
is a drag λeyóμevov, and the current explanation J. M. COLLYER. hardly convincing.

PHILIP MASSINGER AND ST. SAVIOUR'S, SOUTHWARK. -The following, from the Daily News, 13 July, deserves a niche in N. & Q.':—

THOMAS FULLER.-On p. 716 of the late John Eglington Bailey's 'Life of Fuller' (1875) occurs the following passage :—

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time of great funeral pomp and magnificence, was proof positive that he was a poor man. Sir Walter drew the same conclusions from Massinger's dedications to his patrons, all of which harped upon his poverty and dependence. With regard to the personal character of the poet, he held it was a dangerous thing to look for it in the plays themselves, the words used by the characters being spoken by the characters, and not by the author "On Saturday afternoon there was an interesting for himself. What, he asked, could one learn of the ceremony in the new nave of St. Saviour's Church, personal character of Browning from 'The Ring and the Southwark, the unveiling by Sir Walter Besant of a memorial to Philip Massinger, the dramatist. Laurel Book'? Sir Walter also drew from various consideraleaves were laid upon the spot in the choir where traditions the conclusion that Massinger was not a Roman Catholic, as some had supposed. In the concluding part tion has it that Massinger was buried, in the grave of of his address he gave a vivid sketch of Bankside, its John Fletcher, his friend. The pavement in that spot now bears their names, and the name of Edmond poetical dwellers, and its amusements, in Massinger's Shakespeare, but no stone was placed over the grave of time. Prof. Hales moved a vote of thanks to Sir Walter Besant for his address. This was seconded by Mr. Philip Massinger, stranger,' at the time when the Rogers, who spoke of the service done for Londoners by place could have been marked with certainty. The Sir Walter, in making them feel an interest in the city windows in the nave are, in time, to become memorials in which they lived. The benediction by the Bishop of of literary worthies more or less intimately connected Southwark concluded the proceedings." H. T. with the parish. The principal window will be devoted to William and Edmond Shakespeare, and the others will be in memory of Fletcher, Beaumont, Alleyn, Dr. Johnson (Thrale's brewery was in the parish), Cruden (buried in the parish), Dr. Sacheverell (a chaplain of St. Saviour's), Bunyan (who preached at a place of worship "Mr. Davies' Copy (edition 1663?) contains an in Loar Street), Baxter (who officiated in a place of worship on the site of Shakespeare's Globe Theatre), attempt at a verse in a seventeenth-century handand Chaucer (whose Canterbury pilgrims started from the writing:Great Fuller! fuller than thy name, Tabard hostelry, not far away). The tomb of the post Gower has been removed to this part of the church. The but the second line only contains the words, 'thy fame,' rector, the Rev. Dr. Thompson, presided over the gather--one line for rhyme the other for reason.' ing of ladies and gentlemen in the restored nave, and In my copy of Fuller's Historie of the Holy amongst those present were the Bishop of Southwark, Prof. J. W. Hales, Prof. Sylvester, Canon Benham, the Warre,' the first edition of 1639, there are written in Rev. C. Pierrepont Edwards, Mrs. Strachey, Mrs. Chas. seventeenth century handwriting on the fly-leaves Gould and family (New York), Mr. Moncure Conway, no fewer than three poetical eulogies of the witty Mr. S. W. Kershaw, Mr. W. H. Wilcox, Mr. Henry divine. The third of these, herewith sent for inWood, Mr. Rogers, and Mr. H. Langston. The first sertion in 'N. & Q.,' gives the whole poem, of proceeding was the unveiling of the memorial by Sir Walter Besant. The window-designed and executed which Mr. Bailey had but a fragment to offer. I by Mr. C. E. Kempe-was much admired. At the top is sent him transcripts of the three pieces in modern a portrait of Massinger, the centre is occupied by a beauti- handwriting and in facsimile, which he told me he ful representation of an incident in the 'Virgin Martyr,' intended both to mount for placing amongst his and at the bottom are the words: "In memory of Philip Fuller relics and also to have printed. The latter Massinger, dramatist, buried as a stranger in this church. Those who admire his genius and sympathise with his intention the illness that ended in death prevented struggles in life and loneliness in death, dedicate this him from carrying into effect. Thinking that the window, A.D. MDOCOXOVI.' The rector then read a poems might be valued by others as they were by dedicatory prayer, and called upon Sir Walter Besant to Mr. Bailey, I forward them for preservation in address the company. Sir Walter Besant, who is chairman of the Memorial Committee, delivered an address on your columns. I should add that the three pieces the life and works of Massinger, whom he termed one of are all in different handwriting, but the third older the most considerable of the glorious constellation of the than the former two. Elizabethan poets. It was, he said, an extraordinary thing that, with all the research that had been bestowed upon that period, very little was known concerning Massinger. It was certain that he was born in Salisbury in 1583, and that he left Oxford without a degree, for reasons not known. He came to London to try his fortune as a poet, to take up the literary life under the conditions of the time. There was nothing but the theatre by which he could live, and necessity drove him to write plays. It was a hard and poverty-striken life. The only document extant signed by him was a letter from a debtors' prison, addressed to Henslowe, the theatrical manager, asking for 51. for himself and two others, without which we cannot be bayled.' He died in 1639, and in the register of that church he was called 'a stranger,' one who did not belong to the parish. These were all the facts we knew, except that his funeral cost 21. (equal to about 121. now), which, in a

On the first fly-leaf at beginning of the volume :
Ye mornefull musis light yo' tortches all,
Attend one wearied to his funiralle.
Can one yt louith dye & you stand still,
And not appeare vpon Parnassus Hill?
Goe, goe invoack Apollow's aid, tell him,
That one you louied is dead & you dessier,
To sacrifice a vearce & then retier.

On the end fly-leaf and on the last cover are the two following:

On ye Author.

Sith thy ffeathry-Arrowes flight
baulkt y' But but hitt y° white;
Turne & take thy Arrowy-ffeather
(wreath & weapon) which, together
plume thy temples & entwine
victory & Triumph Thine.


On the Author, Mr Fuller.

Fuller! thy Learning 's fuller then thy Name,
And yett That mounted on y° wings off ffame
flyes euerywhere, This Nimble Mercury
Holds forth his Trumpett, makes thy name to fly.
Peter the Hermites Trumpet sounded farre
To ye worlds end, and cald to th' holy warre,
Even Britaynes sundred toto Orbe heare
When Peter his sounding Alarm vpreare,
But (Fuller) thou art further heard by farr
ffor only this, 'cause thine owne Trumpeter.
Peters successor wth his winde was there
like Mahomets Pigeon breathinge in his eare
Else Peters lungs had neuer been so stout
To Carry's summons all ye world about!
Fuller! the winde and breath that swells thy fame
Far from a better place then Rome! it came!
Itt's a deuiner Gale that actuates Thee
And makes thy fuller topsayles driuen bee.
Th' art gon as far as Jury; ffor thy Booke
By reason of its purenesse, clearnesse, looke
As if t' had been in Jordan, and from thence
Returnd seauen times dipt in pure Eloquence.
Off Thee I'le say thus much! not to say more,
Thy Fullers sope purge Barbarisme's Oare
More clean then Jordan Leprous Na'amans sore..
And they that veiw thy worke herafter, shall
Thee a Refininge Whitinge Fuller call.

But stay! what's that I heare? there's some do say
This Fullers sope is turnd polluted clay.
These Times haue giuen him, or He them a spott,
'Tis strange so fayre and good a Pen should blott),
Its seems that Now Poor Hee is att a losse,
And Pilgrim-like himselfe now beares y crosse.
And are the streames of Jordan Now wth mud
So sullied? Or He bad, that Once was good?
What ayleth Thee O Fuller, How is 't? Alaek!
Jordan wt aylst Thee? why art driuen back?

"TROUBLE" USED INTRANSITIVELY. (See 8th S. ix. 512.)—This new subject is started under the headingReam and Rimmer.' We seem to be too frequently discussing some new question under a title with which it has nothing to do.

We are there told that the phrase "we need not trouble about" is a modern solecism. I was not aware that it is a solecism, nor that it is modern. Let us see.

The Century Dictionary' says: "To take trouble or pains; trouble oneself; worry; as, do not trouble about the matter." It also gives a quotation from Venn's 'Symbolic Logic,' p. 281, note: "We have not troubled to shade the outside of this diagram.'

The expression is somewhat too brief, as I at once admit. It is better to insert myself or ourselves, for the sake of distinctness. But surely the phrase is common, and widely understood. I cannot trouble myself to hunt up quotations just now. May not a weary man sometimes hope for rest?

I doubt if it can fairly be called a neologism, for it is remarkable that Littré calls it antiquated. His twelfth sense of F. troubler is: "V. n. exciter des troubles, se soulever (emploi qui a vieilli)"; and he gives a quotation from Corneille.

One rather common old sense is either "to render turbid," or "to become turbid"; and it was usually employed with respect to water. This doubtless arose from the use of the M.E. adjective trouble in the sense of "turbid," which easily gave rise to an intransitive use of the verb as well as a transitive one. Thus, in Sir J. Mandeville's "Travels,' p. 156, we find: "In Ethiope alle the ryveres and alle the waters ben trouble." Whence we deduce, in the intransitive sense, such a phrase as that which also occurs in Mandeville, p. 52: "The watre shal nevere trouble."

This explains why at least two MSS. of 'Piers Plowman (C. vii. 408) use the word trobled intransitively in the sense of "stumbled." We there read: "He trobled at the threshfold, and threw to the erthe." We shall be told next that this use of threw is a "neologism."

I think that, on the whole, it is for MR. WARREN to write his recantation; but I would rather use much humbler language. I do not set myself up for a moment as a master of style, and I should advise no one to imitate any expression that I may use. I am merely a humble collector of facts, always endeavouring to find out authorities and quotations for the instruction of others. But I do not advise any one to ignore my authorities.


JOHN BUNYAN AS A SOLDIER. - The annexed copy of a letter appearing in the Presbyterian of 21 May will doubtless be deemed of sufficient interest to warrant its inclusion in the pages of 'N. & Q.':

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Any fresh well-authenticated fact about "the immortal dreamer" of Bedford is welcome. Dr. John Brown, the latest and ablest biographer of Bunyan, writes: The side on which Bunyan was arrayed in the great civil conflict of the seventeenth century, Parliamentarian or Royalist, has long been matter of dispute." Macaulay puts him with the former side, Froude with the latter. Canon Venables, in his article on Bunyan in the Dictionary of National Biography,' writes on this point: "As there is not a tittle of evidence either way, the question can never be absolutely settled." But it can be, and is, and Bunyan is now proved to have served on the Parliamentary side. Dr. Brown, with the keen instinct of one peculiarly versed in the records and literature of his subject, makes some happy conjectures respecting Bunyan's military service. Some of these can now be verified, and additional light thrown on the events of the


Certain muster rolls of the Commonwealth have

recently turned up in this office, and, in going to them for fresh information on the point in question, I had the good fortune to alight on a paper volume, of some three hundred leaves (roughly speaking), containing the musters of the Newport Pagnel garrison in 1644 and 1645. The Governor of the garrison was Sir Samuel Luke, of Cople Wood End, that cheerful and doughty Presbyterian soldier, so meanly caricatured in Butler's Sir Hudibras. All the musters in the volume are have, first of all, the roll of Sir Samuel's regiment, but certified by Henry Whitbread, the Muster-master. We Bunyan is not to be found there. Next comes the roll of Colonel Richard Cockayne's company, mustered on

November 30th, 1644, and amongst the privates, or "centinelle," as they are called, is the name of "John Bunion." The name is also spelt "Bunnion." Now, it must be remembered that Bunyan was born on November 30th, 1628, and was not eligible for service in the army until the age of sixteen. The musters of the several companies continue weekly after that, with two or three exceptions, until May 27th, 1645. On March 22nd, 1645, Bunyan's name drops out of Colonel Cockayne's company, and is found on that date in the company of Major Boulton. There it remains until May 27th, four days before the storming of Leicester by King Charles. The greatest strength of Colonel Cockayne's company is at the muster on December 14th, 1644, viz., "128 centinels besides officers." Its lowest is 88 men on March 1st, 1645. The muster of Major Boulton's company on May 27th, 1645, gives "45 centinells besides officers." The figures are important, because the war was virtually over after the battle of Naseby on June 14th, and Bunyan probably left the army in that month.

Sometimes parties from the companies were told off for special service elsewhere than at Newport Pagnel. The volume I am treating of gives examples of this. On

January 18th, 1645, a party of seventeen men and two officers from Colonel Cockayne's company was com manded out by the committee of both kingdoms; but Bunyan's name does not appear in the list. Nor in the case of a similar party out of Major Boulton's company, on May 6th, 1645, do we find his name. There is nothing to prove that Bunyan was at the siege of Leicester, though he may have been. Certainly, however, he was not under Major Ennis, for that officer commanded a troop of horse, and the roll is given in these musters. There was a Thomas Bunion, a drummer, in Captain Collingwood's company (Colonel Martin's regiment) from March to September, 1645. ERNEST G. ATKINSON. Public Record Office, Chancery Lane.



Therefore beware, nor tempt his vengeful arm Lest men-traps catch, or spring guns give th' alarm, Lest nightly watchmen seize the guileful hand And Britain's laws transport thee from the land! "This strange mixture of sacred and profane scarcely deserves a critique; and perhaps the reader will add or the trouble of copying.' Writers usually entertain a good opinion of their own works, whatsoever the world or the critics may think of them; and the ingenious author of this extraordinary production flatters himself that his verses have preserved his fruit, as well as established his reputation as a poet. He relates an anecdote of a sailor who appeared to have taken great pains to spell the inscription, and then with an oath exclaimed, 'I have been so long in reading your d―d nonsense, old gentleman, that I have not time to rob your orchard.'”

The mansion referred to was (as stated in my reply some sixteen years since) known as the "Little Hermitage," then the residence of Mr. William Day, brother to the banker of Rochester. It was situated near Gad's Hill, and not at Swanscombe is thus noted by Pocock, the Gravesend historian, as stated by Fussell, whose error in such respect in his 'Diary,' under Sunday, 24 Nov., 1822 :

"Read Mr. Fuzzell's tour through Kent, and found errors, having placed some verses which stood at the Hermitage near Gad's Hill to Swanscombe. Yet it contained some good criticisms and judicious remarks; but it appeared written prior to the tour, or perhaps no tour at all.”

Fussell was also wrong as to the authorship of the epigram in question, which was not, as he imagined, the production of Mr. Day, but of much earlier date, and apparently by one J. Bromfield, an unknown poet, whose original and somewhat ,,different version, with his name appended, is given under 'The Gatherer in the Mirror of 12 Sept., 1840, as follows::

&c. (See 1st S. ii. 71, 102, 156; 3rd S. i. 398; v. 114; 4th S. i. 400; xii. 8; 6th S. i. 77, 127, 166, 227, 267; ii. 19, 79.)—Fussell, in his 'Journey round the Coast of Kent,' 1818, p. 33, under "Swanscombe," states :

"On the brow of a hill which commands a fine view, is a respectable mansion belonging to an eccentric old gentleman, who amuses himself in the cultivation of a large garden contiguous, and has placed the following whimsical inscription near the road :—

Hortus Edensis

Ne nugare,
Tuum tempe breve est.
Non tange prohibitum fruc-


Ne moriaris.

Habe tuam fiduciam in Deo,

Et vives in æternum.

The Garden of Eden.
Trifle not,

Your time is short.
Touch not the forbidden

Lest you die.

Put your trust in God,
And you will live for ever.
This is the best world we live in,
To spend, to lend, or to give in:

But to borrow, or beg, or get a man's own,
It is the worst world that ever was known,
Lac mihi non æstate novum, non frigore desit.
N.B. I keep a cow.

In Eden's garden plants like these were plac'd,
And sacred vengeance came on those who once defac'd
The forbidden tree, and pluck'd the golden fruit.
Now, traveller, mark! that vengeance is not mine;
Awful justice comes, though slow, yet sure in time:


"Tis a very good world we live in,
To spend, and to lend, and to give in;

But to beg, or to borrow, or ask for our own,
'Tis the very worst world that ever was known.

I may add that the "eccentric old gentleman" was an intimate friend of our family, who then resided, and still possess extensive estates, in the neighbourhood of his residence. W. I. R. V.

M.P.8 IN 'DICTIONARY OF NATIONAL BIOGRAPHY.'-The following small additions and corrections may be made to the accounts given of the undermentioned in vol. xlvi.

Sir John Pollard, Speaker (died 1557), sat for Chippenham in 1555, not for Wiltshire.

Sir Lewis Pollard (died 1540) was M.P. for Totness in 1491-2.

Sir John Pollard (died 1575) sat for Plympton 1553, Barnstaple 1554, Exeter 1555, Grampound 1559 and 1563-7.

John Pollexfen (flourished 1697) was M.P. for Plympton 1679, 1681, 1689, and 1690-5. He was still living in 1702, and seems to have been the brother to Chief Justice Sir Henry Pollexfen.

Edward Popham, who sat for Bridgwater from 1621 to 1626, was of Huntworth, co. Somerset, and the representative of the elder line of the Popham family. His will was proved 6 March, 1640/1. He and his brother Alexander would, in all probability, be the two Pophams outlawed for debt in 1627.

Col. Alexander Popham (died 1669), son of Sir Francis, did not sit quite continuously as member for Bath from 1640. His parliamentary honours were as follows: Elected for Bath and Minehead in the Short Parliament of 1640, he preferred Bath, which also he represented throughout the Long Parliament 1640-53. In 1654 he was returned by both Bath and co. Wilts, but again preferred his old constituency. To the Parliament of 1656-8 he was elected by cos. Wilts and Somerset, and seems to have sat for Somerset. In 1659 he was member for Minehead. But to the first two Parliaments of the Restoration, 1660 and 1661, he was again returned by his first constituency, which he then represented until his decease. Sir John Popham, the Chief Justice, was, I think, the member for Lyme Regis in 1558.

Sir Charles Porter, Irish Lord Chancellor (died 1696), was M.P. for Tregony 1685-7, and New Windsor 1690-5.

Sir Nicholas Poyntz (died 1557) was M.P. for co. Gloucester 1547-52, and for Cricklade in 1555. Sir John Price (died 1573) sat for co. Brecknock 1547-52, Hereford in 1553, and Ludlow in 1554.

Sir Edmond Prideaux, the Cromwellian Attorney-General, sat in both Parliaments of 1640 for Lyme Regis, and continuously afterwards until his death.

Sir Carbery Pryse was M.P. for co. Cardigan from 1690 until his death in November, 1694. W. D. PINK.

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owner of Sunderland. His wife was Mary Elizabeth, daughter of Jonathan Midgley, of Newcastleupon-Tyne. She lived after her husband's death at Cleadon, but died in St. Thomas's Street, Newcastle, on 30 Aug., 1855, aged sixty-five. Their son, John Taylor, became an eminent water engineer. Besides editing Hegge's 'Legend of St. Cuthbert,' 4to., Sunderland, 1816, and the 'Durham Visitation of 1615, Taylor rendered Surtees some assistance in the compilation of the 'History of Durham' (cf. Introduction to vol. i. p. 10), and would seem, from what is said in Gent. Mag. for November, 1856 (p. 612), to have left some valuable manuscripts. GORDON GOODWIN.

FOLK-LORE OF HAIR.-In my childhood I used to be told in Yorkshire that if you swallowed a long hair it would twine about your heart and kill you. This belief was brought back to my mind the other day by reading the following passage in Middleton's Tragi-Coomodie, Called the Witch,' IV. i., sub init. :—

'If I trust her, as she's a woman, let one of her long hairs wind about my heart, and be the end of me; which were a piteous lamentable tragedy, and might be entituled Afair warning for all hair-bracelets." Probably a similar belief prevails in other counties. F. C. BIRKBECK TERRY.

STEEL PENS. (See 'Gilt-edged Writing-paper,' 8th S. ix. 414.)-I have the following notes, which may possibly be of service.

1829, a steel pen was enclosed in a letter as a great curiosity (J. L. Cherry, 'Life of John Clare,' p. 65).

Engraving of a bronze medieval pen ('Archæologia Cantiana,' vii. 341).

Pen of bone (Archæologia, xxxvi. 290).


In Tuer's 'History of the Hornbook' (vol. ii. p. 99), I find :—

"The pen is by no means so late an invention as is often supposed. One of the earliest must have been that stencil-plate, on which were cut the first four letters of used by the Ostrogoth Theodoric, who, by means of a his name, ingeniously followed the openings with a pen, and was thus enabled to write his signature." And further :

"According to the Nineteenth Century of May, 1891, a metal pen, slit, and shaped like a quill pen, was recently found in the so-called tomb of Aristotle at Eretria." J. H. D.

COLERIDGE AND LORD LYTTON.-The dictum of Coleridge regarding Milton-to wit, that "the egotism of such a man is a revelation of spirit"probably suggested a remark of Lord Lytton's on Hazlitt. In his essay on 'Charles Lamb and some of his Companions' ('Quarterly Essays,' p. 100, Knebworth edition), Lord Lytton says :

"Still more than as a critic Hazlitt excels as a writer

of the Essay of Sentiment; when, in the spirit of his

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THE BLAIRS PORTRAIT OF MARY, QUEEN OF Scors. About sixty years ago, a gentleman, writing of a tour he had made in Russia, included the following remarks concerning certain relics of Mary, Queen of Scots, which he had been privileged to see; and what he has recorded of the portrait of Mary Stuart, known as the Blairs portrait, is important as giving a somewhat reliable and likely account of its origin. He says that "the Imperial Library at St. Petersburg received a great acquisition of French works and manuscripts which had been collected by Dubrovsky, who was in the suite of the Russian Ambassador at Paris at the period of the Revolution, when he was enabled to obtain them for almost anything. Among them was a manuscript volume of letters from Mary, Queen of Scots, to Queen Elizabeth. Her missal, which was also shown there, was bound in dark blue velvet secured by clasps; it consisted of 230 pages. The first thirteen had the months and days of the year where particular prayers were introduced, beginning with the 30th Psalm in January. The book was illuminated with subjects from the Life of Christ and the Virgin Mary. The first was a picture of the Angel Gabriel, and at the bottom of the page were the words and figures: 'Marie Reyne, 1, 259.'

In all probability, this book and the letters were part of the numerous writings that belonged to the Scotch College at Douai, which was founded by Mary, Queen of Scots.

On the return to the seminary of the Rev. Mr. Farquharson, the head of the college, after banishment during the Revolution, Mr. Wilson (the Russian tourist) relates that the reverend gentleman showed him over the college and assured him that he had had in his possession not only Mary's original prayer book, but a table clock belonging to her, the first ever made, besides the MS. poems of Ossian and many other interesting papers that he had not seen since the Revolution. To continue in Mr. Wilson's own words :

"A full-length portrait of her, which had been concealed in a chimney during the disastrous period and which was copied from a miniature given by the queen to Miss Curle, one of her maids of honour, at the time she was on the scaffold, was all that remained, every thing else being carried off by the mob or committed

to the flames.

"The picture was set up in the dining-room of the college at Douai, and it was a singular circumstance that in the title deeds it was directed that to whatever place the seminary was removed the picture was to go with it. It was then taken to the Scotch College at Paris, where it was to remain until it was seen if the College at Douai were to be restored."

It is now located at Blairs, near Aberdeen. Originally it came into the possession of the College at Douai by bequest from Elizabeth Curle, and, from the statement, coming evidently from herself, that it was copied from a miniature given to her by the mistress whose last kiss she had received prior to execution, it seems most probable that the large picture was painted under her instructions as eye-witness, for in the background there is a vignette of the execution in miniature that tallies with the account of another eye-witness, R. Winkfield, in his letter to Lord Burleigh. It was bequeathed as "Grand portrait de sa Majesté vétue comme elle était à sa martyre."

It was saved from the fury of the Jacobins by being hastily cut out of the frame, wound round a wooden roller, packed in a secure outer envelope, and secreted in one of the nooks in the wide chimney of the refectory, where, as the brethren judged, there would be cold cheer for awhile. There it remained from 1794 to 1815-nineteen yearsand was found uninjured.

The order of English Dominican monks at Bornheim, in Flanders, founded by Cardinal Philip Howard, had a curious picture of Mary, Queen of Scots, ascending the scaffold. HILDA GAMLIN. Camden Lawn, Birkenhead.

"CLEM": =TO SUFFER FROM COLD.-Somewhere in 'N. &Q.' north-country folk have been stamped as being peculiar, because they not only account a man "starved" when he is slain by hunger, but likewise when he is stricken with cold. If Mr. may be trusted, he heard the word clemmed used O. G. Harper, author of "The Marches of Wales,' with a similar extension of meaning in a Shropshire village. Nodal and Milner's 'Lancashire Glossary' has "Clem, Clam, to starve from want

of food"

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St. Cornély, AT CARNAC, IN BRITTANY-St. Cornély is the patron saint of the parish, and no one visiting Carnac and its mysterious alignments can fail to become acquainted with him. Cornély's fountain-a large, built well, supplying the village with an abundance of excellent waterhas a figure of the saint above it, enclosed in an iron grating. Outside the church there is another figure of the saint above the entrance. He stands between two cows, one black and white, and the other red and white, the entire group being composed of painted stucco. St. Cornély is regarded as the protector of cattle. Behind one of the cows one sees a representation of menhirs, probably in allusion

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