

*58 Obfervations on Mr. Wefley's Second Calin Addrefs, &c. Obfervations on Mr. Wesley's Second Calm Addrefs; and incl dentally on other Writings upon the American Question. Together with Thoughts on Toleration, and on the Point how far the Confcience of the Subject is concerned in a War: Remarks on Conflitutions in general, and that of England in particular; on the Nature of Colonial Government, and a Recommendation of a Plan of Peace. 120. Is. Dilly.

Mr. Wefley being almoft as much out of his element in turning politician, as he was when he commenced phyfician, it is no wonder that he lays himself open to refutation by adepts of both profeffions. Our peace-maker hath hence evidently the advantage over him in the prefent difpute. He might as well have kept his plan of peace, however, to himfelf, till the belligerant parties are better difpofed than they feem at prefent to make an end of the war.

4 Brief Defcription of the Cities of London and Weßminster, &c,
To which are added, fome proper Cautions to the Merchants,
Tradesmen, &c. By Sir John Fielding, one of his Majesty's
Juftices of the Peace, &c. 12mo. 38. Wilkie.

A fpecies of forgery, for which Sir John Fielding, whole name is here artfully. and unwarrantly abused, cannot legally iffue his warrant to apprehend the offender. The Cautions to Merchants and Tradesmen were, it is true, dictated by this vigilant magiftrate; but the defcription of the Cities of London and Weftminfter is the production of fome Grub; who may probably fall into the Knight's clutches fome time or other for fome other fpecies of petty larceny.

A Letter to the Mafter, Wardens, and Court of Affifiants, of the Corporation of Surgeons, &c. By a Member of the Corporation. 8vo. IS. Lowndes,

A fenfible call on the Company of Surgeons to exert themfelves, to prevent the grofs abuses and inhuman ravages daily committed by quacks and empirics. Surely the College of Phyficians, with the Surgeons Company united, might do fomething this way; for which the public, the rifing generation in particular, would be infinitely indebted to them.


Reflections on the State of Parties; on the National Debt, the Ne2 ceffity and Expediency of the prefent War with America. 8vo. 1s. 6d. W. Davies.

A dealer in white-wafh and black-ball, with which he al ternately beplaifters the Miniftry, and befpatters the Americans: Like a vile dauber, however, he lays it on fo thick, that the difference of colour makes no difference in the dirt.

An Enquiry, whether we have any Scripture-Warrant for a direct Addrefs of Supplication, Praife, or Thanksgiving, either to the Son or to the Holy Ghoft. By the late Rev. Paul Cardale, Author of The true New Teftament Doctrine of Jefus Chrift confi dered, &c. To which are prefixed, A few Strictures relative to the Author. And by Way of Appendix, a Letter on the Perfonality of the Spirit, which was fent to the Editor in the Year 1762. By the late Rev. Nath. Lardner, D. D. 8vo. Is. Johnfon.

The texts of fcripture chiefly infifted on and explained in this Enquiry are the invocations of the Apoftie Thomas and St. Stephen. There appears, however, fo much difficulty in the folution of this difficult fcriptural problem, that we think these very able divines have left it much in the fame ftate in which they found it.

A Treatise on the Charade. Tranflated from the French of the Sieur Rondeaulet, Member of the Academy of Belles Lettres at Paris: By Tobias Rigmerole, with Alterations adapted to the English Language. 4to. Is. Davies.

A treatise on a wretched fpecies of writing, which certain frivolous females lately imported among other frippery fashions from France. Like most other articles of French manufacture, however, it does not appear adapted to the wear of this Country.

This SUPPLEMENT to be continued, and if poffible concluded, in our next. In the mean time the Editor would be obliged to fuch Authors and Publishers as may inform him of any

article hitherto omitted.





I have been fo highly entertained by the effays of Monf. Falconet, which you have with much candour defcribed in your Review for May, that I wish to point out to the ingenious Tranflator two small errors, which, though apparently typographical, it may be very neceffary his readers should be apprifed of. In the 5th line of p. 11, "removed" fhould certainly be " unmoved;" and in the last line of p. 26, we fhould read "cut out," in the text, and " renforcement" in the note.-Thefe particulars may poffibly be too minute for your notice; but in a work of icience, which in other refpects appears extremely correct, it may not be impertinent to have noticed them.. A DISCIPLE OF FALCONET.

[blocks in formation]

Conftructed about Fifty Years ago, at HESSE-CASSEL and other Parts of GERMANY, and now reconftructed in LONDON.

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The Subfcribers to Dr. Kenrick's Introduction to the Mechanical Principles of Natural Philofophy, will receive fuch Tickets of Admittance gratis.




Philofophical Tranfactions, of the Royal Society of London. Vol. LXVII. Part I. For the Year 1777. 7s. 6d. Davis.

The firt Article, in this volume, is a very remarkable, though not fingular, cafe of a woman's living for feveral years without meat or drink drawn up by Dr. Mackenzie phyfician at New Tarbat, and communicated by the Right Hon. James Stewart Mackenzie, Lord Privy Seal of Scotland. The cafe is well attefted, and what renders it the more extraordinary is that the patient, after long remaining bent double and bed-ridden, in the moft deplorable fituation, recovered fo much, as to be able to walk tolerably upright, and to fubfift on the fuftenance of an infant.

Article the Second, relates to the practice of washing and rubbing the ftems of trees, to promote their annual increafe: a practice recommended by the celebrated Dr. Hales and Mr. Evelyn. The experiment, here related, was contained in a letter, from Mr. Marfham, to the Bishop of Bath and Wells; and is as follows.

"In the fpring, as foon as the buds began to fwell, I washed my free found from the ground to the beginning of the head; viz. between thirteen and fourteen feet in height. This was done firft with water and a ftiff fhoe-brush, until the tree was quite cleared of the mofs and dirt; then I only wathed it with a coarfe flannel. I repeated the washing three, four, or five times a week, during all the dry time of the fpring and the fore-part of the fummer; but after the rains were frequent, I very feldom washed. The unwashed tree, whofe growth I VOL. VI. X propofed

propofed to compare with it, was (at five feet from the ground) before the last year's increase, 3 ft. 7 in.ths; and in the autumn, after the year's growth was compleated, 3 ft. 9 in.th; viz. increase in.

ths. The washed tree was laft fpring 3 ft. 7 in. ths, and in the autumn it was 5 ft. 9 in. 7ths; viz. increase 2 in.ths, that is, onetenth of an inch above double the increase of the unwashed tree. As the difference was fo great, and as fome unknown accident might have injured the growth of the unwashed tree, I added the year's increase of five other beeches of the fame age (viz. all that I had measured), and found the aggregate increase of the fix unwashed beeches to be 9 in.

ths, which, divided by fix, gives one inch and five-tenths and an half for the growth of each tree; fo the gain by washing is nine-tenths and an half. To make the experiment fairly, I fixed on two of my largest beeches, fown in 1741, and tranfplanted into a grove in 1749. The washed tree had been, from the first year, the largest plant till the year 1767, when its rival became and continued the largest plant, until I began to wash the other: therefore I fixed on the less thriving tree as

the fairest trial."

Article the Third, is curious and entertaining, relative to a fubject much controverted by naturalifts; the propagation of bees. We fhall therefore extract the procefs of the whole experiment, with the writer's previous remarks.

"The republic of bees has at all times gained univerfal esteem and admiration: their culture, an object fo worthy of our attention, has attracted and still does engage that of many of the learned, and has arrived at a confiderable degree of improvement of late years; but their mode of propagating their fpecies feems to this day to have baffled the ingenuity of ages in their attempts to difcover it. The most skilful naturalifts have been ftrangely mifled in their opinion, that the bees, as well as the other tribes of animals, are perpetuated by copulation; though they acknowledge that they have never been able to detect them.

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in the act.

Pliny, who was likewife of the fame opinion, that in this particular they do not differ from other animals, obferves, Apium coitus vifus eft nunquam." Swammerdam, that fagacious obferver, having never been able to discover it, entertained a notion, that the female or queen bee was fecundated without copulation; that it was fufficient for her to be near the males; that a vivifying aura, exhaling from the body of the males, and abforbed by the female, might impregnate her eggs. At last the incomparable Reaumur thought he had in a great meafure removed the veil, and brought their manner of generating nearly to a proof. This part of phyfics has been the principal object of my refearches for feveral years past, having been infenfibly engaged in it by the pleasure I took in fo curious an inquiry; and although this purfuit has been attended with more difficulties and embarratiments than can be well imagined, I have not been difcouraged, and have carefully avoided launching into conjectures. To introduce a new fyftem in the doctrine of bees, which in a great measure contradicts all

* Mr. John Debraw, Apothecary to Addenbrooke's Hofpital at Cam bridge.


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