
anecdote; his humour never degenerated into buffoonery, nor his wit into ill-nature. On his retirement from office, he went to reside at Sunning-hill; and then quitted all his clubs, except the Alfred, of which he was treasurer. Colonel Willis was fond of literature, and the company of literary men, but it is not known that he ever published any thing, except a small volume, called "Biographical Anecdotes of distinguished Persons, whese portraits are at Knowle, the seat of his Grace the Duke of Dorset." It was written while he was secretary to the duke, as lord-steward of the household. He has left behind him a widow, a son, and two daughters, one of whom was married a few weeks before his death. His son is in holy orders, and has been some years chaplain to one of the East-India Company's stations in India.


THIS. gentleman was born Oct. 31, 1777, at Bilton, in Warwickshire, of highly respectable parents; his father, the Rev. Dr. Clare, having been fellow and tutor of St. John's College, Oxford, and afterwards rector of Sutton, in Nottinghamshire, and of Yoxhall, in Staffordshire; and Lis mother, the daughter of Thos. Harris, esq. of Rugby, and grand-daughter of W. Boughton, esq. of Causton-house, in Warwickshire. In 1783, T. G. Clare was admitted on the foundation at Rugby-school, through which he passed, not only without censure, but with applause, for his assiduity and for the purity of his moral conduct. In June 1792 he was elected as a founder's kin to a fellowship in St. John's College; and in the following August, to one of the exhibitions of Rugby-school, when Dr. James, the head-master, observed to the trustees assembled to appoint the exhibitioners, that "they had chosen a boy whom he could fully recommend as having a snow-white character." At College, he fully maintained his reputation for diligence and correctness, qualities which uniformly marked both his literary and moral character. In Easter Term, 1796, he took the degree of B.A.; and in June, 1800, that of M.A. He was admitted to deacon's orders, Dec. 21, 1800, and to priest's orders, Dec. 20, 1801. By his amiable manners he had conciliated the affection and esteem of the whole society. In 1803 he was made one of the tutors, and in 1804 a public lecturer of the College; and in Easter Term, 1805, one of the proctors of the University; in the conscientious discharge of both which offices he united the kinduess of persuasion with the firmness of manly discipline.

In 1807 he married Harriet, the youngest daughter of the Rev. Averel Daniell, rector of Lifford, in the county of Donegal, Ireland. In 1809, he was presented by the

earl of Bristol to the rectory of Normanton, in Lincolnshire; and in 1810, by the King, through the Lord Chancellor, to that of Wainfleet, in the same county. In 1811, he was collated by the Archbishop of Canterbury to the vicarage of Walmer, in Kent. In July, 1815, on the reconmendation of the Earl of Liverpool, he was presented to the rectory of St. Andrew, Holborn; and in October, 1816, he had the honour to be appointed domestic chaplain to the Right Hon. the Dowager Baroness of Dorchester.

Thus deservedly blest with the love and esteem, and patronage, of the great and good, he was suddenly taken off by an apoplectic stroke, June 4, 1819, whilst at Wytham, in Oxfordshire, leaving his wife and five young children to lament, in common with all who knew him, his sad and irreparable loss.

N.B.-A subscription is opened among the parishioners of St. Andrew, Holborn, for the purpose of erecting a Tablet in their Church, to perpetuate the memory of this good and virtuous man.

Of the Beaufoy Packet.

CAPT. NORRIS was a native of Dover, where, at the early age of twelve, he entered the packet service as a cabin-boy, in which situation he remained but a short period, his genius and capacity elevating him progressively, until, at the age of twenty-one, he was appointed mate of the Lord Duncan packet, then upon the Dover station, and which ostensible post he filled with honour and credit, enhanced by his being the youngest man that ever filled that situation, and in which he continued six years, when he was appointed captain of the Beaufoy packet, upon the Harwich station, in consequence of the resignation of his father, who had been an exemplary servant of the post-office fortyeight years. Here he fulfilled those important public duties entrusted to him, with that judgment and assiduity for which he was deservedly esteemed by the honourable office under which he served; whilst his nautical attainments, urbanity of manners, and gentlemanly and liberal conduct, on all occasions, obtained him the respect and admiration of his fellow captains, as an ornament to the service, and to those honours he would have most amply attained, had not the unrelenting hand of fate arrested his flattering prospects, and deprived the world of an honest and upright man. The detail of this melancholy catastrophe is as follows: On the 15th of March last, the Beaufoy, charged with the German mails for England, proceeded to sea, from Cuxhaven. On the 16th they encountered a most tremendous gale of wind, accompanied with thunder and lightning, which continued with increased violence on the 17th; but, firm and undaunted, he continued upon deck, where he had been for nine hours, incessantly attending the duties of the vessel. At this awful crisis, about five in the evening, a tremendous wave approached, which he viewed with an auxious fear, as the harbinger of destruction; and seeing its course directed to the vessei, he directed the inan at the helm to "Beware and luff her up;" but, alas! it was to no avail: human efforts could not avert the destructive force of the infuriated elements; it struck the ill-fated vessel, and in a moment reduced her to a complete wreck, carrying with it the bulwark to which the captain had clung, and three men who were with him at the time, and all sunk to rise no more, excepting one man, who was most miraculously, by the receding surge, washed back to the vessel and saved. The overwhelming torrent had carried away the mast, and stauncheons, in fact, not a single vestige remained upon deck; and was it not for the peculiar excellence of the vessels employed in this service, this must have foundered, from the circumstance of pieces of the boat which was upon deck being found at the bottom of the ballast. It is conjectured that she was momentarily bottom upwards. Another circumstance which tends to impress this idea is, a valuable watch belonging to one of the passengers was lying on the bed in one of the upper births forty hours after the accident happened; it was found under the ballast, without the least injury. Every movable on-board exhibited signs of the dreadful concussion which the vessel had received; which, after two days beating about in a most perilous situation, was towed into



the Weser by a Heligoland-boat. A favourite dog of Capt. Norris's, and who was remarkably attached to his master, jumped overboard, and swam to another packet; this he repeated several times, until he was obliged to be confined onboard. It would appear as if the animal had a presentiment of what afterwards occurred, as it was always with difficulty he would at any time leave the vessel. But, to return to the subject of this memoir, which is rendered still more distressing, by Capt. N. having left a widow and four infant children, the oldest under six years of age, and who are thus reduced, by this awful dispensation of Providence, from a state of promised affluence, to almost comparative indigentce; but, to soften the sorrows of his afflicted widow and children, and to smooth the progress of their advancing years, that munificence and generosity which is so truly laudable and conspicuous in British as well as foreign merchants, have in this instance been most eminently displayed; and a subscription, to shew the respect and high estimation they entertained of his merits, has been opened at Lloyds, at Amsterdam, Hamburgh, and Hanover, which already amounts to 700l.

To those who have felt his attentions, and witnessed his exertions in the discharge of his private as well as professional duties, the expression of that due tribute which they demand is unnecessary; but to posterity be it known, that, at the age of thirty-two, was prematurely cut off from his admiring friends and relatives, a meritorious officer, who was distinguished for honour and integrity in all his concerns, and deservedly valued in private life as a husband, a father, and a friend.


With all the Marriages and Deaths.



THE medical officers of the Newcastle Infirmary have lately commenced the formation of a surgical library in that most excellent institution. It is supported by subscriptions and donations, and is open to the public on the same terms as to the founders themselves. Mr. Charnley, a respectable bookseller, has presented a valuable donation of 130 volumes, -a fact which deserves to be recorded, as honourable to himself and his liberal profession.

Mach distress has lately prevailed upon the Wear, in consequence of the unusual severity of the winter.

At a late meeting of the general committee of the Political Protestants of Newcastle and Gateshead, a vote of thanks was passed to John George Lambton, esq.

[blocks in formation]

Mr. J. Daylish, to Miss C. Wilson: Mr. A. Hall, to Miss Frushard: all of New castle.- Mr. W. Errington, to Miss J. Carr, both of Gateshead.-Mr. T. Kirby Fife, of Gateshead, to Mrs. J. Anderson, of Newcastle. The Rev. James Baker, to Miss C. Haggitt: Lieut. T. H. Kirkley, to Mrs. Jane Hill: Mr. Bennett, to Miss Bird: Mr. J. Charlton, to Miss A. Allen: all of Durham.-Mr. J. Mould, to Miss E. G. Bennett, both of North Shields. Mr. R. Thompson, of South Shields, to Miss Dodds, of Bill-quay. Mr. J. Ran. son, to Miss S. Purvis, both of Chester-lestreet. Mr. J. Shipley, to Miss M. Stewart, both of Shadforth. - Mr. J. Thubron, to Miss M. Goundry, both of West Auckland.-Mr. J. Keeman, to Miss J. Swinburn, both of Norton. -Mr. Hodgson, to Miss Pearson, of High Bradley.

Died.] At Newcastle, 71, Thos. Heath, esq. much respected.--In Albion place, 37, Miss Gray.-In Pilgrim-street, 83, Mr. J. Armstrong. -29, Mr. R. Thirlaway, regretted.-26, Mr. S. Jobling.-26, Miss J. Talentyre.-73, Mr. R. Davison.-66, Mr. T. Ayre.-73, Mrs. M. Robson, regretted. -Mrs. M. Dixon, deservedly respected.

At Gateshead, in Pipewellgate, 103, Mr. John Anderson.

At Durham, 79, Mr. J. Short.-In Framwelgate, 64, Mr. W. Clybum, much respected.

At North Shields, 80, Mrs. E. Mills.29, Mrs. M. Richardson.-In Northumberland-street, 70, Mr. T. Stamp.-74, Mrs. J. Chater.-45, Mrs. M. Brown.-75, Mr. T. Pollock, deservedly respected. - 66, Mrs. E. Cass.

At Sunderland, 67, Mr. F. Whitehead. -Mr. J. Hollan, deservedly respected.81, Mr. W. Lilburn.-107, Mrs. C. Clark.

At Barnardcastle, 73, Mr. G. Blakelock, much respected.- 84, Mr. J. Friar. At Alnwick, 67, Miss M. King.-88, Mrs. E. Falder.

At the Shielfield, Jane, wife of G. A. Lambert, esq. deservedly regretted. At Butterlaw, 82, Mrs. Bell.- At Brizlee, 36, Miss Hudson. At Walworth-castle, at an advanced age, John Harrison, esq.


Married.] Mr. R. Sager, to Miss M. Porter: Mr. J. Storey, to Miss A. Nicholson: Mr. W. Nixon, to Miss M. Jackson: Mr. W. Peal, to Miss M. Scott: Mr. R. Hind, to Miss M. Barker: Mr. C. Woodell, to Miss J. Stubbs: Mr. J. Turner, to Miss M. Tinnion: Mr. M. Noble, to Miss M. Bailey: all of Carlisle. Mr. J. M'Vay, to Miss A. Brockbank: Mr. G. Ferguson, to Miss J. Pearson: Mr. D. Magee, to Miss S. Nicholson: Mr. J. Newby, jun. to Miss F. Clarke all of Whitehaven.Mr. J. Airey, to Mrs. M. Stephenson: Mr. J. Tonton, to Miss M. Cragg: all of Kendal. Mr. E. Denham, to Miss Burgess: Mr. E. Durgue, to Miss Milburn: all of MONTHLY MAG. No. 336.

Brampton.- Mr. J. Snowball, of East Wharnley, to Miss Hutchinson, of Warkshaugh.-Mr. J. Crossthwaite, of Egremont, to Miss A. Mawson, of Cleator-hall.

Died.] At Carlisle, 64, Mr. G. Winskill. -83, Mrs. J. Gillespie. - 87, Mrs. M. Hill.-52, Mr. J. Henry.-39, Mr. T. Stubbs, much respected. - 47, Mr. H. Robley.

At Whitehaven, in Mount Pleasant, 72, Mrs. A. Ford. - In Senhouse-street, 76, Mrs. M. Fothergill.-In Duke-street, 45, Mr. G. Kirby.

At Penrith, 73, Mr. J. Miller. - 81, Mrs. M. Harrison.

At Harker, 80, Mrs. E. Goldsmith, much respected. ---At Moorhouse, 93, Mrs. M. Knubley, deservedly regretted.


The York Whig Club lately held a meeting, when the following excellent resolutions were unanimously agreed to, in which we heartily concur, and recommend to liberal politicians of all ranks. "That the duration of Parliament, anthorised by law, ought not to exceed three years. That all boroughs in which the number of electors is so few as to lay them open to the influence of bribery, and all boroughs which, from their constitution, have become individual property, ought to be disfranchised. That, in lieu of the boroughs so distranchised, the right of representation ought to be given to the more populous towns of the United Kingdom, and to the inhabitants of the kingdom at large being occupiers of a separate dwelling house, or directly liable to taxation; provided such persons are not receiving parish relief, and have otherwise no vote for any city, town, or county. That, for the more equal representation of the people at large thus entitled to vote, the kingdom onght to be divided into elective districts. That, in county and district elections, the votes ought to be taken in each parish, or in united pa. rishes; and all on the same day. That, in parochial elections, the ballot ought to be used."

The woollen trade of this county is represented as in a depressed state; vast numbers of clothiers and cloth-dressers are unemployed. The applications for parochial relief at Leeds lately were unexampled.

Married.] Mr. M. Hick, to Miss M. Bussy: Mr. R. Hick, to Miss M. Groves: all of York. Mr. W. Strickland, jun. of York, to Miss A. Bean, of Ulleskelf.-Mr. C. Goodrick, of York, to Miss Whip, of Elton.- Mr. M. H. Stevenson, to Miss Vessey: Mr. Tather, to Mrs. Beach: Mr. T. H. Settle, to Miss H. Leonard: all of Hull.-Mr. J. Appleyard, of Hull, to Miss M. Haworth, late of London. - Mr. M. Wilson, of Hull, to Miss F. Spencer, of Burton Pedsea. - Mr. J. Anderson, of Hull,


Hull, to Miss H. Walker, of Mirfield. : Mr. S. Baines, to Miss S. Sanderson: Mr. S. Rawlings, to Miss C. Parfitt: Mr. W. Kirk, to Miss M. Sellers: Mr. J. Wood, to Miss M. Milns: Mr. J. Kirkbride, to Miss M. Manby: Thomas Motley, èsq. to Miss Caroline Osburn: all of Leeds. Mr. T. B. Golden, to Miss Stephenson, both of Huddersfield.-Mr. J. Wilkinson, of Wakefield, to Miss M. Smallpage, of Rochdale.

Died.] At York, Mrs. Hudson, much respected.-63, Mr. Atkinson.-38, Mr. Cæsar Peacock, editor of the York Courant, much respected.-75, Mrs. Sutcliffe, much esteemed.

At Hull, 103, Mr. T. Hind. In Grimstone-street, 38, Mr. T. Moss.-In Bondstreet, 71, Mrs. D. Barker.-60, Mr. M. Workington.-52, Mr. T. Steemson.-52, Mr. W. Walker.

At Leeds, in York-street, 50, Mrs. N. Marshall.-88, Mrs. Metcalf.-70, Mrs. Cooper, generally respected.

At Huddersfield, 76, Mrs. M. Williamson, one of the Society of Friends.-34, Mr. M. Brown.

At Beverley, 79, Mrs. M. Newlove. 29, Mrs. A. Atkinson, deservedly la


Miss Ogden, of Salford.-Mr. J. Longsden, of Ardwick, to Miss S. Broome, of Chorlton-row. Mr. W. Mayers, to Miss B. Lathern, both of Wigan.

Died.] At Manchester, Mr. W. Lawson, greatly respected.-76, Mrs. E. Bristow. - In Deansgate, 81, Mrs. Haigh, regretted. -Mrs. Wheeler, wife of Mr. J. W. proprietor of the Manchester Chronicle, regretted.

At Liverpool, in Water-street, 58, Mrs. Mann.-In Tolbock-street, 29, Mr. W. Smith. In Chesterfield-street, 26, Miss Hall.-19, Mrs. C. Balmer.-89, Mr. S. Brabner.-In Pitt-street, Mrs. Clague.In Upper Pitt-street, Mr. A. Hackney. At Warrington, 69, Mr. T. Lyon.-63, Mrs. Lyon.

At Medlock Cottage, Miss C. Mitchell, -At Pendleton, 30, Mr. R. Fair.-At Muffield, 39, the Rev. J. Markland, M.A. -At Blackley, Mrs. J. Edwards.--In Sutton place, 61, John Pemberton, esq.


The quarter sessions were lately held at
Chester, a Lancashire magistrate, Trafford
Trafford, esq. chairman. Six persons,
named Joseph Swann, Robert Swindells,
Joseph Burtenshaw, John Stubbs, John
Richards, and Joseph Sutton, were con-

At Pontefract, Mr. B. Hopp.
At Knaresborough, 64, Mrs. T. Mat- victed of a conspiracy to excite sedition

son, deservedly regretted.


Party spirit has continued to distract Manchester since our last: discontent and poverty united together; the one has been dumb, or nearly so, and the language of the other has been effective. The boroughreeves and constables have had a public meeting for its relief.

Ten persons have recently been incarcerated in Lancaster gaol for alleged rebellicus intentions: they are said to be poor, and wretched, and helpless indivi


The promotion of the reverend chairman of the Salford sessions to the valuable living of Rochdale, is among the remarkable occurrences of the month.

Married.] Mr. A. Darlington, to Mrs. S. Darlington. Mr. T. Goulden, to Miss M. Rothwell. Mr. J. Vickers, to Miss M. Barclay.-Mr. E. Richardson, to Miss J. Jack.-Mr.W.Lomas, to Miss E. Turner: all of Manchester.-Mr. J. Blackburn, of Manchester, to Miss E. Holt, of Burtonupon-Trent.-Mr. W. Seville, to Miss F. Bethell, both of Salford. Mr. D. Alexander, to Miss E. Harrison. Mr. J. Cunliffe, to Miss J. Berry.-Mr. W. Gregory, to Miss M. Holliwell. Mr. T. Green, to Miss M. Parr.-Mr. M. Edwards, to Miss Bushell.-Mr. W. S. Scalpton, to Miss E. Evans: all of Liverpool. Mr. R. Unsworth, of Wigan, to Miss C. Withnall, of Salford.-Mr. G. Hall, of Strangeways, to

by the speeches which they made at a meeting at Macclesfield, on the 31st of July last. Swann was sentenced to two years' imprisonment, for the conspiracy, two years more for the first libel, and six months more for the second; Swindells, Burtenshaw, Stubbs, and Richards, two years' imprisonment: Sutton, one year. We put it as a question, whether, in the high state of excitement which exists in these counties, it would not be just as humane to try all party questions in the metropolis, or in distant counties?

Married.] The Rev. R. Carr, of Chester, to Miss Armstrong, of Market Drayton.Mr. C. Billington, of Chester, to Miss F. Billington, of Dutton.--Mr. J. Arnold, to Miss P. Alcock, of Macclesfield.-Mr. J. Slater, to Miss Wright, both of Knutsford. The Rev. E. Royds, rector of Brereton, to Miss M. Molyneux, of Newsham-house.

Died.] At Chester, Edward Mainwaring, esq. suddenly.-In Queen-street, 95, William Bowey, esq. At an advanced age, Mr. T. Simkins. Mrs. T. Whittle, deservedly respected.-Mr. Strettel.Mrs. Linney.-In St. Martin's in the Fields, Mr. Hitchins, jun.-Mr. W. C. Jones.

At Stockport, 74, Mr. J. Adcroft.-55, Mr. J. Bowers.

At Bolesworth-castle, 66, T. Tarleton, esq. At Dunham, at an advanced age, Mr. Richardson.-Edward Downes, esq. 51, of Sprigley, a magistrate for this county, Sutton, Mr. S. Okell.

county, and deservedly lamented.-At Westminster.-Mr. Drake, of Oakham, to


Married.] Isaac Webster, esq. of Derby, to Miss Maria Parker, of Littleover.-J. Howard Galton, esq. of Duddeston, to Miss Isabella Strutt, of Derby.-Mr. Wade, of Mickleover, to Miss Hayward, of Derby.-Mr. R. Ordish, of Ingleby, to Miss E. Webster, of Derby.-Mr. G. Broomhead, of Chesterfield, to Miss M. Ordyno. At Wirksworth, Mr. B. Wigley, to Miss E. Singleton.-Mr. W. Salt, of Doveridge, to Miss Miners, of Eaton.Mr. J. Yates, of Strines, to Miss S. Haughton, of Newton.

Died.] At Derby, 62, Mrs. M. Thorpe.
At Belper, 65, Mr. J. Pym.

At Handley, at an advanced age, Mrs. Woodroofe.-At Calke Abbey, Henrietta Charlotte, daughter of the late Sir Henry Crewe, bart.


Great distress, and its consequence, crime, have prevailed for some time at Nottingham. The frequency of robberies has created much apprehension and uneasiness among the respectable people of that


Married.] Mr. J. Cross, to Miss A. Milner.-Mr. J. Inger, to Miss M. Lamb. -Mr. W. Bradbury, to Miss M. Coulston. Mr. T. Miller, to Miss D. Barwick. -Mr. G. Berkins, to Miss A. Hickling.Mr. Robley, to Miss E. Howard: all of Nottingham.-Mr. J. Lamb, of Nottingham, to Miss J. Wilson, of Coddington.Mrs. Andrews, of Mansfield, to the Rev. J. Shaw, of Clitheroe. -Mr. T. Withers, of Newark, to Miss M. Gilbert, of Little Carlton. Sir Richard Sutton, bart. of Norwood-park, to Miss M. E. Burton, of Burton-hall. - Mr. R. Sutton, of Kegworth, to Miss B. Cresswell, of Rudding. ton.

Died.] At Nottingham, 90, Mrs. Martin. On Malin-hili, 58, Mr. W. Canner, deservedly respected.-In Smithy-row, at an advanced age, Mr. J. Brazier, zier, suddenly.

At Newark, Mr. Bickett. Mr. G. Haywood. Mr. E, Peart.

At Mansfield, 33, Mr. Brown.

At New Radford, 74, Mr. E. Holden.At Lenton, 75, Mr. Surplice. At Broomfield, Mrs. T. Creswick, deservedly regretted. -At Colston Bassett, Mrs. T.



Married.] Mr.Thacker, to Miss Walton. -Mr. Ward, of Leicester, to Miss Bunney, of Aylestone.- Mr. T. Bailey, to Miss E. Bott, both of Market Bosworth.-Mr. J. Cheatle, of Ashby-de-la-Zouch, to Miss Whyman, of Aston. -Mr. Cox, of Market Harborough, to Miss Gill, of Little Bowden.-John Jackson, esq. of Oadby, to Miss A. M. Gesset, of Great George-street,

Miss E. Cole.-Mr. B. Rippin, to Miss. Adcock, both of Melton. Mr. S. Heawood, of Ravenstone, to Miss Rowley, of Hinckley.-Mr. W. Chapman, to Miss R. Moore, both of Quorndon.

Died.] At Leicester, in Woodboy-street, 75, Mr. Lamb.

At Loughborough, 74, Mrs. A. Smith.68, Mrs. M. James.-69, Mrs. J. Gutteridge.

At Mountsorrel, 53, Mr. J. Adderley, deservedly regretted.

At Ulverscroft, Mr. J. Swain.-At Barrow, 57, Mr.T. Tomalin.--At Newton Unthank, Mr. T. Hunt.-At Hoton, Mr. R. Bentley. At Seaford Miss Roberts.At Catthorpe, the Rev. S. P. Harper, rector.


A deputation from the independent electors of Newcastle lately presented to Sir John Fenton Boughey, Bart. a piece of plate, in testimony of their approbation of his services while representative of that borough in Parliament.

Married.) Mr. J. C. Newton, to Miss H. Devey, both of Wolverhampton.-Mr. J. Carver, of Walsall, to Miss E. Rooke, of Birmingham.-Mr. W. Blood, of the Petty Craft Cottage, to Miss Ashby, of Tamworth.-Mr. Riley, to Miss Fisher, both of Uttoxeter.-T. Brandon, esq. of Cheadle, to Miss Ford, late of Durham-place, Lambeth.-Mr. W. Goodwin, of the Toft, to Miss M. Hart, of Blythebury.-Mr. Follows, of Weston, to Mrs. Foster, of Alkmanton.

Died.] At Lichfield, in Bacon-street, 56, Mr. J. Mosedale.

At Leek, 39, Mr. S. B. Fynney.

At Tamworth, in George-street, Mrs.


At Oaken, Mrs. Thwaites, formerly of Stafford. At Brook-house, Capt. T. Pickering. At Haywood, Mrs. Beech.At Great Haywood, 21, Miss M. Cox.At Packington, 92, T. Lecott, esq.


On the 4th ult. a meeting of the merchants, manufacturers, and traders of Birmingham, was held, on the distresses of the commercial and manufacturing interests; the high bailiff in the chair. Mr. Lloyd proposed the first resolution, and drew an affecting picture of the misery among the working classes. Mr. R. Spooner, in seconding it, remarked, that Parliament had adjourned, without investigating the causes of the commercial distresses of the country: individual benevolence could be of little service, where distress was so universal. Mr. John Turner contended that there existed a debased spirit amongworkmen, which induced them to desire to become parish paupers. After some further observations, the proposed resolutions were carried, and petitions, praying


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