


[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Jan. 21.

3 10 0 to 4 5 0 percwt.

5 18 0


580 ditto.


[blocks in formation]

6 15 0

[blocks in formation]
[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]



[blocks in formation]

47 10


48 10

3 16 0

4 15 0



Iron, British, Bars

12 10 0


-, Pigs

[blocks in formation]

Oil, Lucca

[blocks in formation]
[blocks in formation]

0 10 0 7400




Raisins, bloom or jar, new 4 13 0


Rice, Patna kind

011 0

[blocks in formation]

-, East India

[blocks in formation]

Silk, China, raw

[blocks in formation]

Spices, Cinnar

-, Bengal, skein

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]


[blocks in formation]



47 10 0

3 15 0 350 12 10 0


4 13 0

012 per ib.

015 ditto.

5 4 0 per cwt, 1 10 0 ditto.

68 0 0 per ton. 4800 ditto.

4 15 0 per cwt. 3 16 0 ditto. 1500 per ton. 900 ditto.

0 11 0 per gall. 7600 per ton. 000 per cwt. 500 ditto. 0130 ditto. 0 10 0 ditto. 1 8 11 per lb, 10 5 ditto.

09 4 per th.

000 ditto.

[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small]

Premiums of Insurance. Guernsey or Jersey, 20s.-Cork or Dublin, 25s.-Belfast, 60s.-Madeira, 25s.-Jamaica, 30s. a 35s.-Greenland, out

[blocks in formation]

Course of Exchange, Jan. Exchange, 21.-Amsterdam, 11 89.-Hamburgh, 36 1.-Paris, 25 30.-Leghorn, 474.-Lisbon, 52.-Dublin, 11 111⁄2 per cent. At Messrs. Wolfeand Edmonds' Canal Office, Change Alley, Cornhill.-Grand Junction CANAL shares sell for 2151. per 1001. share. Birmingham, div. 5351.-Coventry, 9991.Leeds and Liverpool, 3001.-Trent and Mersey, 18001.-East India Dock, 1651. per share. West India, 1741.-The Strand BRIDGE, 51.-West Middlesex WATERWORKS, 401.-GAS LIGHT COMPANY, 611.

The 3 per cent. Reduced, on the 24th, was 684; 3 per. cent. consols, 681; 4 per cent, Consols, 87; 5 per cent. navy; 102. Gold in bars 31. 17s. 10 d. per oz.-New doubloons 31. 14s. 6d.-Silver in bars 5s. 2d,

ALPHABETICAL LIST of BANKRUPTCIES and DIVIDENDS announced between the 20th of Dec. 1819 and the 20th of Jan. 1820: extracted from the London Gazettes.

[blocks in formation]


400 per cwt.




2 15 0

Mottley T Portfea, dealer. (Dyne and fon, L.
Milligan A Wolverhampton, tea dealer. (Chefter, L.
Maddock E R Quin and J Uniaike, Liverpool, merchants.

(Lowe and co. london

Morris T Brittol linen draper. (Pearson, L.
Morris C Cateaton street, warehouseman. (Partington
Morgan E Knighton. Radnorfhire, wooltapler. (Iugh, Lo
Nixon W Rugeley, Staffordshire, farmer, (Stocker and

co. london

Neeftrip T Cateaton street, warehouseman, (Walker and coNightingale J Howden, Yorkshire, corn factor. (Lowndes and co. london

Peel J Tower street, fack manufacturer, (Gillibrand Pickering J late of Woburn place, wine merchant.

(Noy and co.

Pinnington D Cheltenham, horfe dealer. (Williams, E. Parker R Manchester, innkeeper. (Milne and co. co. L. Phillips M Great Prescott Greet, merchant. (Ponle Payne L Nottingham, money (crivener. (Long and co. L. Powies ID Freeman's court, Cornhill, merchant.

(Pearfe and co.

Peck J Blackheath hill, carpenter, (Sandford, Deptford
Payne G Newrate ftreet, hatter, (Oldham
Phillips R Ashburnham, firmer. (Ellis, L.
Quiros JM de, Size lane, merchant. (Chefter

Roberts W Chowbent, I ancashire, innkeeper. (Wheeler,


Roberts C Benager, Somersetshire, innkeeper. (Williams, Le

Reed C. Plymouth, merchant, (Follett, L.
Robinfon W and T Chelsea, linen drapers.

and co. london


(Stevens, L.

Ray J and JR Cl re. Suffolk, bankers.
Read CR Brabant court, merchant. (Sweet and co.
Story F Honworth. Norfolk, miller. (Bridges, L.
Smith T Leeds, worsted spinner.
Sidney R Newman street, picture dealer,
Scott A John Greet, Commercial road, dealer,
Sorrelt RB Kirby ftreet, Hatton Garden, printer.

(Noy and co,

(Jeyes, L.



Sendall J Fulham fields, horfe dealer. (M'Duff, L. Sharrock, PT Preston mulic feller. (Blakelock, L, Shoobridge W Marden. Kent, farmer, (Carter, L. Sinclair J Brighton. bookbinder, Cregfon and co, L. Swayne J Bristol, dealer. (Hard and co, L,

Simpfon C Stretford, Lancashire, nurseryman.

and co. london

[blocks in formation]



Smith TD St. George, Rotherhithe, cork manufacturer.

Scott J Fore ftreet, corn dealer. [Walls
Thackara J Rotherham, millwright. (Capes, L.
Taylor M Long lane, cotton dealer. [Hayward
Thompson C Halifax, watch glass cutter. [Sabine

and co, london

Townfend W Sheffield, büilder. [Capes, L.
Taylor J Hedon, Yorkshire, mariner, [Hindman
Truftrum J Great Guildford Greet, Surrey, carpenter.


Twiddy G Bread ftreet hill, oilman. [Jones Thompson II and T Mofes, Paradife row, Rotherhithe wine merchants. [Hutchifon, London and co, london

Wales J Womack, Norfolk, linen draper.


[blocks in formation]

Baker T York, linen draper. [Jeyes, london
Browne W E Stock Exchange, stock broker. [Younger
Butler JP Bilston, Staffordshire, grocer. (Smith, L.
Bartlett TE Banbury, mercer. [Meyrick and co, L,
Board J Highbridge, somersetshire, shopkeeper. [Pear.

fon, london

and co. london

Bradfield W North Elhams, Norfolk, baker. [Dixon

Bafs M Athbourne, Derbyshire, maltster. (Sweet and co.
Bracewell J Bramley, Yorkshire, inn keeper. (Battye, L.
Cobham W jun and T Jones, Ware, bankers, Band
Cheshire T Aylesbury, grocer. [Gregory. L.
Cook Whitechapel road, grocer, [Wright
Clough J Leeds, cloth manufacturer. [Tottie and co.
Cooper J Chesterfield, tallow chandler.
[Hall and

co london

Crump T and T Hill, Jun, Kidderminster, carpet manu.

facturer, [Bigi, Lo


Chapman W Bihopigate treet Without, haberdasher.
Denman & South Potherton, Somersetshire, miller. (Dyne
Dawson T Mancheter, victualler. (Hurd and co. L,
Darby EH Fenchurch street, tailor.
(Slade and co. L.
Dick A and Morrifon, St. Catherine square, ale mer.

and fon, london

chants. (Hutchifon

Dodd S Newcastle upon Tyne, merchant. (Bell and co, L.
Delamare P H Romford, auctioneer. (Clare and co. L.
Ellifon & Liverpool, chemift. (Norris, london
Freft A and JR Macclesfield, grocers. (Hurd and co. L.
Friend TEH and WJ Sunderland, traders.

ton, london

and co.


Ferfe G Laurence Pountney hill, merchant, (Tomlinfon
Fofter] Liverpool, money fcrivener.
(Lowndes. L.
Forter E and A Wylam. Newcastle upon Tyne, mer-

chants, (Hartley, L.

Forfter M Newcastle upon Tyne, grocer. (Hartley, L.
Farrer R Bread ftreet, Cheaplide, warehouseman.

and co.


Fearnall White Cottage, New Cross, Deptford, merchant.

(Woodward and co, london

Gates J Grimstone, Norfolk, farmer, (Wright, L.
Green & Leeds, ftone mafon.

Green J Brauncewell, Lincolnshire, merchant.

(Jeyes, L.


and co. london

Grafton J Stroud, Gloucestershire, shoe maker.



Garfide T Stockport, cotton fpinner. (Lowe and co. L.
Glover J J Liverpool, shoe maker. (Clarke and co. L.
Gerrard D Old Cavendish street, St. Mary le bone. (Nowell
Hooper H Bristol, merchant, [Poo'e and

co, L

Hunt T F Stable yard, St. Martin's, builder. (Rich


Heath W Lower ftreet, Ilington, butcher. (Olderhaw
Horfon C Birmingham, wire worker. (Clarke and co. L
Hurry E Freeman's court, Cornhill, merchant. (Pearfe

and co.

Harrop J Gateshead, Durham, grocer. (Hartley, L
Jones J Worcester, linen draper.
(Palmer, L.
Johnfon R Appleton, Scuicoates, Yorkshire, plumber.

(Hicks, london

Johnfon W Birmingham, tarpaulin maker. (Smith, L,
Jacobs L Nañau ftreet, Middiesex Hospital, glass dealer.


Krauss sen Manchester, merchant. (Hall and co. L,
King T Painfwick, Gloucestershire, clothier. (Thomp

fon, london

Lakeman DH Liverpool, merchant. (Taylor, L.
Lant D Blackman treet, Newington, merchant. (Williams
Lace S Liverpool, brazier. (Wheeler
Livesey J Farnworth and Preftole mills, Lancashire, paper

maker. (Meddowcroft, L.

Myers Rand) Holmes, Newcastle upon Tyne, linen
Malcom R Ashbourne, Derbyshire, tea dealer. (Cheßer, L.
Moore W Houghton, Cumberland, butter merchant.

drapers. (Hartley, London

(Birkett, London

Adams S Walfall

Amfeil G Carshalton

Auffell I Palace wharf, Lambeth

Braband E Manchester

Bayliffe G Wakefield

Berkenthaw G Howden, Yorkshire

Buck C Southwark

Buckland T Langley, Bucks


Cottreux & Mincing lane
Corney Jand R East India Chambers
Calverley R Kegworth, Leicestershire

Dawfon New Windfor

Day R Doncafter

Daniels W Bishop's Stortford
Durrant J East Dereham, Norfolk
Danfon and Valmfley, Liverpool

Blackburn Wand FC Rousseau, City Devey WF and J Coal Exchange


Brown Springfield, Chelmsford

Blackburn P Plymouth

Barnard S Southwark

Barnes St Briavels

Buchanan Smith and Ashley, Liver

Bird HM and B Savage, Jeffery's

Beattie G Salford


Balfour J Bafinghall street


Brown S and TH Scott, St Mary hill


Corran & P and J Brown, Liverpool


Besford E Brookes's mews, Hanover

Cordingly Jand F Brown, Lawrence

Chapman D Faversham

Cheiney H High HowoNI

Cote J Plymouth

Carr W Leek

Cameron J Manchester

Devey W and E Christchurch, Surrey
Evans G High street, Southwark
Fair C Liverpool

Gipin W Villier's street, Strand
Greenway J Plymouth Dock
Goodwin W


Gregory JD Crown street, Finibury


Gibbin R jun. Bishopwearmouth

Good W Broad pole, Beaminfter

Gilbert H and W saunders, Bridham,



Harmerton C Wansford, Northamp.

Hilditch T shrewsbury

Hall E Holbrook, Derbyshire
Hawe J Plymouth dock

Huxham G Blackhall, Devon

Hockley D and ws Hall, Brook street,


Halmshaw Jand J Swallow, Heck.

mindwike, Yorkshire

Lever J Athby de la Bouch

Munt J and T Adams, Leadenhall


Millar R Taunton

Maltinfon J Birdfedge, Yorkshire
Nutt T Manchetter

Nackbar Jjun. New Brentford
Neate W sweeting's alley

O'Neil E Liverpool

Pim TB Ezweek, Devon

Phillips T Bread street hill

Peech W Chetterheld

Peel J Harding and Willock, Tam


Rumford R W Bartholomew lane

Radclifte Swanfea

Richards J Durham

Richardfon WJ Nicholas lane
Reddalt W Liverpool


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Meteorological Results, from Observations made in London, for the Month of Dec. 1819.

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Prevailing winds,-W.

Number of days on which rain has fallen, 9; snow, 4.


Cirro-stratus. Cirro-cumulus. Cumulus. Cumulo-stratus. Nimbus.

THE first four days were mild, with the wind at .S. W.; on the 5th it shifted to the N.E. and blew fresh from this quarter, attended with a gradual diminution of temperature till the 8th; throughout this day it blew a gale from the east, and extremely cold, accompanied with a very sharp frost; and so great was the evaporation caused by the wind, that the ground, by the evening, had become quite bleached. In the evening of the 9th, much fine snow fell. The frost lasted till the 16th; bat, after the 11th, the wind being chiefly westerly, a slight thaw generally occurred during the day. On the 17th the temperature increased rapidly, the thermometer, which at eight A.M.stood at 39°, by 11P.M. had risen to 501°; and, except, on the 21st, did not descend below this point till the 23d. During this interval of six days, the weather was cloudy, and much rain fell: and, owing to the very moist state of the atmosphere, the temperature felt rather oppressive. On the 23d, between noon, and 5 P.M. the thermometer fell from 51° to 38°; and, in the course of the night, to

[blocks in formation]

31. The frost set in again on the 25th, and continued very sharp, with fine weather, to the end of the month. In the night of the 29th, the thermometer fell to 22° and in that of the 31st to 19o.

A very large faint halo appeared round the moon in the evening of the 27th; and on the following day it snowed from 2 to 43 P.M. A few thick fogs occurred now and then; but, generally speaking, they have been but trifling this month. The follow ing were fine bright days, namely, the 1sť, 3d, 8th, 13th, 14th, 16th, 24th, 25th, 26th, 27th, 29th, 31st.

The barometer for the most part was very steady, but the maximum is rather low, and the range very small, to what they usually are at this season of the year; the latter has been decreasing ever since August.

The subjoined Table contains the mean temperatures of the last six months, from July to December, together with the mean of the whole six months, and the annual mean for the last five years respectively.

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THE long continuance of frost, which seems to make up for its absence in so many seasons past, has equally impeded the business of the field and the markets. The chief operations in the country have been confined to the barn, to carting, and to attendance upon live stock. The general demand of fodder for cattle, and the necessity of finding employment for the labourers, rather than any encouragement from the markets, have kept the flails and threshing-machines going. It is a subject of universal observation, how different the appearance of the wheat crop at present, and at the same period of last season. In the backward districts, the wheat has scarcely made its appearance above-ground, and all the latesown is extremely backward. The late warm seasons wonderfully increased the breed of all the feathered tribe, and of vermin of all descriptions; and the wheats, whilst uncovered by snow, were greatly infested by vast flocks of crows: whilst the stack-yards have been equally anroyed by uncommon multitudes of starving small birds. One of the great advantages of frost, a coat of snow, both as a defence and manure to the young wheats, has been most ample; and, if any distant conclusions are allowable, they must be in favour of a crop, more especially upon Land in a clean and husbandlike state. The turnip crop, however, will receive injury in the same proportion, more especially

[ocr errors]

from the alternations between frost and thaw, and an extraordinary call will be experienced throughout the spring for the ample stocks of fodder and hay. Cattle and sheep abroad are kept at considerable expense, and under no expectation of thrift. Prices stationary, including wool. Poor's-rates on the advance in the northern counties. A sentiment of dissatisfaction universal in the country, at a late ministerial assertion of the flourishing state of our agriculture. The agricultural associations are still pursning their object, of inducing the Legislature to raise the price of corn to the level of taxation; an object unattain. able, for the simple reason, that taxation has long exceeded the national ability. The organization of these societies may nevertheless prove ultimately beneficial to the country, since, with the gradual in crease of light and intelligence, their views may receive a more patriotic di. rection.

Smithfield: Beef 4s. to 5s. 6d.-Mutton 4s. 6d. to 5s. 6d.- Veal 4s. 6d. to 6s. 9d.-Pork 5s. to 7s.-Fat 3s. d.

Corn Exchange: Wheat 50s. to 75s.Barley 26s. to 40s.-Oats 18s. to 30s. The Quartern-loaf in London, 11d. and 9d. -Hay (new) 21. 10s. to 31. 3s.-Old 18s. to 36s. Clover do. (new) 41. to 51. 5s.Old 51. to 71. Straw 11. 7s. to 11. 168.

Coals in the Pool, 41s. to 45s. per


Middlesex; Jan. 21.


Containing Official Papers and Authentic Documents.


F the growing greatness of this Power, and of the danger to be apprehended from it, most people are aware; but few are really well informed of the magnitude of the impending danger: but of this we can speak on the most authentic information. It is generally conceived that Alexander has a force of 500,000 men in pay; the real truth is, that his forces of all arms are full 800,000 men, and these not the passive sober men they were formerly, when they stood like stocks, to be thrown down by the enemy's cannon, but active soldiers, trained and disciplined by French, Swiss, or German officers, the most celebrated in their different lines, whom Alexander has obliged, by giving them an asylum, or tempted by pecumiary advantages, to assist him. The enormous expense of maintaining this army has induced the ministers to pro

pose a reduction, but this advice the Emperor has always rejected, saying, that in case any thing serious should happen from France, he conceives himself to be the only Power who can resist, If these are really his sentiments, they afford some excuse for keeping so enor mous an army on foot in time of peace; but most people will rather conclude that he means to take advantage, and make farther inroads on his neighbours. The steady encroaching system of the Russian cabinet has been apparent, and has been acted on, for more than a century; and, during the reigns of Catherince and Alexander, Russia has acquired Courland, and almost the whole of Poland, to the west; Moldavia, to the south; the whole of Finland, to the north; and, by the late peace with Persia, the whole navigation of the Caspian Sea, and, a large tract of land adjoining. In short, with such a force, and the resources which

which the various parts of his dominions must afford, what is it he cannot effect? And to all this, he has Prussia under his control, and is allied by marriage with the Netherlands and Wurtemberg.

It is the general opinion that he means to attack Turkey; but this is not necessary. The passage of the Dardanelles by his fleet, and the possession of any one part in the Levant, will make him complete master of the Mediterranean. From the Treaty of Westphalia to the present time, ime, it has been the great aim of statesmen to keep up a balance of power; but the aggrandisement of Russia and the acquisitions she has been permitted to make unmolested, have destroyed that system. - Letter from the Baltic.


An irreparable national loss has been sustained in the sudden decease of the DUKE of KENT, a prince, of whose virtues, public and private, it is scarcely possible to speak in terms of adequate praise. The period of the month at which this lamented event took place, deprives us of the opportunity of exhibiting the features of his character, and the actions of his life, with the display they call for; but, in our next Number, we purpose to devote a considerable space to the subject.


The following was the Speech of the President, on opening the Congress.

Fellow-Citizens of the Senate, and of

the House of Representatives,

The public buildings being advanced to a stage to afford accommodation for Congress, I offer you my sincere congratulations on the re commencement of your du. ties in the Capitol.

Having informed Congress, on the 27th

nor since, until the last year, when it was suspended by the late treaty; a more satisfactory provision to both parties, as was presumed, having been made for them. Other differences had arisen in this long interval, affecting their highest interests, which were likewise provided for by this last treaty. The treaty itself was formed on great consideration, and a thorough knowledge of all circumstances, the subject-matter of every article having been for years under discussion, and repeated references having been made by the minister of Spain to his government, on the points respecting which the greatest difference of opinion prevailed. It was formed by a minister duly authorised for the purpose, who had represented his government in the United States, and been employed in this long protracted negociation several years, and who, it is not denied, kept strictly within the letter of his instructions. The faith of Spain was therefore pledged, under circumstances of peculiar force and solemnity, for its ratification. On the part of the United States, this treaty was evidently acceded to in a spirit of conciliation and concession. The indemnity for injuries and losses so long before sustained, and now again acknowledged and provided for, was to be paid by them, without becoming a charge on the treasury of Spain. For territory ceded by Spain, other territory of great value, to which our claim was believed to be well founded, was ceded by the United States, and in a quarter more interesting to her. This cession was nevertheless received as the means of indemnifying our citizens in a considerable sum, the presumed amount of their losses. Other considerations, of great weight, urged the cession of this territory by Spain. It was surrounded by the ter ritories of the United States on every side, except on that of the ocean. Spain had lost her authority over it, and, falling into the hands of adventurers connected with the savages, it was made the means of un

of February last, that a Treaty of Amity, ceasing annoyance and injury to our union,

Settlement, and Limits, had been ded in this city, between the United States and Spain, and ratified by the competent authorities of the former, full confidence

was entertained that it would have been

ratified by his Catholic Majesty with

equal promptitude, and a like earnest desire to terminate, on the conditions of that treaty, the differences which had so long existed between tre two countries. Every view which the subject admitted of, was

thought to have satisfied this conclusion. Great losses had been sustained by citizens of the United States from Spanish cruisers, more than twenty years before, which had not been redressed. These losses had been

acknowledged and provided for by a treaty, as far back as the year 1802, which, althongh concluded at Madrid, was not then ratified by the government of Spain, MONTHLY MAG. No. 336,

in many of its most essential interests. By this cession, then, Spain ceded a territory, in reality of no value to her, and obtained concessions of the highest importance, by the settlement of long-standing

differences with the United States, affecting their respective claims and limits, limit and likewise relieved herself from the obligation of a treaty relating to it, which she had failed to fulfil, and also from the responsibility incident to the most flagrant and pernicious abuses of her rights, wher she could not support her authority.

It being known that the treaty was form. ed under these circumstances, not a doubt was entertained that his Catholic

Majesty would have ratified it without delay. I regret to have to state, that this reasonable expectation has been disappointed; that


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