The Edinburgh Magazine, Or, Literary Miscellany, 9. kötet

Első borító
J. Sibbald, Parliament-Square, 1797

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Népszerű szakaszok

27. oldal - Just as the last hand was given to this immense and complicated machine, the master workman died: but the work was formed on true mechanical principles; and it was as truly wrought.
448. oldal - I cannot expect it will be long sustained, unless I immediately clear it. Even now, I believe it is at a crisis — my friends have no money to send me till the land is sold; and my creditors will not wait till then. You know what the consequence would be.
276. oldal - He has nothing for it but to abdicate, and run from an evil which he can neither prevent nor mollify. The husband gone, the ceremony begins. The walls are...
174. oldal - Awake, awake, put on strength, O arm of the LORD ; awake, as in the ancient days, in the generations of old.
120. oldal - For my own part, I used to think myself in company as much above me, when I was with Mr. Addison and Mr. Pope, as if I had been with all the Princes in Europe.
141. oldal - I'll wager a dinner,' the other one cried, ' That Mary would venture there now.' ' Then wager and lose ! ' with a sneer he replied, ' I'll warrant she'd fancy a ghost by her side, And faint if she saw a white cow.
141. oldal - She listened, — nought else could she hear : The wind ceased ; her heart sunk in her bosom with dread, For she heard in the ruins distinctly the tread Of footsteps approaching her near. Behind a wide column, half breathless with fear, She crept to conceal...
244. oldal - Old and young, high and low, grave and gay, learned or ignorant, all were alike delighted, agitated, transported. I was at that time...
139. oldal - O happy age ! when Hope's unclouded ray Lights their green path, and prompts their simple mirth; Ere yet they feel the thorns that lurking lay To wound the wretched pilgrims of the earth, Making them rue the hour that gave them birth And threw them on a world so full of pain, Where prosperous folly treads on patient worth, And to deaf pride misfortune pleads in vain ! Ah! for their future fate how many fears Oppress my heart and fill mine eyes with tears ! CHARLOTTE SMITH : Happiness of Childhood.
141. oldal - Behind a wide column, half breathless with fear, She crept to conceal herself there : That instant the moon o'er a dark cloud shone clear, And she saw in the moonlight two ruffians appear, And between them a corpse did they bear.

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