
this order continued undescribed, although existing in herbaria; and, indeed, several unknown to botanists are mentioned in the works of travellers. Thus, Allan Cunningham speaks of a north-west Australian Azorella in the appendix to King's "Intertropical Survey of Australia,” as being remarkable for its gigantic herbaceous growth."

The last expedition through the intra-tropical zone of this country, so ably conducted by Mr Augustus Gregory, has but furnished a limited number of plants belonging to Umbellata; yet, perhaps, even more than might have been expected from the known geographical distribution of this order. As new, I may mention a Hydrocotyle, two Eryngia, four Didisci, and a genus which may be distinguished (as Platycarpidium) from Astrotricha in deciduous petals, from Trachymene in flat and smooth carpels, from Platysace, as far as the immature state of the fruit permits me to judge, by the want of vittæ, and from Didiscus and most of the allied genera by a tall, shrubby habit, so unusual in this order, and, finally, in a paniculate disposition of its umbels, of which the greater number, notwithstanding their being hermaphroditical, remain perfectly sterile.-Proceedings of the Royal Society of Tasmania, vol. iii. part 2.

Formation of Wood.-M. Hétet has continued his researches in regard to the formation of woody tissue. With this view he has examined the development of the wood in Yucca aloefolia, Y. superba, Dracæna fragrans, D. ferrea, a species of Cordyline, Aloe aborescens, A. pseudo-ferox, among the monocotyledons; and in Nerium, Ficus, and more especially Pircunia (Phytolacca, L.) among the Dicotyledons. From his experiments he draws the following conclusions: 1. In Dicotyledonous trees of rapid growth, and with much parenchymatous tissue, the most deeply situated cellular zones, and even the medullary canal, can reproduce ligneous bundles and a cortical tissue. 2. Fibrous and vascular bundles are formed wherever there are young and active cells. 3. The experiments lead to conclusions opposed to the views of Petit Thouars and Gaudichaud, that the increase of stems in Dicotyledons takes place by means of descending fibres.-Comptes Rendus, Dec. 2, 1851.

"Calluna vulgaris” and “ Aira caryophyllea” in the United States.— That America has no heaths is a botanical aphorism. It is understood, however, that an English surveyor, nearly thirty years ago, found Calluna vulgaris in the interior of Newfoundland; also that De la Pylaie, still earlier, enumerates it as an inhabitant of that island. But this summer, Mr Jackson Dawson, a young gardener, has brought us specimens and living plants (both flowering stocks and young seedlings) from Tewksbury, Massachusetts, where the plant occurs rather abundantly over about half an acre of rather boggy ground, along with Andromeda calyculata, Azalea viscosa, Kalmia angustifolia, Gratiola aurea, &c., apparently as much at home as any of these. The station is about half a mile from the State Almshouse. Certainly this is as unlikely a plant, and as unlikely a place for it to have been introduced by man, either designedly or accidentally, as can well be imagined. From the age of the plants it must have been there for at least a dozen years; indeed, it had been noticed and recognised two years ago by a Scotch farmer of the vicinity, well pleased to place his foot once more upon his native heather. So that even in New England he may say, if he will, as a friend of ours botanically renders the lines-that

Calluna vulgaris this night shall be my bed,
And Pteris aquilina the curtain round my head.

It may have been introduced, unlikely as it seems, or we may have to rank this heath with Scolopendrium vulgare, Subularia aquatica, and Marsilea quadrifolia, as species of the Old World, so sparingly represented in the

New, that they are known only at single stations, perhaps late-lingerers rather than new-comers.

Aira caryophyllea has just been detected by W. M. Canby, Esq., in Newcastle County, Delaware, growing very abundantly on a dry piece of ground, rather open, but dotted over with pine trees (Pinus inops), and completely surrounded by a forest. It certainly has not been ploughed for ten years, probably not for a much longer time. In company with it was Polygala Nuttallii, Sorghum nutans, &c., but no clover, Timothy, or any of the grasses usually cultivated. Still we suppose this species to have been introduced.-Professor Asa Gray in "Silliman's Journal,” Sept. 1861.


Venom of the Rattlesnake (Crotalus).-Dr Mitchell states that the venom of crotalus is an acid fluid, abounding in albuminous matter, and yielding precipitates or coagula with certain reagents. The active element seems to exist in the albuminous compound. Alcohol precipitates all the albuminoid material, innocent as well as poisonous; and heat throws down from diluted venom the bulk of those albuminous compounds in an insoluble and harmless form; the residual water still containing an albuminous acid body (crotaline) uncoagulable by heat, but precipitable by alcohol, and of great poisonous activity. The venom of the rattlesnake has been found to be composed of

1. An albuminoid body, Crotaline, not coagulable by heat of 212°. 2. An albuminoid compound coagulable by a temperature of 212° F. 3. A colouring matter, and an undetermined substance, both soluble in alcohol.

4. A trace of fatty matter.

5. Salts, chlorides, and phosphates.

Habits of the Rattlesnake (Crotalus) when in Captivity.-During a large part of two years, the period which this research has occupied, I was a portion of each day in the room where the reptiles were kept, and consequently observed with care such of their habits as could be studied while they were in confinement. In regard to these I have a few observations to make, before considering their physiology and toxicology.

It is by no means my intention to give a full account of the habits of the Crotalus, since this would involve a great deal of detail which is to be found elsewhere, and which would be foreign to the general purpose of this essay.

The rattlesnake of our Northern States, when at liberty, sometimes lives in the company of his fellows, but more frequently alone. I have had, in a single box, from ten to thirty-five snakes, and have never observed the slightest signs of hostility towards one another. Even when several snakes were suddenly dropped upon their fellows, no attempt was made to annoy the new-comers, while the sudden intrusion of a pigeon or a rabbit was met with ready resentment, whenever the snakes were fresh and in vigorous health.

The habits of rattlesnakes, when in confinement, are singularly inactive. Even in warm weather, when they are least sluggish, they will lie for days together in a knotted mass, occasionally changing their position, and then relapsing into perfect rest. The contrast between this ordinary state of repose, or sluggish movement, and the perilous rapidity of their motion when striking, is most dangerously deceptive. In contrast also with their slow locomotion is the marvellously rapid action of their rattles, which, when annoyed or molested, they will sometimes continue to agitate for hours at a time.

It is the general experience of those who have kept rattlesnakes, that

they seldom eat in captivity. I have known a snake to exist for a year without food; and although I have made every effort to tempt my own snakes, I have never seen any one of them disposed to avail itself of food, when placed within its reach, Dumeril states that this is the usual experience in the Garden of Plants, but that at the end of six or eight months they commonly accept food. He also adds that the very young pigeon is the food they are most inclined to eat.

After tempting the snakes with this, as well as with birds, mice, rabbits, &c., and finding the food as often untouched, I finally gave up the attempt, and contented myself with feeding, by force, such of them as seemed feeble and badly nourished. For this purpose, I used milk and insects, which I placed in their throats, while they were properly pinioned. To effect this, the snake was secured, and the lower jaw held in the grasp of a pair of forceps, while a funnel, with a long stem, was thrust down the oesophagus. Into this, insects, such as flies and grasshoppers, were pushed, or milk poured in proper quantity. Yet, even when this precaution of forcible feeding was not employed, the snakes remained healthy, and secreted, as usual, a sufficient amount of venom.

To preserve them, however, in good condition, it is absolutely necessary that they should be frequently supplied with water, especially in hot weather, and when they are about to shed their skins. The free snake is said, in this climate, to shed its cuticle in the month of August. My snakes lost their old integuments at different periods, during the summer. In all cases, the old skin became very dark, as the new one formed beneath it. If, at this time, the snakes were denied access to water, the skin came off in patches. Where water was freely supplied, they entered it eagerly at this period, and not only drank of it, but lay in it for hours together. Under these circumstances, the skin was shed entire -the first gap occurring at the mouth, or near it. Through this opening, the serpent worked its way, and the skin reverting, was turned inside out, as it crawled forth in its new and distinctly-marked outer covering. When the old skin was very loose, this snake's motions were often awkward for a time. It is said to be blind during this period, which is probably true to some extent; since the outer layer of the cornea is shed with the skin, and there must obviously be a time when the old corneal layer lies upon the new formation. It is also said that the fangs are lost at the same time as the skin. In some instances, this was observed to be the case; but whether or not it is a constant occurrence, I am unable to say from personal observation.

It is most probable, as I have elsewhere stated, that not only are the fangs shed when the skin is lost, in summer, but that their loss is a frequent occurrence, like the loss of teeth in certain fish, and takes place at intervals more or less frequent, certainly oftener than once a-year.

A general opinion prevails that, immediately after the loss of the skin, the snakes become most virulent. As they are slothful during the period of change, and strike then with reluctance, if at all, and as the loss of the fang involves, to some extent, the accumulation of poison in the gland cavities, this view may be correct. There is no ground, however, for supposing that the effect of this storing up of the venom would be greater at this period than after a similar amount of accumulation at another time.

After such numerous and long-continued opportunities of observation, it might be supposed that I should be prepared to speak authoritatively, as to the still disputed power of the snake to fascinate small animals. If the power exist at all, it is probable that it would only be made use of when the serpent required its aid to secure food. We have seen that even the most healthy snakes lose their appetite when imprisoned, and beyond this

condition, my chances of observation have been limited. Those who are still curious in the matter will find the fullest account of it in the Essay of Dr B. S. Barton. In despite of the learned and ingenious argument of this author, there are not wanting large numbers, who claim to have witnessed, again and again, the exercise of the power of charming on the part of the rattlesnake and black snake. Dr Barton, who does not deny that the appearance of fascination has been often observed, explains it by supposing that in these cases the parent bird, alarmed at the near approach of danger to her nest of young, hovers anxiously about the snake, as she would about any other cause of danger, and thus sometimes falls a victim to her maternal anxiety. This theory, Dr Barton believes sufficient to account for the fluttering and strange movements of the bird; and the arguments with which this view is upheld are certainly entitled to great respect. While the anxiety and terror of the parent bird would readily attract notice, the real object of the snake, and the true cause of the mother's approach to the very jaws of destruction, would be more than likely to escape the notice of such persons as are usually called upon to observe the supposed fact.

I have seen but one occurrence that might mislead as to the subject of fascination. I have very often put animals, such as birds, pigeons, guinea-pigs, mice, and dogs, into the cage with a rattlesnake. They commonly exhibited no terror after their recovery from alarm, at being handled and dropped into a box. The smaller birds were usually some time in becoming composed, and fluttered about in the large cage until they were fatigued, when they soon became amusingly familiar with the snakes, and were seldom molested, even when caged with six or eight large Crotali. The mice-which were similarly situated-lived on terms of easy intimacy with the snakes, sitting on their heads, moving round on their gliding coils, undisturbed, and unconscious of danger. Larger animals were not so safe, especially if they moved abruptly and rapidly about the snakes. The birds, mice, and larger animals, often manifested an evident curiosity, which prompted them to approach the snake cautiously. Sometimes this was rewarded by a blow, as was sure to be the case when a dog indulged his inquisitiveness by smelling the snake with his muzzle. Sometimes the snake retreated, and struck only when driven to bay. Usually, the smaller animals indulged their inquisitive instinct unhurt, and were allowed to live for days in the same cage with the dreaded reptiles.*

These are the sole facts which I have seen, bearing any relation to the supposed fascinating faculty. They appear to me to lend no strength to the idea of its existence.

There is a popular belief which ascribes to the rattlesnake a most disagreeable odour, and even naturalists have been led to believe that the serpent owed to this its power to lure and stupefy animals. In this matter I agree with Barton. I have never perceived that any peculiar odour issued from my snake-box; and as to its ability to injure birds, the facts above stated should suffice to disprove it. As usual, however, this pound of error contains its grain of truth. When a rattlesnake is

roughly handled, especially about the lower half of its length, a very heavy and decided animal odour is left upon the hands of the observer. If the snake be violently treated, causing it to throw itself into abrupt contortions, thin streams of a yellow or dark brown fluid are ejected to

*It is proper to add, that the curiosity thus exhibited by animals, and especially by mice and dogs, was as active when the snake was not regarding the intruder as at other times.

Barton, p. 24.

the distance of two or three feet. This fluid appears to come from glands alongside of the cloaca. Its odour is extremely disagreeable, and it is irritant when it enters the eye, although not otherwise injurious.-Researches upon the Venom of the Rattlesnake, by S. Weir Mitchell, M.D. 1861.


The Influence of an Acid in producing Saccharine Urine. By F. W. PAVY, M.D.—In 1854 I conducted an experiment to determine the effect of depriving the blood of its natural alkalinity. I then wished to see if I could influence the presumed destruction of sugar in the blood during its transit through the lungs. Phosphoric acid (Pharmacopoeia strength), to the extent of 71⁄2 fluid drachms, was injected into the jugular vein of a dog, and the blood of the arterial system became strongly charged with sugar. Since this experiment was performed, it has been ascertained that there is not the difference during life in the blood on the two sides of the lungs that was formerly supposed to exist; and it has become evident that it was not to arresting any change in the lungs, as I at first supposed, that the result I obtained was due. The fact of the blood being rendered saccharine, led me to infer that a saccharine state of the urine might also be occasioned. In seven instances I have tried the effect of injecting phosphoric acid into the general circulation. I find that it is an experiment which requires to be performed with the greatest nicety: the animal withstands the irtroduction of the acid to a certain extent without manifesting any disturbance, and it may even, at first, be injected pretty rapidly; but when a certain amount, varying in different instances according to the size of the animal, has been introduced, the further introduction requires to be made most slowly and with the utmost care, attentively watching its effects; otherwise destruction of life will be occasioned. I have found this to occur in one case after one ounce had been employed, and in another after ten drachms: in both of these cases the animals were of a smallish size. In two good-sized animals the injection of an ounce did not thus lead to immediate death, and did not produce any alteration in the state of the urine as far as regards sugar. Having carried the experiments further, however, I find that when the injection is pushed to the fullest extent that the animal will safely bear, a saccharine state of the urine is the result.-Proceedings of the Royal Society.

Experiments and Observations on the Structure and Function of the Stomach in the Vertebrate Class. By WILLIAM BRINTON, M.D., Lecturer on Physiology at St Thomas's Hospital.-This paper, itself a summary of a long series of observations, may be briefly abstracted as follows:

The peculiar dimorphous structure possessed by the tubes of the cardiac and middle parts of the stomach in the dog, exists in the whole vertebrate class; about sixty species of which are cited by the author from his notes. Many of the variations of the stomach throughout the vertebrate class are essentially œsophageal developments, having a mechanical office. The more essential contrasts of the vertebrate stomach refer to the above dimorphous structure; which diminishing, even in man, to less than twice its thickness in passing from the cardia to the pylorus, is in most animals altogether deficient here, either with or without a great shortening of the columnar-celled tubes. The dimorphous cell-growth is always the source and exponent of the pepsinous or digestive power of the stomach on protein-compounds; which power is absent where this structure is deficient, and present (as tested by careful comparison) in the

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