
Godliness is great riches' if a man be contènt with that he hath" For we brought nòthing into this world' neither may we carry àny thing oùt"

Charge them who are rìch in this world' that they be ready to give' and glad to distribute" laying up in store for themselves a good foundation against the time to come' that they may attain eternal life""'

God is not unrighteous' that he will forgèt your works' and labour that proceedeth of lo`ve" which love yè have showed for his name's sake' who have ministered unto the saints' and yet dò minister'"'

To do goo'd and to distribute' forget nòt" for with such sacrifices God is well pleased""

Whoso hath this world's good' and seeth his brother have need' and shutteth ùp his compassion from him' how dwelleth the love of Gòd in hìm?

Give àlms of thy goods' and never turn thy face from any pōōr man" and then' the face of the Lor`d shall not be turned away from thèe'"

Be mèrciful after thy power" if thou hast mu`ch' give plenteously" if thou hast li`ttle' do thy diligence gladly to give of that little" for

so gatherest thou thyself a good reward' in the day of necessity'=

He that hath pity upon the pòor' lendeth unto the Lord" and look' what he layeth out' it shall be paid him agai`n=

Ble'ssed be the man that provideth for the si`ck and nèedy" the Lord shall deli`ver him in the time of trouble=


Almighty and everliving God' who by thy holy Apostle hast taught us to make prayers and supplications' and to give thanks for all men" we humbly beseech thee' most mercifully [to accept our alms and oblations' and] to recèive these our prayers' which we offer unto thy divine Majesty" beseeching thee to inspire continually the unive`rsal church' with the spirit of truth' unity' and concord"" And grant that all those who do confe'ss thy hōly name' may agree in the truth of thy holy word' and live in ùnity' and godly love" We beseech thee also' so to direct and dispose the hearts of all Christian Rulers' that they may trùly' and impartially administer justice' to the punishment'

of wickedness and vice" and to the maintenance of thy true religion and virtue" Give grace' Ŏ Heavenly Father' to all Bishops and other Ministers' that they may' both by their life' and do`ctrine' set forth thy true and lively wor'd' and rightly and duly administer thy holy sàcraments"" And to all thy people' give thy heavenly grace" and especially to this congregation here present' that with meek heart' and due reverence' they may hèar' and receive thy holy word' truly serving thee in holiness and righteousness all the days of their life"" And we most humbly beseech thee' of thy goodness' Ŏ Lord' to comfort and succour all those' who' in this transitory life' are in trouble' sorrow' need' sickness' or any other adversity"" And we also ble'ss thy hōly name' for all thy servants departed this life in thy faith and fear' beseeching thee to give us grace' sō to follow their good examples' that with them' wè may be partakers of thy Heavenly kingdom""' Grant this' Ŏ Father' for Jesus Christ's sake' our only mediator and advocate=


Dearly beloved in the Lòrd" Ye who mind to come to the holy Communion of the Body

and Blood of our Saviour Christ" must consider' how Saint Paul exhorteth all persons' di'ligently to try and examine themselves' before they prèsume to eat of that bread' and drink of that cup"". For' as the benefit is great' if with a true penìtent heàrt' and lìvely faith' we receive that holy sacrament" so is the danger great if we receive the same unwo`rthily""" Judge' therefore' yourselves' Brethren' that ye be not judged of the Lord" repènt ye truly for your sins past" have a lively and steadfast faith in Christ our Saviour" amènd your lives' and be in perfect charity with all men" so shall ye be mèet partakers of those Holy Mysteries" And above all things' ye must give most humble and heàrty thanks' to God the Father' the Son' and the Holy Ghost' for the redemption of the world' by the death and passion of our Saviour Christ' both Gòd' and màn" who did humble himself even unto the dea'th upon the Cross' for us-miserable-sinners" who lay in darkness and the shadow of death' that he might make us the children of Go'd' and exalt us to everlasting life" And to the end that we should always remember' the exceeding great love of our Master and only Saviour' Jesus Christ' thu's dying for us" and

the innumerable benefits' which by his precious blood-shedding he hath obtained for us' He' hath instituted and ordained Holy Mysteries' as ple`dges of his lo`ve' and for a continual reme'mbrance of his death' to our great and endless comfort"" To Him' therefore' with the Father' and the Holy Ghost' let us give' (as we are most bounden') conti`nual thanks" submitting ourselves whòlly' to hi`s holy will and pleasure" and studying to serve him' in true holiness and righteousness' all the days of our life=


Ye' who do truly' and earnestly repent you of your sins" and are in love and charity with! your neighbours" and intend to lead a new life' following the commandments of God' and walking from henceforth in his holy ways" draw near with faìth' and take this holy sacrament to your comfort" and make your humble confe'ssion to Almighty God' devoutly kneeling


Almighty God' Father of our Lord Jesus Christ' Maker' of all things' Judge' of all men"

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