[blocks in formation]

Charities Inquiry Bill, 1756

Cheshire Police Regulation Bill, 740

Church Services, 1595

[ Land Revenue Bill, 1320, 1578
Law Commission, 1040
Law Terms Regulation Bill, 1325

Church of Scotland, Records of, in Sion College, London Bridge Bill, 1163


[blocks in formation]

Colonies, Propagation of the Gospel in the, 455
Corn-laws, 1165, 1464

Corporations in Ireland, Ecclesiastical, 131
Cotton Factories' Regulation Bill, 1487
County Court, Middlesex, 23
Currency, 1702

Dover Right of Election, 1632

East Retford, 704, 1055, 1115, 1252, 1689

East India Writers' Bill, 263
East India Trade, 1292, 1335

t India Offices' Bill, 1557
Ecclesiastical Corporations in Ireland, 131
Ecclesiastical Courts' Bill, 1318, 1543, 1700, 1763
Education of the Poor in Ireland, 608, 1552
Estimates, Militia, 1043

Estimates, Miscellaneous, 135

Farquhar, Sir R., Conduct of, 1696

Finance Committee, 886

Forged Signature to a Petition, 22

French Claims, 1032, 1033
Friendly Societies' Bill, 1390

Game Bill, 465

Grand Juries in India, 1753
Greenwich Hospital, 612, 1053

Hampstead Heath, 1771, 1814
Hemp, Reduction of Duty on, 1599
Horses used in Husbandry, 1324
Husbandry Horses, 1324

India, Grand Juries in, 1753

Ireland, Ecclesiastical Corporations in, 131
Ireland, Medical Practice in, 441

Ireland, Education of the Poor, 608, 1552
Ireland, Poor-laws in, 742, 1114, 1123
Ireland, Sub-letting Act in, 815
Irish Admiralty Court, 531

Irish Education Estimates, 1552

Irish Miscellaneous Estimates, 263, 608
Irish Royal Canal Company, 524
Irish Church Establishment, 906
Irish Fisheries, 1269

Judges' Salaries, Augmentation Bill, 1532
Juror, a Member Summoned as a, 1770

Madras, Registrar of, 1055
Malt and Beer, 1300

Mauritius, Slavery in the, 1696
Medical Practice in Ireland, 441
Members in India, 1105

Mesne Process, Arrests on, 262
Metropolis Roads Bill, 27

Metropolis Police Improvement Bill, 867, 1487
Middlesex County Court, 23
Militia Estimates, 1043
Miscellaneous Estimates, 135

Nash, Mr., Conduct of, 1578, 1589, 1818
Newfoundland Fisheries Bill, 463, 533, 713

Non-residence of the Clergy, 1826

O'Connell, Mr., 1378, 1395, 1459, 1510

Parish Vestries, Regulation of, 890, 1508
Parliamentary Reform, 1672
Party Walls, 1531

Patents for Inventions, Law of, 598

Petition, Forged Signature to a, 22

Petitions, 1531

Poor-laws in Ireland, 742, 1114, 1123,

Population, Redundancy of the, 1719
Portugal, 1601

Private Bills, Standing Orders respecting, 1054

Propagation of the Gospel in the Colonies, 455
Reform of Parliament, 1672

Registrar of Madras, 1055

Rights of Authors, 1701

Roman Catholic Claims, 523, 571

Rosamond Brig, Loss of, 1549

Scotch Brewers, 445

Scotland, Church of, Records of, in Sion College,

Sierra Leone, 1461

Silk Trade, 444, 571, 595, 702, 744, 817, 889,
914, 1160

Slavery in the Mauritius, 1696

Slavery in the West Indies, 1741
Small Debts, 1165

Smithfield Market Bill, 1389
Spanish Claims, 449, 532, 711, 884
State of the Country, 1773
Sub-letting Act in Ireland, 815
Sugar Duties Bill, 1565

Swan River Settlement Bill, 464, 712, 13
Tailzies Regulation (Scotland) Bill, 12 69
Tobacco Duties, 1597

Vestries, Regulation of Parish, 890, 150 8

King's Bench, Want of Accommodation in the Water, Supply of, to the Metropolis, J12

Court of, 743

Labourers' Wages Bill, 1049, 1392

Westmeath, Complaint against the Sub-sheriff
of, 814

Wool Trade, 1252


Aberdeen, Earl of, 1796, 1813

Abingdon, Earl of, 660

Hamilton, Duke of, 404, 405-
Harewood, Earl of, 1, 109, 1748

Anglesey, Marquis of, 257, 397, 481, 733, 740, Harrowby, Earl of, 572, 640 -

990, 1030

Armagh, Archbishop of, 67
Athol, Duke of, 657

Bath and Wells, Bishop of, 677
Bathurst, Earl, 553, 579, 1330
Beauchamp, Earl, 36, 137, 142

Belhaven, Lord, 547
Bexley, Lord, 1, 544, 565
Bute, Marquis of, 415

Calthorpe, Lord, 1273, 1747
Camden, Marquis, 620

Canterbury, Archbishop of, 58, 552, 1746
Carbery, Lord, 402, 406

Carlisle, Earl of, 468

Carnarvon, Earl of, 18, 520, 589, 1251
Clancarty, Earl of, 478, 572, 573, 725, 740

Clanricarde, Marquis of, 402, 415, 586, 1161,
1795, 1813

[blocks in formation]

Holland, Lord, 8, 188, 393, 427, 550, 567, 592,
685, 1505, 1752, 1799, 1811

Kenyon, Lord, 35, 187, 188, 495, 520, 539, 540,
550, 552, 557, 568

Lansdowne, Marquis of, 112, 468, 520, 536, 556,
573, 574, 582, 619, 680, 1252, 1270, 1748
Lauderdale, Earl of, 586, 1792
Leinster, Duke of, 32

Lilford, Lord, 277

Limerick, Earl of, 403, 589, 1330
Litchfield, Bishop of, 668
Liverpool, Earl of, 297

Llandaff, Bishop of, 487, 505, 506
London, Bishop of, 119, 553, 561
Londonderry, Marquis of, 400, 501, 518, 579,
1563, 1792, 1793, 1794

Longford, Earl of, 21, 438, 486

Lord Chancellor (Lyndhurst), 190, 508, 517, 560,
566, 593, 1162, 1274, 1499

Lyndhurst, Lord, see Lord Chancellor.
Lyttleton, Lord, 138, 402, 515

[blocks in formation]

Newcastle, Duke of, 662, 670

Eldon, Earl of, 14, 33, 39, 137, 143, 348, 392, 469, Norwich, Bishop of, 656, 657
471, 501, 505, 508, 512, 516, 546, 547, 614, 616,
617, 618, 619, 622, 657, 687, 1290, 1492
Ellenborough, Lord, 16, 562, 593, 1273, 1548
Enniskillen, Earl of, 130

Falmouth, Earl of, 216, 388, 393, 519, 671
Farnham, Lord, 15, 34, 404, 412, 467, 469, 499,
536, 538, 541, 558, 562, 589, 593, 594, 1331

Fife, Earl of, 470

Oriel, Lord, 467, 591, 593

Oxford, Bishop of, 75, 156, 412, 506, 512, 566

Plunkett, Lord, 365, 516, 519, 544, 558, 519, 591

Redesdale, Lord, 412, 498, 522, 555, 562, 678,
1292, 1507

Richmond, Duke of, 92, 410, 573, 584, 590, 592,

Goderich, Viscount, 12, 36, 226, 614, 1326, 1549, Roden, Earl of, 664


Gort, Lord, 588

Granville, Viscount, 620

Grey, Earl, 32, 37, 40, 308, 618, 619, 1548, 1560,

Grosvenor, Earl, 1769

Guilford, Earl of, 264

Haddington, Earl of, 470, 519, 617, 582, 1749

Rosebery, Earl of, 416, 542

Rosslyn, Earl of, 261, 406, 539

Rutland, Duke of, 474, 555

Salisbury, Bishop of, 94

Salisbury, Marquis of, 123, 1595
Sidmouth, Viscount, 20, 288, 592
Skelmersdale, Lord, 34
Somers, Earl, 991

St. David's, Bishop of, 41

Sussex, H. R. H. the Duke of, 157, 189, 675

Tankerville, Earl of, 1595

407, 439, 468, 481, 518, 520, 537, 540, 557, 560,
563, 573, 588, 688, 731, 740, 1021, 1328, 1563,
1748, 1750, 1793, 1795, 1805, 1812
Westmorland, Earl of, 279, 297, 1592

Tenterden, Lord, 131, 300, 511, 516, 517, 559, Wharncliffe, Lord, 1241, 1594
563, 566, 1507, 1749

Verulam, Earl of, 540, 541

Wicklow, Earl of, 126, 583

Winchilsea, Earl of, 22, 95, 403, 422, 521

Wellington, Duke of, 1, 5, 36, 41, 226, 262, 389, York, Archbishop of, 143


Acland, Sir T. D., 453, 1063

Althorp, Viscount, 1165, 1255, 1320, 1392, 1485, Cooper, Bransby, 1167, 1168


Colborne, N. R. 905, 1520

Courtenay, Right Hon. T. P., 571, 865,982, 1390,
1391, 1599

Arbuthnot, Charles, 1582

Ashley, Lord, 263, 1376, 1754

Astell, William, 1297, 1299, 1373

1253, 1708, 1782

Bankes, Henry, 531, 859, 1322, 1558, 1585

Cripps, Joseph, 1050, 1393, 1736

Croker, J. W. 1552

Attwood, Matthias, 942, 1217, 1229, 1236, 1238, Davenport, E. D., 598, 830, 1531, 1704

Bankes, George, 609, 610, 612, 1077

Barclay, Charles, 530

Davies, Colonel, 1204, 1531, 1578, 1581, 1589,
1590, 1818

Dawson, Alexander, 1701

Dawson, George, 22, 23, 442, 1143

Baring, Alexander, 451, 452, 454, 702, 793, 914, Denison, W. J., 697, 906, 1334, 1508, 1768

[blocks in formation]

Bright, Henry, 453, 703, 1488, 1558, 1570, 1597, Farquhar, Sir Robert, 1032, 1576, 1696

Brougham, Henry, 1039, 1040, 1043, 1064, 1101,
1376, 1379, 1384, 1385, 1389, 1400, 1447, 1530,
1533, 1539, 1558, 1636, 1693, 1698, 1702, 1739,

Brownlow, Charles, 441, 814, 1149

Burdett, Sir Francis, 1113, 1145

Burrell, Walter, 1050, 1298

Burrell, Sir Charles, 706, 1597, 1771
Buxton, Fowell, 834, 1577, 1696

Byng, George, 1509

Fergusson, C., 703, 706, 712, 831, 1080, 1108,
1119, 1270, 1426, 1491, 1524, 1534, 1541, 1698,

Fitzgerald, Right Hon. Maurice, 611, 1112, 1388,
1430, 1555

Fitzgerald, Right Hon. Vesey, 444, 595, 596, 703,
761, 1160, 1161, 1254, 1366, 1478, 1601
Forbes, Charles, 1062, 1064, 1372, 1488, 1755.
Fremantle, Sir T. 569, 702, 1051

Fyler, T. B., 444, 571, 596, 744, 866, 889, 914,

Calvert, Nicholson, 1060, 1069, 1104, 1255, 1693 Gascoyne, Isaac, 608, 610, 1155, 1298, 1518, 1600,
Carrington, Sir E., 702

Cave, Otway, 1063, 1741
Chancellor of the Exchequer (Right Hon. Henry
Goulburn), 27, 133, 135, 447, 449, 452, 453,
454, 459, 531, 532, 706, 712, 885, 886, 887, 889,
1035, 1038, 1168, 1198, 1199, 1207, 1234, 1256,
1311, 1322, 1325, 1353, 1533, 1536, 1557, 1570,
1581, 1588, 1598, 1670

Clerk, Sir George, 1551

Cockburn, Sir George, 612, 613, 1053, 1550

[blocks in formation]

Grattan, James, 608, 1148, 1252

Morland, Sir Scrope, 608

Gurney, Hudson, 705, 1061, 1104, 1116, 1643, | Morpeth, Lord, 1116, 1517
1697, 1708

Hardinge, Sir H., 1046, 1772

Harvey, D. W., 263, 527, 698, 1110, 1232, 1324,
1756, 1788.

Heathcote, R., 1118, 1253, 1481, 1597

Murray, Sir George, 457, 461, 462, 464, 533,
712, 913, 914, 1333, 1463, 1699, 1738, 1765,

Nicholl, Sir John, 1318, 1544
Normanby, Lord, 1079, 1122

Herries, Right Hon. J. C., 888, 1235, 1260, 1828 Nugent, Lord, 1526

Hill, Sir George, 23

Hobhouse, John Cam, 890, 1508, 1685

Holdsworth, A. H., 1485

O'Connell, Daniel, 1401
O'Neil, A. J. 1679
Osborne, Lord F. 1394

Horton, R. Wilmot, 742, 1131, 1335, 1527, 1720, Oxmantown, Lord, 1115, 1692

1740, 1765

Howick, Lord, 1690

Hume, Joseph, 23, 133, 135, 262, 263, 444, 445,
448, 453, 454, 455, 462, 464, 530, 532, 697, 712,
713, 818, 883, 888, 905, 913, 1043, 1045, 1047,
1049, 1054, 1109, 1119, 1165, 1185, 1199, 1234,
1236, 1237, 1334, 1361, 1394, 1464, 1486, 1543,
1545, 1553, 1587, 1591, 1683, 1700, 1754, 1763,
1775, 1826, 1830

Huskisson, Right Hon. William, 803, 1087, 1158,
1223, 1266, 1292, 1299, 1356, 1486, 1521, 1534,
1541, 1573, 1578, 1582, 1590, 1640, 1729, 1746,
1768, 1785

[blocks in formation]

Labouchere, H., 458, 462, 1332, 1764

Pallmer, C. N. 1319, 1531
Palmer, C. F. 1051, 1393
Palmerston, Viscount, 1159, 1643
Parnell, Sir Henry, 933
Peachy, William, 866

Peel, Right Hon. Robert, 134, 136, 607, 612,
741, 867, 882, 883, 904, 1040, 1041, 1045, 1052
1961, 1063, 1097, 1104, 1109, 1113, 1123, 1155,
1156, 1160, 1161, 1165, 1166, 1167, 1318, 1320,
1382, 1385, 1387, 1395, 1452, 1460, 1487, 1488,
1489, 1528, 1535, 1543, 1553, 1556, 1557, 1558,
1589, 1624, 1643, 1683, 1687, 1694, 1701, 1713,
1736, 1779

Perceval, Spencer 1555, 1816

Philips, Sir George, 702, 1048, 1299, 1392, 1484,
1487, 1787,

Phillimore, Dr. 1110, 1318, 1756, 1763,

Portman, E. B. 1391, 1461, 1597

Powlett, Lord William, 1117

Lamb, Hon. George, 704, 711, 1055, 1254, 1425, Protheroe, Edward, 1394, 1587

1695, 1702

[blocks in formation]

Lockhart. J. I., 466

Lord Advocate of Scotland, 1490, 1540
Lord Mayor, see Thompson, Alderman
Lowther, Lord, 27, 528, 613, 1320, 1323
Lumley, J. S., 711, 1083, 1689
Lushington, Dr., 1108, 1551

Maberly, John, 27, 135, 136, 454, 608, 613, 698,
886, 889, 988, 1211, 1235, 1258, 1600
Mackintosh, Sir James, 571, 1041, 1055, 1491,
1526, 1601, 1699, 1701, 1755, 1765
Macleod, J. N., 1770

Mandeville, Lord, 1554

Marshall, John, 1069

Marshall, William, 1478

Maxwell, Henry, 523

Maxwell, John, 1787

Milton, Lord, 1159, 1317, 1320, 1388, 1482
Monck, J. B., 989, 1316

Rice, Spring, 263, 609, 610, 1142, 1510, 1528,
1552, 1592

Ridley, Sir M. W. 1589

Robinson, George, 454, 460, 463, 534, 597, 703,

711, 713, 756, 919, 1776

Russell, Lord John, 1060, 1100, 1104, 1118

Russell, Lord William, 1692

Sadler, Michael T. 742, 800, 832, 962, 1114, 1136,
1489, 1726, 1773, 1791

Sandon, Lord, 134, 460

Scarlett, Sir James, 743, 1436, 1551
Sebright, Sir John, 1692, 1773

Sibthorp, Colonel, 1044, 1047, 1555, 1774
Slaney, R. A. 1154, 1300, 1318

Smith, William, 1052, 1168, 1316, 1319, 1463,
1688, 1746

Solicitor General (Sir N. C. Tindal), 1325, 1414,
1460, 1510

Speaker, The (Right Hon. C. M. Sutton), 22,
570, 742, 1163, 1378, 1385, 1770

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