[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Bell, Mr. R. [Derby]
Railway Servants.

Accidents, Prevention of-Board of
Trade Rules, Forwarding Railway
Companies' Objections to Railway
and Canal Commissioners, Apr.
29, 163.

Hours of Labour-Return,Apr. 29, 163.
Bengal-Nagpur Railway

Assault by Official on Hindu Clerk, Dis-
missal of Case by Magistrate-Inquiry

Q. May 6, 797.

Beresford, Lord C. [Woolwich]

Atlantic Shipping Trust, Formation of by
American Syndicate-Effect on British
Trade, etc., May 1, 484.

Chinese War Indemnity, Amount of

Fall in price of Silver, Appointment of
mixed Commission to propose means
for payment of War Indemnity with-
out undue straining of resources, pro-
posed, May 12, 1354.

Defence, Council of-Placing Supplemen-
tary Vote upon the Estimates to de-
fray Expenses of Council of Defence,
proposed, May 1, 454, 455.


Boilers-Water-tube Boilers, Defects

in-Number and Names of Ships
under repair, etc., May 12, 1332.
Committees of Inquiry-Number and
Nature of Committees, May 12,

"Formidable" Accident owing to the
slipping of a derrick boats-fall,
Apr. 29, 157.

Woolwich Arsenal and Dockyard Labour-
ers, Increase in Pay proposed, May
8, 1074.

Beresford's, Lord C., Letter

Mediterranean Fleet, Deficiency in Organ-

isation and Equipment-Publi-
cation of Lord C. Beresford's
Letter in London Newspaper, etc.
Effect of Letter-Stores and Munitions
hurried to the Mediterranean

0. Earl of Selborne, May 12,

Person responsible for Publication.
Q. May 5, 613.

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Number of-Increase in Population justi-
fying Increase in Number of Bishops.
0. Col. Stopford Sackville, May 9,


Black, Mr. A. W. [Banffshire]

Army Remounts-Offering Prizes at Agri-
cultural Shows for suitable Remounts,
proposed, May 12, 1345.
Atlantic Shipping Trust

Parties pro-

moting the Combine having Interest
in American Railways, Effect on
Price of Food Supplies, May 7, 949.
South African War-Banishment of Boer
Leaders domiciled in Territory trans-
ferred to Natal-Question of Per-
manent Banishment, etc., May 12,

Blake, Mr. E. [Longford, S.]

Dillon, Mr., Suspension of (March 20).—
Speaker's Ruling Challenged, May 7,

Parliamentary Procedure, New Rules.
Adjournment of the House-Motions
for Adjournment under Standing
Order XVII., Apr. 29, 302.
Private Business, May 1, 497.

Notice of Questions, Length of
Notice, Apr. 49, 237.

Private Business, Position of, and
Question Time, Apr. 28, 114,

Starred Questions-Grouping to
gether Questions addressed
to Ministers, etc., May 2, 574.
Quorum of the House, May 1, 527.
Standing Committees, May 1, 536.
Supply Business, Apr. 28, 75, 91.
Private Legislation Procedure (Scotland)
Act, 1899-Local Inquiries, Secretary
for Scotland appointing Place of Meet-
ing instead of Commissioners, Apr. 23,


[blocks in formation]


Navy, see that Title.

Boland, Mr. J. [Kerry, S.]

[blocks in formation]

Boland, Mr. J.--eout.


Apr. 28-May 12.

Dingle Bay, Steam Trawlers in-
Damage to Nets, etc. Additional
Protection for Irish Fisheries,
Apr. 8, 42.

Dublin National Library.

East Wing, etc., Cost of Com-
pletion, May 1, 450.

Increase of the Stai, proposed,
May 12, 1361.


[blocks in formation]

Urban Districts and Boroughs having a

Population of over 20,000-Statement
Ordered, May 1, 418; Moy 2, 554.

Boscawen, Mr. Griffith Parliamentary
Charity Commissioner [Kent, Tunbridge.]
Cloudesley Trust Estate, Islington - Notice
of Lease of Letring, Alfixing to Church
Door. te. -Offering Pro erty by
Palli Aution, proposed, Apr. 29, 165.
Education (England and Wales Bill, 2R.
Mays, 1112, 1114.

La lament by Procedur, Nev Rules-
Business of the House, Transfer of
Business from Wednesday to Friday,
May 2, 593.

[merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]
[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

Number and Tonnage of British
Vessels acquired --Effect on
British Register, etc., May 1,

Business of the House-Course of Business
May 5, 637.

Danish West Indies, Purchase of, by
United States Government-Ratifica-
tion of Treaty, etc., May 8, 1082.
Mercantile Marine-British Register.
Steamships owned by Cities of
United States retaining British
Register, May 1, 429.

Unqualified Persons, Prevention of
Registration, May 1, 427, 428.
Navy--Electrical Hydraulic Machinery,
Transfer of Control from Engineer
Officers to Torpedo and Gunnery
Lieutenants, alleged, Apr. 28, 32.
Panama Canal Company Purchase of
Rights by United States Government,
etc., May 8, 1082.
Parliamentary Procedure, New Rules.
Adjournment of the Deba e owing to
the lateness of the hour, proposed,
Apr. 49, 272

3 H


Adjournment of the Hou-e-Motions
for Adjournment under Standing
Order XVII., Apr. 29, 301, 307.
Course of Business, May 1, 458; May

Order of Taking-Lumping together
and passing as one Resolution,
Apr. 8, 52, 53.

Private Business, May 1, 503, 507, 510,

Speeches, Duvation of


Minutes Limit for Speeches,
p.oposed, May 1, 520.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors]
[blocks in formation]

Standing Committees, May 1, 536.
Supply Business.

Amendments, proposed, Apr. 28,
73, 74, 81, 83.

Closuring Votes in Classes, Apr.
28, 62.

Motion for Adjournment not to
be Moved on concluding days
of Supply, Apr. 28, 76.

Persia --Railway Concessions.
Germany, Concessions to-Mr. Pier-
pont Morgan as Member of
Syndicate for carrying out Con-
cession, May 8, 1082.

Russia, Preferential Rights for-

Agreement between Great Britain
and Russia guaranteeing Integrity
and Independence of Persia, etc.,
May 8, 1081.

Postmen-Number employed at


Central District Office, Accommoda-
tion, etc., May 8, 1086.

Stamp Duties-Additional Duty of 1d.,
Modification of Proposal, May 6, 809.

[blocks in formation]

| Braunton Lighthouse, Devon

Telephonic Communication
Shore, proposed.


Q. May 8, 1071.

with the

Corn Duty, Budget Proposal-Effect on
the Price of Bread, see title Corn,
Finance Bill Debate.

Brigg, Mr. J. [York, W. R., Keighley]
Education (England and Wales) Bill, 2R,
May 8, 1166.

[blocks in formation]

Irish Gold Ornaments in, Restoring to
Ireland-Date of Legal Proceedings.
Giving Notice to Irish Academy.
Q. May 8, 1076.

Broadhurst, Mr. H. [Leicester]
Finance Bill, 2R. May 12, 1433, 1435.
Parliamentary Procedure, New Rules-
Questions, Time Limit proposed,
Apr. 29, 200.

Brodrick, Rt. Hon. W. St. John-Secretary
of State for War [Surrey, Guildford].
Despatches, War Office marking omissions
with asterisks proposed-Alteration
of Lord Kitchener's Despatches,
alleged, Apr. 29, 154.

Fuzes, Time Ring - Improvement in
Method of Firing, proposed, May 8,


Horses for the Army-Supply of Remounts
Inquiry, Communicating Results to
the House, proposed, Apr. 29, 157.
Rid Ranges, Prestwick-Abandonment
of Kingease Rifle Range in favour of
Irvine Range, proposed, May 1, 424.
Shot Drill. Infliction of Penalty at Lich
field Prison-Inquiry, Apr. 23, 27.

South African War

Australian Officers, Execution for
Murder of Boers-Courts-Martial,
Publication of Proceedings, pro-
posed, Apr. 28, 25; Apr. 29, 155.

Corps of Loyal Burghers, Invitation
to attend the Coronation, pro-
posed, Apr. 28, 25.


Apr. 28-May 12.

Brodrick, Rt. Hon. W. St. John--cont.

South African War-cont,
Enteric Fever

Inoculation against-Number of
Deaths after Inoculation,
etc., Apr. 29, 156.

Mortality from December, 1901,

to February, 1902, Incidence
of Disease upon Camps and
Moving Columns, Precaution-
arv Measures, etc., May 6,


Martial Law

Cape Colony-Regulations for
of Martial


Law, Objections to, Opinion
of Chief Justice de Villiers,
etc., May 8, 1078.

Return of Proceedings, Date of
Publication, Apr. 28, 25.
Prisoners, Nationality of -Difficulty
of obtaining Information, May 8,
Scheepers, Com., Trial of, Delay in
Publication of Proceedings, Apr.
28, 24.

Spion Kop Despatches - Sir C.
Warren's Communication to the
Military Secretary in August,
1900-Permission for Publication,
Apr. 29, 155.

Vryburg Military Hospital Insani-
tary and Crowded State, alleged,
May 8, 1078


Coronation, Attendance of Scottish
Volunteers-Number of Regi-
ments, etc., May 1, 422.

Drill Area in Richmond Park, Exten-
sion of, proposed, May 8, 1078.

Yeomanry, Imperial.

Commissions in the Regular Army,
Officers superseding Cavalry Sub-
alterns with several years' service,
Apr. 29, 156.

Shoeing Smiths enlisting for South

African Service after Feb. 13,
1902, Bounty for Extending
Bounty to those enlisted in
January, proposed, May 5, 612.

Bromley Gas Bill

1. Report.* May 1, 385.

3R. May 5, 597.

Brown, Mr. G. M. [Edinburgh, Central]
Finance Bill, 2R. May 12, 1464.

Brunner, Sir J. T. [Cheshire, Northwich]
Education (England and Wales) Bill- Fee
Simple of Technical Schools Upkeep
of School Buildings, ete Responsi-
bility of County Councils, ete, May

Parliamentary Procedure. New Rules
Questions and the Position of Private ·
Business, Apr. 28, 129.

[ocr errors]


Sugar Bounties Conference-Obligations
entered into by England, Opportunity
for discussion of Protocol, etc., prior
to ratification.

Q. May 12, 1347.

Bryce, Rt. Hon. J. [Aberdeen, S.]

Atlantic Shipping Trust, Formation of, by
American Syndicate--Effect on British
Trade, etc., May 1, 475.

Business of the House

Course of Busi-
ness, Apr. 28, 50; Apr. 29, 172, 173;
May 2, 595.

Education (England and Wales) Bill
2R. May 5, 638, 656, 675; May 7,
970, 1009; May 8, 1209.

Parliamentary Procedure, New Rules.
Adjournment of the Debate owing
lateness of the hour,
proposed, Apr. 29, 271, 287, 289,

to the


[blocks in formation]

Arrangement of Questions in
Order of General Interest and
Importance, Apr. 29, 266.
Notice of Questions, Three o'clock
on the day preceding, pro-
posed, Apr. 29, 252.

Private Business, Position of, and
Question Time, Apr. 28, 127,

Starred Questions-Grouping to-
gether Questions addressed
to Ministers, May 2, 573.

Sittings of the House, May 2, 577, 590.
Standing Committees, May 1, 539.
Supply Business - Closuring Out-
standing Votes in Classes, Apr.
28, 70.

Private Business, Committee of Inquiry-
Date of Appointment, May 2, 596.
Private Legislation Procedure [Scotland]
Act, 1899-Local Inquiries, Secretary
for Scotland appointing Place of
Meeting instead of Commissioners,
Apr. 28, 41; Apr. 29, 167, 181.

Brynmawr and Western Valleys Railway
(Vesting) Bill


c. con.* Apr. 29, 150.

3R.* May 2, 551.

7. IR. May 5, 598.

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