
writer. Sane fancy in both. A musician, silence favored other ends. A science far larger now rewards sincere and first work. Chela of order East. Member to further any science if in his vision. Seer, aid to arcana. Heed his word. Rank in Lodge increases. Now its reward is large. Henceforth N. S. E. W. give assistance. A finis brother.



N the foretelling for the year nineteen hundred and twenty-nine, found in Chapter II of "Handwritings on the Wall," these words are written: "Kali Yuga ended in light with his divine. coming nigh." According to exoteric reckoning, Kali Yuga began with the advent of Krishna only five thousand years ago, and will continue for four hundred and thirty-eight thousand years. Then the centuries of the Iron Age are to be followed by those of Satya Yuga, a period of light and love and world welfare to last for four times the centuries of Kali.

Stripped of skillful blinds, the truth concerning Kali is this: Five thousand years ago the most degraded races at that time living, entered their Iron Age. Should these savages progress only in regular way, then for them this age must continue for the long period above given. The years of

Kali stand for conditions rather than for times; hence if these, our younger brothers, advance by leaps and bounds, their dark Yuga will be proportionately shortened.

The now semi-civilized races entered their Kali much before the coming of Krishna, while the civilized and enlightened peoples of to-day have been in theirs for a far longer period; besides, rapid progress has much shortened their journey. As for the sixth sub-race, the nucleus of this most advanced of all peoples is already here. For this nucleus, Kali will end at about the advent of the "Indian Hunter."

In the year nineteen hundred and fifty, when a certain Master arrives at world-rulership, the sixth sub-race representatives should be fairly numerous in many parts of the world. This master's administration-which in some respects is to differ from that of his predecessor-will be particularly suited to the sub-race in whom love rather than wisdom will be the predominating characteristic. Conditions necessary to such a reign are to be prepared by the Lion in Aquarius, and finished by Morya, the great and wise law-giver.

In the foretelling for the year nineteen hundred and thirty-three are found the words: "His horse is white. He rides a mighty steed that bears him bravely in every scene of glory. His name is the highest name revealed to this world; the Word that is mighty to win in every battle day." The

exoteric explanation of the avatars of Vishnu, though making Krishna the eighth, and Buddha the ninth, leave a great gap of centuries between Buddha and the culminating tenth avatar. This should not be, and we have sought to make the fact plain.

Of a truth, the nucleus or the sixth sub-race is about to pass into its Satya period, and to it the Avatar is almost due. Not as a white-winged horse to destroy the world will he appear, but rather will he advance to execute judgment riding on a white steed identical with the one mentioned in Revelation xix, 11. As for his name, it is the supreme one found in verse 16. In the foretelling for the year nineteen hundred and thirty-three, we find that "His company waits while sin is met by his red fire." In Revelation xix, 15, it is written that "Out of his mouth goeth a sharp sword." These prophecies refer to the same matter.

The Witness who descends to end Kali Yuga is not our lodge brother Hilarion, but, because of a mysterious bond binding the two-a bond formed long ago and now much strengthened-the Silent Watcher is often identified with the lesser initiate during the course of the foretelling.

K. H.


OT until recently has the attention of scien


tific investigators been turned to ectoplasm, that mysterious substance which exudes from the bodies of entranced physical mediums. Since every addition to the present meagre knowledge of this plasm may prove both interesting and instructive, we offer a small contribution.

Man is a spiritual being, the possessor of several bodies, but during physical life he functions in only the outer one. Even this vehicle is divisible, as we shall explain. The outer vehicle proper to the most ancient races, was far less dense than that now in use. On the other hand, the corresponding vehicle of the early Atlanteans, those giants of old, was denser than ours. We are on the ascending road to more refined bodily conditions, whereas they were in the hollow, the lowest arc of humanity's descent from a state well-nigh ethereal.

Falling into matter, or acquiring "a coat of skin," was a very gradual process. The first race of those who, in the fourth round, are circling the planetary chain-an act contemporaneous with the earth's fourth companioning of the sun in his vast orbit-was the undying Hyperborean race. Its coat of skin was of a very subtle material derived from what then remained of the flexible matter of the earth in its first round, even as our

outer bodies are derived from the more solid earth in this age. Eventually the second or mortal race, that continuation of the first, put on another and denser vehicle, derived from what then remained of the major component of the material earth in the second round. This second coat improved the crude bodily shape moulded by the first race. As is the physical globe, so is man. Hence, whatever remained of the more subtle matter of the first coat interpenetrated the second, but, like oil and water in the same vessel, they mingled in man only when stirred to activity.

The third or Lemulian race, inhabitating the long-submerged Pacific land of Lemuria, put on a third and yet denser coat derived from what then remained of the major component of the physical earth in the third round. The third coat improved the bodily shape moulded by the second race. This denser coat was interpenetrated by the matters peculiar to the first and second races, but, because of their specific gravities, they mingled with the third matter only when energized. With the Atlantean race we need not deal just now since we inherit from its sordidly material bodies no plasm whatsoever.

The Hyperborean race was well-nigh mindless, and of a weak will which, when exercised, sufficed to render the physical bodies pliant and yet tenacious. Exerting a more pronounced will, the second race made its denser physical bodies some

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