
The Society feels grateful for the measure of success which has attended the officers of the Society the present year, as there were a variety of causes which gave them much solicitude as to the result. Relying, however, on their earnest desire to carry out the operations of the Society successfully, and trusting to the intelligence of the people, they rejoice that their expectations are more than realized; and they trust that the Society is now in a position to increase its usefulness and secure the confidence of all interested in its success..

JOHN MCHARG, Treasurer.

JURIAN WINNE, Prisident.


The annual exhibition was held September 16, 17. The entries were unusually large. The stock showed great improvement in breeding. Owing to the illness of the Secretary a detailed report cannot be given.

The receipts were

On hand.....

$537 88

370 02

$167 86

Officers for 1864: Wm. H. King, President; Friendship A. Morse, Vice President, Angelica; E. W. Alba, Secretary, Angelica; James Lockhart, Treasurer, Angelica. Hereafter reports will be made immediately after annual meeting.

C. P. CARTER, Corresponding Secretary.


B. P. JOHNSON, Esq., Sec'y of N. Y. State Agricultural Society:

The sixth annual fair of the Broome County Agricultural Society was held at Binghamton, September 8th, 9th and 10th.

The attendance was not as large as on some previous occasions, but there was a good deal of interest shown, and much the finest show of blooded stock, particularly of Durhams, ever exhibited in Broome county. The first premium for thorough bred Short-horn bull, was awarded to Dr. J. Edward Turner, of the N. Y. Inebriate Asylum, for Short-horn bull "Union," two years and four months old. It was presented to him, when a calf, by Mr. Roche, of Otsego, and weighed, when less than two years old, over 2,000 pounds He is a noble specimen of blooded stock.

The second premium was awarded to T. D. Wright, Esq., who exhibited one of the same "stock", which is a remarkably fine animal-by many good judges considered perfect of its class.

Some very superior Devons were also shown, and a few Alderney.

In sheep there were many entries and much feeling shown. Our county is improving very much in this particular, and very few counties can show better stock.

The show of horses was good, but no improvement upon previous exhi bitions.

The display of agricultural implements was very meagre, and also Floral Hall was far behind former years. Still there were some things worthy of recommendation, and which elicited much praise. There was a new plow

shown, the invention of Mr. S. J. Olmstead, of Binghamton, which is something novel, and for which he claims a saving of from 20 to 40 per cent. in labor, &c., called the "Revolving Landslide Plow," and which did very good work at the plowing match, and attracted a great deal of attention. The total amount offered in premiums by the society was $1,434.00; amount of premiums actually paid, $1,350; the total receipts, $2,263.23. JOSEPH E. ELY, Secretary.


The twenty-second annual fair of this society was held in the village of Olean, on the 22d, 23d and 24th days of September, 1863.

The first day was devoted exclusively to entries. The weather the first day was rainy. The second day was very fine, and the third also till about half-past three o'clock in the afternoon, when a drenching rain broke up the exhibition and dispersed the crowd very suddenly.

Considering the weather and the draft, which took place in this district during the fair, the attendance was very large.

The show of horses was the largest ever had in the county, fully meeting the expectations of the fanciers, in form and figure as well as in style and speed. The trial of the speed of horses took place in the afternoon of the last day. George Martin, Esq., of Olean, was awarded the first premium, $25, for the best trotting horse.

The show of cattle was not so large as in former years, but better in quality.

The show of sheep was an improvement on that of former years, and a plain indication that our farmers are paying more attention to that important branch of farming-sheep raising. Among the numerous and fine animals shown, the "grunter" came in for its share, displaying its swinish proportions in a manner peculiar to itself.

In dairy products the show was superior to that of any previous exhibition. A mammoth cheese, weighing 400 lbs., manufactured by N. P. Covell, of Olean, from Hon. F. S. Martin's dairy, attracted much attention and was awarded the first premium.

The articles in the fancy department were very fine. The ladies, as usual, contributed generously, and manifested a deep interest in the fair. Their contributions to the several classes evinced much taste and industry. Floral Hall was never more beautifully trimmed and decorated. Much credit is due F. Bucklin, Esq., marshal of the division, who designed and arranged it.

In the mechanical department the exhibition was probably the largest and best that we have ever had in the county. The show of fruit was very fine, especially in choice varieties of apples and pears.

Among the many attractions of the tent show were beautiful specimens of practical and ornamental penmanship, by Professor C. B. Knowlton, teacher of penmanship in Bryant and Stratton's Commercial College, Buf falo, N. Y.

The address was delivered at one o'clock, P. M., the 24th, by Rov. D. F. McDonald, of Olean.

The receipts of the society during the year, was $810.41; expenditures, $618.27; leaving a balance in the treasury of $192.14, on the 31st day of December, 1863.

The annual meeting of the society, for the election of officers, was held at Ellicottville, on the second day of January last, and the following persons were, by ballot, elected officers of the society for 1864:

President, Samuel Wm. Johnson, Ellicottville; Vice-President, Judson Sibley, Napoli; Secretary, Horace S. Huntley, Little Valley; Treasurer, Claudius V. B. Barse, Olean; and seven directors.



The twenty-third annual fair of the Cayuga County Agricultural and Horticultural Society, was held on their fair grounds, near the city of Auburn, on the 29th and 30th of September, and the 1st of October. The first day was devoted to entering and arranging stock and articles for exhibition. On the second day everything was in full display, and the viewing committees examined the stock, tools and implements, fruit, vegetables, and whatever had been entered for exhibition, and awarded the proffered prizes to the respective winners.

On this day also, the plowing match came off. At 10 o'clock teams with their plows started from the fair ground to go to the place where the plowing match was to be held, and, at the same time, a long string of twentyseven yoke of the best oxen in the county, was arrayed before and hitched to an ox cart, on which there were seats for the ladies and gentlemen to ride.

A band of martial music was also on the cart, which filled all hearts with gladness and joy, as they made the welkin ring with soul-stirring melody of "Yankee Doodle" and "Hail Colmmbia," while over their heads a large and beautiful flag, with the stars and stripes, floated in the breeze. Thus arrayed, they all marched to the plowing ground, and from thence through some of the principal streets of the city, amid waving flags and handkerchiefs, and the hearty cheers of the joyful throng that attended the procession.

The exhibition of horses, both young and of mature age; the exhibition of neat cattle, sheep and swine, was fully equal to that of any previous year within our knowledge.

The display of agricultural tools and implements was creditable to the county, although "Old Cayuga" is capable of making a much better display of tools and implements than was witnessed at our last fair.

The receipts were much larger than they have been for previous exhibitions, and everything bids fair for having a society, after a few years, that will be on a permanent and self-sustaining basis.

A vote was passed by the Board of Managers, to give every exhibitor a free ticket, which, no doubt, had a tendency to draw out many who would not otherwise have been there.

The third day was devoted to horse trotting, which called out an immense concourse of people. And, if we were permitted to judge of the interest [AG. TRANS.]


manifested in agriculture and in horse trotting, by what could be seen at the fair, a disinterested and unprejudiced judge would conclude, that the ruling passion of both male and female of our county, was not good plowing-not progressive agriculture-not the most approved mode of reuovating the impoverished soils of our county-not the best system of practical agriculture-but-but "horse trotting!" Everything else is made to become subservient to this branch of agriculture.

AUBURN, December, 1863.

S. EDWARDS TODD, Cor. Sec'y.


B. P. JOHNSON, Esq., Secretary N. Y. State Agricultural Society: The annual fair of the Chenango County Agricultural Society, was held at Norwich, on the 29th and 30th days of September, and the first day of October, 1863. And as Floral Hall had been converted into barracks for, and was occupied by soldiers, the large State Agricultural Society tent you so kindly loaned us, was substituted therefor, to the satisfaction of all concerned, as the weather was as pleasant as could be desired.

The attendance was very large, evidently showing that the farmers and mechanics of this county have not lost their interest in our annual exhibitions.

The exhibition of cattle was fine, including specimens of the herds of George Juliand, of Greene, A. Ross, of Preston, and the president, Asa Pellit, of Plymouth, and others that attracted much attention and elicited much praise, and would compare favorably with those exhibited at the State fair.

The display of horses was large and good, and indicating the interest taken by the breeders of that noble animal in this section.

The show of sheep was creditable to the wool-growers of the county, as very fine specimens of merinoes, as well as long-wooled varieties were on exhibition.

To a stranger it would appear that the farmers here had exchanged the raising of swine for that of goats, as there were on exhibition two of the latter to one of the former, and, in fact, it was the smallest show of swine that has been seen here for many years.

The show of fruit was very good, especially pears and grapes of foreign and native varieties, which reflect the interest taken in fruit growing.

The vegetables on exhibition were very superior specimens, and were in great abundance. Floral tent was well supplied with flowers and plants, as well as specimens of the ladies' handiwork and taste, with the skill of our mechanics and manufacturers.

The dairy products, as represented by those specimens on exhibition, though limited, were very creditable to this justly celebrated locality for choice dairies of butter and cheese,

The address was delivered by the Rev. Mr. Searl, of Norwich, and lis tened to by the vast assembly with marked attention and approbation. On the whole, the friends, patrons and officers of this society, have reason to be proud of the success of the society for the past year. The receipts from all sources, $1,227; expenditures, $924.

The annual meeting was held at Norwich, January 5th, 1864. James M. Phillips, of Coventry, was elected President; J. A. Randall, Secretary, Norwich; Blin Harris, Treasurer, Norwich, and seven vice-presidents, with a manager from each of the twenty-one towns in the county.

Yours, respectfully,


J. A. RANDALL, Sec' y.

No report of the proceedings of the society except at the annual meeting January 23, 1864, when the treasurer reported a statement of the funds of the society, showing a balance on hand of $59.48.

Officers elected for 1864. Jonathan T. Hagar, president; F. L. C. Sailly, secretary; Hiram H. Haile, treasurer, and ten directors.


F. L. C. SAILLY, Secretary.

The Columbia County Agricultural Society held their annual fair and cattle show at Chatham Four Corners, on the 23d, 24th, and 25th days of September, 1863. The general exhibition was very good. In horses, there are many which have received the highest premiums and are withdrawn; but of the younger classes there was a very fine display and Columbia is hard to excel. The society offered special premiums for speed in trotting which had a very good effect.

In the cattle department there was a very fine display. Among the number some very nne vurhams. In dairy products, the competition was rather limited, as was in farm implements. A moderate display of poultry. In sheep, there was a goodly number-also of swine.

In the miscellaneous department it was not as well represented as some previous years, but very creditable.

The officers for the ensuing year are, for

President, Peter F. Mesick; secretary, Charles A. Belding; treasurer, George L. Morris-all of Chatham Four Corners.

PETER F. MESICK, President.


No formal report has been received from the officers of the society.
The following statement is from the Cortland Co. Republican:

We regret that circumstances prevented us from attending the last annual meeting of this society. We are glad to learn that it was well attended. A larger number of the members and old officers were present than have been seen for several years. A good meeting was had We are glad to see the evidences that this is one of the things which our county will not allow to die. We fully believe that this society is destined to do a good work for the important cause of agriculture in our county. The officers elected for the year 1864, are: president, George Murray, Homer; vice president, Franklin M. Buell, Truxton; treasurer, Morgan L. Webb, Cort land; secretary, A. D. Blodgett, Cortland.

The report of the treasurer showed the receipts of the year, $1,750.49. The expenditures for premiums and expenses about $1,200. Expenditures

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