[blocks in formation]

Mr. (Johnson's fellow-

collegian,) anecdotes of, iii. 88.
Eglintoune Alexander, Earl of, i. 524;
ii. 577..

Egotifm, ii. 558; iii. 111, 221,2.
Elibank, Lord, ii. 336, 417.
Eliot, Mr. of Port Eliot, (now Lord,)
iii. 331, 596.

Ellis, Mr. John, ii. 383.

Elphinstone, his edition of

Rambler,' i. 185.

[ocr errors]

poet and a good critick, ii. 534.
Effex-head Club, see Club,
Eugenio, a poem, ii. 99.
Eumelian Club, fee Club.

European Magazine, i. 325.

Excife, Johnfon's definition of, i. 270.
Execution of Criminals, iii. 451.
Exhibition of Paintings, i. 328.

Fable, sketch of one, by Johnson, ii. 91.

Falconer Rev. Bishop, iii. 165.
Falkland's Iflands, i. 590, 1; ii. 2,629.
Falfe Alarm, fee Johnfon's Political


Fame, i. 415; iii. 45.

Farmer, Rev. Dr. Johnfon's letters

to, i. 571; iii. 228.

Farquhar, the poet, iii. 254.

Favours unreasonable, i. 333.

Females, fucceffion of, fee Entail,

Feudal fyftem.

Ferguson, Sir Adam, ii. 25.


the aftronomer, i. 553.
Feudal Syftem, ii. 33, 62, 124; iii.
43, 296, 312.-See Entail.
Fielding's works, i. 508; ii. 30, 405.
Fingal, fee Offian.

Fitzherbert, Mr. ii. 532.

Flatman's poems, ii. 392.

Fleet-ftreet, i. 425; ii. 211.—See


Fleming Sir Michael, Le, i. 426.

Flint, Bet. iii. 356.

Flood, Right Hon. Henry, his be-

queft to Dublin University, i. 293.

his epitaph on Johnson, iii.


Floyer, Sir John, i. 20; iii. 527.

Foote, Sam. Anecdotes and cha

racter of, i. 549, 550,1; ii. 9.

318,435, 571,3; iii. 478, 537.

Forbes, Sir William, 11. 452, 595.

Ford, Parfons, i. 26; iii. 140.

Fordyce, Dr. James, iii. 692.
Fox, Right Hon. C. J. iii. 42,6,
430, 556.
France, Johnfon's vifit to, ii. 257,8.
his journal there, i. 263,
& feq.
Francis's Horace, iii. 148.

[ocr errors]



[blocks in formation]

his Shakspeare Jubilee, i.

- Johnfon's opinion of him,
i. 445, 546; ii. 49, 85, 209, 322,
349, 413, 435,7, 571; iii. 45,
181, 250, 263, 499.

[ocr errors]



[ocr errors][merged small]

- II. i. 124,5; ii. 215.

III. his acceffion and cha-

racter, i. 318, 341; iii, 231.

[blocks in formation]
[ocr errors]


[ocr errors]


his bon mots on Johnson,
i. 524; ii. 90,3; iii. 368, 535,6.
Johnson's opinions of him
and his Works, ii. 38, 43, 52, 67,
231, 393, 552; iii. 27, 33,4, 52,
98, 108, 170, 277.
Gordon, Lord George, iii. 229,

Gower, Earl, his letters to Swift, i,
Graham, Lord, iii. 177, 363.
the beautiful Mifs,
Grainger, Dr. his Sugar Cane,' ii.

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[ocr errors]


[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small]
[merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][merged small][ocr errors][merged small][merged small][merged small]

for his health, iii. 591, 601. JOHNSON, progrefs of his diffolution, iii. 672, to the end.

his will and codicil, iii. 681-4. Remarks on them, iii. 684,5.

iii. 682.

his burning his MSS.

his MS account of his

own life, iii. 686.

- his death, iii. 697.

[ocr errors]

- his funeral, iii. 699.

his proposed monuments

and epitaph, iii. 699, 703.

His Character and Manners. his peculiarities of perfon and manner, i. 19, 70, 122,3,4, 449; ii. 214, 434; iii. 149, 446. - general traits of his character and mode of living, i. 41, 69, 79, 426, 578; ii. 126, 159, 171, 467, 578; iii. 96, 120, 259, 268, 305, 365, 446, 490, 568.

his early, long, habitual, and fyftematick, piety, i. 15, 45.. 222, 447, 452, 503, 525, 568, 598; ii. 46, 71, 159, 230,3, 458, 46,8,9; iii. 100, 174, 197, 252, 533, 550, 643, 676, 690,6.

ii. 267.

- his fuperftition, i. 449;


his aweful fear of death, i. 547, 562, 584; ii. 171, 537; iii. 80, 531, 541, 562, 673.


[ocr errors]

his general tenderness of nature, humanity, and affability, i. 58, 374, 414, 491, 504, 524, 566; ii. 151, 175, 208, 348, 447, 448, 614; iii. 391, 444,9, 532, 545, 586, 609, 671.

his warm and fometimes violent manner, i. 563, 582; ii. 386, 573; iii. 75, 102, 127, 135, 179, 365, 435, 535, 599.

his occafional jocularity, ii. 125, 235, 350, 541; iii. 272,



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