

Green is the colour of nature, the colour of which the eye will never tire: and therefore the Church considers it most suitable for ordinary occasions. When, therefore, you look at the Altar, if it be covered with any particular colour, stop, and consider what the Church wishes to remind you of that day. But, besides the Altar and its ornaments, there are also the robes of the Priest, and those who assist him, to be considered; for there is a meaning in these things also, which it concerns you to take notice of. First, then, you see that all who are set apart to perform the service, wear what we commonly call surplices; for they are going to stand in the presence of GOD, and therefore they must put on the garments of the saints; and we read of the saints in heaven that they were clothed with white robes (Revelation vii. 9); the surplice, therefore, must remind you how near you approach to God, when you come into His House, seeing that those who minister there, are clad in the dress, which the Saints are represented as wearing in

"That which inwardly each man should be, the Church outwardly ought to testify."-Hooker, Eccl. Pol. B. v. c. vi. 2.

heaven. Secondly, you will see that the Priest wears a band of silk, which hangs down in front over the surplice; this is called the stole, and it represents to us the yoke of CHRIST; for though we are admitted at the altar into the presence of GOD, as the saints are, yet we are still on earth; still having to labour for the glory of Gop, and, if need be, to follow our LORD in suffering and sorrow; therefore let the sight of the stole remind you of the "work of faith, and labour of love, and patience of hope," (1 Thessalonians i. 3) which is required of the servant of CHRIST; and consider, how, if only we will give up ourselves to Him, we are sure to find His voke easy, and His burden light. (S. Matthew xi. 30.)1

Having noticed these things, that you may be led by all you see, to fix your mind on the great object for which you have come to Church, we go on now to the Service itself, which is divided into seven parts.

The Priest has also another robe which hangs down over the surplice behind, and which is either white, or red, or blue, or lined with fur: this is called the hood; but as it has no distinct spiritual meaning, I have not stopped to speak of it: it was in old time a dress which was commonly worn by the Clergy, and it is now used to distinguish the us ranks, or degrees, at the different universities.

I. The Public Preparation; II. The Commemoration or Instruction; III. The Oblation; IV. The Preparation of the Communion; VII. The Thanksgiving after municants; V. The Canon; VI. The Com


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The Priest standing at the North side of the table shall say the LORD's Prayer, with the Collect following, the people kneeling.

Our FATHER, Which art in Heaven, Hallowed be Thy Name. Thy Kingdom come. Thy will be done in earth, as it is in heaven. Give us this day our daily bread. And forgive us our trespasses, as we forgive them that trespass against us. And lead us not into temptation; But deliver us from evil. Amen.

The Collect.

Almighty God, unto Whom all hearts be open, all desires known, and from Whom no secrets are hid; cleanse the thoughts of our hearts by the inspiration of Thy




The First part of the Communion Service, which is the Public preparation, commences with the LORD's Prayer, which is said in some places by the Priest alone; and in others by the Priest and people together. Join with the Priest, therefore, either secretly or aloud, according to the custom of the place; and while doing so, feel desirous to return to your Heavenly FATHER, through JESUS CHRIST, as a Penitent; for every day there are many things which tend to put even the holiest into that position.

In order that we may be fit to approach the altar of GOD, we must search out our hearts, and confess our sins. This we have done, by ourselves in private, before; but when we come to appear before GOD, as a congregation, the Church would have us make our confession openly together. Thus we pray in this Collect, that He, Who knows all our secrets, will send the HOLY SPIRIT upon us to cleanse our

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