
Situation of the English and Russian Army. Capitulation of the English sel and Russian Army. Terms of the Capitulation. Consequences of the Invaosion and Evacuation of Holland. Treaty of the English and Russian Courts

for the Subsidy of the Russian Troops. Notification of Paul I. to the Ger-man States. Arbitrary Levy on various Troops of the Helvetic Republic. * Resistance of the Helvetic Government. Progress of the Insurrection in the Western Departments of France, 439


Enfeebled and fluctuating State of the Government of the French Republic. Observations on the Inadequacy of the French Constitution for the Purposes of Government, Project of Sieyes for its Destruction. Adhesion of Bonaparte to Sieyes Project. Communication of the Plan to Members of the Council of Elders. Extraordinary Convocation of the Council of Elders Decree for transporting the Seat of Government to St. Cloud, and of vesting the chief Command in Bonaparte. Notification of the Decree to the Council of Five Hundred. Military Dispositions for keeping Peace at Paris. Notification of the Decree of the Council of Elders to the DirecMotory. Adhesion of Sieyes and Ducos to the Commissions of the Councils. Conduct of the other Directors. Session of the Councils at St. Cloud. Motion in the Council of Five Hundred for a Commission of Inquiry over-ruled. Oath of Fidelity to the Constitution taken by the Council. Resignation and Character of Barras. Bonaparte's Speech at the Bar of the Council of Elders. Bonaparte at the Council of Five Hundred. Reception of Bona parte at the Council. Agitation and Disorder of the Council. The President rescued by the Military. Speech of the President of the Council of Five Hundred to the Soldiers. March of the Soldiers into the Chamber of the Council. Expulsion of the Council. Debate in the Council of Elders respecting the Constitution. Interruption of the Debate by Members of the Council of Five Hundred. Measures taken by the Council of the Elders. Re-union of Members of the Five Hundred in their Chamber. Vote of Thanks to Bonaparte and the Troops. Speech of the President of the Council. Speech of Boulay de la Meurthe Decrees of the Legislative Councils, annibilating the Constitution and forming a Provisionary Government. Effect of the Revolution on the Mind of the Public. Installation of the Consuls and Legislative Commissions. Repeals of Laws on Hostages and of the forced Loan. Effect of the Repeal on the insurgent Department. Projected Jacobin Revolution of the Government in Holland. Revolution in the Ligurian Republic,



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Effect of the Revolution of the 18th Brumaire on the different Classes in France, Impolitic and arbitrary Decree of the Consuls. Repeal of the ·Decree Tyranny of the former Directory against the Priesthood. Propositions in the Council of Five Hundred for extending the Persecution. Petition of the Constitutional Bishops against the Propositions. Debate and Rejection of the Propositions. Decree of the Consals respecting the intolerant



Desperate State of the French Republic. Arrival of Bonaparte in France. Introductory Reflexions on the Expedition to Egypt. Preparations of the Turks and English against Egypt. Political and scientific Operations of the French in Egypt. Organisation of the French Army for an Expedition into Syria, Political and Military Situation of Egypt, Defeat of Mamalukes, and Capture of El-Arisch. Slowness of the Preparations of the Ottoman Porte. Causes of the Insurrection and Submission of Passwan Oglou. Arrival of the English Squadron before St. Jobn d'Acre. March of the French Army across the Desert. Capture of Gaza. Jaffa taken by Storm. Defeat of the Turks near ancient Samaria Capture of the French Fleet of Artillery near the Promontory of Mount Carmel. Siege of St. John D'dere-Operations of the Siege-Assembly of an immense Turkish Army near Cana.-Total Defeat and Rout across the River Jordan of the Turkish Army in the Plains of Esdrelon. Renewed Attacks on St. John D'AcreArrival of Turkish Reinforcements-Passage of the French through the Breach into St. John D'Acre - Repulse of the Besiegers. Impracticability of taking the Fortress-Last desperate Attempts Preparations for raising the Siege of St. John D' Acre. Proclamation of the Porte to the French Army Retreat of the French Army back to Egypt. Result of the Expedition into Syria. Combined Expedition of the English and Turks against Egypt. Operations of the French Generals in Egypt during the Campaign of Benaparte in Syria. Defeat of the Mamalukes Landing of the Turks at Aboukir, Military Dispositions of French and Turkish Armies. Dread"ful Engagement between the Turks and Frencb. Victory of Aboukir. Preparations by Bonaparte for bis Return to France. Departure of Bonaparte from Egypt, and Arrival in France. Intercepted Letters from Egypt, State of the Country and of the French Army. Defeat of Mourad Bey in Upper Egypt. Destruction of the Turkish Army on the Coasts near Damietta,



Enumeration of the different Epocbas of the Campaign. New Formation of the coalesced Armies. Position of Suwarrow in Italy. Dispositions of the French and Austrian Armies. Attempts of the French Army in Italy to prevent Suwarrow's March into Switzerland. Re union of Moreau's Army to Champonet's. Precautions of the French with respect to Genoa. March of Suvarrow towards Switzerland. Projects of the Russian General. Dispositions of the Austrian Army in the Mountains. Suwarrow's Entrance into Switzerland. Position of the coalesced and French Armies in Switzerland. Project of general Attack by Massena. Defensive Dispositions of General Hotze. General Attack of the French on the whole Line. Death of Hotze. Total Defeat of the allied Armies in Switzerland. Progress of Suwarrow in Switzerland. Defeat and Retreat of Suwarrow across the Mountains of the Grisons. Entire Evacuation of Switzerland by the allied Estimated Loss on both Sides. Movements of the Archduke on the Rhine. Consequences of the Defeat of the Allies in Switzerland wub Tespect to their general Operations. Operations of the alted English and Russian Army in Holland. Attack of the Allies on the Freneb and Dutch Armies. Retreat of the English and Russian Army. Retreat and distressed




Decrees of the Directory and restoring the Churches. Correspondence of the

French Bishops and Greek Patriarebs with the Churches in the Bands f

the Mediterranean. Tolerating Spirit of the Catholic Bishops. Repeal of

the Land of the 19th Frustidor, and Recall of Numbers banished as that

Period. Change of Ministers. Arrival on the Continent of Negotiator's

From the United States Hostile Speech of the President of the United States

relative to France on the opening of the Congress. Change of Disposition in

·"the President favourable to a Pacification Breach between the French

Republic and the Senate of Hamburgh. Decree of the French Goberalment

against Hamburgb. Correspondence between Bonaparte and the Senate.

Decree to send out of the Republic the Emigrants shipwrecked at Calais.

Funeral Honours rendered to the late Pope. Decree respecting the Main

tenance of French Prisoners in England. Project of Constitution by Sieyes-

Rejected in Part by Bonaparte. Sketch of the Constitution. Address of

The Consuls. Reflections on the Constitution. Struggle for Power between

Bonaparte and Sieyes. Fatal Error of the tatter. Nominations to the

Conservatory Senate, Tribunate, Legislative Body, and Council of State

Installation of the Executive Government. Address of the Consuls to abe

Insurgents of the Western Departments. Respective Position of the Austrian

and French Army on the Eastern Frontier of Switzerland. Retreat of

Suwarrow to Augsburg. Respectable State of Defence of the Austrian

Army. Advantages of the French in the Grisons Situation of the little

Cantons. Military Policy of the Austrian Government. Reinforcement of

the Austrian Army in Italy. Position of the Austrian Army. Manœworës

of the respective Armies previous to the Investment of Coni. Battle of Go-

nola Defeat of the French. Retreat of the French from Coni and from

Novi into the Ligurian Republic. Surrender of Ancona. Defeat of the

Austrian Army near Geneva. Siege and Surrender of Coni. Positions of

the French and Austrian Armies in Italy on the Conclusion of the Campaigns

Reflections on the Campaign antibe Military Operations in Italy, 476-

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Report of the Committee of Secresy on the Papers presented to the House of
Commons, by Mr. Secretary Dundas, the 23d of Tamary, 1799 (485).

Protest against the Bill enabling his Majesty to arrest and detain Parsons

saspected of conspiring against his Person and Government, v➡➡ (198)

The King's Proclamation of March 16, prohibiting Persons from passing
without Passports, from Ireland into this Kingdom, 195 (od: 16 (499)

Message from his Majesty, delivered to Parliament, June 6, (200)

Protest against the third Rending of the Militia Reduction Bingas (204)

Speech of his Majesty in prorogning Parliament, Wednesday, July 12, (202)

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Account of the Agricultural Improvements introduced into bis Majesty's Farm

in the Great Park at Windsor,

On the Cause of Blight on Fruit-Trees,




Ode for the New Year,


The Times of Chivalry contrasted with those of Modern Refinement,


Reception of Psyche at the Palace of Cupid,


Energetic Effects of Hope on Youthful Genius,


The Queen of Sheba's Trial of the Wisdom of Solomon,


The Return of Christmas welcomed, with Reflections on its Ancient Festivals,


Ode for his Majesty's Birth-Day,


Ode to Barine, paraphrased from Horace,


Sonnet on the Decay of Humankind,


Elegy on a Young Lady, robo died soon after her Marriage,
The Sailor who had served in the Slave-Trade,


3 ~[178]

Lines addressed to the Burnie Bee,


Lines to Mr. Opie, by Mrs. Opie, on his having painted for ber the Picture of Mrs. Twiss,

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