[blocks in formation]


Institution, African,-see African
Iodine, new compound of, 301*
Ionian Islands: new parliament
Corfu, [231]; successful crops, [232];
expenditure, [ib.]; elections, [233]
Ireland bills of indictment against
the rioters at the Dublin theatre,
[49]; motion in parliament respect-
ing ditto, [52]; parliamentary in-
quiry into the conduct of the sheriff'
of Dublin, [56]; course of the in-
quiry [57]; riots between Rib-
bandmen and Orangemen, [61];
outrages in Limerick, &c. [62];
insurrection act, renewed, [ib.];
Tithe-composition Bill, [63]; mis-
chiefs of the system of joint te-
nancy, [64]; Mr. Brougham's mo-
tion respecting the administration
of justice, [ib.], Mr. Hume's
against the church establishment,
[69]; ditto respecting the office of
lord lieutenant, [70]; duke of De-
vonshire's motion on the state of
Ireland, [71]; valuable quarries of
marble discovered, 69; police officer,
&c., killed at Castlehaven, 85;
murder of the Franks family, 115;
claim of the Catholics to pray over
their dead in Protestant church-
yards, 116; threatening notice post-
ed up at Ardualyntha, 124; trial of
Forbes, &c. 21*; letters on the state
of Ireland, from the lord lieutenant,
50*; tranquillity restored in Lime
rick, ib.; disturbed state of Cork
and Tipperary, 51*; renewal of the
Insurrection act, indispensable, 56*;
returns to Parliament on the edu-
cation of the poor, ib.; efforts of the
Roman Catholic priests to with-
draw children from Protestant
schools, 59*

Italy: prosecutions for political_of-
fences, [231]; election of Leo XII,
[ib.]; creation of cardinals 30

Iturbide, deposed, [240]; retires to
Europe, [241]

Julian, Miss Mitford's tragedy of, 34

Keith, lord, death of, 193
Kemble, J. P., death of, 191
Kerr, general, assault on, 20
Keys, J., trial of, for parricide, 36
Knights of Malta, actual state of that
order, 326*

Köchlin, M., prosecuted for a pam.
phlet, and imprisoned and fined, 67

Lallemand, general, death of, 210
Lambeth-palace, robbery at, 105; at
the church, 107

Lambton, lieut.-col. death of, 188
Lansdown, marquis, question to mi-
nisters relative to Spain, [16]
Lansdown Manuscripts, 321*
Land-tax, Mr. Maberly's motion_re-
specting the redemption of, [118]
Latitude, instrument for finding, 308*
Law Cases, 1*

Ledwich, Rev. L., death of, 201
Legraiveux, editor of the Courier
François, imprisoned and fined, 39
Lists, Births, 168

Deaths, 187
Marriages, 171
Ministers, 212
Promotions, &c. 179
Sheriffs, 167

Public General Acts, 235
Patents, 311*

Liverpool, election at, 20; increased
trade, 164

Loan, French, 88

[blocks in formation]
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Marble, valuable quarries of, disco.
vered in Ireland, 69
Maritime law; case of the Dundee, 32*
Marriages, French, 1

Mary queen of Scots,-see Davison.
Medical Cases, 281*, 287*
Messina, dreadful storm at, 149
Mesurado, colony at, for free persons
of colour from the United States,
92*; dreadful hostilities between
the colonists and natives, ib.
Mexico: Iturbide deposed, [240];
proposed constitution, [241]; nego-
tiations with the Spanish commis-
sioners, [242]; interrupted by the
armistice being broken, and Vera
Cruz attacked by Lemour, [243];
war declared against Spain, [ib.]
Milford, lord, death of, 210
Military uniform, regulations respect-
ing, 75

Mina, his military operations, [184],
[191], [203]; surrenders Barcelona,
[208]; arrives in England, [ib.]
Minerals, new fluid discovered in, 297*
Ministry, its increased popularity, [3];
changes in, [ib.]

Mission to Siam, 100

Mitford, Miss, her tragedy of Julian,

Mock Suns, 8

Moll, a shoe-maker of Cologne, mur-
ders his friend Ochs, 131
Bernardo, minister of


Peru, 205*
Morillo, his defection, [197]; takes

possession of Corunna, [199]
Morphine, acetate of, 17*
Mosquera, Joaquin, minister of Co-
lumbia, 205*

Mount Rosa, ascent of. by M. M. Zum-
stein and Vincent, 290*
Munich, the new court theatre,
burnt, 8

Murders: Madame Jerome, at Paris,
[166]; Capt.Owen, 2; John Landen,
21; James Keys, murdered by his
son, 36; murder at Paris, 38; T.
H. Griffiths, shot by his son, 77;
B. Magrath, 93; Owen M'Adam,
94; Sarah Downe, 95; wife of a
French soldier, 98; Bridget Donal-
lan, murdered by her husband, 102;
the Franks family, 115; Elizabeth
Anthony, 121; murder at Cologne,
131; Mr. Weare, 141; Mr. Mumford,
155; M. Honein, by a sentinel at the
Tuilleries, 162; J. Grainge, killed
by Mr. Conolly, 165; Hippolyte
Ballet, 1*; Mr. and Mrs. Needle,
36*; Mrs. Richards, 44*

Musselburgh Races, disturbance at, 97

National Debt, bill regulating its re-
duction, [111]; effected reduction,
[116]; bequests for the reduction
of, 27

Natural History, 281*

Navigation of the United Kingdom,
Netherlands: suppression of two Ro-
man Catholic Societies, [169]; re-
strictions on commerce with France,
ib.; session of the states general, and
the king's speech, [170]; plans of
improvement, [ib.]; military ope-
rations in Sumatra, [171]

[ocr errors]

New South Wales: advance of civili-
zation, 59; report of the commis-
sioners, on the state of agriculture
and trade, 71*; divisions of the
country, ib.; geological features,
72*; counties of Westmorland and
Argyle, 73; forests, Bredalbane
plains, Bathurst lake, ib.; sheep and
cattle, 76*, grants of land, 78*;
trade, ib.; ecclesiastical establish-
ments, 79*; population, and reve-
nue, ib.; public expenditure, 80*
Newgate, state of, 69
Newspapers, French, 90
Niagara Falls, 277*

Nollekens, sculptor, death of, 195
Norfolk, petition from the county of,
respecting agricultural distress, [2]
Norway, population, &c., 327*
Norwich, meeting at, for considering
the state of agricultural distress,
[2], 5

Obituary: Lieut. col. Lambton, 188;
Dr. Jenner, ib.; Dr. C. Hutton,
189; Mr. Angerstein, ib.; Mrs.
Radcliffe, 190; lord Ashburton,
191; J. P. Kemble, ib.; earl St.
Vincent, 192; lord Keith, 193;
sir J. Campbell, ib.; E. Christian,
194; Jos. Nollekens, 195; lord
Glenbervie, 196; Octavius, Gil-
christ, 199; sir H. Raeburn, ib.;
duke of Roxburgh, 200; rev. E.
Ledwich, 201; R. Bloomfield, 202;
Brockhaus, ib.; Earl of Hopetoun,
203; Mr. Ricardo, 205; Dr. Baillie,
ib.; Pius VII, 208; earl of Bridge-
water, 209; lord Chief Baron
Richards, 210; lord Milford, ib.;
gen. Lallemand, 210; G. Belzoni,


Ohio, projected junction of, with the
Chesapeake, 191*

Old Bailey,see Trials, trial of Kraus,
and twenty others, for the murder
of two custom-house officers, 54
Ordnance, parliamentary inquiry re-
specting the office of lieut.-gen. of,

Orea, the ancient town of, discovered
in Scotland, 155

Oxley, Mr., his expedition into the
interior of New South Wales, 75*

Padiham, Water-spout at, 108
Painting, ancient, of the murder of
archbishop Beckett, discovered, 118
Mr. Haydon's petition to

parliament, 329*

Tribunal of Correctional Po-
lice, the duke of San Lorenzo v.
Ouvrard and Rougemont, respect-
ing the loan in favour of the re-
gency of Spain, 13; Martainville
imprisoned and fined for an article
in the Drapeau Blanc, 24; libel in
the Journal de Commerce, 32;
trial of the editors, 38; trials of
Blochet, Choffard, Arnout, Evrard,
Diolot, and Claitte, 39; case of se-
duction and attempted suicide, 89;
trial of Begu, and Lafforçade, for
murder, 98; distribution of prizes
for virtuous actions, 111; exhibition
of manufactures, at the Louvre,
119; trial of a sentinel, V. Simon,
for the murder of M. Honein, 162;
political precaution at the theatres,
164; trial of Castaing, 1*; ditto of
the widow Boursier, and N. Kos-
tolo, for murdering the husband of
the former, 19*; statistical account
of Paris, 324*

Parliament, proceedings in: opening,
[4]; king's speech, [ib.]; address by
lord Morley, [5]; lord Liverpool's
speech, [6]; sir Joseph Yorke's, on
the address. [7]; Mr. Brougham's
speech on the interference of the
continental sovereigns with Spain,
[8]; Mr. Peel's remarks on it,
[15]; lord Lansdowne's and Mr.
Brougham's questions to ministers,
[16], [17]; removal of the prohibi-
tion of exportation of arms to Spain,
[17]; diplomatic papers relative to
France and Spain, [18]; pacific
policy of this country, [25]; motion
for the repeal of the Foreign Enlist-
ment Bill, [27]; debate in the
Lords on the Spanish negotiations,
[b]; address moved by lord Ellen-
borough disapproving of the con-

duct of ministers, [ib.]; debate in the
commons, on the Spanish negotia-
tions, [28]; chancellor of the ex-
chequer's speech, [30]; sir J.
Mackintosh's and Mr. Peel's, [32];
sir F. Burdett's, [34]; Mr. Can-
ning's justification of the conduct of
ministers in the Spanish negotia-
tions, [37]; Mr. Brougham's unsuc-
cessful reply, [45]; Mr. Brownlow's
motion relative to the indictments
for riot at the Dublin theatre, [52];
his motion against Mr. Plunkett,
[53]; Sir F. Burdett's motion for an
inquiry into the conduct of the she-
riff of Dublin, [56]; Irish tithe-
composition bill, [63]; Mr. Hume's
motion against the Irish church
establishment, [69]; motion respect-
ing the office of lord lieutenant,
[70]; Catholic question, [73]; fracas
between Messrs. Canning and
Brougham, [76]; bills for confer-
ring the elective franchise on Eng-
lish Catholics, [80]; and for making
them eligible to certain offices,
[81]; lord Colchester's motion re-
specting Catholics, [ib.]; petition for
parliamentary reform, [ib.]; Lord J.
Russell's motion respecting ditto.
[ib.]; elective franchise in Scotland,
[82]; election of magistrates for the
borough of Inverness, [83]; im-
provement in the criminal code,
[85]; bills for removing capital pu-
nishment from certain offences,
[86]; interment of suicides, [88];
law of principal and factor, [89];
new marriage law, [ib.]; court of
chancery, [93]; appellate jurisdic-
tion, [ib.]; Borthwick's case, [94]:
agricultural distress, [95]; motion
for a reduction in the import price
of corn, [97]; Mr. Western's mo-
tion on the currency, [100]; equit-
able adjustment of contracts, [101];
re-appointment of committee on
Foreign trade, [ib.]; warehousing
bill, [102]; reciprocity of duties
bill, [103]; beer bill, [104]; silk
trade, [105]; improved finances of
the country, [107]; repeal and di-
minution of several of the assessed
taxes, [108]; error in the statement
respecting the surplus revenue,
[109]; contract with the Bank,
[110]; bill regulating the reduction
of the national debt, [111]; budget,
[113]; amount of taxes reduced
since the war, [117]; Mr, Maber.

ly's motion respecting the redemp-
tion of the land-tax, [118]; tax on
foreign wools, [119]; motion re-
specting the office of the lieutenant-
general of the ordnance, [ib.]; New-
foundland, New South Wales, &c.
[121]; proposed equalization of du-
ties on East and West Indian sugar,
[ib.]; Mr. Buxton's motion on the
slave-trade, [127]; Mr. Bowring's
imprisonment, [139]; Mrs. Serres's
claims, [141]; parliament prorogued
by commission, [144]
Parliamentary Reform, petition for,
[81]; 9

Parricide: John Keys, 36; Abel
Griffiths, 77

Parry, capt. his second voyage, 271*
Patent, case of infringement of, tried
in King's Bench, 156
Patents, List of, 311*

Pepe, gen.; duel with gen. Caras-

cosa, 25

Persia, Treaty of Peace with Tur.
key, [237]; official invitation from
the Prince Royal to settlers, 86
Peru, Abdication of San Martin,
[248]; expedition against Canterac,
[ib.]; successes of the Spaniards,
[ib.]; Aguera chosen president,
[ib.]; Lima occupied by Canterac,
[249]; Dissensions between Aguera
and the Congress, [ib.]; total defeat
of the Royalists, [ib.]; Bolivar
placed at the head of affairs, [250];
Aguera taken prisoner, [251]; chil
dren born of slaves declared free,
92; treaty with Columbia, 204*
Piracies: La Zaragozana, pirate ves-
sel, 42; La Gata, ditto, 43; Aaron
Smith, tried for Piracy, 158
Pius VII., his death, 231; memoir
of, 210*

Platina, new chemical combination

from, with hydrogen gas, 300*
Plunkett, Mr., Attorney Gen. for Ire-
land, his conduct respecting the
trial of the rioters at Dublin Thea-
tre, [51]; Mr. Brownlow's motion
against, [53]; opposes Mr. Hume
on the question of the Irish Church
Establishment, [69]; extract from
his speech on the Catholic Ques-
tion, [74]
Poetry, 331*

Poison, duelling with, 68

Polar Sea, capt. Franklin's journey to,

Police, commitments, number of, 253
Porter, quantity of, brewed in London,
in 1823, 86

Porter, commodore, employed to put
down piracies in Cuba, 188*
Porto Rico, [254]
Portsmouth, lord, case of, 25
Portugal: assurance of protection
from Great Britain, [211]; Ama-
rante's insurrection, [212]; Rego's
defeat, [ib.]; Amarante retreats into
Spain, [213]; arrests at Lisbon,
[ib.]; insurrection of the 23rd regt.,
[214]; prince Miguel's flight, [ib.]:
King's proclamation, [215]; new
ministry, [216]; dissolution of the
Cortes, [ib.]; sir R. Wilson, [ib.];
French embassy, [ib.]; separation of
Brazil, [217]-see Brazil; Madeira's
expedition against Bahia, [228];
suppression of commerce with Por.
tugal, suggested by Russia, as a
measure for inducing it to abolish
the Slave-trade, 85*; refuses to
accede to any measures for the
abolition of slavery, 87*; France not
hostile to Portugal, 147*; state of
education, 328*

Post-office, and mails, of the United
States, 190*

Poyais Settlers, letter from one, 136
Preacher, female, 69

Prices: Stocks, 247; Sugar, Hay, and
Wheat, 248; Butcher's Meat, 249
Princess Olive,--see Serres.
Prisons, return of commitments to

Privateering, projected abolition of,


Prize-poem: Stonehenge, 336*
Probert, W., arrested for Weare's
murder, 141

Prussia: establishment. of provincial
assemblies, [174]; edict against
secret associations, [ib.]; restric-
tions on the Press, [175]; measures
relative to the Slave-trade, 84*;
number of students at the universi-
ties, 327*

Public Documents, Domestic, 50*;
Foreign, 93*

Income, Tables of, 214

Offices, increase and diminu-
tion of salaries, 59*

Records, 66*

Puffing, French theatrical, 84

Radcliffe, Mrs., death of, 190
Raeburn, sir H., death of, 199
Ravenga, Mr., arrest of, 36
Records, Public, evidence on the state
of, 66*; engrossing bills in the
House of Commons, ib.; the writ-

ing used in the records of the
King's-bench and Common-pleas,
68*; whether rolls or books are
preferable for records, 69*; the ink
and parchment used, 70*


Refraction of light, in the arctic seas,
Reports on the Agriculture and
Trade of New South Wales and
Van Dieman's Land, 71*; of the
African Institution, 80*

Revenue, state of, [115]; Tables of,

Ribbandism in Ireland, 5

Ricaree Indians, hostilities with the
United States, [240]; 187*
Richards, sir R.; chief baron, death
of, 210

Mrs., murder of, 44*
Richardson, Dr., accompanies captain
Franklin, 251*; his separate expe-
dition, 267*; shoots Michel, the
Iroquois, 269

Riddle, 336*

Riego, his expedition, [200]; defeat
and capture, [202]; death, [210]
Rome, destruction of St. Paul's, by
fire, 89

Roxburgh, duke of, death of, 200
Rushbearings, 94

Russia: Mr. Brougham's remarks on
its conduct towards Spain, [9], [11];
its intentions respecting the West-
ern Coast of America not known,
[179]; interview between the em-
peror and the emperor of Austria,
[ib.]; commercial transactions with
Spain and Portugal forbidden, 48;
claims of exclusive jurisdiction on
the north-west coast of America,
52; finances, 153*; population, &c.

Russian voyage of discovery, 291*

St. Vincent, earl, death of, 92; Me-
moir of, 220*

Salaberry, De, Steam-boat, fire on
board, 71

Salaries in public offices, increase and
diminution of, 59*

San Miguel, Spanish Minister, con-
ference with sir W. A'Court, re-
specting the course likely to be pur-
sued by Great Britain with respect
to Spain, 116, 119*; letter to ditto,

Sarepta, conflagration at, 106
Savary, gen. (duke of Rovigo), ac-
count of the death of the duc D'Eng-
hien, 242*

Schools, parochial, in Ireland, 56*
Scoresby, Mr., on the refraction of
light in the Arctic seas, 293*; ob-
servations on the aurora-borealis,
294*; experiments relative to mag-
netism by percussion, 299*
Seidlitz powders, infringement of
patent for, 156

Serres, Mrs., her claims to be recog-
nized as princess of Cumberland,
and Mr. Peel's exposure of the im-
position, [141]; meeting for her
relief, 108

Sessions, see Assizes.

Shipping, British merchant, increase
of, [104]

Ships: capture of La Veloz Mariana,
by the Jean Bart, 57

Shipwrecks: the Windermere of Li-
verpool, 7; loss of the Alert packet,
39; Brig Robert, of the Isle of Man,
66; narrative of the crew of the
Princess of Wales, 144
Shrewsbury, missionary, his meeting-

house destroyed at Barbadoes, and
his escape from the island, [134]
Shrewsbury, street-preachers at, 70
Siam, Mr. Crawford's mission to, 100
Sierra Leone, improved state of, 91*
Silk-trade, proposed repeal of the
Spitalfields Acts, [105]

Sinking fund, proposed substitution
for, [118]

Slave-trade: Mr. Buxton's motion for
its abolishment in the British Colo-
nies, [127]; the resolutions pro-
posed by ministers, [130]; lord
Bathurst's circular to the West-India
colonies, [ib.] note; negotiations re-
specting, at the Congress of Verona,
80*; measures advised for checking
the contraband trade carried on
under the French flag, 82*; policy
of Prussia and Russia, 84*; little
hope of suppression of slavery, 87*;
capture of French and Spanish slave-
ships, 88*; ameliorated condition of
slaves in Ceylon, 89*; activity of
sir R. T. Farquhar in abolishing
slavery in the İsle of France, &c.,
90*; state of the slave-trade in
Bourbon and Madagascar, ib.; Zan-
guebar, 91*; Peru, children born of
slaves declared free, 92*; Societies
formed for the abolition of the
slave-trade, ib.; Dr. Lushington's
bill, 93*; proscription of slavery,
proposed by the United States,


Smith, missionary, imprisoned and

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