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(63.) This may well refer to our late bloody Wars, where Papists fought against Papists, and Proteftants against Proteftants, and where Perfian Mahometans fought against Turkish Mahometans, fo that this Prediction has been already too fadly fulfilled; but may perhaps be more remarkable fulfilled hereafter, which may be alfo true of many other of thefe Predictions, whofe Completions I now Note.

(64.) This is much the fame with the Prediction v. 1. N. 44. prius, and has been too




itself into its Secret notoriously fulfilled for


(65) 'Tis here foretold, that Vileness or Incontinency fhall be increafed upon the Earth.

(66.) 'Tis here foretold, that at this Time Men fhall Labour and Hope, but obtain nothing.

many Years already.

(65.) This is much the fame with that v. 2. N° 46. and has been too notoriously fulfilled for many Years already; and is not yet, in any confiderable Degree, amended amongst us.

(66.) Befides other Inftances of this, which I do not now reckon up, this Prediction has been eminently fulfill'd in these last Wars; where after all the immenfe Blood and Treasure, which we with our Allies and the French had caufed to be shed and

expended for many Years on both Sides, we both gave up our Conquefts, and all was reftored as before the War; to the great furprize of all the World, It has also been remarkably fulfilled in the Affairs


(67.) 'Tis here foretold, that the Books ball be opened before the Firmament, particularly the Book of Life.

(68.) 'Tis here foretold, That little Infants, or Children of a Year old Should Speak; that Women should conceive and bring forth in bafte; and that fuch Children of three or four Months fhall be raised up, and fhall live, and run about.


Affairs of Corfica; in the many Acts of Parliament, Meetings ofCommiffioners, and very great and troublesome Management about the horned Cattle for feveral Years, and all this without any Succefs in preventing or curing that Murrain.

(67) The Time for the fulfilling this Prophecy is not yet fully come.

(68.) If the Reader perufe the Philofophical Tranfactions, No. 475, already cited, where a particular Account is given of the strange or hafty Ripeness of the Boy ofWillingham,and by Confequence, probably of the fame strange Hafte in his Mother's Conception, and Labour of him; and he will find this Prediction not wholly unfulfilled at prefent: I

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have also been informed of one or two Children that have lately been nearly in the fame Circumstances here foretold; but have not preferved the diftinct Accounts of them.

(69.) The Time for this moft folemn of all the Signals, is not yet fully comé; but when it is come, there will not, I fuppofe, be any Doubt, but it is immediately to precede, or accompany this fecond Coming of Chrift, for the Reftoration of the Jews, and the firft Refurrection.

(70.) This is much the fame with the former Prediction of the fame, Efdras v. 5. No. 63. prius, and needs not to have its Accomplishment repeated here.

(71.)It is here foretold,

that fuch uncommon

(71) This has been

uncommon already confidered fully Things



Things as our late Earthquakes fhall aftonish the Inhabitants of the Earth.

(72.) It is here foretold, that the Springs of the Fountains fall ftand Still, and not run for three Hours; and this in both our Books of Efdras.

(73.) It is here foretold, that there should be Uproars of People, with Changes, and Tumults, and Seditions of the Na



at No. 6. and needs not to be here repeated,

(72.)The Accounts of three fuch Rivers in the South of Scotland, having their Streams lately stopped, and not running, the first for nine, the fecond for fix, and the third for fix Hours, has been formerly fet down at large, Pag. 454, 455, priùs. But whether the Fountains themselves had not this Interruption for three Hours only, as in this Prediction, I do not know. But that Circumstance certainly is highly worth the Enquiry of the Curious in that Country, while the Stoppage itself is fresh in every-body's Memory.

(73.) None of those who carefully attend to the State of the World for these twenty or thirty Years past, and even


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