To the Editor of the Monthly Magazine. SIR, N the Monthly Magazine of last month, is part of a curious epitaph on the Duke of Grafton, some particulars of which your correspondent seems anxious to know. If you think the following account worth an insertion in your next Number, it is very much at your disposal. In 1702, a work was published in two volumes, entiled "Poems on Affairs of State, from the Time of Oliver Cromwell to the Abdication of King James II. written by the greatest Wits of the Age;" which contains the epitaph in question. In the title-page is also a list of contributors to these volumes, in which list is the name of the author of this epitaph, Sir F. S-d. with the Duke of Buckingham, Earl of Rochester, Lord Dorset, Andrew Marvel, Mr. Milton, and others. The epitaph is thus printed. An Epitaph on the D of G-, by Beneath this place Mark'd with a star This nat'ral son of Mars He valued not the balls of gun. Yet a bullet of Cork Great Cæsar's son! In the first volume of the same work, is the following "epitaph upon QUERIES. THE late rational and patriotic pro commodities, having called the attention of the public to substitutes, any information which any of your readers can give in regard to wholesome and pleasant substitutes for tea, coffee, &c. &c. will not ouly be highly useful, but, at this time, serviceable; because a growth of the several herbs should be promoted in the spring proportioned to their probable consumption. I am told, that several of the herbs used as substitutes for teas, are already becoming scarce and dear. PHILANTHROPOS ORIGINAL REMAINS OF EMINENT PERSONS. DR. HUGH BLAIR. THE THE late Dr. Blair was induced, by a literary gentleman in London, to send the following account of himself, for a Spanish edition of his Lectures on Rhetoric, then preparing at Madrid. We print it from the original, which may be regarded as a curious document. SIR,-I received your letter by last post and though it does not become me to be my own Biographer, yet I think I owe it to the Literary Gentleman who is translating one of my works, to give you and your Madrid correspondent the following facts relating to myself; of which he is at liberty to make what use he pleases. Dr. Hugh Blair was born at Edinburgh, in his Father's house there, in April 1718; and of course has now concluded his 80th year, though still in tolerable but infirm health. He is descended from an Ancient, and Respectable family, of which his Father was a Younger Brother. He was completely and regularly Educated in the University of Edinburgh, where he took his degree of M.A. He enter'd into Orders in the year 1742; and of course has been a clergyman for 56 years. In the year 1758 he was installed Minister of the High Church, or principal Church in Edinburgh, where he has officiated for 40 years; though of late he has taken an Assistant in that charge, and preaches seldom. He received the Complement of the degree of D.D. from the University of St. Andrews, the oldest University in Scotland, about the time of his becoming Minister of the High Church in Edinburgh. In 1761 he was created a Professor in the University; and read Lectures there for above 20 years; till, for the Reasons given in the Preface to his printed Lectures, he chose to resign and became Professor Emeritus. His earliest publication was a Critical dissertation on the Poems of Ossian; which is always published along with the works of Ossian by Mr. Macpherson, in 2 volumes-Except the Lectures on Rhetorick & Belles Lettres, his only other Publication is 4 volumes of Sermons; which have had an astonishing success not only in this Country but over all Europe. They began to be published in 1777; since which time 20 large Editions of them have been published in Britain; and into most of the languages ३ of Europe they have been translated. In the French language there are two translations of them; one in the Dutch; one in the German, by M. Saeb, chaplain to the King of Prussia; and one in the Sclavonich or Hungarian; of all which, except the last, Dr. Blair had a copy given him by the Translator; and in case the Spanish Translator of his Lectures on Rhetorick & Belles Lettres finds Encouragement to publish it, he will be obliged to him, (if he shall then be alive) if he cause a copy of his Translation be sent to him. Thus, sir, I have sent you facts more than sufficient, I presume, for your Correspondent at Madrid; & have lost no time in giving you such satisfaction as you desired. I am, Sir, Your most obed' humble servant, DR. BEATTIE AND MR. PRATT. The late amiable author of SYMPATHY used to shew the following letter, as one of his proudest trophies. The original he gave, as a token of bis sincerest affection, to the writer of this paragraph. London 29 June 1781. SIR,-Be pleased to accept of my grate ful acknowledgments, for the honour you have done me in sending me your excellent poem on Sympathy: which I have read with attention and very great pleasure. The language is elegant, and the numbers are harmonious; the images discover a happy talent for the observation of nature: and the general tenor of the invention and sentiments must to every reader of taste convey the most favourable idea of the heart and imagination of the Author. Permit me also to thank you, Sir, for the kind partiality with which you have looked into my attempts in the poetical way. The compliments you pay me, and my poor minstrel, are indeed far beyond our merit; but however much they may remind me of my imperfection, it is still a most pleasing circumstance to be approved and applauded by such a man and such a muse as the author of Sympathy. I am sorry you took the trouble to send a copy to my house in Scotland. I havo have been from home these three months. Next week I set out on my return. But wherever I am, I shall always be, with the greatest respect and esteem Sir, your most obliged & most THE LATE LORD LIVERPOOL. It has often been stated, that the late Earl of Liverpool, early in life, was employed to write in the Monthly Review, as a mercenary critic. The following letter from the late Dr. Griffiths to John Almon the bookseller, explains the nature of that connexion in a manner creditable to the feelings of the review-proprietor and bis lordship. The original is in possession of Sir Richard Phillips. DEAR SIR, I cannot find a Copy of Mr.Jenkinson's Discourse on the Militia;* but an account was given of it in the Review for January 1757, p. 93.-That publication first brought me acquainted with the Author. If you are going to say any thing to the Public, concerning this Gentleman, I must insist on your not making any use of what passed in conversation between you & me on that subject, the other day, in Fleet Street; as your mentioning my name, on any such occasion, or my connexion with Mr. J. would embroil me with him, & I should, thereby, lose my old Friend; So, pray be very careful what you say. I remain, dear Sir, Yr obliged håle Servant. N.B. Mr.J. never had a shilling from me, but what arose from the sale of his own tracts, printed on his own account. destroyed. Some specimens are given beneath. LETTER FROM CORNWALL. Fowey, Cornwall, Jan. 5-6. MY DEAR FRIEND. From the old Land of Giants & Hobgoblens, from a picturesque and romantic place, Fowey, (Neptune & Amphitrite, with her Nereids & Tritons before, the Naiads, & Dryads, & all the rural Divinities, behind & on each side,) I write unto thee to enquire the health of thee & thy wife, & thy children, & thy ox and thine ass, & of every thing that appertaineth unto thee, O thou wondrous Mecenas of Black Friars! With the eye of mine Imagination I peep in on thee at times, & see thee surrounded by Historians, Poets, Philosophers, Newswriters, Authors political, profane & moral; and last tho' not least the various pretty Tem ples of Fame, who ornament thy table. Hast thou any uncultivated lands on Parnassus, for my plough and harrowdost thou want any flowers, native or exotic?-My agricultural & botanical powers are in waiting-Dost thou wish any game to be shot; any Poachers to be well flogged, such as Nares, Rennell, &c. I have a gun and a horsewhip at thy service. Dost thou desire Travels through any portion of a terra incognita of our Globe, or even of a Telescopic Star-thou shalt have a true and faithful history of the soil, buildings & manners of the Inha bitants. Dost thou wish for a Scilly Ling; go then for the fish to Master Batt's, oilman, 98, Tottenham Court Road, close Turnham Green by Howland Street, & it will be delivered unto thee-It will be a treat for thy wife, if not for thee. Thy Monthly Magazine is taken in here, & doth thee credit. Feb. 5th 1786. • A discourse on the Establishment of a National & Constitutional Force in England, 8vo. 1s. Griffiths. DR. WOLCOT. THIS truly great poet, and commanding genius in every subject on which he bestowed his attention, was, for fiveand-twenty years, in habits of the closest intimacy with the Editor of this MiscelJany; and, during that period, enlivened his fire-side by hundreds of bons-mots, sallies of wit, humorous anecdotes, imitations of character, &c. &c. Of course, many of his letters have been preserved; while many others have been LETTERS ABOUT HIS ANNUITY. The Doctor had frequent disputes with his annuitants. Robinson, Goulding, and Walker, agreed to give him 250l. per annum for the interest in his works, and Walker was paymaster. But as the Doctor survived the grant twenty-six years, and was not expected to live a month when it was agreed upon, the payments were made in an illnatured spirit. He used therefore to employ the Editor of this Miscellany to are two of the letters, as specimens of those containing the request. receive receive it for him; and the following enough to publish, you have my free I. I have a Fable for this month's Mag. HIS ATTACK ON GIFFORD. The Doctor's assault on W. Giffard the poet, is well remembered; but, in truth, as he has often confessed since, he mistook his man, and intended that chastisement for J. Gifford, Editor of the Antijacobin. He used, however, pleasantly to say, that they both deserved it; and therefore "it was all one." In reply to a civil note from the Editor on the subject, be sent the following: DEAR SIR, I am much obliged by your friendly intentions. It was but a fair piece of justice due to my character as a man to attack at any disadvantages such a calumniating ruffian as Gyfford, the instant he came with in the reach of my vengeance. Had not Wright and his customers and his Frenchman & his shopmen hustled me and wrested the cane from my hand, & then confined my arms, I should have done complete justice to my cause. As it was, he had a smart taste of what he wilt experience in future, wherever I find him. Such a pest of society ought to be driven from its bosom-such is Gyfford, Iately a poor despicable cobler of Ashburton! such is one of the literary pillars of PITT'S Administration! Perhaps you do not know that this fellow is a Magistrate, and possesses an annual income of nearly one thousand pounds a year under Government, to support its dignity by defamation. I am, Sir, your's, J. WOLCOT. N 1 Chapel St. Portland Place. P.S. Should you think this of importance * The receipt for 624. 108. leave. ELEGIAC LINES. The Doctor was not fond of the noise of children, and, to keep him in good humour, it was necessary to remove them from any room in which he was sitting. Hearing, however, of the death of an infant, he transmitted by post the following stanza. On the Death of a Child of R. P.'s. Sweet Innocence, farewell, farewell! Receive thy parents' tenderest sighs; Yet while our loss with tears we tell; With hope we trace thee to the skies. ALDERMAN SKINNER. He always laughed at his supposed prophecy, that Mr. Sheriff Skinner would one day be "London's Proud Lord Mayor;" and has often declared that he introduced it in preference to any other city name, merely because it rhymed to "dinner," in the previous line; perhaps as good a reason as any other prophet could adduce. When the Editor filled Skinner's office in 1807, he used to make a similar prophecy respecting his advancement, taking credit for the correctness of his former prediction; and, on its being rẻmarked that prophets succeeded best in poetry, he good-humouredly transmitted the following lines. The person of whom the prophecy is made, has however no ambition to attain the dignity indicated; and, in publishing the lines, he hopes he shall be acquitted of any improper personal feeling. TO MR. PHILLIPS THE BOOKSELLER. Phillips, I hail thy Hampstead house, For dainties have a fine effect, Thy cook to give me ven'son & stew'd carp. Behold new Popes & Swifts & Gays, To touch thy bashful ears with praiseAnd Phillips, well I see thee play the cards; beth's time, even in her presence-cham THARD labour produces sound sleep. ber. As industry increased, cleanliness This truism allegorically corporated as a doctrine of Pagan religion, by advising those troubled with vi gilance to worship Hercules. Altars were erected to him, with the inscription Deo somniali; and, in digging for the foundations of the palace Strozzi at Florence, a pedestal was found, purporting that the cultores Herculis somnialis, the worshippers of Hercules the sleep-giver, had erected the statue. BLACK-EYED SUSAN. Gay wrote his well-known ballad of "Black-eyed Susan" upon Mrs. Mont. ford, a celebrated actress, contemporary with Cibber. After her retirement from the stage, love, and the ingratitude of a bosom-friend, deprived her of her senses, and she was placed in a receptacle for lunatics. During a lucid interval, she asked her attendant what play was to be performed that evening? and was told, Hamlet. In this tragedy, whilst on the stage, she had ever been received with rapture in Ophelia. The recollection struck her; and, with that cunning which is so often allied to insanity, she eluded the care of the keepers, and got to the Theatre, where she concealed herself until the scene in which Ophelia enters in her insane state; she then pushed on the stage before the lady who had performed the previous part of the character could come on, and exhibited a more perfect representation of madness, than the utmost exertions of the mimic art could effect; she was, in truth, Ophelia herself, to the amazement of the performers, and the astonishment of the audience. Nature having made this last effort, ber vital powers failed her. On going off, she exclaimed "It is all over!" She was immediately conveyed back to her late place of security, and a few days after, "Like a lily drooping, she hung her head, and died." DOMESTIC LUXURY. Thomas-à-Becket had his parlour strewed every day with clean straw. This was the practice in Queen ElizaMONTHLY MAG, No. 336. improved, established itself in England. EPIGRAM OF ADDISON. When Addison visited Paris, he was introduced to the Duke of Manchester, who was then English ambassador to the French court, and made the following verses in honour of the Duchess: While haughty Gallia's dames, who spread O'er their pale cheeks an artful red, Beheld this beauteous stranger there, In native charms divinely fair, Confusion in their looks they show'd, And with unborrow'd blushes glow'd. This epigram has not been included in Tickell's collection of the poems of Addison, but is quite as good as the rest of his occasional verses. PROTESTANT SUPERSTITION. A silly book, called "A Narrative of the Visible Hand of God upon the Papists, by the Downfall in Black Friers, London, Anno Christi 1623," contains the following curious details: "On the Lord's day, October the twenty-sixth, according to the English account, but November the fifth, according to the Popish account, went far and near, that one Drury, a Romish priest, (a man of parts and eminent gifts,) would preach that day in the afternoon in a fair house in Black-Friers, London, whither all that would might freely come and hear him. Upon this report, very many Protestants, as well as Papists, schollars, as well as others, assembled thither about three a clock in the afternoon. That mansionhouse was now inhabited by the French ambassador; and the sermon was to be in a garret, into which there were two passages, one out of the ambassador's withdrawing-room, which was private, the other more common, without the great gate of the said mansion-house. Under this garret was another large chamber, which one Rediate, another Romish priest, had hired for himself, unto whom Papists frequently repaired to hear mass, and make confessions. More came to this place than possibly it could hold; so that many, for want of room G returned |