The Unions' and parish officers' year-book [afterw.] The Union, parish, and board of health officers' pocket almanac and guide [afterw.] The Local government officers' almanac and guide [afterw.] The Local government directory, almanac and guide

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31. oldal - But Troy Weight is also used by Apothecaries in compounding medicines, and by them the ounce is divided into 8 drams, and the dram into 3 scruples, so that the scruple is equal to 20 grains. For scientific purposes...
32. oldal - ANGULAR MEASURE; OR, DIVISIONS OF THE CIRCLE. 60 Seconds = 1 Minute 60 Minutes = 1 Degree 30 Degrees =1 Sign 90 Degrees =1 Quadrant 360 Degrees, or 12 Signs =1 Circumference Formerly, the subdivisions were carried on by sixties; thus, the second was divided into 60 thirds, the third into 60 fourths, &c.
196. oldal - Act are strictly complied with, viz., that passenger-vessels are sea-worthy, that they have on board a sufficient supply of provisions, water, medicines, &c-, and that they sail with proper punctuality. They attend personally at their offices on every...
18. oldal - Secretary of State for the Home Department, and the Chancellor of the Exchequer for the Time being shall be, by virtue of their respective Offices, Commissioners for administering the Laws for Relief of the Poor in England...
200. oldal - ... person under the age of sixteen years, for which the party committing it is liable to be indicted, and the circumstances of which offence amount, in point of law, to a felony, or an attempt to commit a felony...
198. oldal - Whosoever, being legally liable, either as a master or mistress, to provide for any apprentice or servant necessary food, clothing, or lodging, shall wilfully and without lawful excuse refuse or neglect to provide the same, or shall unlawfully and maliciously do or cause to be done any bodily harm to any such apprentice or servant, so that the life of such apprentice or servant shall be endangered, or the health of such apprentice or servant shall have been or shall be likely to be permanently injured,...
22. oldal - By this Act, also, offences committed on the high seas within the jurisdiction of the Admiralty of England are to be tried in this court.
21. oldal - Willock. BANKERS IN LONDON. Agra and United Service Bank, Old Jewry Bank of Australasia, 8, Austin Friars Bank of British North America, 7, St.
27. oldal - 40,000 „ 60,000 „ 15 15 0 „ 60,000 „ 80,000 „ 21 0 0 „ 80,000 „ 100,000 „ 26 5 0 „ exceeding 100,000 „ 31 10 0 Beginners (and a surcharge on the quantity made) 5 5 0 Dealers in Tobacco and Snuff,.
32. oldal - CIRCLE. 60 Seconds = 1 Minute. 60 Minutes = 1 Degree. 30 Degrees = 1 Sign. 90 Degrees = 1 Quadrant. 360 Degrees, or 12 Signs = 1 Circumference. Formerly the subdivisions were carried on by sixties ; thus, the second was divided into 60 thirds, the third into 60 fourths, &c.

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