
and on carrion; and even tore off the hides graces by a "manufactory of small-tooth with which they had roofed their cabins, to combs ! " (XV. 418. and 437.) Regular boil them down into soup. "When we clam- mails were established with San Francisco on bered the mountains," says one of them, the Pacific, and New York on the Atlantic; "with the Indians to get leeks, we were some- public baths were erected, and copiously suptimes too feeble to pull them out of the plied by the boiling springs of the volcanic ground." (XV. 387.) This bitter season, region, affording to the citizens that wholehowever, saw the last of their sufferings; an some luxury so justly appreciated by the anabundant harvest relieved their wants; and cients and so barbarously neglected by the since that time their agriculture has been so moderns. They were even beginning to culsuccessful, that they have raised enough, not tivate the arts and sciences, more Americano. only for home consumption, but for the de- They had founded a "University" in their mand of the numerous emigrants who are capital, where one of the apostles gives lecconstantly passing through their settlements to tures on astronomy, wherein he overthrows the gold diggings of California. The engineers the Newtonian theory. (G. 82.) They had of the Central Government who surveyed their sculptured a monument to the memory of territory, state, that although the soil capable Washington. They had laid the foundation of cultivation bears a very small proportion to of a temple which is to surpass the architecthat which (for want of water) is doomed to ste-tural splendors of Nauvoo. They had reared rility, yet the strip of arable land along the base a Mormon Sappho, who officiates as the lauof the mountains makes up, by its prodigious reate of King Brigham. Nay, they had even fertility, for its small extent (S. 141.); and that organized a dramatic association, which acts it would support, with ease, a million of inhabi- tragedies and comedies during the season. tants. (G. 18.) This question is of primary Meanwhile, their population had increased importance, because a country so distant from by immigration from 4,000 to 30,000, of whom the sea, and so far from all other civilized states, 7,000 were assembled in the city of Salt Lake, must depend entirely on its own resources. their capital. The rest were scattered over There must be a constant danger lest an un- the country to replenish the earth and to subfavorable season should be followed by a due it. This task they undertake, not with famine. Against such a calamity, however, some provision is made by accumulating large quantities of grain in public storehouses, where the hierarchical government deposits the tithes which it receives in kind.

the desultory independence of isolated squatters, but with a centralized organization, the result of which, in giving efficiency to the work of energetic men, has astonished (says Captain Stansbury) even those by whom it has been effected. He adds:

In physical prosperity, the new commonwealth, which is still (in 1854) only in the The mode which they adopt for the founding sixth year of its foundation, has advanced with of a new town is highly characteristic. An exa rapidity truly wonderful; especially when pedition is first sent out to explore the country, we consider the disadvantages under which it with a view to a selection of the best site. An is placed, by the fact that every imported article elder of the church is then appointed to preside has to be dragged by land carriage for a thou-over the band designated to make the first imsand miles over roadless prairies, bridgeless provement. This company is composed partly rivers, and snow-clad mountains. of volunteers, and partly of such as are selected duced to self-dependence, we can imagine the by the Presidency, due regard being had to a straits to which the first emigrants were render the expedition independent of all aid from proper intermixture of mechanical artisans to brought for want of those innumerable com- without. (S. 142.) forts of civilized life which cannot be extem

Thus re


porized, and need cumbersome machinery for But the effects of this system will be better their manufacture. We can understand why, understood by quoting the following letter of even after some years of settlement, the new an emigrant, who thus describes the foundacitizens complained that nineteen-twentieths tion of one of the most important of these new of the most common articles of clothing and settlements.

furniture were not to be procured among them In company of upward of an hundred wagat any price. (XV. 395.) But before their ons, I was sent on a mission with G. A. Smith, steady energy, such difficulties have gradually one of the Twelve, to Iron County, 270 miles vanished. When the colony had barely reach- south of Salt Lake, in the depth of winter, to ed its fifth birthday, besides their agricultural form a settlement in the valley of Little Salt triumphs already mentioned, they had com- Lake, (now Parowan), as a preparatory step to pleted an admirable system of irrigation, had the manufacturing of iron. After some difficulty built bridges over their principal rivers, and in getting through the snow, we arrived safe and possessed iron-works and coal-mines, a factory sound in the valley. After looking out a location, of beet-sugar, a nail-work, and innumerable we formed our wagons into two parallel lines, some seventy paces apart; we then took the sawing-mills; and had even sacrificed to the wheels and planted them about a couple of paces


from each other, so securing ourselves that we Not long after, a convention of the inhabitcould not easily be taken advantage of by any ants petitioned Congress to admit them into unknown foe. This done, we next cut a road up the Confederation as a Sovereign State, under the canon, [ravine], opening it to a distance of the title of the State of Deseret, a name taken some eight miles, bridging the creek in some from the Book of Mormon. This the Confive or six places, making the timber and poles, of which there is an immense quantity, of easy gress declined; but passed an Act, in 1850, We next built a large meeting house, erecting the Mormon district into a Territory, two stories high, of large pine trees all neatly under the name of Utah. We should explain jointed together. We next built a square fort, that, according to the American Constitution, with a commodious cattle yard inside the enclo- the position of a Territory is very inferior to sure. The houses built were some of hewn logs, that of a state. The chief officers of a Terriand some of adobies (dried bricks) all neat and tory are appointed not by the inhabitants, but comfortable. We next enclosed a field, five by by the President of the Union. The acts of three miles square, with a good ditch and pole the local legislature are null and void unless fence. We dug canals and water ditches to the ratified by Congress. The property in the distance of thirty or forty miles. One canal to turn the water of another creek upon the field, for irrigating purposes, was seven miles long. We built a saw-mill and grist-mill the same season. I have not time to tell you half the labors we performed in one season. Suffice it to say that when the Governor came along in the spring, he pronounced it the greatest work done in the mountains by the same amount of men. (XV. 458.)

soil belongs to the Government of the United States. It will easily be understood how natural is the anxiety of the citizens of a Territory to emerge from this humiliating position, into that of a sovereign commonwealth, which can elect its own magistrates, make its own laws, and adopt the constitution which it prefers. But this anxiety is doubly felt by the Mormons, because, so long as they remain We must not be tempted to linger too long subject to the central Government of the on this part of our subject, or we might illus- Union, they naturally fear that the popular trate it by many similar examples. Suffice it hatred which expelled them from Illinois and to say, that by such judicious enterprise a Missouri, may manifest itself in renewed perchain of agricultural posts has been formed, secution. Nor are causes of collision want which already extends beyond the territory of ing. In the first place, the inhabitants of Utah, and connects the Salt Lake with the Utah have as yet no legal title to their land, Pacific. The chief of these settlements, San for they have taken possession of it without Bernardino, bids fair to be one of the most purchase; and the ownership of the soil is in important cities in California. "The agricul- the United States. Yet the Mormons natutural interest of the colonists of San Bernar- rally protest against claims which would exact dino," says the New York Herald, "is much payment from them for that property which larger than that of the three adjoining coun- derives all its value from their successful enties united. Their manufacturing interest is terprise. Again, the President of the Union rapidly increasing. They supply the southern has the right of appointing an "unbeliever country with timber, and for miles around they Governor of the Territory. Such an appointfurnish flour from the fine mills which they ment would be considered a grave insult by have erected. They have purchased land for the population; and they have announced town sites in eligible situations on the sea very clearly their intention to oppose it (should coast." (XV. 61.) The object of the Mor- it ever take place) by passive resistance, mons in this extended colonization is to esta- which probably would soon pass into active blish a good line of communication with the violence. President Fillmore avoided this Pacific, by which they may bring up their im- difficulty by nominating the Head of the Mormigrants more easily than across the immense mon Church as Governor of the Territory. tract which separates them from the Missouri. But the appointment is only for four years, At first they hoped to include this line of coast in their own territory; but Congress refused their petition to that effect, and restricted them within limits which separate them from the sea; the above mentioned maritime colonies being offshoots beyond their own jurisdiction.


and may be cancelled at pleasure. Another cause of apprehended quarrel is the Mormon custom of polygamy. The Territorial Legislature has no power of legalizing this practice, and consequently the majority of the children of all the great officers of the Church are illegitimate in the eye of the law. Probably some But we are here assuming a knowledge of child of a first wife will seek on this ground the political relations between the Mormon to oust his half brothers from the paternal commonwealth and the United States, which inheritance. The Courts of the United States we have not yet described. Soon after the must necessarily give judgment in favor of his exiles had taken possession of their new home, claim. But it is certain that such a judgment it passed from the dominion of Mexico to that could not be enforced in Utah without mili of the United States by the treaty of 1848. tary force, which would be enthusiastically

mons might already defy any force which could be sent against them.

resisted by the population. This particular every measure which is calculated to secure case, indeed, may not arise for some years. themselves against a repetition of the exterBut the indignation excited against the Mor- minating process to which they have been so mon polygamy is such, that a portion of the often subjected. They keep their militia in American press is already urging an armed constant drill, and its discipline is said to be intervention on the Government. excellent. Every man capable of bearing arms is enrolled, and the apostles, bishops, Not only (says the Philadelphia Register), and elders appear in military uniform as mashould Utah be refused admission into the Union jors, colonels, or generals, at the head of their so long as she maintains this abominable domes- troops. They could already oppose a force tic institution; but Congress, under its power to of 8000 men to an invading enemy. And make all needful regulations respecting the ter- the standing army of the United States only ritory of the United States, should take measures to punish a crime which dishonors our nation. amounts to 10,000, which must march for (XV. 358.) three months through a wilderness before they reach the defiles of the mountains, where Such are the clouds already visible on the they would find themselves opposed, under horizon of Utah, which portend a coming every disadvantage of ground, with all the fustorm. One collision has actually occurred, ry of fanaticism. Indeed, Lieutenant Gunnibut has passed off without serious effects. It son intimates that, in his opinion, the Morwas caused by the unpopularity of the two judges, appointed by the President of the United States. No doubt it was very difficult The causes above mentioned fully account to find among the Mormons any even mode- for the eagerness manifested by the heads of rately qualified for such an office. One the Church in pressing upon the saints thro vincial practitioner was however found, who, out the world the duty of emigrating to Utah. though not a resident in Utah, was brother of Their power of resisting hostile interference an Apostle; and he was nominated to a seat must of course be proportionate to their nuupon the bench. But the two other judges merical strength. If they can double their were unbelievers; " and this circumstance of present population, they may defend their itself caused them to be received with cold- mountain fastnesses against the world. Moreness. One of them, also, gave great offence over, they will have the right, according to by a speech at a public meeting, in which he the practice of the Union, to demand admis advised the Mormon ladies "to become vir- sion as a State into the Federation when their tuous. (XVI. 406.) The Governor, whose population amounts to 60,000. Hence the duown harem was present, resented this as a ty most emphatically urged upon all Mormon gross insult, and an open quarrel ensued. proselytes is immediate emigration. They Very free language was used as to the resolu- must shake from their feet the dust of "Babytion of the people of Utah to resist any inter-lon," and hasten to "Zion." Every saint," ference on the part of the Central Govern- says a recent General Epistle, "who does not ment. This language was declared treason- come home, will be afflicted by the devil." able by the two unbelieving Judges, and by (XIV. 20.) And again, "Zion is our home, the Secretary of the Territory, who all return- the place which God has appointed for the ed to Washington, and in a report to Government denounced the disloyalty of the Territory which they had deserted. In the sublime language of the "Deseret News,


refuge of his people. Every particle of our means which we use in Babylon is a loss to ourselves." (Ibid. 210.) And the elders are exhorted" to thunder the word of the Almighty to the saints, to arise and come to ZiThe Judicial Ermine doffed its desecrated on." (Ibid. 201.) Nor are their efforts conwand to the ladies of Utah, satanlike rebuking fined to words of exhortation. They raise sin; blackened the sacred pages of its country's annually a considerable sum, under the name history with the records of a mock court; shook its shaggy mane in disappointed wrath, and rushed with rapid strides over the mountains to its orient den. XIV. 524.)

of the Perpetual Emigration Fund, to pay the outfit and passage of those who are willing to emigrate but unable to pay their own expens es. This fund amounted last year to 34,000 dollars. (XV. 439.) Most of the emigrants, President Fillmore, however, wisely forbore however, pay for themselves. In 1853, the to take up the quarrel of his nominees, and number of saints who sailed from England made new appointments, which appear to be was 2609. (Ibid. 264.); among whom 2312 more acceptable to the Mormon population. were British subjects, and 297 Danes. Only Thus the danger has passed over for the time; 400 of these had their passage paid by the but such symptoms show the precarious char- fund. The whole Mormon emigration from acter of the existing peace. Europe has hitherto been considerably under Meanwhile, the Mormon leaders are taking 3000 annually. Even including the converta




The wagon (he tells us elsewhere), is literally the emigrant's home. In it he carries his all, and it serves him as tent, kitchen, parlor, and bedroom: and not unfrequently also as a boat, to ferry his load over an otherwise impassable

from the United States, only 3000 settlers ar- unbroken, notwithstanding his long confinement. rived in Utah in 1851. These details, which The wagons swarmed with women and children, we have collected from the official statistics and I estimated the train at a thousand head of published in the "Star," will show how grossly cattle, a hundred head of sheep, and five hundred human souls. (S. 223.) the Mormon emigration has been exaggerated by the press. The American with papers, their grandiloquence, are constantly telling us that hundreds of thousands have arrived on their way to Utah; and these fables are copied on this side of the Atlantic, and go the round of stream. (S. 26.) Europe. In reality, during the fourteen years from 1837 to 1851, under 17,000 Mormons The deluded proselytes, who, in the mere had emigrated from England. In future, act of reaching the parched valley of Deseret, however, while the Emigration Fund contin- expend an amount of capital and toil sufficient ues in operation, the rate will probably be not to establish them with every comfort in many less than 3000 a-year. We may therefore happier colonies, are by no means drawn suppose that, including the proselytes from from the most ignorant portion of the commuthe Union, the census of Utah will be in-nity. More than two-thirds of their number creased by 3500 annually. Beside this, we consists of artisans and mechanics. Out of may allow, perhaps, 1000 per annum (consid-352 emigrants who sailed from Liverpool in ering the nature of the population) for the February 1852, Mr. Mayhew ascertained that average excess of births over deaths during the only 108 were unskilled laborers; the remaintime that the population is rising from 30,000 ing 244 consisted of farmers, miners, engineto 60,000. On this hypothesis, it will have makers, joiners, weavers, shoemakers, smiths, reached the required number by 1859. tailors, watch-makers, masons, butchers, bakThis emigration, though very insignificant ers, potters, painters, ship-wrights, iron-mouldwhen compared with the exaggerated state-ers, basket-makers, dyers, ropers, paper-makments above mentioned, is surprisingly great, ers, glass-cutters, nailors, saddlers, sawyers, when we consider the enormous difficulties by and gun-makers. (M. Illust. 245.) Thus the which it is impeded. In fact, if we except Mormon emigration is drawn mainly from a the capital of Thibet, there is perhaps no city single class of society; and the result is, that in the world so difficult to reach as the me- the population of Utah presents an aspect sintropolis of the Mormons. Emigrants from gularly homogeneous, and has attained (withEurope must first undertake the long sea out any socialism) more nearly to the socialist voyage to New Orleans; thence they must ideal of a dead level than any other communiproceed by steamer up the Mississippi to St. ty in the world. There are no poor, for the Louis, a distance 1300 miles. From St. Lou- humblest laborer becomes on his arrival a is, a farther voyage of 800 miles brings them peasant proprietor; and, although, some have to the junction of the Missouri and the Platte. already grown rich, yet none are exempt From thence they must proceed in wagons from the necessity of manual labor, except, across the wilderness, a journey of three wea- indeed, the prophets and chief apostles of the ry months, before they reach their final desti- Church. And even these seek to avert popnation. The appearance of these trains of ular envy, by occasionally taking a turn at pilgrims must be highly curious and picturesque. Captain Stansbury thus describes one of them, which he passed

We met ninety-five wagons to-day, containing the advance of the Mormon emigration. Two large flocks of sheep were driven before the train; and geese and turkeys had been conveyed in coops the whole distance, without apparent damage. One old gander poked his head out of his box, and hissed most energetically at every passer by, as if to show that his spirit was still

CASTLE-BUILDING.-We speak of building| Castles in the air. The phrase in Charron is building Castles in Spain.

"SAT CITO, SI SAT BENE."-St. Jerome (Ep. Lxvi. § 9, ed. Vallars) quotes this as a maxim of Cato's.

their old employments; following the example of the President, who was bred a carpenter and still sometimes does a job of joiner's work upon his mills. (G. 141.) Such a state of society combines the absence of many evils and much misery, with the want of those humanizing influences which result from the intermixture of men of leisure with men of labor.

[blocks in formation]

From the New York Observer.


on horseback and meditating which of two roads he should take, at a fork, to choose the one which led to that preacher's house, where he found a young lady of beauty, his daughter, whom he married, and with whom he lived happily the remainder of a long life.

thieving or burglary. On the contrary, he was a good citizen of his new State, enlisting among the revolutionary forces, when enemies were in the field, and suffering in the cause repeated AGAIN and again have we spoken of.the forth-wounds from the bayonets and sabres of Tarle coming "Life" of ARCHIBALD ALEXANDER, D.D. ton's men, which left him on the field for dead. by his son. Several correspondents have already Jack Reardon, unfitted for the musket, was present us their well digested thoughts on the admi-served to wield again the ferula over the childrable execution of the work, which may well be hood of Virginia. called a model biography; but we have, this The first thirty years of Alexander's life were week, a special pleasure in copying the following passed in a region, every mile of which is historic notice from the " Churchman" of this city, an ground, and among a people, almost every one Episcopal paper, of the High Church school, and of whom is at least a local celebrity, if not known we think our readers will be gratified, as we have to American fame. He lived among the old Virbeen, by its perusal. ginia gentlemen, who appear to have had as great respect for books as for horses; he was one of the The Life of Archibald Alexander, D.D., First Pro- army of the missionary preachers whose eloquence fessor in the Theological Seminary at Princeton, sounded through the valleys of the State; he was New Jersey. By James W. Alexander, D. D. of the Presbyterians and among the Churchmen; Published by Charles Scribner, New York. he heard Patrick Henry speak, and bring to the This judicious and well written biography has bar the same order of eloquence with which his a twofold interest, in the historical and religious friend John Blair Smith had invigorated the aplife of its subject. In the latter relation, Dr. Alex-peals of the pulpit. Every one has heard of ander was for nearly half a century an influential James Waddell, the blind preacher, whom Wirt instructor, profoundly versed in the various de- has celebrated in the British Spy. It was Alexanpartments of theology, with particular reference der's good fortune one day, as he was travelling to Biblical interpretation and criticism of the original Hebrew and Greek Scriptures; delivering his lectures at a seat of learning of which he may be said to have been the founder, as he started with it alone in its infancy till it grew up with an increase of professors and students. The Theological Seminary of Princeton, the organi- The traits of manners of the time and country zation of which is independent of the College of Old Virginia are very happily delineated, as of Princeton, was established by an act of the they presented themselves to a young itinerant General Assembly of the Presbyterian Church in clergyman; and they are sketched by his own 1812, when Dr. Alexander was called, from his pen, as reminiscences, when he looked back upon congregation at Philadelphia, to fill its first chair. them with a secondary interest, which supplied He had previously been the head of the similar the place of the original novelty. Alexander school of instruction at Hampden Sidney in Vir- was a metaphysician, and knew how to analyze ginia ; and, carrying back his history, we find this feeling of the knowledge and wonder of the him, in his youth, brought up in the central val- man superior to the instincts of the youth. In ley of that state, under the country influences of his remarks on the influence of the mountains the old western revolutionary era, with a leaning about his early home upon his youthful charac upon the traditions of the old world in the Scotch ter, he cannot trace any direct impressions of Presbyterian associations and observances of the their poetry or sublimity, at least any consciousregion. It is a curious circumstance in the life ness of these things. "The love of the beautics of a man, who was to present a constant model of nature" he pronounces, in a passage which of exemplary piety, and give laws, at a seminary grows into a fine essay, to be slow in its develof theology, to a considerable portion of the re-opment," while he admits the animal sense of ligious world, that his earliest instructions in the the sublime in wonder. It is when thought and ancient languages should be received from a experience and culture work upon these bruto youth who had been exiled from the wickedness of London as a convict, transported to America, according to one of the usages of good old King George, and literally sold - the price of a felon, at the market for such commodities at Baltimore. There this young man, John Reardon, was bought by the father of Alexander, and transported to his country place in Roxbridge county. The intelligent farmer and trader had the good sense to perceive the availability of what booklearning he possessed; and, without taking the alarm professed by some theorists, at the connection of vice with knowledge, built up a log school house for him on his grounds, and collected the youth of the neighborhood under his authority. It does not appear that he taught

materials in the mind, in after years, that poetry comes forth with all its subtle philosophy. Thus art goes on perfecting nature in the mind, and man is compensated by his superior enjoyments for the loss of his childhood.

When our preacher leaves the self-made men of the wilderness, to travel among the learned and polished folk of the north, as he did in the very beginning of the century, visiting Nassau Hall and New-York and Harvard, he is everywhere observant of the novelty of character. His reminiscences give us some very happy sketches of Samuel Stanhope Smith, the successor of Witherspoon at Princeton, of those famous NewEnglanders, Hopkins and Emmons, and one day, on his route to Hanover, of a plain man who has

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