



As regards the constitution of the Legislative Council, your committee consider that not only by the terms of their declaration and remonstrance of the 5th December, 1851, but by the letter of agreement to those terms of Sir John Pakington, of the 15th December, 1852, the house is pledged to a constitution "similar in its outline to that of Canada." The subsequent de

The Select Committee of the Legislative Council, appointed on the 20th of May, 1853, to prepare a constitution for this colony, and having had the despatches from Sir John Pakington and the Duke of Newcastle, relative to such constitution, referred to them, bring up a bill and the draft of a proposed Act of the Imperial Parliament which will be necessary to give it legal validity, with the following re-spatch of his successor, the Duke of port:

In submitting the bill "to confer a constitution on this colony, and to grant a civil list to her Majesty," for the adoption of the house the committe appointed this session have found it necessary to suggest some alterations in the measure brought up by the committee of last session, though they fully concur not only in the scheme of legislation recommended by that committee, but also for the most part in the provisions of the proposed Act of Parliament, and the bill to be appended to as a schedule, by which unitedly this new Constitution is to be legalized and established.

The most important alterations that have been made in the measure recommended by the committee of last session, relate to the constitution of the Legislative Council, and the civil list to be granted to her Majesty upon the surrender to the colony of the waste lands and royalties which are at present vested in the crown.

Newcastle, appears indeed to admit of some latitude of discretion on this most important subject. But your committee in their declaration and remonstrance are of opinion, that the offer contained necessarily included a nominated Legislative Council in the first instance, and from this offer, independently of the question whether they are strictly bound by it or not, they see no reason to depart. They desire to have a form of government based on the analogies of the British constitution. They have no wish to sow the seeds of a future democracy; and until they are satisfied that the nominated, or the future elective Council, which they recommend, will not effect the object they have in view, of placing a safe, revising, deliberative, and conservative element between the Lower House and her Majesty's Representative in this colony, they do not feel inclined to hazard the experiment of an Upper House, based on a general elective franchise. They are the less disposed to make the experiment as such a fran


chise, if once created, will be difficult to | form one of the strongest inducements

be recalled.

not only to respectable families to remain in this colony, but to the upper classes of the United Kingdom and other countries who are desirous to emigrate, to choose it for their future abode.

In the bill proposed for adoption, your committee, it will be seen, have recommended a very large extension of the elective franchise. They are of opinion that, in addition to the franchise established by the 13 & 14 Vict., c. 59, the right of voting for the election of members of the assembly should be given to all persons having a salary of £100 a year, and to all occupants of any room. or lodging paying £40 a year for their board and lodging, or £10 a year for their lodging only. It is conceived that this enlargement of the franchise in combination with the franchise now existing, will be a very close approximation to universal suffrage.

Your committee have also recommended that the number of members forming the assembly should not exceed the number of the present Legislative Council; and that the eighteen additional elective members, who will be substituted for the nominees, should be

Actuated by these views your committee have introduced into the bill "to confer a constitution on the colony, and to grant a civil list to her Majesty," two clauses, which, to a certain extent, are framed in accordance with analogous clauses to be found in the Imperial Act, 31 Geo. III, c. 31, "for making more effectual provision for the government of the province of Quebec." That act authorizes the crown, whenever it thinks proper, to confer hereditary titles of honor, rank, or dignity, to annex thereto an hereditary right of being summoned to the Legislative Council. Your committee are not prepared to recommend the introduction into this colony of a right by descent to a seat in the Upper House; but are of opinion that the creation of hereditary titles, leaving it to the option of the crown to annex to the tile of the first Patentee a seat for life in such house, and conferring on the original Patentees and their descendants inheritors of their titles a power to elect a certain number of their order to form, in conjunction with the original Patentees then living, the Upper House of Parliament, would be a great improve-distributed among the electoral districts ment upon any form, of Legislative Council hitherto tried or recommended in any British colony. They conceive that an Upper House framed on this principle, whilst it would be free from the objections which have been urged against the House of Lords, on the ground of the hereditary right of legislation which they exercise, would lay the foundation of an aristocracy, which, from their fortune, birth, leisure, and the superior education these advantages would superinduce, would soon supply elements for the formation of an Upper House, modelled, as far circumstances will admit, upon the analogies of the British constitution. Such a house will be a close imitation of the elective portion of the House of Lords, which is supplied from the Irish and Scotch peerage; nor is it the least of the advantages which would arise from the creation of a titled order, that it would necessarily

constituted by the Electoral Act of 1851, in strict accordance with the principle of distribution established by that Act; which, it will be recollected, was settled after the most careful conșideration, aud with a view to a fair and just representation of all colonial interests then subsisting. Your committee are of opinion that the working of this Act, and the result of the divisions on all the leading constitutional questions which have since arisen, have justified the most sanguine anticipations of its supporters.

Your committee, while on this subject, beg also to call the attention of your honorable house to the 17th clause of the bill, which contains a power to alter the present electoral divisions, as well as the apportionment of representatives to be chosen by each, whenever there shall be the concurrence of a majority of the Upper House, and of a majority of two

thirds of the Lower House of the future
Parliament, in favor of any such altera-
It is conceived that this provision
is ample to meet any possible require-
ments of this kind that may from time
to time arise among the various consti-
tuencies of the colony.

It will be seen, also, that the 40th clause of the bill reserves a full constituent power to alter the proposed form of constitution, whenever there shall be a majority of two-thirds of both Houses of Parliament in favor of any such alteration; reserving to her Majesty the right of assenting to or dissenting from any bill for this purpose that may be presented for the signification of her Majesty's pleasure thereon.

sion of a hope that the liberal provision which your Honourable House has just made for the public service will abundantly shew "that as long as the representatives of the people are entirely free, to grant or refuse according to their deliberate views of the exigencies of the public service, her Majesty's faithful Commons in this colony can never arrive at any other conclusion, than that it is the soundest policy, as well as the truest economy, to maintain that service in the utmost efficiency."

Among the grants enumerated in the civil list, is a fund for pensioning off those officers who now hold offices which may be considered as the responsible offices of the Government, and in which The civil list which your committee vacancies will probably occur as soon as propose to grant to her Majesty is responsible Government, properly so £24,700 less than the civil list recom- called, is introduced, among us. Now, mended by the committee of last session, as there can be no doubt the moment the and £10,200 less than the Parliamentary consolidated revenue of the_colony is grant for that purpose, contained in the placed at the disposal of a Legislative first, second, and third parts of Schedule Assembly, consisting entirely of members A. appended to 13 and 14 Vic., c. 59. elected by popular constituencies, that The cause of this great apparent reduc- responsible Government will take effect, tion is to be found in the elastic and and that one of the first measures under rapidly expanding character of the such a new order of things may be to colony, which, in fact, proves that any displace the actual incumbents of those fixed provision for the various depart- responsible offices-the question arises, ments of goverment must soon become what is the nature and amount of the inadequate, however liberal it may ap- compensation to which these displaced pear at present. Your committee have, functionaries will be entitled, and it will be observed, in all cases made whether they are to be entitled to such the same provision for the salaries of the compensation only when so displaced, or judges and other high officers of the at once and at their own option, the crown which is to be found in the before moment their tenure of office is changed, mentioned schedule to the present Act as it will be, from a tenure dependent on of Parliament, and in some cases, where the pleasure of the Crown to a tenure it was thought just and expedient, have practically dependent on the pleasure of recommended an increase of salary. the Legislative Assembly? It appears Your committee trust that this fact, and to your committee if the offices held by the explanation already given of the these functionaries are, as they contend, reasons which have led them to assign to be considered as abolished offices, and no permanent fund for the departmental upon that ground entitling the holders expenses of the higher offices of the of them to the full compensation which crown, leaving them to be provided is usual in such cases in the mother for in the same way as the ex- country, that at all events the abolition penses of all other departments are, of these offices is not to be deemed comviz., by annual vote-will be deemed plete until the holders of them are actusatisfactory by her Majesty's advisers. ally displaced, and that even then the Your Committee cannot, however, take pensions to be assigned to them as an leave of this subject without the expres-equivalent are to be continued only so

long as they are not in receipt of any other salaries under the Crown. Whenever any of them accept a new appointment, the pension thus assigned to them by the colony should, in the opinion of your committee, merge, or be reduced pro tanto, according as such salary or emoluments are of greater or less amoun. Acting on these principles, your committee have inserted in the civil list to be granted to her Majesty, an adequate fund for pensioning off, at their present rates of salary, all the higher functionaries of the Government who may be displaced by the new order of things likely to arise when responsible Government takes effect among us.

Another grant in the civil list to her Majesty is a fund for pensioning the Judges of the Supreme Court. It is proposed, in analogy to the provisions inade in England, Ireland, and Scotland, that in all cases of permanent disability or infirmity, or after fifteen years' service, a pension amounting to seventenths of the Judges' salary shall be demandable as of right. It is considered that no more effectual mode of ensuring the independence of the Judges, and rendering their offices objects of ambition to the bar, could be devised than a provision limiting their period of judicial service, and ensuring them a handsome competency for the remainder of their lives.

Your committee are of opinion that the power in several instances exercised by the Crown to create banking and other corporations in this colony, is one utterly inconsistent with that full local control which the colonial Government ought to possess, and are glad to find that her Majesty's ministers have expressed their intention to exercise this power no longer without the concurrence of the local authorities. Your committee are disposed to look upon this as a practical abandonment of an injurious prerogative, which cannot fail to give general satisfaction.

One of the more prominent Legislative measures required by this colony, and the colonies of the Australian group generally, is the establishment at once

of a General Assembly, to make laws in relation to the inter-colonial questions that have arisen, or may hereafter arise, among them. The questions which would claim the exercise of such a jurisdiction appear to be as follow:

1st. Inter-colonial tariffs, and coasting trade.

2nd. Railways, roads, canals, &c., running through any two of the colonies.

3rd. Beacons and light-houses on the coast.

4th. Inter-colonial penal settle


5th. Inter-colonial gold regulations. 6th. Postage between the said colonies.

7th. A general court of appeal from

the courts of such colonies. 8th. A power to legislate on all other subjects which may be submitted to them by addresses from the Legislative Councils and Assemblies of the other colonies; and to appropriate to any of the above objects the necessary sums of money, to be raised by a percentage on the revenues of all the colonies interested.

As it might excite jealousy, if a jurisdiction of this importance were to be incorporated in the Act of Parliament, which has unavoidably become a necessary part of the measures for conferring a constitution on this colony, in consequence of the defective powers given by Parliament to the Legislative, Council, your committee confine themselves to a suggestion that the establishment of such a body has become indispensable, and ought no longer to be delayed; and to the expression of a hope that the minister for the colonies will at once see the expediency of introducing into Parliament, with as little delay as possible, a bill for this express object.


Legislative Council Chamber, Sydney, 28th July, 1853.


17 VICTORIA, 1853.

A Bill to confer a Constitution on New South Wales, and to grant a Civil List to Her Majesty.

WHEREAS by the thirty-second clause of the Imperial Act, passed in the Session holden in the thirteenth and fourthteenth years of the reign of Her present Majesty, intituled "An Act for the better Govern"ment of Her Majesty's Australian Colonies," it was among other things enacted, that notwithstanding anything therein before contained, it should be lawful for the Governor and Legislative Council of this colony, after the separation therefrom of the colony of Victoria, from time to time, by any Act or Acts, to alter the provisions or laws for the time being in force under the said Imperial Act or otherwise, concerning the Election of the Elective members of such Legislative Council, the qualification of Electors and Elective members, or to establish in the said colony, instead of the Legislative Council, a council and a House of Representatives, or other separate Legislative Houses, to consist of such members, to be appointed or elected by such persons and in such manner as by such Act or Acts shall be determined, and to vest in such Council and House of Representatives, or other separate Legislative Houses, the powers and functions of the Legislative Council for which the same may be substituted: And whereas it is expedient that the powers vested by the said Act in the said Governor and Legislative Council should be exercised, and that a Parliament, consisting of a Legislative Council, and Assembly, should be substituted for the said Legislative Council, with the increased powers and functions hereinafter contained: Be it therefore enacted, by His Excellency the Governor of New South Wales, with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council thereof, as follows—

I. There shall be in place of the Legislative Council now subsisting one Legis'ative Council and one Legislative Assembly, to be severally consituted and

composed in the mannerhereinafter prescribed, which Legislative Council and Assembly shall be called "The Parliament of New South Wales;" and within the said colony of New South Wales, Her Majesty shall have power by and with the advice and consent of the said Parliament to make laws for the peace, welfare, and good Goverment of the said colony, in all cases whatsoever; and all such laws being passed by the said Parliament, and assented to by Her Majesty, or assented to in Her Majesty's name by the Governor of the said colony, shall be valid and binding to all intents and purposes within the said colony:' Provided that all Bills for appropriating any part of the surplus of the Consolidated Revenue Fund, or for inposing any new rate, tax, or impost, subject always to the limitation contained in clause fiftythree of this Act, shall originate in the Legislative Assembly of the said colony, and further that all bills affecting any imperial subject may be reserved in the discretion of the Governor for the time being for the signification of her Majesty's pleasure thereon, and if assented to by such Governor in the first instance, on behalf of her Majesty, may be disal-, lowed by her Majesty in the manner and within the period hereinafter limited.

II. The bills on imperial subjects. which may be reserved for the signification of her Majesty's pleasure, or which, after being assented to by the Governor in her Majesty's name, may be afterwards disallowed by her Majesty within the period hereinafter specified, are as follow; that is to say :

1. Bills touching the allegiance of the inhabitants of this colony to her Majesty's Crown.

2. Bills touching the naturalization of aliens.

3. Bills relating to treaties between

the Crown and any foreign

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