
The lady replied, why fhould I one buy, Since in you, fir, I fee an inmate for my fly.




On the march of a detachment of Guards from the Tower, to join the Army in Flanders.

[From POEMS written during a clofe Confinement in the Tower and Newgate.]


W 7HEN Willy firft, by wars alarms, Was fummoned to the hoftile fhores;

Keen forrow dimm'd young Nelly's charms,

And thus the nymph her fate deplores :

"Ah, foul befal the wicked wights, Who plunge the world in endless ftrife; Which Love's delightful harvest blights,

And blafts each tender joy of life.

Muft Willy, from his country torn, A ftranger's doubtful cause fuftain;

And leave his faithful maid to mourn O'er vows of love return'd in vain !

Muft he the weary march fuftain, And reft on the unfhelter'd ground; While ruthlefs winds and pelting rain,

And countless dangers rage around!

Muft he the graceful form expose, That early won my virgin heart, Where cannon, plac'd in murd'rous


At once a thousand deaths impart !

AH! yet, ye great ones! paufe and hear;

Let Peace difpel thefe dire alarms.

Ah! dry the widow's, virgin's tear, Nor tear my Willy from my arms!


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Each early grace of heart and mind, In thee, bleft youth, we faw combin'd A form and temper near divine; The tear of fympathy was thine, The virtues of a man with youth were join'd.

Dear comrade of my happiest hours! And one of nature's fairest flow'rs!

My verfe fhall wail thy early doom, And Friendship's tears bedew thy tomb,

Aided by Senfibility's foft powers.

But why lament ?-his fpirit reigns In Heav'ns immortal blifsful plains, Above the reach of human care Of dire difeafe, or fell defpair, Beyond the grasp of mortal joys or pains.


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alarms ;

Before whofe fword Metellus fcamper'd,

When he most piteously was hamper'd ;
Till treachery oppreis'd the man,
Whom heroes fill attack'd in vain.
Jove's winged flave, who us'd to go,
Where'er he chose to fend him to;
A river which through Athens flow'd,
And form'd itself a rocky road,
To fertilize a ftony mould,
Which as they tell you, was as old
As Time itself, or, to be bolder,
Than Time itself, a twelvemonth older;
The veteran warrior who fubdued

The haughty fons of Afia's brood
On Salamin's aufpicious fhore,
And ftain'd the fea with Perfian gore;
An English admiral whofe glory,
Gibraltar places plump before you,
Who taught the fons of Gaul to bow
Before the conquering British prow,
And bids the threat'ning thunders roll,
Which rule the fea from pole to pole.

Now join th' initials, then at hand,
You'll have a nymph in Weftmoreland ;
Of Brackenburgh, where ftill she reigns
Triumphant in her lover's pains;
Whofe beauty far outfhines the graces,
And quite eclipfes other faces,
Just as the fun's meridian light
Obfcures the wand'rers of the night.



MY goods are loft, my house is burnt,
And yet, uspon my life,

No great misfortune have I met,
For in't was burnt my wife.




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Leyden, December 21.

SINCE the attempt made by the French on the 11th to pafs the Waal, nothing but tranquillity has reigned on its borders; it however appears they have not abandoned their project-they are erecting, oppofite Fort St. André. a very large mortar battery to bombard this fort, which was their principal object of attack on the 11th, as it commands the most important pals of the river.

The number of killed left behind by the French is 280. General du Busche was buried at Arnheim, on the 14th; he had his right hand fhot off previous to the ball entering his belly.

At Manheim and its environs, as alfo on the Rhine, all is tranquil, but the French are bufy in erecting fortifications, feemingly with a defign to keep up a chain of pofts and a line of communication all along this river.

Raufbon, Dec. 23. Yefterday the operations of the diet, concerning the negociations for peace, were brought to a conclufion. In confequence of which it appears, that whilst the preparations for the next campaign are continuing, a negociation shall be begun for a reafonable and acceptable peace.

That the emperor is to be requefted, in co-operation with the king of Pruffia, to do their best endeavours for obtaining an armiftice, which would lead to the making of a peace that will be confiftent with the conflitution of the emperor, and the peace of Weftphalia.

they could pafs over it, and were enabled to attack our pofts in the rear and flank this they accordingly did, and our troops were, in confequence, compelled to fall back, in order to avoid being entirely cut off.

In this manner the enemy got poffeffion of the Canton of Bornmel, and Bradnal were obliged to fall back in the a body of our troops who were near night, as they would on both fides have been cut off from Gorinchen. The retired to Loevestein, leaving behind other troops in the Canton of Bommel them a few hundred men.

Francfort by yesterday's mail say, Hague, Jan. I. Accounts from that the negociations for a peace with France are already in fome degree of forwardnefs; and that major Mezerink, general Molendorf's adjutant, lately returned as a courier from Berlin, is now at Bafle, and has had feveral conferences with the French deputies there. Paris, Jan. 1. XVI. is treated very mildly fince the deThe fon of Louis ftruction of the fyftem of terror. The committee of general fafety havs affigned to him three commissioners, who are faid to be men of strict principles and integrity; two of them are third takes care that he is fupplied with charged with his education, and the all proper neceffaries.

Horfes are fo fcarce in the interior of France, that oxen only are now employed in land carriage and the plough. Paris, Jan. 2. The convention has divided Flanders into feven diftricts, Hague. Dec. 23. A courier who ar- of which Ghent, Bruges, Oftend, rived here yesterday morning early, Nieuport, Dixmude, Courtray, Oude. brought intelligence, of which the fol-narde, Menin, Aloft, St. Nicholas, and lowing is the bulletin:

By advices of the 27th, we learn, that the French on that day made a general attack on all the points of our frontiers, in which they fucceeded the more eafily, as the ice on the rivers and inundations and been rendered fo thick by the fevere and inceffant froft, that'


Tournay, are the chief places.

Flanders. Brabant, an Liege, ate finally united to the French republic. Deputies from thofe refpective countries now reprefent them in the national convention. Brabant has been divided into four diftricts, of which Bruffels. Louvain, Antwerp, Nivelles, are H

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