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" ... paid a license of a hundred pounds for the privilege of putting him to death. His whole property is then immediately taxed from two to ten per cent. Besides the probate, large fees are demanded for burying him in the chancel ; his virtues are handed... "
The Monthly magazine - 294. oldal
szerző: Monthly literary register - 1820
Teljes nézet - Információ erről a könyvről

The Edinburgh Review: Or Critical Journal, 33. kötet

1820 - 590 oldal
...stamp, and expires in the arms of an apothecary who has paid a license of an hundred pounds for the privilege of putting him to death. His whole property is then immediately taxed from 2 to 1 0 per cent. Besides the probate, large fees are demanded for burying him in the chancel ; his...

Tickler, Or, Monthly Compendium of Good Things, in Prose and ..., 1-3. kötet

1818 - 596 oldal
...stamp, and expires in the arms of an apothecary who has paid a licence of an hundred pounds for the privilege of putting him to death. His whole property is then immediately taxed from 2 to' 10 per cent. Besides the probate, large fees are demanded for burving him in the chancel; his...

The Parlour Portfolio, Or, Post-chaise Companion: Being a ..., 2. kötet

1820 - 442 oldal
...stamp, and expires in the arms of an apothecary, who has paid a licence of a hundred pounds, for the privilege of putting him to death. His whole property...then gathered to his fathers to be taxed no more." r On the Death of his late Majesty. The death-bell toll'd at midnight, and that bell Sent sorrow upon...

the edinburgh review

david william - 1820 - 564 oldal
...privilege of putting him to death. His whole property is then immediately taxed from 2 to 10 percent. Besides the probate, large fees are demanded for burying...gathered to his fathers, — to be taxed no. more. In addition to all this, the habit of dealing with large sums will make the Government avaricious and...

The Monthly Repository of Theology and General Literature, 15. kötet

1820 - 718 oldal
...immediately taxed from 2 to 10 per cent. Besides the probate, large fees are denial и led for burying him ш the chancel ; his virtues are handed down to posterity on taxed marble ; and he is then gathered to hie fathers, — to be taxed no more. Ed. Rev. XXXIII. 77, 73. • Tlie reader of the former portion...

The Literary and Scientific Repository, and Critical Review, 1. kötet

1820 - 562 oldal
...stamp, and expires in the arms of an apothecary who has paid a license of a hundred pounds for the privilege of putting him to death. His whole property is then immediately taxed from 2 to 10 per cent. Besides the probate, large fees are demanded for burying him in the chancel ; his...

The Monthly Repository of Theology and General Literature, 15. kötet

1820 - 770 oldal
...stamp, and expires in the arms of an apothecary who has paid a license of an hundred pounds for the privilege of putting him to death. His whole property is then immediately taxed from 2 to 10 per cent. Besides the probate, large fees are demanded for burying him in the chancel ; his...

The Life and Character of Stephen Decatur; Late Commodore and Post-captain ...

Samuel Putnam Waldo - 1822 - 418 oldal
...paid 1001. for the privilege of putting him to death. His whole property is then taxed from 2 to 10 per cent, besides the probate. Large fees are demanded...then gathered to his fathers, to be taxed no more*." Such is the language of a subject of the king of Great Britain, who participates as much as a subject...

The Literary and Scientific Repository, and Critical Review, 1. kötet

1820 - 558 oldal
...privilege of putting him to death. His whole property is then immediately taxed from 2 to 10 percent. Besides the probate, large fees are demanded for burying...gathered ,to his fathers, — to be taxed no more. In addition to all this, the habit of dealing with large sums will make the Government avaricious and...

Essays on Peace & War: Which First Appeared in the Christian Mirror, Printed ...

William Ladd - 1827 - 312 oldal
...privilege of putting him to death. — His whole property is then taxed, from two to ten per cent, beside the probate. Large fees are demanded for burying him...handed down to posterity on taxed marble ; and he is gathered to his fathers to be taxed no more." . Now if my countrymen are willing to pay this price...

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