
in Tudella, the 4th division, commanded by Gen. LAPINA, which was in Cascante, two hours march from the field of battle, and had received orders to attack the right flank of the enemy, found 3000 French infantry, and 1000 cavalry opposed to them, in the act of offering battle; LAPINA immediately engaged, defeated and pursued them to the heights of Tudella, whence he was attacked by the enemy's troops, who occupied the heights. LAPINA retreated to the position of Cascante, where he defeated the enemy, and at the fall of night began to fall back to Borja, according to the last order he received; on his retreat he was again attacked by the enemy, but new troops checked his progress, and the four divisions reached Borja, where they marched to Calahayad.

The forces of the enemy in these actions of Tudella and Cascante amounted to from 36 to 40,000 infantry and from 6 to 7000 cavalry. Their loss has been very considerable, as has likewise ours, in missing and prisoners, but the number cannot be accurately stated till the Generals of the Divisions have made out and delivered their lists."

After this, Castanos for want of means of subsistence in Calahayad, resolved to proceed to Seguenza, which is nearer Madrid, since which we have not heard from him; he will probably remain in some convenient position, to act against the enemy in the event of his attacking Sarragoza, which it is said, is threatened by the Duke of Cornegliano.

After the battle of Tudella, Bonaparte could not anticipate many obstacles to his proceeding for Madrid, and he accordingly crossed the Duero at Aranda, on the 29th of November, and established his head quarters at the village of Bougillas. The 13th bulletin gives an account of an affair in the narrow passage of Puerto, or the post of Somosierra, in which they claim a victory. The Spanish account of the same action, on the contrary, declares that Don Benito S. Juan, who commanded the post, effected the complete defence of this point.' However bravely the Spaniards fought on this occasion, it is pretty certain they were obliged to abandon the position, for the head quarters of the French were removed on the 1st of December, to St. Augustine, and on the 2d to St. Martin near Madrid.

Madrid capitulated on the 5th of December, with merely a show of resistance; but there appears to have existed much un

easiness among the lower classes of people, who were willing to have hazarded their lives in defence of the city; and notwithstanding the cautious language of the bulletins, it will be neces sary to keep an extraordinary body of troops to overawe the multitude. Should this be the case, it will much facilitate the operations of Castanos and Palafox on one side, and the junction of Sir John Moore and Sir David Baird with the Marquis of Romano on the other. The movements of the English troops have been uncommonly cautious. In consequence of Castanos' defeat at Tudella, they had considerably receded; but that affair not proving so decisive as was apprehended, they turned about again. Sir John Moore had reached Salamanca in Leon, from Portugal, and the latest news we have of him, the 19th of December, is that he had nearly formed a junction with Sir David Baird, and the latter General was at Benevento. Another account asserts that Romano had actually joined the English, and that the combined army were going to march for Valladolid with a view of cutting off the communication between the army at Madrid and Astonga. On the same authority we hear of another action at Tudella, in which Castanos had defeated the French with great slaughter.

On the whole, we do not perceive that the affairs in Spain have grown by any means desperate, because Napoleon has captured Madrid: on the contrary there are many topicks of consolation and encouragement; the capacity of General Blake, the probable junction of the English armies with Romano, the favourable situation of Castanos and Palafox after the battle of Tudella, the ill success of the French in Catalonia, the determined resistance of the province of Asturias, and generally the unconquered spirit of the Spanish people.


AS the new nomenclature of the French Generals occasions some difficulty to the readers of the Bulletins, we insert the following key of the new titles, with which Napoleon has distinguished his peculiar favourites.

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WE recollect with what wonderful avidity of panegyrick the first speech of Mr. Giles on the embargo laws was extolled by all the democrats in the United States; he was the Goliath of ⚫ Gath, who undertook singly to fight all the host of Israel upon the subject. He defended it as stoutly as he could. He talked especially of its coercion on foreign nations; he proposed the LAST embargo bill in the Senate, advocated its principles in all its stages, and appeared to all intents and purposes the most active legislator in supporting by sophistry the unconstitutionality of its powers, and the necessity of enforcing the political

dreams of the President. But he has lately offered us a lesson on the sincerity of all this declamation, which will teach us how to respect in future the political integrity of Mr. Giles. On the resolution for raising the embargo and adopting the nonintercourse policy he observes

"I have never relied so much on the coercive effects of the em bargo singly, as some gentlemen have done; and I have at all times been of opinion, that preparations for more efficient measures should have been made to come in aid of, or substitute the embargo, whenever it should be ascertained that it had failed of its coercive objects."

This assertion is an absolute falsehood, if we are to believe his former observations; or, if we cannot give credit to them, then he was guilty of shameful untruth in maintaining so ardently such doctrines, as he knew were absolute tyranny, if the embargo was ineffectual abroad.

It seems that Mr. Giles has now found out that the non-intercourse is an admirable measure, and the embargo was good for nothing. He has no compunction for the distress and calamity of the country under its operation for fifteen months.

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You can never expect a democrat to argue reasonably. His notions are confined to the immediate result of the experiment without reflecting on the consequences of the undertaking. The experiment of the embargo failed; but the non-intercourse is to bring foreign nations to terms. The British nation, howev er, will enjoy the commerce from which we have excluded ourselves; and we may hug ourselves with satisfaction at the blessed effects of non-intercourse. The reasoning of Mr. Giles is very much like that of a name-sake of his, whom we recollect to have been formerly acquainted with in an epigram:

GILES Jolt, as sleeping in his cart he lay,
Some waggish pilferers stole his team away;

Giles wakes and cries, "What's here! ods dickens, what?
Why, how now, am I Giles, or am I not?
If he, I've lost six geldings to my smart";
If not, ods buddikins, I've found a cart.”


THE admiration with which the principal writers of the German School are viewed in this country, seems to demand an exposition of the perverted principles of taste, on which such writers compose. The gairish ornament and tinsel decoration, which are necessary to satisfy expectation in American composition, can only result from bad taste. A continual hankering after tropes, metaphors and similes, seems universally to pervade all American notions of good writing: and the neatness of Addison and genuine anglicism of Swift will stand no chance of success, when contesting with the voluputous effusions of Darwin, the multiplied metaphors of Southey, the horrours of Schiller, or the tender morality of Kotzebue. We imagine the following ex, tract from an uncommonly learned and discriminating European work will afford our readers some instruction, upon this very important literary subject.

THE disciples of this school boast much of its originality, and seem to value themselves very highly, for having broken loose from the bondage of the antient authority, and re-asserted the independence of genius. Originality, however, we are persuaded, is rarer than mere alteration; and a man may change a good master for a bad one, without finding himself at all nearer to independence. That our new poets have abandoned the old models, may certainly be admitted; but we have not been able to discover that they have yet created any models of their own; and are very much inclined to call in question the worthiness of those to which they have transferred their admiration. The productions of this school, we conceive, are so far from being entitled to the praise of originality, that they cannot be better characterised, than by an enumeration of the sources from which their materials have been derived. The greatest part of them, we apprehend, will be found to be composed of the following elements 1. The antisocial principles and distempered sensibility of Rousseau-his discontent with the present constitution of society-his paradoxical morality, and his perpetual hankerings after some unattainable state of voluptuous virtue and perfection. 2. The simplicity and energy (horresco referens) of Kotzebue and Schiller. 3. The homeliness and harshness of some of Cowper's language and versification, interchanged occasionally with the innocence of Ambrose Philips, or the quaintness of Quarles and

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