
marks; estimated expenditure, 1891-92, 65,648,603 marks. The estimated revenue and expenditure for two years ending March 31, 1894, are as follows:-

[blocks in formation]

The capital of the public debt was estimated to amount to 446,626,057 marks on April 1, 1893, of which the bulk bears interest at 4 per cent. The debt of the Kingdom is divided into two portions-namely, the general debt and the railway debt. The latter, forming by far the largest portion of the total, amounted to 405,241,973 marks on April 1, 1893. The total debt amounts to about 219 marks, or £11 per head of the population, and the charge (interest and sinking fund) for 1893-94 to 19,873,633 marks, or about 10/- per head. The net income of the railways, all expenses deducted, amounts to


(1891-92) 11,377,442 marks, covering 60 per cent. of the interest charge of the whole public debt, and nearly 68 per cent. of the interest charge of the railway debt alone.


The total strength of the Württemberg. corps d'armée (the 13th of Germany) had on the peace footing, 1892, 20,737 men, 4,058 horses, and 120 guns. In 1892-93 there were 7,903 recruits.


Württemberg is primarily an agricultural State, and 4,720 square miles, or about two-thirds of the entire area, are under cultivation, and about threetenths under forest. On June 5, 1882, the total number of agricultural tenements, each cultivated by one household, was as follows :-

[blocks in formation]

These farms supported 923,252 persons, of whom 387,454 were actively engaged upon them."

The areas under the principal crops (in hectares), and the yield (in metric tons) per hectare in 1892-93, and the average annual yield for 1878-87 are as follows:

[blocks in formation]

In 1892-93 vines occupied 17,556 hectares, and yielded 57,148 hectolitres of wine.

In 1891-92, 6,748 breweries produced 3,454,304 hectolitres of beer. The total value of the minerals raised in the kingdom in 1892 was 1,017,366 marks.

In 1891-2, there were in Württemberg 1,636 kilom. of railway, all, except 555 kilom., the property of the State, which owns, moreover, 171 kilom. in neighbouring States.

British Minister.-Victor A. W. Drummond (residing at Munich).
Consul.-Albert v. Kaulla.

Statistical and other Books of Reference concerning Germany. 1. OFFICIAL PUBLICATIONS.-GERMANY.

Amtliche Liste der Schiffe der Deutschen Kriegs- und Handelsmarine, mit ihren Unterscheidungs-Signalen. Abgeschlossen am 1. Januar 1893. Herausgegeben im Reichsamt des Innern. Berlin, 1893.

Denkschrift über die Deutschen Schutzgebiete. Reichstagsdrucksache. 6. LegislaturPeriode, II. Session, 1884-56, Nr. 44. Berlin.

Deutscher Reichs- und Königl. Preussischer Staats-Anzeiger. Berlin, 1893.

Deutsches Handelsarchiv. Zeitschrift für Handel und Gewerbe. Herausgegeben vom Reichsamt des Innern. Berlin (monthly).

Die Deutsche Armee und die Kaiserliche Marine. Eintheilung, Truppen, &c. Bearbeitet in der kartographischen Abtheilung der Königl. Landesaufnahme. Berlin, 1889. Genealogie der Europaischen Regentenhäuser für 1893. 8. Berlin, 1893.

Handbuch für das Deutsche Reich auf das Jahr 1893. Bearbeitet im Reichsamt des Innern. Berlin, 1893.

Handbuch für die Deutsche Handelsmarine auf das Jahr 1892. Herausgegeben im Reichsamt des Innern. Berlin, 1893.

Hof- und Staats-Handbuch des Königreichs Bayern. 8. München, 1892.

Kalender und Statistisches Jahrbuch für das Königreich Sachsen auf das Jahr 1894 Dresden, 1893.

Königlich-Preussischer Staats-Kalender für 1893. 8. Berlin, 1893.

Königlich-Württembergisches Hof- und Staats-Handbuch. Herausgeg. von dem Königl. Statistischen Landesamt. 8. Stuttgart, 1892.

Württembergische Jahrbücher für Statistik u. Landeskunde. Herausgegeben von demselben. Stuttgart, 1893.

Monatshefte zur Statistik des Deutschen Reichs.

Statistischen Amt. Jahrgang 1893. Berlin, 1893.

Herausgegeben vom Kaiserlichen

Preussische Statistik. Herausgegeben vom Königlichen Statistischen Bureau in Berlin. Fol. Berlin, 1893.

Staatshandbuch für das Königreich Sachsen. Dresden, 1893.

Statistik der Deutschen Reichs-Post und Telegraphen-Verwaltung für das Kalenderjahr 1892. 4. Berlin, 1893.

Statistik der im Betriebe befindlichen Eisenbahnen Deutschlands. Bearbeitet im ReichsEisenbahn Amt. Betriebsjahr 1891-92. Berlin, 1893.

Statistik des Deutschen Reichs.

Folge. Band 1-45 to end of 1891.

Herausgegeben vom Kaiserlichen Statist. Amt. Neue

Statistik des Hamburgischen Staats. 4. Hamburg, 1891.

Statistisches Handbuch für den Preussischen Staat. Berlin, 1893.
Statistisches Handbuch für Elsass-Lothringen.

Strassburg, 1891.

Statistisches Jahrbuch für das Deutsche Reich. Herausgegeben vom Kaiserlichen Statistischen Amt. Jahrgang, 1893. Berlin. 1893.

Vorläufige Ergebnisse der Volkszahlung vom 1. December 1885 in Königreiche Preussen, Berlin, 1886.

Zeitschrift des Königl. Preussischen Statistischen Bureaus. 4. Berlin, 1893. Zeitschrift des K. Sächsischen Statistischen Bureaus. 4. Leipzig, 1893. Hertslet (Sir Edward, C. B.), Foreign Office List. Published annually. London, 1893. Weissbuch. Official Correspondence relating to German Possessions in Africa and the Pacific, and to the Congo, Egypt, and East Asia. 11 vols. Berlin, 1884-1891.

Trade of Germany with the United Kingdom; in Annual Statement of the Trade of the United Kingdom with Foreign Countries and British Possessions for the year 1892.' London, 1893.


Angra Pequeña. Copy of Despatch from the Earl of Derby to H.M.'s High Commission in S. Africa relative to the Establishment of a German Protectorate at Angra Pequeña and along the Coast. London, 1884.

Arrangement between Great Britain and Germany relative to their respective Spheres in Africa. London. 1885. The same with reference to New Guinea. London, 1885. Correspondence relating to Zanzibar. London, 1885.

Correspondence respecting Affairs in the Cameroons. London, 1885.
Deutsches Kolonialblatt. Berlin 1891 (fortnightly).


Baring-Gould (S.), Germany, Past and Present. 2 vols. 8. London, 1881.


Brachelli (Ritter von), Statistische Skizze des Deutschen Reichs. 7th edition. Leipzig, Brückner, Jahrbuch der Deutschen Kolonialpolitik und des Export. Berlin, 1887-91. Carlyle (T.), History of Frederick the Great. 10 vols. London.

Droysen (J. G.), Geschichte des Preussischen Politik. 5 vols. Leipzig.

Export, Organ des Centralvereins für Handelsgeographie und Förderung DeutscheInteressen im Auslande. Berlin (weekly).

Fircks (A. Freiherr von), Die Volkskraft Deutschland's und Frankreich's. Statistische Skizze. 8. Berlin, 1875.

Franco-German War, 1870-71.

Authorised translation. 4 vols. London, 1881-83.

Gothäischer genealogischer Hof-Kalender auf das Jahr 1892. Gotha, 1893.

Herzog von Mecklenburg-Strelitz (Carl Michael), Die Statistik des Militar-ErsatzGeschäftes im Deutschen Reiche. Leipzig, 1887.

Hue de Grais, Handbuch der Verfassung und Verwaltung in Preussen und dem Deutschen Reiche. 5. Auflage. Berlin, 1886.

Kollmann (P.), Das Herzogthum Oldenburg in seiner wirthschaftlichen Entwickelung. 8. Oldenburg, 1893.

Paris, 1878.

Paris, 1886.

Legoyt (Alfred), Forces matérielles de l'Empire d'Allemagne. 18
Lowe (Charles), Life of Prince Bismarck. 2 vols. London, 1888.
Mitteilungen aus den Deutschen Schutzgebieten. Berlin, 1889-91.
Morhain, De l'Empire Allemand: sa Constitution et son Administration.
Neumann (G.), Geographisches Lexicon des Deutschen Reichs. 2 vols. S.
Nicolson (A.), A Sketch of the German Constitution, and of the Events in Germany from
1815 to 1871. 8. London, 1875.

Reclus (Elisée), Nouvelle Géographie universelle. Vol. III. Paris, 1878.
Sybel (H. von), Die Begründung des Deutschen Reichs. 5 vols. Berlin, 1890.
Treitschke (H. von), Deutsche Geschichte im 19 ten Jahrhundert. Leipzig.
Waitz (Georg), Deutsche Verfassungsgeschichte. 5 vols. 8. Kiel, 1871-74.
Whitman (Sidney), Imperial Germany. London, 1889.


Baumann (Oscar), In Deutsch Ostafrika während des Aufstandes. 8. Vienna, 1890. Usambara und seine Nachbargebiete. 8. Berlin, 1891.

Büttner (C. G.), Das Hinterland von Walfischbai und Angra Pequeña. Heidelberg, 1884.
Demay (Charles), Histoire de la Colonisation Allemande, Paris, 1890.
Deutsche Kolonialzeitung, Organ der Deutschen Kolonialgesellschaft.


Berlin (fort

Dilthey (R.), Der Wirthschaftliche Werth von Deutsch. Ost-Afrika. Düsseldorf, 1889. Frenzel und Mende. Deutschland s Kolonien. Hannover, 1889.

Koschitzky (Max von), Deutsche Kolonialgeschichte. Leipzig, 1887 and 1888.

Meinecke (G.), Koloniales Jahrbuch. Berlin, 1890-91.

Nachrichten über Kaiser Wilhelm's Land und den Bismarck-Archipel. Herausgegeben

von der Neu-Guinea Kompagnie. Berlin (at intervals).

Wagner, Deutsch-Ostafrika. 2. Auflage. Berlin, 1888.


Reigning King.

Georgios 1., born December 24, 1845, the second son (Wilhelm) of Prince Christian of Schleswig-Holstein-Sonderburg. Glücksburg, present King of Denmark; elected King of the Hellenes by the National Assembly at Athens, March 18 (30), 1863; accepted the crown, through his father the King of Denmark, acting as his guardian, June 4, 1863; declared of age by decree of the National Assembly, June 27, 1863; landed in Greece November 2, 1863; married, October 27, 1867, to Queen Olga, born August 22 (September 3), 1851, the eldest daughter of Grand-duke Constantine of Russia, brother of the late Emperor Alexander II.

Children of the King.

I. Prince Konstantinos, Duke of Sparta, heir-apparent, born August 2, 1868; married October 27, 1889, to Princess Sophia, Princess of Prussia. Offspring:-1. Prince Georgios, born July 19, 1890. 2. Prince Alexander, born August 1, 1893. II. Prince Georgios, born June 24, 1869. III. Prince Nicolaos, born January 21, 1872. IV. Princess Maria, born March 3, 1876. V. Prince Andreas, born February 1, 1882. VI. Prince Christopheros, born August 10, 1888.

By decision of the Greek National Assembly of May 15, 1863, a civil list of 1,125,000 drachmai was settled on King Georgios I., to which the Governments of Great Britain, France, and Russia added 4,000l. each, making the total income of the sovereign of Greece about 52,000l. per annum. An annuity of 200,000 drachmai is allowed to the heir-apparent since he came of age in August 1886.

Greece, a province of the Turkish Empire since the commencement of the 16th century, gained its independence in the insurrection of 1821-29, and by the Protocol of London, of February 3, 1830, was declared a kingdom, under the protection of Great Britain, France, and Russia. Prince Leopold of SaxeCoburg having declined the crown of Greece, on the ground that the boundaries proposed were insufficient, and especially excluded the island of Crete, it was offered to, and accepted by, Prince Otto of Bavaria, who ascended the

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