
of the interior of a Suffolk's yeoman's household at the end of the last century, which those who have not read should read at once, and those who have read will be glad to read again. I quote the following passage for the sake of the word at the head of this note, which is no longer used, and has been commonly misunderstood

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"If the sacred apartments had not been opened, the family dined on this wise; the heads seated in the kitchen at our old table; the farm-men standing in the adjoining scullery, door open-the female servants at a side table, called a bouter; with the principals, at the table, perchance some travelling rat-catcher, or tinker, or farrier, or an occasional gardener in his shirt-sleeves, his face streaming with perspiration."

That bouter is nothing more than boulter will be apparent from the accompanying extract from a letter written by Francis Capper Brooke, of Ufford, to Edward Fitzgerald, of Woodbridge, only four days before the death of the latter :

"An old inhabitant of Parham says that a 'Bouter Table' is a Table fitted with a sieve through which flour is sifted, and having drawers underneath to receive that flour. It was an ordinary piece of furniture in old houses. An old carpenter in Ufford adds that the ground wheat was put into it, without having any bran detached from the rough mass."

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WILLIAM ALDIS WRIGHT. Trinity College, Cambridge.


We must request correspondents desiring information on family matters of only private interest, to affix their names and addresses to their queries, in order that the answers may be addressed to them direct,

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'RANTING, ROARING WILLIE.'-In an interesting note from K., Arbroath, in 'N. & Q.,' 2nd S. v. 186, a version of the above was given which had been obtained from a lady well versed in the ballad literature of the district in which she was born, and who had had it recalled to her memory by seeing one of Halliwell's Nursery Rhymes.' I have lately received a version identically the same, which is said to have been current about Bellingham in Northumberland, and to have been taken down viva voce; and I am very anxious to know if the version given by K. also came from Northumberland, or whether it was known in any other district. W. E. L.

Jos. SIDNEY HORTON.-I wish to ask who this person was. I find his name written on the back of the frames of two water-colour portraits, and do not know whether he was the artist or the subject. The portraits are of men in Eastern dress, and have titles written under each in faded ink: "Admiral Pacha," ""Reis Effeindi." The robes are very voluminous, and are trimmed with fur; the one is red and the other blue; the turbans are quite different in fashion. The face in each case

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Can any reader of 'N. & Q.' inform me whether any solution of the well-known Bolognian enigma, "Elia Lælia Crispis," &c., has ever been generally accepted; and, if so, what such solution is; or whether the enigma still remains unsolved? W. G.

THE GREAT FEAST OF ST. GEORGE.-Will any one tell me where I can find description, and especially pictures, of entertainment given by Edw. III. in 1358 to the King of France, &c.?


Newton School, Rock Ferry.


-Why was this jubilee kept at the expiration of forty-nine years of his reign? Surely the meaning of fifty years of jubilee is the completion of fifty years. EDWARD R. VYVYAN.

there. His name occurs in that most valuable ediMARSON OF HOLBORN.-I suppose a bookseller tion of the Tatler by Nichols, 1786. At vol. v. p. 428, in an account of John Partridge, the almanac-maker, the editor says he has compiled the memoir from old almanacs annotated with many curious notes in MS., and that Mr. Marsom lent them for the purpose of drawing up the account "in three score volumes or more.' Are they still together in any collection and known to the curious?


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WEST.-Who was the "old West, who I believe is now at Chelsea," mentioned in the Tatler, No. 87? G. A. A.

LEE, KING OF THE GIPSIES.-Will any one kindly inform me whether there is truth in the rumour that one Lee, a gipsy king, lies buried in the churchyard of Harrow-on-the-Hill? This was told to my father more than fifty years ago, and perhaps refers to many years previous to that time. No stone or rail exists to his memory, and I do not believe the register records his burial.


St. John's College, Cambridge.

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MACKENZIE'S MANUSCRIPT BARONAGE OF SCOTLAND.-I should feel obliged if any of your readers could inform me the date of compilation of Sir George Mackenzie's manuscript baronage of Scotland; and where or in what library it may be P. GRAY.


9, Bell Street, Dundee.

PRE-EXISTENCE.—I shall be obliged to any of

SOCIETY OF FRIENDLY BROTHERS.-Dr. Oliver's 'Preston's Illustrations of Masonry,' seventeenth edition, London, 1861, p. 387, contains the follow-your readers who will be kind enough to send me ing:

"An Act of Parliament passed in this session [1839, apparently] for preventing the administration and taking of unlawful oaths in Ireland......provided

"That this exemption shall not extend to any such Society or Lodge......under the denomination of a Lodge of Freemasons, or Society of Friendly Brothers of the said Order,' &c."

any references in Western literatures to the idea of pre-existence or reincarnation, either in prose or poetry, passages in the works of prominent authors containing this thought, incidents confirming it, or poetical expressions of it (like Wordsworth's 'Intimations of Immortality'). E. D. WALKER. Harper & Brothers' Editorial Rooms, Franklin Square, New York.

A Society of Friendly Brothers met in Liverpool some thirty years ago, probably later; but it has MATEMANS, been extinct for a considerable time. A box their frugal lives and the poverty of their appear"" so the Lollards were called, from supposed to contain its property is still in exist-ance." If this is correct, what is the derivation of


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Friendly Brothers are unknown to English Freemasonry of the present day. I should be glad to have some information concerning them.

E. S. N. 'LA RUSSIE JUIVE.'-In the most curious and important book lately published in Paris, 'La Russie Juive' (by the late Calixt de Wolski), I find mentioned, p. 3, a" Compte-rendu des Événements Politico-Historiques survenus dans les Dix Dernières Années (from 1864 to 1874, I believe). No other description. This work I have never been able to discover in Paris. Could any of your readers afford a satisfying indication of it? C. DE R. Paris,

SCOTLAND AND LIBERALISM.-The Indépendence Belge of Oct. 30, 1885, had a notice of a book which had just appeared in London, in which a good many people attempted to answer the arduous question Why am I a Liberal?" One answer, it observed, was given from Edinburgh, "I am a Liberal because I am a Scotchman"; to which L'Indépendence added the remark, "Ce qui est la contre-partie du dicton: Vous devez être Ecossais, puisque vous êtes libéral."

Can any of your readers explain the meaning or existence of this dicton? To what age is it due? The word Liberal, in its technical and political sense, seems to have arisen in France not much earlier than 1830, and during the last fifty years Scotland has been popularly known abroad rather through Sir

the word.

E. COBHAM Brewer.

SIEGE OF BOLTON: HORRIDGE.-Where can the best account be found of the siege of Bolton-leMoors and the defence of Lathom House at the period of the Great Rebellion? Does the name Horridge occur in connexion with either of these events? J. B.

WESTMINSTER ABBEY TENOR BELL.-There is a puzzle connected with this which I should like to put before the readers of 'N. & Q.,' in the hope of some one suggesting a solution.

To state the problem I must first travel eastward, to the church of St. Michael, Cornhill. In or about 1430 William Rus, citizen and goldsmith, gave this church a new tenor bell, which was named "Rus," after him. (It may be that the gift was prompted by the fact that he was descended from a family of bell-founders.) By his last will, seven or eight years later, he founded and endowed himself, his wife Isabella, and (inter alia) John a chantry at St. Michael's, to pray for the souls of Whitewell, "his master," i. e., the goldsmith to whom he had been apprenticed, and, I think, whose daughter he had married.

The bell lasted till 1587, when, being cracked, it was recast by Lawrence Wright, a bell-founder, whose commercial morality was not of the highest order. The work was a failure; and in the following year the bell had to be again recast, this time by Robert Mot, of Whitechapel. The result was

not much more satisfactory, the bell only lasting eleven years. In 1599 Mot had to do the work over again. These are dry historical facts, mentioned by Stow, and recorded in the parish books, which are still extant. The present ring (of twelve) dates from 1729, and throws no light on the matter.

Now for the second part of the problem. The tenor bell at the abbey bears this inscription ('N. & Q.,' 4th S. vi. 43):




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THE STOCKS AND THE PILLORY.-The names of any villages in England or Wales still retaining the obsolete instruments of punishment the stocks (with or without the whipping-post) or the pillory, will be gratefully received by ALLAN FEA. Bank of England, E.C.


grateful to any one who can and will give me any information as to the present custody of the records of the Irish Privy Council about the year I have made inquiry here at the Public Record Office and at the Privy Council Office, and in Dublin at the Dublin Record Office and


at the State Paper Office, Dublin Castle; but no
one seems to know anything about them.

23, Old Buildings, Lincoln's Inn.

THE REPRINT OF THE FIRST FOLIO SHAKSPEARE OF 1807.-I should be much obliged if any of your readers could tell me where I can see a copy of Upcott's list of 368 errors in this reprint. I believe it was never published; but copies have been made in MS. at various times, and I am told are found sometimes at the end of this reprint. E. B. H.

ORESTES BROWNSON.-Has any life been published of the late Orestes Brownson, the American Roman Catholic writer? EDWARD PEACOCK.

Bottesford Manor, Brigg.

JOHN FROST, THE CHARTIST.-Frost was a kindly give me the exact date of his birth? For Can any reader of 'N. & Q.' many years after his return to England he resided at Stapleton, near Bristol, and died on July 29, 1877. I shall be glad to know where he was buried, and if his age is given on his tombstone.

GALILEO.-A paragraph has been going the
"rounds of the press " to the effect that " a monu-native of Newport.
ment has been erected in Rome, on the Via Pincio,
fronting the old Medici Palace, now occupied by the
French Embassy, where he was kept a prisoner in
1637, during his prosecution by the Inquisition."
Is this date correct? According to the Encyclo-
pædia Britannica,' Galileo read his recantation
June 22, 1633, and on July 6 was permitted to
depart for Siena to the Archbishop's residence. In
December he returned to Florence, where he spent
the remainder of his life, and died Jan., 1642.

A. L. L.
EXTIRP TO RAIL.-This verb is used in this
peculiar sense in Samuel Rowley's "When You
see Me You know Mee; or, the Famous Chronicle
Historie of King Henry the Eight' (F 3, back):-
Has set this foole a worke,
Thus to extirpe against his holinesse.
And (H 2, back):—

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She did extirpe against his Holinesse. The meaning seems to be "to speak censoriously" or abusively," ""to rail." As it occurs twice, and in the same phrase, it is evidently not a misprint. I cannot find any such signification given to the word in any dictionary. Can any of your readers furnish any instance of a similar use of this verb? F. A. MARSHALL.

8, Bloomsbury Square, W.C.

G. F. R. B.

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CARGO.-In Ben Jonson's 'Poetaster,' V. iii., we have, "A couple of condemn'd caitive calumnious cargo's." Gifford explains, Bullies or bravoes." He notes that the word is sometimes used by our old poets as an interjection. Of this use I have two examples :—

But cargo ! my fiddlestick cannot play without rosin.
Miseries of Enforced Marriage,' IV.
Twenty pound a year
For three good lives? Cargo! hai Trincalo !

Gifford says the word has been referred to Italian
coraggio. He himself inclines rather to see in it
the military word of command, cargo (?)=charge!
Can any one either supply further examples, or
suggest any other account of the word? May I
ask for direct replies?

14, Norham Road, Oxford,


"THE COUNTRY BOX, BY ROBERT LLOYD, A.M." -What is known of this "ingenious writer"? I

lately came across a poem, with the above title and
signature, in a book styled 'Poems on Various
Subjects, by Thomas Tomkins, "London, printed
for the Editor and J. Wallis at Yorick's Head,
Ludgate Street, 1780." Tomkins would appear,
from an advertisement at the end of the volume, to
have been a writing-master in Foster Lane, Cheap-
side; and the book is said to be printed by the
Etheringtons. The poem itself is a description of
a rural retreat about a mile from "Cheney Row,
Chelsea," lately bought by a rich cit named
Thrifty." In it occurs a couplet illustrating
what I have written about Piccadilly in my 'Old
and New London' (vol. iv. p. 287) as being at
that time the headquarters of sculptors and statu-
aries, like the New Road in our own day :-

And now from Hyde Park Corner come
The Gods of Athens and of Rome.


G. A. A.

3. Is not "Black Monks of the Angels" a mistake for " of the English " (Anglorum)?

4. Canons Regular are Austin Canons living under a quasi-monastic rule; Canons Secular are canons of non-monastic cathedral and collegiate churches. "Black Monks "are Benedictines, and "Black Canons," Augustinians. Is "Fratres de Sacra" a mistake for "de Sacco," referring to the order of friars "de pœnitentia," who went about in sacks?

5. Marmoutier, Mont St. Michel, the two great abbeys at Caen, Bec, and St. Bertin, were Benedictine; Fontenay and Savigny, Cistercian; Tironeaux, Cistercian; Hautpays I cannot find.

6. The Order of the Holy Trinity was instituted in 1197 as a branch of the Augustinian order. J. T. F. Bp. Hatfield's Hall, Durham.

1. The Augustinian order, i. e., the order of Hyde Park Manions, N.W. Augustinian Hermits, claims to have been founded KING'S END CAR. What is a "King's end by St. Augustine of Hippos; the Canons Regular car"?-used, apparently, in Ireland. of St. Augustine, who are sometimes, though inaccurately, styled Augustinians, claim to have been founded in the Apostolic College, and to have been reformed by St. Augustine, who reduced their rule to writing, and is therefore called their legislator. The rule of St. Augustine was made binding on all regular canons in the eleventh century.

First worship God, he that forgets to pray
Bids not himself good morrow, nor good day;
Let thy first labour be to purge thy sin,
And serve Him first whence all things did begin.
Long do they live, nor die too soon,

Who live till life's great work is done. S. M. P.
The unfinished window in Aladdin's tower
Unfinished must remain.


(7th S. iii. 449.)


1. The Austin Canons became organized in their mediæval form after the Council of Lateran in 1139, when Innocent II. gave them a rule which St. Augustine drew up for nuns. They had further rules which they attributed to St. Augustine, whom they regarded as their founder, and they may have been in some sort of organic continuity with some order established by him. The Austin Friars, or Eremites, were at first hermits, but became a mendicant order in the twelfth century. They also observed the so-called rule of St. Augustine, and probably claimed him as their founder.

2. The Præmonstratensians were an offshoot from the Austin Canons, and were called White Canons, from their white cassock, that of the Austin Canons being black. "White Bernardines" were either some sub-order of the Cistercian or White Monks, or the Order of Mount Olivet, instituted by Bernard (not Bernardine) of Sienna, A.D. 1320. Their habit was white.

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2. White Canons" are such canons regular as wear a white tunic, e. g., those of the Lateran congregation. "Premonstratensians" are white canons; they were founded early in the twelfth century by St. Norbert, afterwards Archbishop of Magdeburg. "White Bernardines" are probably Cistercians, who are sometimes called "Bernardines," after their founder St. Bernard, and wear a white habit. 4. "Canons Regular" are the canons of a collegiate or cathedral church who are bound by the "Secular Canons" rule of St. Augustine. canons who do not belong to a religious order. "Black Monks" are Benedictines. "Black Canons " are canons who wear a black tunic instead of a white "" were proone; the "Black Canons of Martiall bably members of a congregation of canons regular thus distinguished. Were not "Victorines" the canons of the celebrated congregation of St. Victor

in Paris?


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order was very different from the one called, after him, Augustine, or Augustinian. The Augustines were governed by rules, said to be those of St. Augustine, but in reality the work of several Popes, notably Pope Alexander IV. They were called "Black Canons," and according to Fuller were established in England in 1105. For particulars of the order and the pretended rules of St. Augustine see Hook's Church Dictionary (art."Augustines"), seventh edition, pp. 71 and 72. E. PARTINGTON.


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1. "The foundation of the order was......confidently referred to St. Augustine of Nippo (Catholic Dictionary,' Addis and Arnold, p. 56).

But the article seems to assert without reason.

2. "Premonstratensians" were commonly called in England "White Canons," from their white habit. They were founded by St. Norbert in 1119 at Prémontré, in the forest of Coucy, near Laon. 4. "Black Canons" are Augustinian Canons. "Black Friars" (not Monks) are Dominicans. "Canons Regular" are Augustinian Canons.

6. "Trinitarians" were founded at Rome in 1198 by St. John of Matha and St. Felix of Valois. The rule was that of St. Austin.

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BUNHILL FIELDS AND THE CROMWELL FAMILY (7th S. iii. 268, 413).—To any reader of 'N. & Q.' interested in Bunhill Fields, and who may have been puzzled by my stating that I found Dr. Rippon's copies of inscriptions at the British Museum, while at the same time MR. ROBERTS BROWN writes that they are preserved in the library of Heralds' College, I would say that we are both right. The British Museum volumes contain the inscriptions-apparently the original notes made on the ground-from A to P, with the exception of H. Those from Q to Z, not being at Great Russell Street, may be with the Heralds, or there may be a complete transcript at the College; but as to this, on inquiring there, I failed to obtain information because I was unwilling to pay five shillings for it. At the British Museum, besides the inscriptions pasted into the large volumes, the names arranged alphabetically but not extending beyond letter P, there is a small book containing inscriptions, apparently copies of original notes,

also in alphabetical order, and extended beyond P, but not, I think, complete; in it, however, was an epitaph for which I searched, the name commencing with T.

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In regard to the Cromwells, I wish to convey my thanks to MR. CROMWELL RUSSELL for the information he imparts in reply to my inquiry. I have visited the tombs (two altar tombs, standing about three yards apart), on one of which the inscriptions are yet partly, but very faintly, visible. On the smaller tomb, that which was found seven feet underground and restored to its position by the City Corporation, the inscription is entirely gone. It is here MR. CROMWELL RUSSELL says that the old lady who died at Ponder's End in 1813 and her daughter Susan, the last of the Cromwells, were buried, and this is evident from the absence of their names on the other tomb, which only had Dr. Rippon's notice, although, as Susan Cromwell was buried in 1834, it is difficult to believe that her tomb was out of sight before 1836, when Dr. Rippon died. Henry Cromwell" has been inscribed on the tomb reinstated by the Corporation; "Richard Cromwell his vault" appears on the other, recently cut. The "Henry Cromwell" was, I should think, Richard's brother; he died unmarried in 1769, æt. seventyone. MR. CROMWELL RUSSELL appears to think the vault was that of Major Henry Cromwell, father of the above brothers; but in that case the wife of the major (he himself died and was buried at Lisbon) would most probably have been buried in it, whereas she was consigned to her son Richard's another brother, Thomas (husband of the old lady tomb, as the inscription on it states. of Ponder's End, and who died sixty-five years before her), buried in Bunhill Fields in 1748; his tomb is no longer to be found, but Dr. Rippon has preserved the inscription; he was buried with bis first wife and her parents, whose name was Tidman.

There was

I may be allowed to add that a nice little guidebook or History of the Bunhill Fields Burying Ground,' published this year, is to be obtained from the very civil keeper of the ground; it contains a plan and some good sketches of the principal tombs. In the account there is an interesting quotation from the diary of a lady who had seen Dr. Rippon at work, "laid down upon his side between two graves, and writing out the epitaphs word for word. He had an inkhorn in his buttonhole, and a pen and book," &c. A veritable "Old Mortality," as the writer of the account calls him, "dwelling much among these tombs, and doing a work for which his memory ought to be kept for ever fresh and green." Finally the worthy Dr. Rippon was himself laid to rest among the graves on the record of which he had bestowed so much patient labour. He died in 1836, in his eighty-sixth year. W. L. RUTTON.

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