
loose sheets, and then those sheets be made up in a book. Indeed, there should be two books, one to be sent to the parliament, the other to be kept in the county. All this writing to be paid for, by those, for whose benefit it is done, according to the length and depo sitions that concern them. And it is much if it cost any man five shillings.

The second objection is:

That by these abatements, according to the proposals here offered, the tax will fall short.

In answer to which I must acknowledge, that the tax will fall short, at least, half a million; but if the publick occasions require it, this may and must be made good by a farther tax; which by this time will be pretty equal. And, surely, it is much fitter, that the whole nation should bear this further burthen by an equal tax, than that part of the nation should bear it, by having the inequality continued upon them, and by paying above their proportion.


It is confessed, that, when all is done that hath been here proposed, there will still remain some inequality; for, as the rates are now, there are many that, to the last great tax, pay under two shillings in the pound; and there is nothing here offered to raise them. must therefore be content, at least at present, to let them enjoy this advantage. Let them pay twenty pence, or eighteen pence, or less, while others pay two shillings. But that some should pay but twenty pence, or eighteen pence, while others pay four, five, or six shillings, or more; so that some are at ease, whilst others are destroyed; is too unreasonable, and ought to be endured no longer.

You will ask, what injury is it to me, if my neighbour be eased; I answer, the injury is, that I am not eased too. And, if he pay below his proportion, I must pay above mine. And, by the undue easing of him and others, the tax falls short of what it would other wise be; so that the publick occasions call for further taxes, of which I shall bear part, and still above my proportion. If some part-owners should pay less in proportion than others toward the ship's charge, it would be a plain wrong to those others. And so it would be, if some lands in a marsh should, for maintaining the sea walls, pay but sixpence an acre, when other lands pay twelve-pence.

It hath been said, that, though a tax were laid, as hath been here proposed, yet there would be still some inequality. But the next tax after might bring things more even. For it might be granted for the same gross sum, with this proviso that none pay above one shilling in the pound; with the same methods for giving ease. And this tax would make good what the other falls short, for both these taxes will amount to three shillings in the pound; which is very near the true proportion, that all lands should pay the tax now on foot.

Thus, by the way that hath been here proposed, there must be two steps to arrive at the reformation intended. But I conceive, upon further consideration, that the thing may be done at once, and that the first new tax may be at the former rates, provided that none pay above one shilling in the pound. Which will be the same thing in effect, as a tax of twelve-pence in the pound, with a new and sure

method to have it equally assessed. This tax may, by the good old word, be called a subsidy; and the parliament, now, and at other times, may please to grant either one subsidy, or part of one, or a subsidy and a half, or two or three subsidies or more, according as the publick occasions require.

But still, after all hath been done, the taxes will not yet be exactly equal. For there are divers, as I am well informed, that do not pay six-pence a pound to the great tax* now upon us. I leave these to be further considered, and, in the mean time, though they do not pay to the full, yet they will pay three times as much in proportion, as they did formerly.

I have all this while been driving at equality; but there is an equality so unequal, that I cannot but declare my sense against it; and that is, that houses should bear equal proportion with lands, for which there is no reason, as every man's reason will tell him. They ought, therefore, to be abated a fourth or a fifth part.

If the parliament shall not think fit to enter upon this great work at present (though it is every man's work, and would be soon done) they may however, by a shorter way, give some relief (if they please) to those that are oppressed in the land-tax; that is, to those that pay plainly above their proportion. And this may be done, by making the sum of the tax, next granted, to be something less than the last, and then distributing this abatement among the counties, that are now notoriously overcharged, the other counties continuing as they are. Thus, whereas the last tax was for about seventeen hundred thousand pounds, the next may be for fifteen or fourteen hundred thousand; which is two or three hundred thousand pounds less. And then the oppressed counties, which counties are well known, may have their monthly payments abated, in such proportions as the parliament shall find meet. The raising either of men, or counties, is such a noli me tangere, that there is no meddling with it; but there is great reason to hope, that the giving just ease, to those who want it, will meet with no opposition. For my own part, I have no particular concern in this matter. I am in a county that is not like to be eased; and I pay about three shillings in the pound, which is near the true propor. tion: But I wonder the counties, that are concerned, have not peti. tioned all this while. In such a case as this, even clamorous petitions would be excusable.

There is another consideration about taxes, which I recommend to those worthy persons who have a hand in granting them; and that is, that the payments be not made too quick. We know that the present great tax (to say nothing of those precedents) is paid with exceeding difficulty. And such another tax in the neck of it, to be paid like. wise forthwith, it is doubted would occasion extreme distresses. When a man hath bled much, if you go to take a further great quantity from him, at once, and presently, it may prove fatal, his body cannot bear it: But, after a while, his blood being recruited, and supplied, you may take more without hurt or danger; especially if you do it by de

* Three shillings in the pound.

grees. And it is just so with our nation in point of taxes. We could pay a moderate tax for many years, and be little the worse; and people would have room, and time, to supply all by industry and parsimony, the two great promoters both of private and publick riches. But our money, of late, hath been swept away so fast from us, little of it returning, that it hath not only sheared from the landlord a good part of his rent, but also disabled the tenant from paying the rest, the market being dead, and no money stirring; and then the cities, and towns, must needs, as they do, find a grievous deadness of trade; so that a general poverty hath suddenly overwhelmed us.

We could better pay two millions in four years, than a million and a half in one year. In which first way, the war might be maintained by taxes, that probably would be paid in time of peace, when we shall be better able to do it. Also his majesty's present occasions will be as well provided for this way, if there be a credit given upon those future payments. You will say, this will draw on interest. But I answer, that the interest will not do us so much harm, as the respite will do us good.

In this affair we must consider, not only what is best to be done, but also, and more especially, what we are able to do. Perhaps, it were best to pay ready money down; but, if we cannot do it, we must be glad to take time, and allow interest: And it is better to have upon us, for some years, a burden we can bear, than to be crushed at once by a burden we cannot bear.

If it be an advantage to lend money to the publick above the com. mon interest, it is among ourselves, and any one that will may have it. There is also this convenience, that all those lenders will be firmly engaged to wish well to the government.

I would not have us follow the example of Holland, where their whole standing revenue is anticipated for a great many years, by vast sums of money taken up at interest; and there are many families, that live upon the constant interest of monies lent to the state. But I hope we shall never be brought to such necessities; and I would have our dealings, in this kind, to be for moderate sums, and a moderate num. ber of years.

We may remember, that, in King Charles's first Dutch war, the parliament gave at once two millions and a half; but to be paid in some years: So that what is here offered, in this matter, is, even in England, no new thing.

But, what if this war continue next year, and we must raise more money? How, and upon what, shall the tax be laid? My answer is, that, if there be a necessity for it, it may be a concurrent land-tax; or the tax may be pushed further on, upon some years to come: That is, after the end of the four years before-mentioned.

It cannot be denied, but that the ways now mentioned, and espe- ́ cially the last, will draw on more interest. But, to make this in. terest easy, it is further humbly proposed:

1. That a land-tax be granted, suppose for a million of pounds, payable at the end of five years.

2. That, upon the credit of it, the king be enabled to give tallies,



method to have it equally assessed. This tax may, by the good old word, be called a subsidy; and the parliament, now, and at other times, may please to grant either one subsidy, or part of one, or a subsidy and a half, or two or three subsidies or more, according as the publick occasions require.

But still, after all hath been done, the taxes will not yet be exactly equal. For there are divers, as I am well informed, that do not pay six-pence a pound to the great tax* now upon us. I leave these to be further considered, and, in the mean time, though they do not pay to the full, yet they will pay three times as much in proportion, as they did formerly.

I have all this while been driving at equality; but there is an equality so unequal, that I cannot but declare my sense against it; and that is, that houses should bear equal proportion with lands, for which there is no reason, as every man's reason will tell him. They ought, therefore, to be abated a fourth or a fifth part.

If the parliament shall not think fit to enter upon this great work at present (though it is every man's work, and would be soon done) they may however, by a shorter way, give some relief (if they please) to those that are oppressed in the land-tax; that is, to those that pay plainly above their proportion. And this may be done, by making the sum of the tax, next granted, to be something less than the last, and then distributing this abatement among the counties, that are now notoriously overcharged, the other counties continuing as they are. Thus, whereas the last tax was for about seventeen hundred thousand pounds, the next may be for fifteen or fourteen hundred thousand; which is two or three hundred thousand pounds less. And then the oppressed counties, which counties are well known, may have their monthly payments abated, in such proportions as the parliament shall find meet. The raising either of men, or counties, is such a noli me tangere, that there is no meddling with it; but there is great reason to hope, that the giving just ease, to those who want it, will meet with no opposition. For my own part, I have no particular concern in this matter. I am in a county that is not like to be eased; and I pay about three shillings in the pound, which is near the true propor. tion: But I wonder the counties, that are concerned, have not petitioned all this while. In such a case as this, even clamorous petitions would be excusable.

There is another consideration about taxes, which I recommend to those worthy persons who have a hand in granting them; and that is, that the payments be not made too quick. We know that the present great tax (to say nothing of those precedents) is paid with exceeding difficulty. And such another tax in the neck of it, to be paid likewise forthwith, it is doubted would occasion extreme distresses. When a man hath bled much, if you go to take a further great quantity from him, at once, and presently, it may prove fatal, his body cannot bear it: But, after a while, his blood being recruited, and supplied, you may take more without hurt or danger; especially if you do it by de

Three shillings in the pound.

grees. And it is just so with our nation in point of taxes. We could pay a moderate tax for many years, and be little the worse; and people would have room, and time, to supply all by industry and parsimony, the two great promoters both of private and publick riches. But our money, of late, hath been swept away so fast from us, little of it returning, that it hath not only sheared from the landlord a good part of his rent, but also disabled the tenant from paying the rest, the market being dead, and no money stirring; and then the cities, and towns, must needs, as they do, find a grievous deadness of trade; so that a general poverty hath suddenly overwhelmed us.

We could better pay two millions in four years, than a million and a half in one year. In which first way, the war might be maintained by taxes, that probably would be paid in time of peace, when we shall be better able to do it. Also his majesty's present occasions will be as well provided for this way, if there be a credit given upon those future payments. You will say, this will draw on interest. But I answer, that the interest will not do us so much harm, as the respite will do us good.

In this affair we must consider, not only what is best to be done, but also, and more especially, what we are able to do. Perhaps, it were best to pay ready money down; but, if we cannot do it, we must be glad to take time, and allow interest: And it is better to have upon us, for some years, a burden we can bear, than to be crushed at once by a burden we cannot bear.

If it be an advantage to lend money to the publick above the com mon interest, it is among ourselves, and any one that will may have it. There is also this convenience, that all those lenders will be firmly engaged to wish well to the government.

I would not have us follow the example of Holland, where their whole standing revenue is anticipated for a great many years, by vast sums of money taken up at interest; and there are many families, that live upon the constant interest of monies lent to the state. But I hope we shall never be brought to such necessities; and I would have our dealings, in this kind, to be for moderate sums, and a moderate num. ber of years.

We may remember, that, in King Charles's first Dutch war, the parliament gave at once two millions and a half; but to be paid in some years: So that what is here offered, in this matter, is, even in England, no new thing.

But, what if this war continue next year, and we must raise more money? How, and upon what, shall the tax be laid? My answer is, that, if there be a necessity for it, it may be a concurrent land-tax; or the tax may be pushed further on, upon some years to come: That is, after the end of the four years before-mentioned.

It cannot be denied, but that the ways now mentioned, and espe cially the last, will draw on more interest. But, to make this in terest easy, it is further humbly proposed:

1. That a land-tax be granted, suppose for a million of pounds, payable at the end of five years.

2. That, upon the credit of it, the king be enabled to give tallies, LI


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