
with her urgent solicitations, he however at last acceded, and was so much delighted with the evangelical truths he heard preached, that he became a regular and diligent attendant of the Doctor's sermons; and this circumstance probably contributed to strengthen his religious impressions, and to confirm him in the resolution he had made. At the age of twenty, he solemnly renewed his baptismal consecration to God by a formal covenant, agreeably to the method recommended by Dr. Doddridge, in his "Rise and Progress."* Although this interesting

"I would urge you to make a solemn surrender of yourself to the service of God. Do not only form such a purpose in your heart, but expressly declare it in the divine presence. Do it in express words. And perhaps it may be in many cases most expedient, as many pious divines have recommended, to do it in writing. Set you hand and seal to it, 'that on such a day of such a month and year, and at such a place, on full consideration and serious reflection, you came to this happy resolution, that whatever others might do, you would serve the 'Lord!'

"Make the day of the transaction, if you conveniently can, a day of secret fasting and prayer; and when your heart is prepared with a becoming awe of the divine Majesty, with an humble confidence in his goodness and an earnest desire of his favor, then present yourself on your knees before God, and read it over deliberately and solemnly; and when you have signed it, lay

document differs but slightly from the original, I shall transcribe it, because it displays so remarkable a union of glowing zeal and lively faith, with humility and self-distrust.

"ETERNAL and infinitely holy God! Under a feeling of deep humility and heart-felt contrition, I earnestly desire to present myself before thee. I well know how unworthy such a worm of the dust is to appear before thy Divine Majesty, before the King of kings and Lord of lords; and more especially so when he designs to enter into a covenant with thee.

"But the scheme and plan, O Father of mercies, is thine own; thou hast in infinite kindness offered it to me by thy Son; and thou hast inclined my heart to accept it. I come, therefore, to thee, acknowledging my numerous transgressions; and with the repentant publican, strike my breast, saying, "God, be merciful to me, a sinner." I come, because I have been invited in the name of thy Son, and I rely entirely upon his perfect righteousness. Be pleased, I entreat

it by in some secure place, where you may review it whenever you please, and make it a rule with yourself to review it, if possible, at certain seasons of the year, that you may keep up the remembrance of it."-Doddridge's Rise and Progress of Religion in the Soul, Chap. 17.

thee, for his sake, to pardon my ingratitude, and to remember my sins no more. Be reconciled, I beseech thee, to thy disobedient creature, who is now convinced of thy right to him, and desires nothing so much as to belong to thee. Holy God! I this day surrender myself to thee, in the most solemn manner. "Hear, O heavens, and give ear, O earth." I this day acknowledge the Lord to be my God! I this day declare myself to be of the number of his children, and that I am one of his people. Hear my words, O my God, and write in thy book, that I henceforth devote myself entirely to thee. In the name of the Lord God of Hosts, I this day renounce all former lords that have had dominion over me; the joys of the world, in which I have too much delighted, and all carnal desires. I renounce all perishable things, in order that God may constitute my All. I consecrate to thee all that I am, and all that I have; the faculties of my mind, the members of my body, my fortune, and my time. Grant me grace, O Father of mercies, to employ all to thy glory, and in obedience to thy commands. For ardently and humbly I desire to be thine through the endless ages of a happy eternity. Shouldst thou be pleased to make me, in this life, the instrument of leading others to thee, give me strength and courage openly to de

clare thy name. And enable me not only to devote myself to thy service, but to persuade my brethren to dedicate themselves to it also.

"Grant, Holy Spirit, that through thy assistance I may be supported in life, and kept faithful unto death. Enable me, during the rest of my days, to acquire that of which I stand most in need, and to amend my ways. May the things of this world no longer exercise dominion over me; but may I, during the short span of life, live solely to thee. Grant me grace, not only to tread in the path which, I am convinced, is the best, but enable me also to be always most active in walking therein. I resign myself, and all that I have, to thy direction, to be disposed of in whatever manner thine infinite wisdom shall see good. I leave the ordering of all events to thee, and say only, 'Thy will, not mine, be done!' Employ me, O Lord, as an instrument consecrated to thy service. Look upon me as constituting one of thy flock. Wash me in the blood of thy beloved Son. Clothe me with his righteousness. Sanctify me by his Spirit. Transform me more and more into his image. Impart to me, through him, thy purifying, cheering, and comforting Spirit; and grant, that my life may be passed under the habitual sense of thy presence, O my Father, and my

God! And, after having endeavoured to obey thee, and do thy will on earth, take me hence, at what time, and in what manner, thou shalt see good. When the solemn hour of death approaches, and I stand on the verge of eternity, grant, that I may remember this covenant, and employ my latest breath in thy service. And wilt thou, O Lord, be pleased to remember this covenant, shouldst thou see, that through the weakness or anguish of my heart, in that last hour, I am not able to recollect it. Then, heavenly Father, look down with pity on thy feeble child, struggling with death. I would not prescribe to thee, O my Father, in what manner thou oughtest to take me to thyself. I wish not to ask thee to preserve me from agonizing pain. No; nothing of that kind shall be the object of my prayers. But I would earnestly entreat, in the name of Jesus, to be enabled to glorify thee in the last hours of my life, and amidst whatever sufferings thy wise providence may see best for me, to be patient and submissive to thy holy will. Strengthen my soul; give it confidence when thou shalt call it hence; and receive it to the embraces of thine everlasting love. Admit it into the mansions of them that sleep in Jesus into the mansions where indescribable joys will be its portion for ever. And while it is still on

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