9 Mispronounced. Agane alleys alley FAULTY PRONUNCIATION. [The words contained in the subjoined list are frequently mispronounced. The correction is purposely omitted, in order that it may be made by the pupil himself on consulting a dictionary. It is thought that a little pains in looking out the word, will be more likely to make him remember the correction. A portion of the list may be given with each of the reading lessons, until the whole is thoroughly impressed on the memory.] Words. Again allies aisle Baptist Babtist covetous covechus curiosity baptise babtize curosity believe blieve cupola cupelo beneficent benificent crevice crivice blindfold blinefold curse cuss oisterous boistrous cellar suller pompion or pumpkin, pungkin sauce potion portion precedence présedence prophecy prophesy Quoit Quate quash squash quay quay Retrograde Retrogade rapine ra-pine raillery ra-lery really ra-ly saas sacrifice sac-ri-fis saucer sasser sausage sassage Tariff Ta-rif tassell tossel tedious tejus terrestrial terrestial towards to-wards trophy troffy thill fill thirsty thusty trebled thribbled torment tawment rheumatism rheumatiz tour tower rind rīne treatises treaties rinse rense tremendous tremenduous rosin rozzum roof ruff trepan trappan turnup rather ruther Volume Vollom realm realum Were Ware Sacred Sac-red scarce scace whinny whinner 12 SUGGESTIONS TO TEACHERS. THE introductory lessons should be thoroughly practised upon, until the scholars have perfectly mastered the subject of inflections, and are able readily to distinguish them by the ear, and execute them with the voice. When a reading lesson is finished, they should be required to give some account of what they have been reading about, and be questioned on each part in detail. Their attention should be directed to any passage or sentiment in the lesson, which is beautiful or striking, and no pains be spared to make them think, and exercise their own taste. Scholars should be required to define every word in the lesson, the meaning of which they would not be likely to know without consulting a dictionary, and to give a definition, which being substituted for the word itself, will preserve the sense of the sentence. This exercise is highly useful and improving. Orthography may also be best learned from the reading lesson; and a part of the regular exercise should be, to spell all the more difficult words. In learning orthography and definitions, a reading book is preferable to a dictionary or a spelling book, because the words occur with their inflections; such as the person of verbs, the number and case of nouns, &c., and because, they are more likely to be words in frequent use, and on that account most important to be known. Moreover, the exact import and force of a term is best learned from its connection with others in a sentence; whereas, in a dictionary, words stand detached, with no relation to each other but that of alphabetic succession. AMERICAN CLASS-READER INTRODUCTORY LESSONS. LESSON I. Articulation. I. THE first requisite to good reading, is distinct articulation; or the giving to every letter in a word, itsappropriate sound, so as to make it distinctly perceptible to the ear. This contributes far more to being well heard and distinctly understood, than mere loudness or strength of voice. Much of the wear and tear of lungs might be spared, if public speakers would bestow more attention on the cultivation of their organs, and the acquiring of the power of distinct articulation, and rely less upon vociferation, to make themselves audible. II. One very common fault of articulation, is that of clipping or suppressing certain letters in a word or syllable; as, consis for consists, mornin for morning, victry for victory, correcly for correctly, blieve for believe, distincly for distinctly, predics for predicts, evry for every, reglar for regular. Words which are sometimes articulated indistinctly. Gifts, rests, amends, prevail, numerous, communicatively, lifts, casts, clothes, prevent, commandments, authoritatively, defects, facts, fields, persists, softly, proceed, offerings, terrestrial, belong, utterance, friends, reasonableness, |