such list of registered voters, and who respectively are desirous to have their names inserted in the register about to be made under this Act, (except persons registered under the said recited Act in respect of any qualification heretofore requiring the elector to be or to have been in the actual occupation of the premises,) to deliver or send to him at his office on or before the 25th of November 1850, a notice in writing, by them signed, of their claim to vote as aforesaid; and every such person, or any person who, being upon such list of registered voters as aforesaid, may be desirous to make a new claim, shall on or before the said 25th of November deliver or send to the said clerk of the peace a notice, signed by him, of his claim, according to the form of notice set forth in that behalf in the form (numbered 7.) in the said Schedule (A.), or to the like effect, and the clerk othe peace of every county shall on or before the 22nd of July in every year after 1851 publish in each barony a notice according to the Form (numbered 8.) in the said Schedule (A.), having first signed the same, requiring all persons entitled to vote in the election of a knight or knights of the shire to serve in Parliament in respect of any property situate wholly or in part in each barony, who shall not be upon the register for such barony of voters then in force, and shall not be on the supplemental list for such barony, and all persons so entitled to vote as aforesaid, who, being upon such register, shall not retain the same qualification or continue in the same place of abode as described in such register, and who are desirous to have their names inserted in the register about to be made, to give or send to the said clerk of the peace at his office, on or before the 4th of August then next ensuing, a notice in writing, by them signed, of their claim to vote as aforesaid; and every such person, and any person who, being upon such register, may be desirous to make a new claim, shall on or before the said 4th of August deliver or send to the said clerk of the peace at his office a notice signed by him of his claim, according to the form of notice set forth in that behalf in the Form (numbered 9.) in the said Schedule (A.) or to the like effect. XXIII. That the clerk of the peace of every county in Ireland shall on or before the 30th of November 1850, and on or before the 9th of August in every year after 1851, make out, according to the Form (numbered 10.) in the said Schedule (A.), an alphabetical list for each barony of all persons who on or before the 25th of November 1850, or on or before the 4th of August then next preceding in each year after 1851, shall have claimed as aforesaid for such barony; and in every such list the Christian name and surname of every claimant, with the place of his abode, the nature of his qualifications, and the local or other description of the property, and the name of the occupying tenant thereof (if any), shall be written as the same are stated in the claim; and the said clerk of the peace, if he shall have reasonable cause to believe that any person whose name shall appear in such list of claimants is not entitled to have his name upon the register for such barony then next to be made, shall add, by a stamp or in writing, the word "objected" before the name of every such person on the margin of such list of claimants; and the clerk of the peace shall cause a sufficient number of copies of such list of claimants in each barony, with all such marginal additions as aforesaid, to be written or printed, and shall on or before the 2nd of December 1850, or on or before the 11th of August in each year after 1851, sign and publish the same in such barony to which the same relates, and shall likewise keep at some police station or other house within such respective barony (giving due notice of such police station or house at the respective times last aforesaid) a copy of such list of claimants, with the marginal additions as aforesaid, signed by him, to be perused by any person without payment of any fee, at any time between the hours of ten of the clock in the forenoon and four of the clock in the afternoon of any day except Sunday, during the first fourteen days after the same shall have been published, and shall deliver written or printed copies thereof, signed by him, to all persons applying for the same, on payment of a price for each copy after the rate contained in the table (numbered 1.) in the said Schedule (C.) to this Act annexed. XXIV. That in the year 1850, and for the purposes of the register for 1851, the list as aforesaid of voters registered under the said recited Act, and in every succeeding year the copy of the register for the time being, together, in such respective year, with the supplemental list and such list of claimants (if any) as aforesaid for every barony, with the marginal additions respectively as aforesaid, shall be deemed to be the list of voters of such barony for the county within which such barony may be situate, for the purposes hereinafter mentioned. XXV. That it shall be lawful for any person whose name shall be on any list of voters for the time being for any county in Ireland, upon request made by him at any time between the hours of ten of the clock in the forenoon and four of the clock in the afternoon of any day except Sunday, between the 12th of November and the 13th of December 1850, and between the 27th of July and the 21st of August in every year after 1851, to any clerk of the union or other officer having the custody of any poor-rate book, to inspect such poor-rate book, and make extracts therefrom, for any purpose relating to any claim or objection made or intended to be made by or against such person; and every such clerk of the union or other officer as aforesaid is hereby required, upon such request as aforesaid, to permit such inspection and the making of such extracts, without payment of any fee. XXVI. That in the year 1850 every person who shall have been registered as a voter for any county in Ireland under the provisions of the said recited Act within eight years next previous to the 16th of March 1851, and in every year after 1851, every person who shall be upon the register of voters for the time being for any such county may object to any other person upon any list of voters or list of claimants for such county as not having been entitled on the 9th of November next preceding (as regards the year 1850), and on the 20th of July then next preceding (as regards each year after 1851), to have his name inserted in any list of voters or claimants for such county; and every person so objecting (save and except clerks of the peace and clerks of the union objecting in the manner hereinbefore mentioned) shall on or before the 12th of December 1850, and on or before the 20th of August in each year after 1851, give or cause to be given to the clerk of the peace of the county a notice, according to the Form (numbered 11.) in the said Schedule (A.), or to the like effect; and the person so objecting shall on or before the said 12th of December 1850, and on or before the 20th of August in each year after 1851, give or cause to be given to the person so objected to, or leave or cause to be left at his place of abode as described in such list, a notice according to the Form (numbered 12.) in the said Schedule (A.), or to the like effect; and every such notice of objection shall be signed by the party so objecting as aforesaid; and whenever the place of abode of the person objected to as described in the said list shall not be in the barony to which such list may relate, and the name of the occupying tenant of the whole or any part of the qualifying property, together with his place of abode, shall appear in such list, the person so objecting shall also, on or before the same day, give to or leave, or cause to be given or left, at the place of abode of any such occupying tenant, a duplicate notice, signed as aforesaid. XXVII. That the clerk of the peace shall in every year include the names of all persons against whom notice of objection shall have been given to him as aforesaid in that year in a list for each barony, according to the form (numbered 13.) in the said Schedule (A.), and shall publish such list in such barony on or before the 14th of December 1850, and on or before the 22nd of August in each year after 1851, and shall also keep at some police station or other house in such respective barony (giving due notice of such police station or house at the respective times last aforesaid) a copy of such list, to be perused by any person, without payment of any fee, at any time between the hours of ten of the clock in the forenoon and four of the clock in the afternoon, of any day except Sunday, during the first fourteen days after such list shall have been so published, and shall deliver a copy of such list to any person requiring the same, on payment of a price for each copy after the rate contained in the Table (numbered 1.) in the Schedule (C.) to this Act annexed: Provided also, that the clerk of the peace shall in due time for the purposes aforesaid in each year cause to be printed or provided a sufficient number of notices of claim according to the Forms (No. 7. and 9.), and of the notices of objection according to the Forms (No. 11 and 12.) in the said Schedule (A.) or to the like effect, and shall give a copy thereof, without cost or charge, to any person applying for the same in order to make a claim or objection. XXVIII. That for the purpose of forming a register of all persons entitled to vote in the election of a member or members to serve in Parliament for the several cities, towns, and boroughs in Ireland, the clerk of the peace of or acting in or for every such city. town, or borough entitled to return a member or members to serve in Parliament shall, on or before the 9th of September 1850, make out according to the Form (numbered 1.) in the Schedule (B.) to this Act annexed, an alphabetical list of all persons, if any, registered within eight years previous to the 16th of March then next ensuing, as voters for such city, town, or borough, under the said recited Act to amend the representation of the people of Ireland, in respect of the inhabitancy of houses situate within such city, town, or borough, with the dates and particulars of their respective registries annexed, and another alphabetical list, according to the Form (numbered 2.) in the said Schedule (B.), of all other persons (except persons on the freemen's roll, and except all persons registered under the said recited Act in respect of the occupation of premises of the clear yearly value of not less than 10%, or in respect of any qualification, save that of forty shilling freeholders, requiring the elector to be or to have been in actual occupation,) registered under the said Act, within the period aforesaid, by virtue of any other right whatsoever, as voters for such city, town, or borough, with the dates and particulars of their respective registries annexed, and a third alphabetical list, according to the Form (numbered 3.) in the said Schedule (B.) of all persons on the freemen's roll registered under the said Act within the period aforesaid as voters for such city, town, or borough, with the dates and particulars of their respective registries annexed; and each such clerk of the peace shall on or before the 1st of June in the year 1852, and each of the next succeeding five years, make out, according to the like Forms, separate alphabetical lists of all persons, except as aforesaid, registered under the said recited Act within eight years previous to the 1st of December then next ensuing, who shall then appear on the register of voters for such city, town, or borough, with the dates and particulars of their respective registries annexed, each in the proper list, according to the nature of his franchise. XXIX. That the clerk of the peace of or acting in or for every such city, town, or borough shall cause a sufficient number of forms of notices and lists to be printed, according to the respective Forms, (numbered 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 11, 12, 13, 16, 17, and 18) in the said Schedule (B.) and of the Table (numbered 1.) in the said Schedule (C,) to this Act annexed, and shall also, on or before the 9th of September 1850, and on or before the 1st of June in the year 1852, and every succeeding year, make and cause to be delivered to the town clerk of every such city, town, or borough his precept in writing, according to the Form (numbered 4.) in the said Schedule (B.), and also a sufficient number of the said printed forms of notices and lists and of the said table, and shall also in the years 1850 and 1852, and each of the next succeeding five years, deliver together therewith to the town clerk of every such city, town, or borough the said alphabetical lists directed to be made out by him as aforesaid, and also in every year after the year 1851 a sufficient number of copies of the register under this Act of voters then in force for such city, town, or borough. XXX. That the town clerk of every such city, town, or borough shall on or before the 13th of September in the year 1850, and on or before the 5th of June in every year after 1851, publish a notice in writing, according to the Form (numbered 5.) in the said Schedule (B.), stating that no person will be entitled to have his name inserted in any list of voters for such city, town, or borough then next to be made in respect of the inhabitancy of a house, or in respect of the occupation of premises rated under the Acts for the relief of the destitute poor in Ireland, as of a net annual value of 81. or upwards, situate within such city, town, or borough, unless he shall pay, on or before the 30th of September 1850, and on or before the 1st of July then next ensuing in each year after 1851 all the poor's rates (if any) which shall have become payable by him in respect of such premises previously to the 31st of March 1850 (as regards the register for 1851), and previously, in any succeeding year, to the 1st of January in such year. XXXI. That the town clerk of every such city, town, or borough, for his assistance in making out the list of voters as hereinafter mentioned, (upon request made by him at any time between the hours of ten of the clock in the forenoon and four of the clock in the afternoon of any day, except Sunday, between the 5th of November and the 12th of December 1850, and between the 16th of June and the 20th of July in every year after 1851 to any collector of poor-rates, or to any other officer having the custody of any such rate or rate book,) shall have free liberty to inspect the same, and to extract such particulars as may appear to such town clerk to be necessary; and every collector of poor-rates of premises within such city, town, or borough, or officer having the custody of the rate books relating to the same, shall (if required by the town clerk) within four days after the 30th of September 1850, or the 1st of July in every year after 1851, make out and deliver to the said town clerk a list containing the name and place of abode of every person who shall not have paid on or before the 30th of September 1850, and on or before the said 1st of July in each year after 1851, all such rates within the collection of such collector as aforesaid which shall have become payable by him (if any) in respect of the occupation of any lands, tenements, or hereditaments in such city, town or borough, describing such premises, previously to the 31st of March 1850, (as regards the register for the year 1851), and previously, in any succeeding year, to the 1st of January in such year; and the town clerk shall keep the said list, to be perused by any person, without payment of any fee, at any time between the hours of ten of the clock in the forenoon and four of the clock in the afternoon of any day, except Sunday, during the first fourteen days after the list of voters shall have been published as hereinafter mentioned. XXXII. That the clerk of every poor law union comprising the whole or any part of any city, town, or borough in Ireland returning a member or members to serve in Parliament shall, on or before the 10th of October 1850, and on or before the 8th of July in every year after 1851, make out and transmit to the town clerk of each such city, town, or borough a list of every male person of full age who shall be rated in the then last rate made under the Acts for the more effectual relief of the destitute poor in Ireland as the occupier of any lands, tenements, or hereditaments situate within such city, town, or borough, of a net annual value of 81. or upwards, and of every such person as last aforesaid who shall be rated in the then last rate made under the said Acts jointly with any other person or persons as the occupier of any such lands, tenements, or hereditaments, situated as aforesaid, of a net annual value of such an amount as when divided by the number of occupiers would give to each such occupier a net annual value of 81. or upwards, excluding nevertheless from such list every such occupier and every such joint occupier who shall not in the year 1850 on or before the 30th of September, and in each year after 1851, shall not on or before the 1st of July in such year, have paid all poor rates (if any) which shall have become payable by him in respect of such premises previously (in the year 1850) to the 31st of March in such year, and previously (in any year after 1851) to the 1st of January then last; and such lists shall be in the form and shall contain the particulars mentioned in Form (No. 6.) in the Schedule (B.) to this Act annexed; and such lists shall be signed by such respective clerk of the union, and shall be verified by him as true and correct according to the best of his belief, by an oath or declaration to be taken or made by him before some Justices of the Peace acting in and for the said city, town, or borough, or the county in which the union workhouse is situate, and which oath or declaration any such Justice is hereby authorized and required to take. XXXIII. That the town clerk of every such city, town, or borough shall, on or before the 9th of November 1850, and on or before the 20th of July in every year after 1851, make out or cause to be made out alphabetical lists of all persons who shall be entitled to vote in the election of a member or members to serve in Parliament for such city, town, or borough; that is to say, first, an alphabetical list, according to the Form (numbered 7.) in the Schedule (B.) to this Act annexed, of every such male person of full age as shall appear on the list transmitted to him by the clerk of the union in such respective year as the rated occupier, or one of several such rated joint occupiers, of lands, tenements, or hereditaments situate within such city, town, or borough, of the net annual value of 81. or upwards (and in the case of joint occupiers) of the net annual value of 81. or upwards for each of such joint occupiers as aforesaid, and also of all persons (if any) who shall be then entitled to vote in the election of a member or members to serve in Parliament for such city, town, or borough in respect of the inhabitancy of houses; and another alphabetical list, according to the Form (numbered 8.) in the said Schedule (B.) of all other persons (except persons on the freemen's roll) who shall be entitled to vote in the election of such city, town, or borough by virtue of any other right whatsoever; and a third alphabetical list, according to the Form (numbered 9.) in the Schedule (B.) of all persons on the freemen's roll who shall be entitled to vote in the election of such city, town, or borough, and shall in 1850, and 1852, and in each of the next succeeding five years, insert in such lists respectively all persons on the several alphabetical lists delivered to such town clerk by the clerk of the peace as afore provided, with the dates of their respective registries under the said recited Act annexed, each in the proper list according to the nature of his franchise (except all persons registered under the said recited Act in respect of the occupation of premises of the clear yearly value of not less than 107. situate within such city, town, or borough): Provided always, that such town clerk shall omit from the first-mentioned list all such persons as shail not have paid on or before the 30th of September 1850, or on or before the 1st of July in each year after 1851, all poorrates payable by them severally, if any, in respect of such lands, tenements, or hereditaments, previously to the 31st of March 1850 (as regards the register for the year 1851), and previously (in any succeeding year) to the 1st of January in such year, and shall in like manner omit from the two last-mentioned lists all such forty shilling freeholders, freemen, and others entitled to vote by any right to the enjoyment of which residence is by law required as shall not have resided for six calendar months next previous to the 9th of November 1850 (as regards the register for the year 1851), or next previous (in any succeeding year) to the 20th of July in such respective year, within the said city, town, or borough, or within seven statute miles of the usual place of election therein, and shall add, by a stamp or in writing, the word "objected" to the name of any person inserted in such first-mentioned list in case such town clerk shall have reasonable cause to believe such person not to be or to have ceased to be occupier or joint occupier as aforesaid of the premises in respect of which he shall have been rated, or not to have been such occupier or joint occupier for the space of twelve calendar months next previous to the said last-mentioned respective days in such respective years; and such town clerk shall in every year after 1851 in like manner add the word "objected" to the name of every person whose qualification appearing on such copy of register shall be the occupation or joint occupation of premises of the net annual value of 81. or upwards, or (in the case of joint occupiers) of the net annual value of 84 or upwards for each of such joint occupiers, and who shall not appear in the list transmitted to him by the clerk of such union in such year; and such town clerk in every year shall also in like manner add the word "objected" or "dead" before the name of any person contained in such list of voters or copy of register delivered by the clerk of the peace as aforesaid, if such town clerk have reasonable cause to believe that such person is not entitled to have his name on the register then next to be made, or is dead, as the case may be; and in each of the said lists the Christian name and surname of every such person shall be written at full length, together with the place of his abode and the nature of his qualification, and where any person shall be entitled to vote in respect of any lands, tenements, or hereditaments, then the name of the street, lane, and the number of the house (if any), or other description of the place, where such lands, tenements, or hereditaments may be situate, shall be specified in the list; and the said town clerk shall sign such list, and shall forthwith cause a sufficient number of copies of the said lists, with all such marginal additions, to be written or printed, and shall publish copies of the said lists on or before the 12th of November 1850, and on or before the 22nd of July in each year after 1851, and shall likewise keep a copy of each of the said lists, to be perused by any person, without payment of any fee, at any time between the hours of ten of the clock in the forenoon and four of the clock in the afternoon of any day, except Sunday, during the first fourteen days after such lists shall have been so published, and shall deliver copies thereof to all persons applying for the same, on payment of a price for each copy after the rate contained in the Table (numbered 1.) in the Schedule (C.) to this Act annexed. XXXIV. That every person whose name shall have been omitted in any such list of voters for any such city, town, or borough so to be made out as aforesaid, and who shall claim as having been entitled on the 9th of November 1850 (as regards the register for the year 1851), or on the 20th of July then next preceding (as regards every year after 1851), by virtue of any registration under the herein before first recited Act or otherwise, to have his name inserted therein, (except persons claiming by virtue of any such registration in respect of the occupation of premises of the clear yearly value of not less than 10,) and every person desirous of being registered for a different qualification than that for which his name appears in the said list, shall on or before the 25th of November 1850, and on or before the 4th of August in each year after 1851, give or cause to be given to the town clerk of such city, town, or borough a notice according to the Form (numbered 10.) in the said Schedule (B.), or to the like effect, and the town clerk shall include the names of all persons so claiming as aforesaid in lists according to the Forms (numbered 11, 12, and 13) respectively in the said Schedule (B.); and in every such list the Christian name and surname of every claimant, with the place of his abode, the nature of his qualifications, and the local or other description of the property, shall be inserted as the same are stated in the claim; and the said town clerk, if he shall have reasonable cause to believe that any person whose name shall appear in such list of claimants is not entitled to have his name upon the register then next to be made, shall add as aforesaid the word "objected" before the name of every such person on the margin of such list of claimants; and the town clerk shall cause a sufficient number of copies of such lists of claimants, with all such marginal additions as aforesaid, to be written or printed, and shall on or before the 2nd of December 1850, and on or before the 11th of August in every year after 1851, sign and publish the same, and shall likewise keep copies of such lists of claimants, with the marginal additions as aforesaid, signed by him, to be perused by any person, without payment of any fee, at any time between the hours of ten of the clock in the forenoon and four of the clock in the afternoon of any day, except Sunday, during the first fourteen days after the same shall have been published, and shall deliver written or printed copies thereof, signed by him, to all persons applying for the same, on payment of a price for each copy after the rate contained in the Table (numbered 1.) in the said Schedule (C.) to this Act annexed. XXXV. That it shall be lawful for any person whose name shall be on any list of voters for the time being for any such city, town, or borough, or for any person who shall have claimed to have his name inserted in any such list, upon request made by any such person, at any time between the hours of ten of the clock in the forenoon and four of the clock in the afternoon of any day except Sunday, between the 15th of November and the 12th of December 1850, and between the 27th of July and the 20th of August in each year after 1851, to any collector of poor-rate or other officer having the custody of any such rate or rate book, to inspect the same, and make extracts therefrom, for any purpose relating to any claim or objection made or intended to be made by or against such person; and every such collector or other officer as aforesaid is hereby required, upon such request as aforesaid, to permit such inspection and the making such extract, without payment of any fee. XXXVI. That every person whose name shall have been inserted in any list of voters for any such city, town, or borough may object to any other person as not having been entitled on the 9th of November 1850 (as regards the register for the year 1851), or on the 20th of July next preceding (as regards each year after 1851), to have his name inserted in any list of voters or list of claimants for the same city, town, or borough; and every person so objecting (save and except town clerks objecting in the manner hereinbefore mentioned) shall on or before the 12th of December 1850 and on or before the 20th of August in each year after 1851, give or cause to be given a notice according to the Form (numbered 14.) in the said Schedule (B.), or to the like effect, to the town clerk of such city, town, or borough; and every person so objecting shall also on or before the said 12th of December 1850, and on or before the 20th of August in each year after 1851, give or cause to be left at the place of abode of the person objected to, as stated in the said list, a notice according to the Form (numbered 15.) in the said Schedule (B.); and every notice of objection shall be signed by the person objecting. XXXVII. That the said town clerk shall include the names of all persons so objected to in lists according to the Forms numbered 16, 17, and 18.) in the said Schedule (B.), and shall sign the said lists, and cause copies thereof to be written or printed, and shall publish the said lists of persons objected to as aforesaid on or before the 14th of December 1850, and on or before the 22nd of August in each year after 1851, and shall keep copies of the said lists, and shall allow the same, and also the notices of objection which they shall have received, to be perused by any person, without payment of any fee, at any time between the hours of ten of the clock in the forenoon and four of the clock in the afternoon of any day, except Sunday, during the first fourteen days after such lists shall have been so published, and shall deliver copies of each of such lists to any person requiring the same, on payment of a price for each copy after the rate contained in the Table (numbered 1.) in the Schedule (C.) to this Act annexed. XXXVIII. That the said town clerk shall, on or before the 17th of December 1850, and on or before the 25th of August in every year after 1851, deliver to the clerk of the peace of or acting in or for such city, town, or borough, copies of the said lists of voters, made out by him as aforesaid, with the marginal additions as aforesaid, and a copy of the said list of persons who shall have claimed as aforesaid, and a copy of the said lists of persons objected to as aforesaid, respectively signed by him, together (in the year 1850) with the said list of voters registered under the said recited Act, and together (in every year after 1851) with the copy of the register as aforesaid. XXXIX. That every notice, list, register, or other document herein required to be published shall be so published by being fixed in some public and conspicuous situation, in the case of publication by the clerk of the peace, on the outer wall near the door of each police station, and on the usual places for posting notices or applications for grand jury presentments in the respective barony, and in the case of publication by a town clerk, on the outer door or outer wall near the door of the town hall, or if there be no town hall then in some public and conspicuous situation within the respective city, town, or borough theretofore used for posting public notices. XL. That in all cases in which any notice, list, copy of register, or other document shall, pursuant to the provisions aforesaid, be affixed on any such place as aforesaid, the same shall continue so fixed for a period including two consecutive Sundays at the least next after the day on or before which the same is herein before required to be published; and in case the same shall be destroyed, mutilated, effaced, or removed before the expiration of such period, the party hereinbefore required to publish the same as aforesaid shall, as soon as conveniently may be, publish in like manner in its place another notice, list, copy of register, or other document to the like purport and effect with the notice, list, copy of register, paper, or other document so destroyed, mutilated, effaced, or removed. XLI. That every person who shall wilfully destroy, mutilate, efface, or remove any notice, list, copy of register, or other document so affixed as aforesaid, during the period during which the same is herein before required to remain so affixed, shall for every such offence forfeit any sum not exceeding 40s. nor less than 10s. to any person who will sue for the same, to be recovered in a summary inanuer before two Justices of the Peace. XLII. That no list shall be invalidated by reason that it shall not have been affixed in every place and for the full time herein before required for publication thereof, but that every such list which shall have been affixed in any place and for any part of the time hereinbefore mentioned in that behalf shall be revised and adjudicated upon as hereinafter directed: Provided nevertheless, that nothing herein contained shall be construed to exempt the clerk of the peace, town clerk, or other person charged with the duty of publishing such list as aforesaid from the penalties of his neglect or wilful default. XLIII. That in case no list of voters shall have been made out for any barony, city, town, or borough in any year, or in case such lists shall not have been affixed in any place herein before mentioned in that behalf, the list of the registered voters for the county in which such barony is situate, or for the city, town, or borough, made out by the clerk of the peace on or before the 1st of February 1850, as required by the said first-recited Act, shall in the said year, so far as respects such barony, eity, town, or borough, and in any year after 1851, the register of voters for that barony, city, town, or borough then in force, shall be taken to be the list of voters for that barony, city, town, or borough for the year then next ensuing; and the provisions herein contained respecting any such list of voters shall be taken to apply to such list of registered voters or register as aforesaid. XLIV. That the clerk of the peace of every such county shall in the year 1850, as soon as possible after the 17th of December, and in every year after 1851, as soon as possible after the 25th of August, transmit to the assistant barrister of such county or any riding thereof, or to the chairman of the sessions of the peace in the case of the county of Dublin, an abstract of the lists of claimants and of the lists of persons objected to by such clerk of the peace, and by the clerk or clerks of the union or unions, and by other persons in each barony in and for the same county; and the clerk of the peace of or acting in or for every such city, town, or borough shall, as soon as possible after the 17th of December in the year 1850, and as soon as possible after the 25th of August in every year after 1851 transmit an abstract of the said several lists of claimants, and the lists of persons objected to by the town clerk, and by the clerk or clerks of the union or unions, and by others, in the same city, town, or borough, to the assistant barrister, chairman, or his deputy having jurisdiction under the said first-recited Act for the registry of voters for such city, town, or borough, in order that proper times and places for holding courts for the revision of such lists respectively may be appointed. XLV. That every such assistant barrister or chairman presiding at any such court of revision under this Act in the year 1851, whether the same be held during the general or quarter sessions or not, shall be paid at the rate of five guineas for every day that he shall be employed in such revision; and every such barrister or chairman, after the termination of his last session for such purpose, shall lay or cause to be laid before the Lord Lieutenant, or other chief governor or governors of Ireland a statement of the number of days during which he shall have been so employed, and such Lord Lieutenant or other chief governor or governors shall, if he or they think fit, cause the said statement to be examined by some competent authority, and shall certify the same to the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury, who shall thereupon direct payment of the sum due to such barrister or chairman out of the Consolidated Fund of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland; and the deputy of the chairman of the sessions of the peace of the county of Dublin having jurisdiction under the said first-recited Act for the registry of voters for the city of Dublin shall receive, in respect of the revision of voters for the said city under this Act, such remuneration from time to time and in such manner as by the said recited Act is provided for such deputy in respect of the registration of voters for the said city under the said recited Act. XLVI. That the assistant barrister or the chairman, as the case may be, of every county or riding, shall make a circuit, and hold open courts for such revision at each of the places which may be from time to time appointed as polling places for such county or riding, and at any such other places within the said county or riding as the Lord Lieutenant or other chief governor or governors of Ireland shall appoint, at convenient times between the 1st of January inclusive and the 14th of February inclusive, in the year 1851, and between the 8th of September inclusive and the 25th of October inclusive in every succeeding year, and shall, ten days at the least before the holding of the first court of revision, give notice to the clerk of the peace of the several times and places at which the said courts will be holden, and of the several baronies the lists of and for which will be revised at each of the said courts; and the said clerk of the peace shall forthwith cause public notice thereof to be given by advertisement in one or more of the newspapers circulating within the said county, and shall cause a sufficient number of copies of the said notice to be written or printed, and published and posted in each barony, and shall deliver or send copies thereof to the clerk or clerks of the union or unions in which the several baronies or parts thereof are situate, and require him or them to attend at the court appointed for the revision of the list of voters relating to the said barony or baronies respectively. XLVII. That such respective assistant barrister or chairman, or his deputy, as before the passing of this Act would have had jurisdiction under the said recited Act for the registry of voters for any such city, town, or borough, shall hold an open court for the revision of the lists of voters within such city, town, or borough, between the 1st of January inclusive and the 14th of February inclusive in the year 1851, and between the 8th of September inclusive and the 25th of October inclusive in every succeeding year, and shall, ten days at the least before holding such court, give notice to the clerk of the peace acting for such city, town, or borough of the time and place for holding the same; and the clerk of the peace shall forthwith publish such notice in the manner herein before directed, and also in the manner in which notices of the holding of sessions are usually published. VOL. XXVIII.-STAT. X |