Men, Beasts, and Gods: A History of Cruelty and Kindness to AnimalsScribner, 1972 - 268 oldal Examines the relationship of man and animals through the centuries, revealing the steps taken toward the protection of furred and feathered creatures in the United States. |
Részletek a könyvből
1 - 3 találat összesen 42 találatból.
236. oldal
... National Hu- mane Review 55 ( September - October 1967 ) : 8-9 . 10. Richard O. Cummings , The American Ice Harvests : A Historical Study in Technology , 1800–1918 ( Berkeley and Los Angeles , 1949 ) , p . 66 ; “ A New Service in an Old ...
... National Hu- mane Review 55 ( September - October 1967 ) : 8-9 . 10. Richard O. Cummings , The American Ice Harvests : A Historical Study in Technology , 1800–1918 ( Berkeley and Los Angeles , 1949 ) , p . 66 ; “ A New Service in an Old ...
238. oldal
... National Catholic Society for Animal Welfare , 28 October 1967 ) , p . 1 ; Desmond Morris , The Human Zoo ( New York , 1969 ) , p . 75 . 2. " Bluebird is Voted Official State Bird with One Dissenter , " NYT , 3 March 1970. See also ...
... National Catholic Society for Animal Welfare , 28 October 1967 ) , p . 1 ; Desmond Morris , The Human Zoo ( New York , 1969 ) , p . 75 . 2. " Bluebird is Voted Official State Bird with One Dissenter , " NYT , 3 March 1970. See also ...
264. oldal
... National Audubon Society , 65 , 119 , 184 , 188 National Catholic Society for Animal Wel- fare , 16 , 125 , 172 National Dog Groomers Association , 146 National Humane Review , 204 National Institutes of Health ( NIH ) , 193 , 198 National ...
... National Audubon Society , 65 , 119 , 184 , 188 National Catholic Society for Animal Wel- fare , 16 , 125 , 172 National Dog Groomers Association , 146 National Humane Review , 204 National Institutes of Health ( NIH ) , 193 , 198 National ...
No Hope of Heaven | 13 |
Bugs and Beasts Before the Law | 25 |
The AnimalMachine Theory | 36 |
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