex-


Anterresis, 524.

Anthypophora, 525.

Anticipation of objections in oratory, 525.
Anticlimax, 168.

Antimeria, 123.
Antimetabole, 79.

Antistrophe, 178, 596.
Antithesis-definition of, 74; utility of, 75;
effectiveness of, 76; compared with plain
statement, 77; various forms of, 78; anti-
metabole, 79; paradiastole, 80; synce-
ceosis or enantiosis, 81; oxymoron, 82;
parison, isocolon, 83; prosapodosis, 84.
Antonomasia, 128.

Apollonius of Tyana, quoted, 212, 529.
Apology of Socrates, 311.

Apophthegm, 76, 224, 389.
Aporia, 527.

Aposiopesis, 212.

[blocks in formation]

pression of doubt or ignorance, 527; in-
tentional omission of words, 528; withdraw-
al of expression, 529; apparent intent, 530;
supposed case, 531; other forms, 532.
Asiatic oratory, 4.

Assertion, for emphasis, 170; for strengthen-
ing argument, 387, 487.

Associative theory of the beautiful, 410.
Assonant rhymes, 594.

Asyndeton, 216; compared with polysyn-
deton, 217.

Attack, in oratory, 534; personal, 535; in-
cidental reference, 536; side thrust, 537;
defence turned into attack, 541; testi-
mony of adversary turned against himself,

[blocks in formation]

Bacon, style of, 4; Pope on, 19; Landor on,
20; on new words, 39; conciseness of, 58;
quoted, 75, 77, 83, 224; epigrammatic
style of, 253; persuasion of, 315.
Badinage, 449.

Baldness in style, 246, 305.
Ballad, simplicity in, 10; quaintness in, 258;
pathetic, 481; definition of, 598.
Banter, 449.
Barbarism, 39.

Baron Munchausen, satire of, 446.
Barrow, Dr. Isaac, quoted, 203, 433.
Bathos, 246.

Batrachomyomachia, 437.
Beattie, quoted, 105.
Beautiful, theories concerning the, 410; defi-
nition of, 411; taste, 412; in nature, 413;
color, 414; form, 415; motion, 416; sound,
417; proportion, 418; variety, 419; de-
sign, 420; in morals, 421; in literature,
422; difference between ancient and mod-
ern idea of, 423.

Beauty, power of, 467.

Beckford, description by, 490.

Bedford, Burke's letter to Duke of, 19.
Belles-lettres, 292; analogous to painting,
292; to music, 293.

Bentley, quoted, 443.
Beranger, quoted, 249.
Berkeley, aim of, 314.

Bias, on part of writer, 315; status, 328.
Bible, vocabulary of, 13; source of figurative
language, 110; source of allusion, 120.
See Scriptures.

Biography, conclusion in, 403; narrative in,

Bismarck, quoted, 139, 227.

Black, William, description by, 490.
Blackwood's Magazine, 323.

Blair, vocabulary of, 13.

Blame, 473.

Blank verse, 595.

Bleak House, Dickens's, 231; illustrative ar-

gument in, 370.

Boccaccio, 10.

Boileau, quoted, 428.

Bolingbroke, quoted, 59, 245.

Bombast, 246.

Bonar, Horatio, quoted, 584.

Bon Gualtier, burlesque by, 437.

Bon-mot, 443.

Book of Common Prayer, vocabulary of, 13;
effect on English language, 34; quoted,

Boswell, life of Johnson by, 317.

Bravura, 299.

Brevity, in style, 58; in exordium, 396; in
wit, 433.

Bride of Lammermoor, vocabulary of, 13.
Brilliancy, 243.

Bristol Election, Burke's speech on, example
of narrative and expository subject-matter,

Brougham, Lord, vocabulary of, 13; quoted,
89, 148, 161, 180, 185, 264, 306, 485, 486,
487, 506; status of, 329; description by,
385 on Greek oratory, 546; sarcasm of,
550; physical disadvantages as an orator,


Browne, Sir Thomas, quoted, 58, 75, 224;
epigrammatic style of, 253; criticised by
De Quincey, 299; persuasion of, 315.
Browning, Mrs., vocabulary of, 13; imita-


[blocks in formation]

Burke, vocabulary of, 13; Latin style of, 15;
quoted, 19, 20, 81, 82, 88, 94, 109, 120, 132,
141, 146, 149, 163, 171, 183, 227, 245, 254,
256, 269, 270, 273, 276, 277, 309, 380, 381,
383, 384, 385, 389, 405, 519, 527, 531, 547;
conciseness of, 58; anaphora, 176; sug-
gestive style of, 257; affluence of, 258; per-
suasion of, 315; invention of, 319; status of,
329; attention to method by, 339; order of
thought in, 350; definition of, 362; causa-
tive argument of, 369; comprehensiveness
of, 382; exordium of, 396; amplification of,
379; panegyric of, 548; command of sub-
ject by, 552; love of imagery by, 555;
faults of, as an orator, 556, 557; physical
disadvantages of, as an orator, 559; in-
tellectual qualities, 561.
Burlesque, 437, 366.

Burney, Miss, 323.

Burns, Robert, simplicity of, 10; quoted,
186, 595; effect of his poetry on feelings,
317; pathetic, 482.

"But" repeated too frequently, 264.
Butler, Bishop, vocabulary of, 13; style of,

Byrom, Dr., quoted, 439, 485, 488.
Byron, Lord, vocabulary of, 13; quoted, 19,
20, 25, 35, 92, 117, 120, 131, 132, 137, 166,
174, 178, 180, 183, 186, 197, 206, 219, 227,
233, 236, 245, 260, 295, 317, 422, 462, 584;
epithets of, 140; mannerism of, 269; sub-
limity of, 430; lampoon of, 442; pathetic,
482; description by, 490; subjective de-
scription by, 491; compared with Scott,
492; subjective narration of, 495.

Cadmon, quoted, 430.
Cæsural pause, 593.

Calhoun, J. C., quoted, 508, 522, 524.
Campbell, Dr., vocabulary of, 13; vivacity
defined by, 64, 238.

[blocks in formation]

200; affluent style of, 258, 264; aim of,
315; status of, 327; analysis of second
oration against Catiline, 339; exordium of,
396; introduction of, 398; quoted by Quin-
tilian, 532; panegyric of, 548; physical ad-
vantages of, as an orator, 559; courage of,

Cid, 10.

Circumlocution, 29; compared with peri-
phrasis, 132.

Circumstantial evidence, 370.
Cities, epithets applied to, 139.
Clarendon, quoted, 50, 53, 54; faults of, 55,
56; affluent style of, 59; aim of, 317;
bias of, 328.

Classical style, 256; school in literature,


Classification, defined, 333; of narrative, 334;
of description, 335; of grouping, 336; in
exposition, 337; analysis and synthesis of,
338; general and particular propositions,
339; incongruity in, 432.

Clauses, improper position of, 50; appended,
54; variety in, 282; co-ordination of, 283.
Clay, Henry, quoted, 485, 515, 517.
Clearness, of conception necessary to pre-
cision, 22; in method, 57; in arguments,

Climax, defined, 160; incrementum with,
161; progressio with, 162.
Close of sentence, 284.

Character, in fiction, 323; compared with Cobden, quoted, 524.

plot, 353; in introduction, 394, 395.
Charles the Fifth, opinion of, on languages,


Chaste style, 302.

Chatham, Earl of, vocabulary of, 13; quoted,
88, 91, 172, 174, 185, 235, 405, 473, 486, 488,
511, 524, 534; status of, 329; order of
thought in, 340; exordium of, 396; sar-
casm of, 550; physical advantages of, as an
orator, 559; courage of, 560; intellectual
qualities of, 561.

Chaucer, vocabulary of, 13; House of Fame
by, 112; style of, 258; aim of, 316; in-
vention of, 324; pathetic, 482.

[blocks in formation]

Coleridge, S. T., quoted, 115, 191, 297; sub-
jective narrative by, 495.
Colin Clout, a satire, 445.
Collectio, 150.

Collins, quoted, 79, 115, 189, 191, 295, 591;
epithets of, 140.
Colloquialisms, 270.
Colonizing movements, a source of new
words, 41.

Color, a source of beauty, 414.
Comedy, conclusion in, 404; defined, 566.
Command, 485.

Command of subject in oratory, 552; of
language, 561.
Commentum, 205.
Commoratio, 515.

Comparison, 93; of degree, 94; of analogy,
95; of similarity, 96; for ornament, 97;
for explanation and illustration, 98; faults
in, 99; in illustrative style, 250; incon-
gruity in, 432.

Complex sentence, 52.
Compliment, in oratory, 506.

Composition in English and other languages,


Compound sentences, 52.

Compound words, 45; faults in use of, 46.
Comprehensiveness, 382.

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