


Where is comprised all that is requifite to perfect the Learner in the English Tongue.

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The FOURTH EDITION, excactlij corrected

and altered after the modern spelling by

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De VIERDE DRUK, naauwkeurig verbe terd, en naar de Hedendaagfche Spelling veranderd door


Kostfchoolhouder te LEIJDEN.


Bij J. HENDRIKSEN, Drukker en Boek verkooper op de Hoogstraat. MDCCCVL

that at

The Holy Scripture informs us, first, there was but one original Language in the world, by which mankind communica. ted their fentiments to one another. The difference of Languages was introduced by an act of infinite and adorable wisdom and power, to punish the rebellion of the children of men, in their foolish and vain enterprise at Babel: by this fingle act of confounding their Speech, God has at once divided the children of men into a great variety of inclinations and interefts, and reduced them to fmall Communities, that could not understand one another: and thus they were compelled to desist from their foolish undertaking, by a judgement then refting upon them; but fuch a judgement, as should remain on their pofterity, as a mark of the folly and madness of fin, and rebellion against God.

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De e Heilige Schrift onderrigt ons, dat 'er in 't eerst maar cene oorfpronkelijke Taal in de wereld geweest is, waardoor de menfchen hunne gevoelens aan elkanderen mededeelden. De verfcheidenheid der Talen werd ingevoerd door eene daad van oneindige en aanbiddelijke wijsheid en magt, om de wederfpannigheid der menfchenkinderen in hunne dwaze en ijdele ondernemingen te Babel te ftraffen: door deze enkele daad van bua. Le fpraak te verwarren, heeft God op eenmaal de menfchenkinderen in eene groote verfcheidenheid van verschillende geneigdheden en belangen verdeeld, en hen tot kleine Gemeenschappen gebragt, die elkander niet konden verstaan en dus werden zij gedwongen hunne dwaze onderneming te ftaken, door een op hun rustend oordeel; doch zoodanig een oordeel, 't welk op hunne nakomelingfchap zoude blijven, tot een merkteeken der dwaasheid en uitzianigheid van de zonde, en wederfpannigheid tegen, God.

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As the difference of Tongues now among men would naturally increase, by the commixtion, occafioned by the traffick of one Na. tion with feveral other Nations of different Tongues and Languages; and where as this diverfuy always occafions a difference of af fections and interefts: it must therefore fol. Low, that the discord of the children of men, upon this one principle muft greatly increafe with their numbers; feeing it is proper to the human nature, to feparate from those with whom they cannot be converfant, and to u nite with thefe with whom they can converfe. Mankind are by the conftitution of our nature, always indigent, whofe necesfities not only place them in a necesfary dependance upon God; but alfo in a mutul dependance upon one another; and whatsoever may be the necesfities and wants of fingle Perfons or Com. munities, yet they may by the help of others, conveniently be fupplied or removed; but others cannot give us their afsiflance, except they first know our traits and concerns; which

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