
intent on gaining the war eventually, leaving enemy humbled.

The year eighteen and nineteen hundred. They are beaten easily, entirely humbled in fight. Then Europe is near the treaty making many peoples all safe. The year nineteen and nineteen hundred. They are willing to unite every sincere nation wherever sundered. They near the signing time; then undesired things intervene easily inviting to surrender. The year twenty and nineteen hundred. Treaty meets much altering by signers. They fear it menaces very many interests. The desired indemnity is estimated readily. Easy payment covenant with all signers.

The year twenty-one and nineteen hundred There is money loaned in many nations. Lenders fear wealth is gone. Entire interest denied. Agreement ignored; not meant by signers. The year twenty-two and nineteen hundred. All need plenty of money. Intent on leisure, they easily fall into sin until eternity begins. The unworthy make money, while the others are denied wealthwinning. Often they deserve better, yet cannot win it in honorable way. They are tempted to any winning devisable. There is a moment of danger between divided hired. It means many more kindred times between those now entirely humbled, and the wealthy who widen the gap observed.

The year twenty-three and nineteen hundred.

There is enmity between tenant and landlord. They yearn to meet in strife until the feud is ended. Then, after many threats, enemies rend each other. In uniting every effort, tenants win their end, and tear many titles drawn by merciless hand. Christian Science threatens all other beliefs in the far west (America) where it ministers to all disease. It denies everything transient when observed.

The year twenty-four and nineteen hundred. The fortunes made sinfully never endure. They earn many tortures, invite many hatreds, create much bitterness between honest desire and dishonesty wherever discerned. The earth is made for union in all actions ever direct, for harmony, for love, and for merciful deeds. Germany wants no foreigners in her country. They are sent away as dangerous to that country. This act, evidently for other intents, deceives the few. Wise ones discover the reasons.



HE year twenty-five and nineteen hundred. Earth has plenty. Live idly. Enter idly into sin ere thy term of evil end in night eternal and red. The penitent live aright. Eventually honored, they are meant to live and minister unto sinners where pity finds them tempted by evil.

The Russians invent fiendish engines to destroy whole armies attacking in meeting overhead.

The year twenty-six and nineteen hundred. France attempts vigorous ministry desired. France wants her navy in fighting the Russians. They are enemies intending victories in any way easiest to attain. Evil is intended to all Europe. A net fortune excites envy; then Fury rises into war. Enmity exists. Giant nets bend under all. Fearful enmity extends to every kindred, and Wrath vents itself mightily in murder of those eminent ones who maintain honor in the world amidst existing insincerity now bolder.

England meets risings within her countries. Her territory, existing in certain regions, is the seat of mutiny and insurrection and war. America. means to silence every disturber of her methods, either Nihilist or any other. War between sin and virtue is necessary. This war of enemies is inviting His peoples.

The year twenty-seven and nineteen hundred. The Japanese are very anxious to enter countries that are wanting servants in all meritorious duties. The Scandinavians serve vanishing things deceitful. The Scandinavians secretly instigate all of discord existing in many cities very ancient and very historic. Germany witnesses internal dissensions unending. The Italians witness severe insurrections at home. The Spaniards are serving Nihilist leaders in evil. The Turks meet severe punishment

for murders. The Russians meet severe misfortune in designs when armies withstand their red volley.

Fear the new trials. Live till aid enters Europe, then every net is riven: the Indian Hunter can rend. A great Witness, seeing all sin in his earth, descends. He appears in a new heaven; divine, eternal, desired in earth, met in every island, in every hidden den. He is to enter the Western land; then Europe; then the East is to be served. A mighty event humbles the rest when heaven sends its warning thunder. The elements serve in turn, visiting every region of earth, making it new surface in many countries where tyranny survives in any degree discerned.

The year twenty-eight and nineteen hundred. A new earth meets the Indian Hunter. Ended is the era when Might is an enemy to be feared. Better men later; high in mind, even-handed, meriting all that the Indian gives to each. In gathered weight many sins meet their Judge. He leads gently the innocent heavenward. The tears of many abate and misery is ended. This is the new century. Light and Love invite us onward. Thirty years have righted national disorders in the earth. Vain is might, vain is enmity to injure us now. Halcyon wanted great and convincing teachings. She tried in every high way, seeking life's ideals, but early needed insight to initiate her in wisdom. She earned the right to announce

his descent into an earthly dwelling in a divine undertaking.

The year twenty-nine and nineteen hundred. Lhasa is empty. Her initiates do not discern truth. Point Loma is eminent; it has a distinguished leader who travels, winning lands by meeting rulers. Point Loma is wealthy; it has denied the Hunter's claim. Its heart was ever seeking delight in riches. Mount Ecclesia merits all gratitude for high ministry winning many to friendliness. Babism will send its missionaries into all this world.

The Buddhists await the Indian, the one desired. The Vedas tell his ministry now begun. Kali Yuga ended in light with his divine coming nigh. After winter a vine tender and new, shoots up. Even when mean lye enters it satisfies. Then, by divine intent, this vine attains some height. Early months give only thin green. Summer beams high sending strength into the vineyard. Later months give many sunny hours also.

The year thirty and nineteen hundred. The vine is thrifty. No wine yet. Inured, in every month it climbs till it attains its growth. The ear of Hilarion inclines toward all those who ask pity and mercy with sincerity. He heals them of sinning. He cures evil. He gives the thirsty ones drink. He gives in charity to the poor. He yearns to gather many in one kindred that earth may rise ever to harmony with every star and

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