
XLVII. Musters and penalty on false musters.

XLVIII. Verifying of muster rolls.

XLIX. Trials for desertion after subsequent re-enlistment.

L. Apprehension of deserters.

LI. Penalty on marines straggling or attempting to desert from head-quarters.

LII. Temporary custody of deserters in gaols.

LIII. Fraudulent confession of deserter.

LIV. Punishment for inducing marines to desert.

LV. Extension of furlough in case of sickness.

LVI. Marines not to be taken for debts under 30%. or for not supporting family.

LVII. Officers not liable to take parish apprentices.

LVIII. Officers not to be sheriffs or mayors.

LIX. Enlisting and swearing of recruits.

LX. Dissent and relief from enlistment.

LXI. Offences connected with enlistment..

LXII. Penalty on officers offending as to enlistment.

LXIII. Apprentices enlisting to be liable to serve after the expiration of their apprenticeship.

LXIV. Claims of masters to apprentices.

LXV. No apprentice claimed by the master shall be taken away without a warrant.-Punishment of apprentices enlisting.

LXVI. Servants enlisting to be entitled to a portion of their wages.

LXVII. Removal of doubts as to attestation of marines.

LXVIII. Admiralty may order pay to be withheld.

LXIX. Billeting of marines.

LXX. Allowance to innkeepers.

LXXI. Supply of carriages.

LXXII. Rates for carriages.

LXXIII. Providing for supply of carriages, &c. in cases of emergency.

LXXIV. Justices of Peace to direct payment of sums expended for carriages, &c.

LXXV. Lord Lieutenant of Ireland may depute persons to sign routes.

LXXVI. Exemption from tolls.

LXXVII. Marching money on discharge.

LXXVIII. Notification to parishes of good or bad conduct of marines.

LXXIX. Penalties upon civil subjects offending against the laws relating to billets and carriages.

LXXX. Penalty upon officers of marines so offending.

LXXXI. Penalty for forcible entry.

LXXXII. Penalty for purchasing clothes, &c. from any marine.

LXXXIII. Penalty on unlawful recruiting.

LXXXIV. Penalty on officers killing game.

LXXXV. Limitation of actions.

LXXXVI. Recovery of penalties.

LXXXVII. Appropriation of penalties.

LXXXVIII. Licences of canteens.

LXXXIX. Mode of recording a marine's settlement.

xc. Administration of oaths.--Perjury.

XCI. Definition of terms.-Marines not to be billeted in private houses, &c.

XCII. Duration of Act.

XCIII. Act may be amended, &c.




AN ACT for consolidating the Office of the Registrar of Metropolitan Public Carriages with the Office of Commissioners of Police of the Metropolis, and making other Provisions in regard to the consolidated Offices.


1. Office of registrar of metropolitan public carriages abolished.

2. Duties of abolished office transferred to Commissioners of Police.

3. Retiring allowances may be granted to officers whose office abolished.

4. Standings for hackney carriages to be appointed.

5. Repeal of local Acts.

6. Saving of Bloomsbury Square Act.

7. One Police Commissioner may act.

8. This Act to be construed with 6 & 7 Vict. c. 86.

9. Commencement of this Act.

10. Act may be amended, &c.

(25th March 1850.)

By this ACT,

After reciting that it is expedient to abolish the office of the Registrar of Metropolitan Public Carriages, and to provide for the execution of the duties of the office of the Registrar of Metropolitan Public Carriages by the office of the Commissioners of Police of the Metropolis :

It is Enacted,

1. That the office of Registrar of Metropolitan Public Carriages be hereby abolished.

II. That all the jurisdiction, powers, authorities, privileges, interests, and duties now vested in or exercised by the office of Registrar of Metropolitan Public Carriages hereby abolished shall be transferred to and vested in and shall hereafter be exercised by the Commissioners of Police of the Metropolis, in as full and ample a manner to all intents and purposes as they were vested in and might have been exercised by the said Registrar of Metropolitan Public Carriages.

III. That it shall be lawful for the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury, and they are hereby empowered, to grant such retiring allowances and compensation as under the circumstances of the case they may deem reasonable and proper to any officer or person who may be deprived of his office or employment, or be superseded under the provisions of this Act; and all such retiring allowances and compensations shall be paid by the Commissioners of Inland Revenue out of any monies to arise from any of the duties under their care and management.

IV. That it shall be lawful for the said Commissioners of Police from time to time to appoint standings for hackney carriages at such places as they shall think convenient in any street, thoroughfare, or place of public resort within the Metropolitan Police District, any law, statute, or custom to the contrary thereof notwithstanding, and at their discretion to alter the same, and from time to time to make regulations concerning the boundaries of the same, and the number of carriages to be allowed at any such standing, and the times at and during which they may stand and ply for hire at any such standing, and also from time to time to make such regulations as the said Commissioners shall deem proper for enforcing order at every such standing, and for removing any person who shall unnecessarily loiter or remain at or about any such standing; and the said Commissioners shall cause all the orders and regulations to be made by them as aforesaid to be advertised in the London Gazette, and a copy thereof, signed by one of the said Commissioners, to be hung up for public inspection in the office of the Commissioners of Police in the city of Westminster and at each of the police courts, and such copy shall be received in evidence in the said courts as if it were the original of which it purports to be a copy, and shall be taken to be a true copy of such original order or regulation, without further proof than the signature of the said Commissioner.

And after reciting that doubts have arisen whether the powers given to the said Commissioners of Police by an Act, 6 & 7 Vict. c. 86, intituled 'An Act for regulating Hackney and Stage Carriages in and near London,' to appoint, alter, and regulate standings for hackney carriages, supersede the powers and provisions relating to the same matters or subject contained in local and other Acts applicable to certain parishes and places within the Metropolitan Police District:

It is Enacted,

v. That so much of the several Acts in force before the passing of the said Act, 6 & 7 Vict. c. 86, as relates to the appointing, continuing, altering, directing, or regulating standings for hackney carriages or chairs within any part of the Metropolitan Police District shall be and the same is hereby repealed, save and except so far as the provisions of the said Acts may repeal the whole or any part of any other Acts in relation to the matters aforesaid, and except as to offences and other matters committed or done before the commencement of this Act, which shall be dealt with and punished as if this Act had not been passed.

VI. Provided and enacted, That nothing in this Act or in the said Act, 6 & 7 Vict. c. 86, contained shall alter or repeal, or be construed to alter or repeal, or invalidate, or in anywise prejudicially affect, either wholly or in part, an Act, 46 Geo. 3.

c. 134, intituled 'An Act for ornamenting and embellishing the Centre or Area of Bloomsbury Square in the Parish of Saint George Bloomsbury in the County of Middlesex, and for preventing Hackney Coaches standing or plying for Hire in or near the said Square.'

VII. That all things herein authorized to be done by the Commissioners of Police of the Metropolis shall be done by such one of the said Commissioners as one of Her Majesty's principal Secretaries of State shall from time to time be pleased to appoint.

VIII. That this Act shall be construed as one Act with the said Act, 6 & 7 Vict. c. 86, intituled An Act for regulating Hackney and Stage Carriages in and near London,' and that all the provisions of the said Act, except so far as is herein otherwise provided, shall extend to this Act, and to all things done in execution of this Act.

IX. That this Act shall commence and take effect from the 5th day of April 1850.

x. That this Act may be amended or repealed by any Act to be passed in this session of Parliament.


AN ACT to authorize the Inclosure of certain Lands in pursuance of the Fifth Annual General Report of the Inclosure Commissioners for England and Wales, and to confirm the Proceedings in the Matter of the Common Wood Inclosure.


AN ACT to repeal the Duties and Drawbacks of Excise on Bricks.


(17th May 1850.)

(17th May 1850.)

1. Duties and drawbacks of Excise on bricks, and also the Act 2 & 3 Vict. c. 24, repealed; except as to arrears and penalties in respect thereof.

2. Drawback of a moiety of the duty charged to be allowed on the stocks of bricks in the possession of makers at the passing of this Act. 3. Purchasers of bricks under contracts made before the 27th day of March 1850 to be allowed by the seller an abatement from the price thereof equivalent to the duties from which the latter is relieved, and to allow the same to the persons with whom they have contracted.

4. Act may be amended, &c.

By this ACT,

After reciting that it is expedient to repeal the duties and drawbacks of Excise on bricks :

It is Enacted,

1. That from and after the passing of this Act all the duties and drawbacks of Excise on bricks, and also an Act, 2 & 3 Vict. c. 24, intituled 'An Act to repeal the Duties and Drawbacks of Excise on Bricks, and to grant other Duties and Drawbacks in lieu thereof, and to consolidate and amend the Laws for collecting and paying the said Duties and Drawbacks,' shall be and the same are hereby repealed, save and except so far as the said Act repeals any former Act or Acts, or any part thereof, and save and except also so far as relates to any of the said duties and drawbacks which have been charged or incurred or become payable respectively at any time before the passing of this Act, and all fines, penalties, and forfeitures in respect thereof or in relation thereto, all which said last-mentioned duties, drawbacks, fines, penalties, and forfeitures shall respectively be sued for, recovered, levied, paid, and applied in the same manner as if this Act had not been passed.

11. That, by way of drawback or remission of duty on the stocks of bricks in the possession of the makers thereof, there shall be allowed and repaid or remitted to the maker or owner of all bricks which at the time of the passing of this Act are in the entered field or other entered premises where the same have been made and charged with duty, and which are in a sound and perfect state, and have not been used for any purpose, excepting for the casing of clamps, a moiety of the duty which has been charged on such bricks; and the Commissioners of Inland Revenue shall forthwith cause accounts of all such bricks to be taken by their officers, under such regulations as the said Commissioners may make in that behalf, and shall allow and repay or remit a moiety of the said duties, according to such accounts respectively.

And after reciting that various contracts have been made before the passing of this Act for the sale and purchase or requir ing the use of bricks, and such contracts have been made on the assumption that the duties of Excise on bricks payable by law at the time of making such contracts would continue:

It is Enacted,

III. That the maker or seller of or person using any bricks by or under any such contract shall and he is hereby required, from and after the 27th of March 1850, to make an abatement from such contract, equivalent to the duty from which he will be relieved under or by virtue of this Act, in respect of all such bricks which he shall send out and deliver or use under or in pursuance of any such contract as aforesaid after the 27th of March 1850, (that is to say,) for and in respect of all such bricks, if any, which at the period last aforesaid were in the field, yard, or premises where the same were made and charged with duty a moiety of the said duty charged thereon, and for and in respect of all such bricks which shall be made at any time after the said 27th of March a sum equal to the duty of Excise which at the time of making such contract was payable on bricks of the like description.

IV. That this Act may be amended or repealed by any Act to be passed in this present session of Parliament.


AN ACT for raising the Sum of Nine millions two hundred thousand Pounds by Exchequer Bills, for the Service of the Year One thousand eight hundred and fifty.

By this ACT, the Commons grant and it is Enacted,

(17th May 1850.)

1. That the Treasury may raise 9,200,000l. by Exchequer Bills in like manner as is prescribed by 48 Geo. 3. c. 1, 4 & 5 Will. 4. c. 15, and 5 & 6 Vict. c. 66.

II. The clauses, &c. in recited Acts extended to this Act.

III. The Treasury to apply the money raised.

Iv. Bills, how to be charged and paid.

v. Interest on bills.

VI. Bills charged on supplies to be current in payment of public revenue after twelve calendar months from their dates. VII. Bank of England may advance 9,200,000l. on the credit of bills, notwithstanding 5 & 6 Will. & M. c. 20.


AN ACT to make better Provision for the Contributions of Unions and Parishes in School Districts to the common Funds of the respective Districts.


(17th May 1850.)

1. Repeal of the 7 & 8 Vict. c. 101. s. 47. in part.

2. The mode in which the averages of unions and parishes combined in school districts shall be ascertained and declared. 3. Provisions for the declaration of fresh averages.

4. Provision for the case of the addition of a parish or union to an existing district.

5. Accounts in any such district not closed and audited, to be settled according to provisions of this Act.

6. Interpretation of terms.

7. Act may be amended, &c.

By this ACT,

After reciting that by 7 & 8 Vict. c. 101. and by 11 & 12 Vict. c. 82, provisions are made for the formation of school districts for the management of certain infant poor by the combination of unions and parishes into such districts: And that it is by the said first-recited statute enacted, "that the expenses incurred by any district board in the purchase or hire of any building or buildings to be used as a school, or in erecting, repairing, adding to, or fitting up any building, and in the purchase of utensils and materials for the employment of the inmates of such school, or of books and other objects and things necessary for the instruction of such inmates, and the salaries of the officers and servants of the establishment, and all other expenses incurred on the common account of the parishes or unions, or parishes and unions, so united for the management of any class of infant poor, or incidental to the discharge of the duties of such district board, shall be paid by such unions in the proportion of the averages last declared for every such union, and by such parishes in the proportion of the average

expenditure of every such parish for the like period and purposes as those to which the declared averages of such unions shall relate; and the said Commissioners shall from time to time, by order under their hands and seal, ascertain and declare the proportion and rates of contribution in the above respects of every such parish and union:" And that such provision for the contributions of the several unions and parishes in such districts is inconvenient, and it is desirable that the same should be repealed, and other provisions should be enacted for the purpose aforesaid :

It is Enacted,

1. That after the passing of this Act so much of the said Act of 7 & 8 Vict. c. 101. s. 47. as is herein before recited, providing for the contribution of the unions and parishes comprised in any such school district, shall be and the same is hereby repealed.

11. That in respect of any district heretofore formed or hereafter to be formed under the provisions of the statutes aforesaid the Poor Law Board shall cause an inquiry to be made as to the average annual expense incurred by or on account of the relief of the poor in every union and parish forming an integral part of such district during the three years ending on the 25th of March next before the date of the formation of such district, such expense to include the cost of the relief of the poor belonging to the parish, or, in the case of a union, the cost of the relief of the poor belonging to the several parishes thereof, and of those chargeable upon the common fund thereof, and in each case the payment of the salaries of all officers engaged in the administration of the relief of the poor, and other like expenses of current and ordinary nature; and the said board shall by an order declare the respective averages so ascertained, and after the issue of such order the several unions and parishes comprised in any such district shall contribute to the several charges set forth in the clause herein before cited from the said first-mentioned Statute according to the proportion of the averages declared in such order until the same shall be altered by any subsequent order of the said board.

III. That the said Poor Law Board, from time to time whenever it shall seem proper to them to do so, may cause a fresh inquiry to be made in manner aforesaid, in respect of any such district, as to the expense of the unions and parishes therein for the three years ending on the 25th of March next preceding such inquiry, and declare by their order the averages ascertained by such inquiry, and thereupon the contributions of the several unions and parishes in such district to the charges aforesaid shall be calculated according to the averages so last declared.

IV. That when any union or parish shall be added to any previously formed district the said board shall cause the average expense of such union or parish corresponding with the period for which the averages of such district shall have been last ascertained and declared as aforesaid.

v. That in respect of any district heretofore formed all charges and expenses which shall not have been closed and audited at the passing of this Act, and to which the said clause of the said first-recited statute would have applied, shall be estimated and settled according to the proportions of the averages to be declared according to the provisions of this Act.

VI. That the several words used in this Act shall be construed in the manner prescribed by the said recited statute, 7 & 8
Vict. c. 101., and the statutes explaining and extending it; and that every provision of the said several statutes not repealed
shall extend to this Act, except where any such provision would be inconsistent with anything herein contained.
VII. That this Act may be amended or repealed by any Act to be passed in this present session of Parliament.


AN ACT to indemnify such Persons in the United Kingdom as have omitted to qualify themselves for Offices and Employments, and to extend the Time limited for those Purposes respectively.

This ACT contains the following clauses:

(17th May 1850.)

1. Persons who have omitted to qualify themselves as required by the recited Acts indemnified and allowed further time. II. Indemnity to those who have omitted to make and subscribe the oath and declaration required by the Irish Act of 2 Anne.

III. Not to indemnify persons against whom final judgment has been given.

IV. Not to exempt Justices acting without legal qualification.

v. Admissions to corporations may be stamped after the time allowed.

VI. Not to restore persons to any office avoided by judgment.

VII. General issue.

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