
that the treaty was not ratified within the time stipulated'; and has not since been ratified. As it is important that the nature and character of this unexpected occurrence should be distinctly understood, I think it my duty to communicate to you all the facts and circumstances in my possession, relating to it.

Anxious to prevent all future disagreement with Spain, by giving the most prompt effect to the treaty which had been thus concluded, and particularly by the establishment of a government in Florida, which should preserve order there, the minister of the United States, who had been recently appointed to his Catholic Majesty, and to whom the ratification by his government had been committed, to be exchanged for that of Spain, was instructed to transmit the latter to the department of state as soon as obtained, by a public ship, subjected to his order for the purpose. Unexpected delay occurring in the ratification by Spain, he requested to be informed of the cause. It was stated in reply, that the great importance of the subject, and a desire to obtain explanations on certain points which were not specified, had produced the delay, and that an envoy would be dispatched to the Uuited States, to obtain such explanations of this government. The minister of the United States offered to give the full explanation on any point on which it might be desired, which proposal was declined. Having communicated this result to the department of state in August last, he was instructed, notwithstanding the disappointment and surprise which it produced, to inform the government of Spain, that if the treaty should be ratified, and transmitted here at any time before the meeting of Congress, it would be received, and have the same effect as if it had been ratified in due time. This order was executed: the authorized communication was made to the government of Spain, and by its answer, which has just been received, we are officially made acquainted, for the first time, with the causes which have prevented the ratification of the treaty by bis Catholic Majesty. It is alleged by the minister of Spain, that this government had attempted to alter one of the principal articles of the treaty, by a declaration, which the minister of the United States had been ordered to present, when he should deliver the ratification by his government in exchange for that of Spain, and of which he gave notice, explanatory of the sense in which that article was understood. It is further alleged, that this government had recently tolerated, or protected, an exepedition from the United States against the province of Texas, These two imputed acts are stated as the reasons which have induced his Catholic Majesty to withhold his ratification from the treaty, to obtain explanations respect


ing which it is repeated that an envoy would be forthwith dispatched to the United States.

From a full view of all circumstances, it is submitted to the consideration of Congress, whether it will not be proper for the United States to carry the conditions of the treaty into effect, in the same manner as if it had been ratified by Spain, claiming on their part all its advantages, and yielding to Spain all those secured to her. By pursuing this course, we shall rest on the sacred ground of right, sanctioned in the most solemn manner by Spain herself,-by a treaty which she was bound to ratify; for refusing to do which, she must incur the censure of other nations, even those most friendly to her: while, by confining ourselves within that limit, we cannot fait to obtain their well-merited approbation. We must have peace on a frontier where we have been so long disturbed; our citizens must be indemnified for losses so long since sustained, and for which indemnity has been so unjustly withheld from them. Accomplishing these great objects, we obtain all that is desirable.

But his Catholic Majesty has twice declared his determination to send a minister to the United States, to ask explanations on certain points, and to give them, respecting his delay to ratify the treaty. Shall we act, by taking the ceded territory, and proceeding to execute the other conditions of the treaty before this minister arrives and is heard? This is a case which forms a strong appeal to the candour, the magnanimity, and honour, of this people, much is due to courtesy between nations. By a short delay we shall lose nothing; for, resting on the ground of immutable truth and justice, we cannot be diverted from our purpose.

I communicated to Congress a copy of the treaty and of the instructions to the minister of the United States at Madrid, respecting it, of his correspondence with the minister of Spain, and of such other documents as may be necessary to give a full view of the subject.

In the course which the Spanish government have, on this occasion, thought proper to pursue, it is satisfactory to know, that they have not been countenanced by any other European power. On the contrary, the opinion and wishes, both of France and Great Britain, have not been withheld, even from the United States or from Spain, and have been unequivocal in favour of the ratification. There is also reason to believe, that the sentiments of the imperial government of Russia have been the same, and that they have been made known to the cabinet of Madrid.

In the civil war existing between Spain and the Spanish provinces in this hemisphere, the greatest care has been taken to enforce the laws intended to preserve an impartial impartial neutrality. Our ports have continued to be equally open to both parties, and on the same conditions, and our citizens have been equally restrained from in terfering in favour of either to the prejudice of the other. The progress of the war, however, has operated manifestly in favour of the colonies. Buenos Ayres still maintains unshaken the independence which it declared in 1816, and has enjoyed since 1810. Like success has also lately attended Chili, and the provinces north of the La Plata, bordering on it; and like. wise Venezuela.

This contest has, from its commencement, been very interesting to other Powers, and to none more so than the United States. A virtuous people may and will confine themselves within the limits of a strict neutrality; but it is not in their power to behold a conflict so vitally important to their neighbours, without the sensibility and sympathy which naturally belong to such a case. It has been the steady purpose of this government, to prevent that feeling leading to excess; and it is very gratifying to have it in my power to state, that, so strong has been the sense throughout the whole community of what was due to the character and obligations of the nation, that few examples of a contrary kind have occurred.

The distance of the colonies from the parent country, and the great extent of their population and resources, gave them advantages which, it was anticipated, at a very early period, it would be difficult for Spain to surmount. The steadiness, consistency, and success, with which they have pursued their object, as evinced more particularly by the undisturbed sovereignty which Buenos Ayres has so long enjoyed, evidently give them a strong claim to the favourable consideration of other nations. These sentiments on the part of the United States have not been withheld from other Powers, with whom it is desirable to act in concert. Should it become manifest to the world, that the efforts of Spain to subdue those provinces will be fruitless, it may be presumed, that the Spanish government itself will give up the contest. In producing such a determination, it cannot be doubted that the opinion of friendly Powers who have taken no part in the controversy, will have their merited influence.

It is of the highest importance to our national character, and indispensable to the morality of our citizens, that all vio

lations of our neutrality should be prevented. No door should be left open for the evasion of our laws, no opportunity afforded to any who may be disposed to take advantage of it, to compromise the interest or honour of the nation. It is submitted, therefore, to the consideration of Congress, whether it may not be advisable to revise the laws, with a view to this desirable result.

It is submitted, also, whether it maynot be advisable to designate, by law, the several ports or places along the coast, at which only foreigu ships of war and pri. vateers may be admitted. The difficulty of sustaining the regulations of our commerce, and of other important interests from abuse, without such designation, furnishes a strong motive for this measure.

At the time of the negociation for the renewal of the commercial convention between the United States and Great Britain, a hope had been entertained that an article might have been agreed upon, matnally satisfactory to both countries, regulating, upon the principles of justice and reciprocity, the commercial intercourse between the United States and the British possessions, as well in the West Indies as upon the Continent of North America. The plenipotentiaries of the two governments, not having been able to come to an agreement on this important interest, those of the United States reserved for the consideration of this government the proposals which had been presented to them, as the ultimate offer on the part of the British government, and which they were not authorised to accept. On their transmission here, they were ex. amined with due deliberation, the result of which was, a new effort to meet the views of the British government. The minister of the United States was instructed to make a further proposal, which has not yet been accepted. It was how ever declined in an amicable manner. recommend to the consideration of Congress, whether further prohibitory provi. sions in the laws relating to this intercourse, may not be expedient.


The President then alludes to the state of trade and the currency, in spite of the embarrassments of which, he states that the revenue will exceed its disbursements. He then concludes by a recom mendation to augment the naval force of the country.


Washington; Dec. 7, 1819.



With Biographical Memoirs of distinguished Characters recently deceased.


REVIOUS to the adjournment, numerously-signed petition from the merchants of London was presented to the House of Commons, on the commercial

distresses of the country. They forcibly remarked, that they were deeply im. pressed with a sense of the present distressed state of the commercial and maM2 nufacturing nufacturing interests, of the general want of confidence, and of the extensive and increasing evils, the consequence of such state of things, and of the pressing necessity that legislative measures should be adopted for relief. The petitioners added, that, "being apprehensive that the House is about to adjourn, without having adopted any measuses tending to an enquiry into the causes of those evils, and being at the same time satisfied that, if such enquiry were to be instituted, the result would be extensively beneficial, by laying open those causes, and bringing under the view of the House the means, they confidently believed that the existing evils may be alleviated, and eventually removed."

On the 30th of December, a petition was presented to the House of Commons from the unemployed Irish labourers of St. Giles's parish: the petitioners called the attention of the House to the quantity of bog land in Iteland, amounting to at least 4,000,000 acres, which, they said, might be drained at a trifling expense, and rendered fit for cultivation. It would, they added, furnish employment, not only to the poor of Ireland, but also to those of England, and would tend to make them contented and happy.

So severe has been the weather within the month, that all business on the Thames has been at a stand. The numerous cases of great distress moved the philanthropy of the City, and a meeting took place in the warehouse of Mr. Hicks, of Cheapside, in London Wall, the Lord Mayor in the chair. Several highly respectable persons attended, when it was resolved to open the warehouse for the reception of the destitute during the inclement season. Subscriptions have been great and extensive, and the purpose effected.

The Parish Clerks have published their bill of all the Christenings and Burials from Dec. 15, 1818, to Dec. 14, 1819. They state that there were christened, in the 97 parishes within the walls, 1,277; buried, 1,149.

Christened in the 17 parishes without the walls, 5,592; buried, 4,143.

Christened in the 23 out-parishes of Middlesex and Surrey, 13,256; buried, 9,222. Christened in the 10 parishes in the city and liberties of Westminster, 4,175; buried, 4,014.

Christened, Males, 12,574; Females, 11,726: in all 24,300. Buried, Males, 9,671; Females, 9 557: in all 19,228.


Lient. Col. Marsack, of the Grenadier guards, to Jane, widow of Richard Lateward, esq. of Ealing-grove.

Mr. Blake, of Tooting, to Miss Sophia Lobban, of Great Winchester-street.

Robert Espinasse, eso. of the Inner Temple, to Miss Emily Espinasse.

Mr. Henry Court, of Wood-street, to Miss Mary Gibson of Cambridge.

Mr. J. T. Barham, of Friday-street, Cheapside, to Miss M. Agate, of Tunbridge.

Mr. Joseph Baylis, of Sonthwark, to Miss Mary Anne Martin, of Shipbourne, Kent.

Mr. Henry Hope, of Upper Clapton, to Miss Mary-Ann Stalubrass, of Anstye, Herts.

The Rev. C. A. Sage, to Miss Caroline Quilter, of Hadley, Middlesex.

Mr. William Mayhew, of Fenchurchstreet, to Miss Sophia Albra, of Chelmsford.

The Rev. C. T. Heathcote, D. D. of Mitcham, to Miss Maria Trower, of Clapton.

At St. Pancras Church, Count Henry de la Belinaye, youngest son of the Marquis de la Belinaye, to Maria-Josephine, daugh ter of the late Joseph Alder, esq.

J. C. Cameron, esq. of Gray's Inn, to Miss Jane Sibley, of Hall-place. Bury Hutchinson, jun. esq. to Miss Catharine Trapaud, of Potter's Bar.

C. O. Bushnan, esq. to Anne, daughter of B. Hart, esq. barrister. - 'The Right Hon. Viscount Kingsland, to Julia, daughter of John Willis, esq. of Walcot-terrace, Lambeth.

Capt. H. B. Gamble, of the 2d Dragoon guards, to Miss Charlotte Sarah Freeman, of Brook-street.

T. D'Oyley, esq. sergeant-at-law, to Elizabeth, daughter of the Rev. N. Simons.

Charles R. Morgan, esq. of Charlottestreet, to Miss Anne Jane Ogle, of Southampton-street.

William Plomer, esq. son of the late Sir William P. to Miss Catherine Wilhelmina Pagan, of Edinburgh.

The Rev. John Sheppard, to Miss Marianne Mann, both of Blackheath.

Mr. J. W. Adlard, of Duke-street, Smithfield, to Elizabeth, eldest daughter of E. Roberts, esq. of Grove-house, Brix


William Choice, esq. of Ashley-hall, Barnet Common, to Miss Emily Brown, of Kentish Town.

At Chelsea, William Hall, esq. of Worcester, to Miss Charlotte Gedge, of Sloanestreet.

William C. Hood, esq. of Vauxhall, to Miss Anne Brown, of South Lambeth.

James Ross Oxberry, esq. of Gibraltar, to Mrs. Tonyn, of Mortimer-street, Cavendish-square.

Thomas Francis, esq. of Arundel-street, Strand, to Miss Norris of Harwich.

At St. George's, Hanover-square, William O. Rich, esq, to Miss Elizabeth Sarah New come.

R. P. Smith, esq. M.P. to Eliza, daugh ter of the late Peter Breton, esq.

Mr. Adam Adams, of Wootton-under-

[blocks in formation]


In Bloomsbury-square, Mrs. Lyon, widow of Joseph L. esq.

In Charlotte-street, Bloomsbury, 64, Mrs. Boswell, widow of Bruce B. esq. of Iver Lodge, Bucks.

In Upper Lambeth Marsh, 37, Mrs. Charles Field, greatly regretted.

In Great Surrey-street, Mrs. Adderley. In Hart-street, Bloomsbury, Thomas Walker, esq. many years a partner in the respectable firm of Carbonel, Walker, and M'Cleary.

At Peckham, 52, Mrs. Draper. At Horton-place, near Epsom, 70, Elizabeth, wife of James Trotter, esq.

At Twickenham, 59, John Taylor, esq. merchant, of Broad-street.

At St. Pancras, 81, George Bagster, esq. In Great Queen-street, Westminster, 72, Alexander Sutherland, esq.

deservediy lamented.

In Nelson-square, Great Surrey-street, 73, John Box, esq. of Weeping Cross, Staffordshire.

At Islington, 80, Mrs. Griffith, widow of the Rev. John. G. of Hitchin, Herts.

The Rev. Dr. Bingham, 76, vicar of Great Gaddestone, chaplain to the King, and late Archdeacon of London.

In Cornhill, Mr. W. Rivers.
In Guildford-street, 74, W. Suvill, esq.

generally respected.

On Turnham Green Terrace, W. T. Taylor, Deputy Inspector of Hospitals. R. Burton, esq. of Symonds' Inn, Chancery-lane.

At Enfieid, William Stallword, esq. At Pentonville, 24, Mr. Thomas Willan. At Stoke Newington, 68, James Capper, a member of the Society of Friends, deservedly regretted.

At Hackney, 80, the Rev. James Creigh


At Norwood, 35, Elton Hamond, esq. suddenly.

In Tavistock-street, Bedford-square, 74, Richard Barker, esq.

In Lower Grosvenor-street, Miss Margaret Metcalfe, of Hawsted, Suffolk.

In Hill-street, the Hon. Charles Finch, uncle to the Earl of Aylesford.

In Hunter-street, Brunswick-square, 69, Mr. William Clarence.

In Cecil-street, 71, William Winchester, esq. many years an eminent stationer in the Strand.

On the Pavement, Moorfields, 37, Sylvanus Beran, a much respected member of the Society of Friends, and active in every work of benevolence.

In Portugal-street, Lincoln's Inn, 74, Mr. W. Clarke, having resided there 52 years as a highly respectable law bookseller, in which extensive concern he is succeeded by his two sons.

At Eglinton-castle, 80, the Right Hon. the Earl of Eglinton, generally respected: from a benevolent motive, he employed a great number of poor on his estates, by which humane plan, he nearly doubled their value. Hugh Montgomerie Earl of Eglinton, the 13th earl of that title, was descended from the first earl by a daughter, and succeeded to it in 1796. Не married his cousin, Eleanora Hamilton, daughter of John Hamilton, of Bourtreehill, in Ayrshire, by whom he had Archibald Lord Montgomery, who died in 1803. Hislordship had acted with the Opposition; and, when the administration of Lord Grenville came in, he was created an English peer by the title of Baron Androssan.

At Dublin-castle, 37, after a short illness, the Right Hon. Countess Talbot, wife of the Lord Lieutenant, Earl Talbot: her charities were numerous, and chiefly private. The whole city participated in the grief of her afflicted husband.

In Newman.street, Thomas Jefferys, esq. son of a jeweller and silversmith, who resided many years in the Strand, and left the business to his son, who removed, and carried it on at the well-known shop, now Mr. Gilbert's, the corner of Cockspurstreet, where, with the most unblemished character, he accumulated a large fortune. Having no son, he took into partnership the late Mr. Jones and Mr. Gilbert, to the latter of whom, about twelve years ago, he resigned the whole concern. He on his retirement, a short time after, pur. chased a seat and estate in Gloucestershire, at which place he spent much of his time; but he found it too far from London to be convenient, and lately sold it. Mr. Jef ferys has been twice married: by the first wife he had an only daughter, who married the late - Buller Cocks, esq. whose widow she now is. By his second wife, who survives to lament his loss, he has no children. Mr. Jefferys was a man of mild manners, but of a high independent spirit; and, although many years a tradesman to the King, Queew, and others of the Royal family, was no servile adherent. He was very charitable and humane, ready to open his purse on all proper occasions, to support a charity or institution he favoured, or to do a benevolent act. To some of the the charities he devoted a considerable portion of his time. His fortune he enjoyed without shew or ostentation, and left the world, lamented by all who knew him.

ECCLESIASTICAL PROMOTIONS. Rev. T. G. TYNDALE, M.A. to the rectory of Holton, Oxfordshire.

Řev. JEREMIAH BURROUGHES, to the rectory of Burlingham St. Andrew, with Burlingham St. Edmund annexed, Norfolk. Rev. HENRY BLUNT, B.A. to the vicarage of Clare, Suffolk.

Rev. JOHN WILLIAMS BUTT, B.A. to the vicarage of Lakenheath, Suffolk.

Rev. JEMSON DAVIES, B. A. to the living of Evington, Leicestershire.

Rev. W. F. MANSEL, B.A. to the vicarage of Ashelworth, Gloucestershire.

Rev. H. WILKINSON, M.A. to be headmaster of the grammar school of Sedbergh, Yorkshire.

Rev. HENRY FREELAND, M.A. to the rectory of Hasketon, Suffolk.

Rev. ROBERT BATHURST, M.A. to the rectory of Topcroft, Norfolk; also to the vicarage of Docking, in the same county..

Rev. WILLIAM HENNELL BLACK, to the perpetual curacy of Wormegay, Norfolk.

Rev. HENRY MORGAN, of Miskin, Glamorganshire, to the vicarage of Brinsop,

near Hereford.

Rev. ROBERT WOOD, D.D. to be headmaster of Nottingham Grammar School. Rev. T. B. Cole, to be master of the Granmar School, Maidstone.

Rev. C. M. ALLFREE, to be a minor canon of Rochester Cathedral.


Or, Records of very eminent and remarkable Persons recently Deceased.

R. WILLIS was a native of Hamp-

Mr. Willis's integrity and pleasing man ners made him so much in favour with the

Mindenen brewering, made him the establishment of the

who gave him a good education. He was many years at Winchester school, where he became a good classical scholar, and acquired a taste for literature. Mr. Willis, at an early age, was introduced to place at Court, and served some years in the Hampshire militia, in which he attained the rank of captain. What place he first had at court is not known; but he passed successively through the three posts of Gentleman of the Pantry, of the Ewery, of the Spicery; all under, and in the gift of, the lord steward. He married a lady who was also attached to the court, and who, when he was Gentleman of the Ewery, was appointed household-laundress to the king. In this situation, it was in his power to have made his wife's place more profitable; but, like a man of honour, to avoid all suspicion, he procured a removal from the Ewery, an office through which the household linen passes to the Spicery. This trait of disinterestedness aided his promotion; and, in the year 179-, he was appointed secretary to the lord-steward of his Majesty's household, and also made Coroner of the Verge of the Court.

When Mr. Pitt thought proper to change the constitution of the lord-steward's office, and restore the two places of Clerks Comptrollers of the Board of Green Cloth, which had been abolished by Mr. Burke's bill, Mr. Stone and Mr. Willis were nominated to fill those places. In this situation Mr. Willis completed his fifty years service; and which, by a recent Act of Parliament, entitled him to a superananation on a full salary, and which he enjoyed ever since 1813.

Princess Charlotte of Wales's household, he was nominated by his Majesty her treasurer and comptroller, a place which he enjoyed until her death, and in which he acted on a system of true economy, void of meanness: for it is a circumstance not generally known, that the young Princess had no allowance to set her off in life, but was obliged to furnish herself with many things from savings of her income, which was only 7000/.

For many years he bad the happiness to enjoy the confidence of the Prince of Wales, and a token of his esteem, in a pre sent of a very handsome gold watch. Mr.Willis was an excellent classical scholar, which recommended him much to the notice of his Royal Highness. We believe, in the early past of the Prince's life, he often consulted him; and his R. Highness could not well find a better adviser. Although much of his life was spent at court, few men possessed more independence of spirit, or had more just ideas of the constitution of his country.

When the volunteer system was established, Mr. Willis had a commission given hìm of colonel of the Kensington Volun teers; in the training of which corps he was indefatigable, and conducted himself in so mild and gentlemanly a manner as to gain the respect of every officer and man of the corps, which he continued, to command until its dissolution, after the peace; and the individuals and he parted from each other with regret. His convivial talents made his company much sought after; and he became a member of many clubs, whose conversation he contributed. much to enliven. He was well stored with anecdote;

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