Notes and Queries, 52. kötetOxford University Press, 1875 |
Részletek a könyvből
1 - 3 találat összesen 28 találatból.
22. oldal
... anno 45 Hen . III .; and a third , of 55 Hen . III . , in which the name of his wife Christiana occurs ; as also one of anno 2 Edw . I. , where his wife's name is again mentioned , relating to Meopham ( vide Philipot , Fines of Kent ...
... anno 45 Hen . III .; and a third , of 55 Hen . III . , in which the name of his wife Christiana occurs ; as also one of anno 2 Edw . I. , where his wife's name is again mentioned , relating to Meopham ( vide Philipot , Fines of Kent ...
63. oldal
... anno 20 Edw . III . , or twenty - two years previous to the date when , according to Glover's pedigree , it had got into other hands , because at the levying of the aid for making the Black Prince a knight , in the former year , John ...
... anno 20 Edw . III . , or twenty - two years previous to the date when , according to Glover's pedigree , it had got into other hands , because at the levying of the aid for making the Black Prince a knight , in the former year , John ...
64. oldal
... anno 20 of same reign , distinguished himself at the siege of Carlaverock , and was rewarded with the honour of knighthood . He is included among the Kentish knights at that fight by Philipot , who incorrectly speaks of him as of Stoke ...
... anno 20 of same reign , distinguished himself at the siege of Carlaverock , and was rewarded with the honour of knighthood . He is included among the Kentish knights at that fight by Philipot , who incorrectly speaks of him as of Stoke ...
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addressed ancient anno appears arms ATHENÆUM Bell Bible Bishop called Catalogue centenarianism century Charles Church connexion contains copy correspondent CUTHBERT BEDE daughter Dictionary DIGESTIVE BISCUITS doubt Dublin Duke Earl edition Edward EDWARD SOLLY England English engraved F. J. FURNIVALL father French give given Henry Illustrated interesting Ireland Irish James John Malmains King Lady late Latin LEA & PERRINS letter London Lord married MARSALA WINE meaning Mithras Needwood Forest notice original paper parish passage person Phanuel Bacon Piccadilly poem portrait possession post free Postage free printed published Queen QUERIES quoted readers reference REGENT STREET remarks Royal Ryves says Shakspeare Sherry Skewball song stand Thomas tion translation Truss verses volume Wellington Street William WILLIAM PLATT Wines word writes