
conception of the universal effects of the vindictive druge, which once swept every mountain, and ravaged every plain and defile. In the present instance, there was not one avalanche only, but many.

8. The most extensive one was on the other side of the barrier, which forms the northern boundary of the Notch. It slid, in the whole, the distance of three miles, with an average breadth of a quarter of a mile; it overwhelmed a bridge, and filled a river course, turning the stream, and now presents an unparalleled mass of ruins.

9. There are places on the declivities of the mountains, in the Notch, where acres of the steep sides were swept bare of their forests, and of every movable thing, and the naked rock is now exposed to view; but in the greater number of instances, the avalanches commenced almost at the mountain top, or high upon its slope. We pursued some of them to a considerable distance up the mountain, and two gentlemen of our party, with much toil, followed one of them quite to the summit.

10. The excavation commenced generally as soon as there was anything movable, in a trench of a few yards in depth, and of a few rods in width, and descended down the mountains, widening and deepening, till it became a frightful chasm, like a vast irregular hollow cone, with its apex near the mountain top, and its base at its foot, and there spreading out into a wide and deep mass of ruins, of transported earth, gravel, stones, rocks, and forest trees.

NOTE.—a It is supposed, by geologists, from the positions of the rocks and the appearance of the mountains, that a vast flood once rolled from north-west to southeast, over the whole surface of the earth.

QUESTIONS. 1. What is the Notch? 1. What are the White Mountains? 1. Where did the slides commmence, and what did they carry away in their course? 2. How do they seem to have been produced? 2. How are water-spouts supposed to be caused? 2. How does Professor Espy suppose they are produced? 3. Does it appear that there have been slides in former times? 3. When did the first slide happen? 3. When did the fatal avalanche take place? 3. What is meant by the

Willey House? 5. What was the extent of the second or fatal avalanche? 6. How many persons were destroyed? 7. What do geologists suppose once rolled over the earth 8. How far did the avalanche slide? 10. How did the excavation com mence and how end?

Spell and Define.

1. Precious, of great worth.
2. Pa'tience, endurance.
3. E-the're-al, heavenly.

4. En-fran'chis-ed, set free.

6. Royal, kingly.

5. Con'scious, knowing.

7. Meads, meadows.

8. Frankly, openly, without disguise. 9. Bles'sed, happy.

10. Par'a-dise, a place of bliss.

12. Beck'on, to call by a sign.

13. God like, divine.

15. Char'i-ty, liberality in judging.
16. Naught, nothing.

ERRORS.-1. Sper'its for spir'its; 2. dooth for doth; 3, e-theral for e-there-al; 6. for-git' for for-get'; 12. change for change; 15. wust for worst; 17. nus'ed for nurs'ed.



1. I LOVE the dead,

The precious spirits gone before,
And waiting on that peaceful shore,
To meet with welcome looks,

And kiss me yet once more.

2. I love the dead;

And fondly doth my fancy paint

Each dear one, washed from earthly taint;

By patience and by hope.

Made a most gentle saint.

3. O, glorious dead!

Without one spot upon the dress

Of your ethereal loveliness,

Ye linger round me still,

With earnest will to bless.

[blocks in formation]

Their good, half choked by this world's weeds, Is blooming now in heavenly meads,

And ripening golden fruit

Of all those early seeds.

8. I trust the dead!

They understand me frankly now;

There are no clouds on heart or brow,

But spirit, reading spirit,

Answereth glow for glow.

9. I praise the dead!

All their tears are wiped away,

Their darkness turned to perfect day,—

How blessed are the dead,

How beautiful be they!

[blocks in formation]

NOTE. -a The dove which Noah sent forth from the ark, when the waters of the food began to abate. See Genesis viii. 8-13.

16. Therefore, ye dead,

I love

you, be ye good or ill;

For God, our God, doth love me still,
And you he loved on earth

With love that naught could chill.

17. And some, just dead,

To me on earth most deeply dear,

Who loved, and nursed, and blessed me here,

I love you with a love

That casteth out all fear.

18. Come near me, dead!

In spirit come to me, and kiss

No! I must wait awhile for this;

A few, few years or days,

And I too feed on bliss!

QUESTIONS. 1. What reasons does the author give why he loves the dead? 13. What is meant by Noah's dove?

1. Lit'er-a-ture, learning.

Spell and Define.

2. Civ-il-i-za'tion, the state of being civ.
2. Ac-qui-si'tion, acquirement. [ilized.
3. Sen'ti-ments, opinions, notions.

4. Rev-o-lu'tions, changes of government.
4. Re-flec'tion, attentive consideration.
5. Dis-tress'es, afflictions.

5. Afflictions, sorrows, griefs.
6. Coun'sel-ors, advisors.

8. Re-flect', to consider attentively.

9. Scan'dal, reproachful censure. 10. Volumes, books.

10. Ex'cel-lent, very valuable.

11. Prin'ci-ples, rules of action.

ERRORS.1. Lit'er-a-tchure for lit'er-a-ture; 2. re-fine'munt for re-fine'ment; 3. uv-vents' for e-vents'; 4. rize for rise; 5. priv'i-lige for priv'i-lege; 6. a-gree'ble for a-gree'a-ble; 7. wat for what; 8. op-por-tchu'nity for op-por-tu'ni-ty; 10 vollums for volumes.


[Let the pupil point out the words in the first four verses of this piece, on which the pause of suspension occurs, and tell what inflection is given to them. See rule, p. 52.]

1. READING may be considered as the key which commands our entrance, and gives us access to the various departments

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