*It is important for the Public Service, and for the Interest of the Deserter, that this Part of the Return should be accurately filled up, and the Details should be inserted by the Magistrate in his own Handwriting, or, under his Direction, by his Clerk. I do hereby certify, that the Prisoner has been duly examined before me as to the Circumstance herein stated, and has declared in my Presence that hef a Deserter from the above-mentioned Corps. Signature and Address of Magistrate. Signature of Prisoner. ↑ Insert "is" or "is not," as the Case may be. I certify, that I have inspected the Prisoner, and consider him‡ for Military Service. -Signature of Mi litary Medical Officer, or of Private Medical Practitioner. Insert "fit" or "unfit," as the Casco may be, and if unfit, state the Cause of Unfitness. wwwwww CAP. XI. National Debt Reduction. САР. XI. An Act for the Cancellation of certain Capital Stocks of Annuities standing in the Names of the Commissioners for the Reduction of the National Debt. [23d March 1866.] W HEREAS Capital Stocks of Annuities to a large Amount are standing in the Names of the Commissioners for the Reduction of the National Debt to Two separate Accounts, and arising from different Sources, that is to say, first, to an Account intituled "The Account of unclaimed Dividends," arising from Investments made by the said Commissioners of Dividends not claimed upon Capital Stock transferred to the Commissioners in pursuance of divers Acts of Parliament, and, secondly, to an Account, intituled "The Account of Donations and Bequests towards "reducing the National Debt," and arising from the Investment of certain Sums that have at various Times been given by way of Donation or Bequest toward reducing the National Debt: And whereas it is expedient that Power should be given to the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury to cancel the said Capital Stocks to the Extent and in manner herein-after mentioned: Be it enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same, as follows: 1. This Act may be cited for all Purposes as "The National Short Title. Debt Reduction Act, 1866." to the Un 2. The Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury may at any Cancellation of Time hereafter, by Warrant addressed to the Governor and Com- Stock standing pany of the Bank of England, direct them to cancel any Amount claimed Divithe said Commissioners may think fit, not exceeding in the whole dend Account. Three million Pounds of the Capital Stock of Annuities standing in the Names of the said Commissioners for the Reduction of the National Debt to the Account intituled "The Account of unclaimed 56 G. 3. c. 60. Dividends, pursuant to Acts Fifty-sixth George the Third, Chapter 8 & 9 Vict. Sixty, and Eighth and Ninth Victoria, Chapter Sixty-two," and 66 c. 62. upon Indemnity to Parties claiming cancelled Stock. Cancellation of to the Donation and Bequest Account. National Debt Reduction. upon such Cancellation being effected all Dividends payable on the cancelled Stock shall cease from and after the last Day on which they were due previous to such Cancellation. 3. If at any Time after the Cancellation of such last-mentioned Stock it shall be certified to the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury by the Governor and Company of the Bank of England that the Amount of Cash standing to the said Account is insufficient to meet the legal Claims thereon, the Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury shall issue out of the growing Produce of the Consolidated Fund to the said Governor and Company such Amounts as may from Time to Time be required for Payment of such legal Claims. 4. The Commissioners of Her Majesty's Treasury may at any Stock standing Time hereafter, by Warrant addressed to the Governor and Company of the Bank of England, direct them to cancel the whole of the Capital Stock of Annuities standing at the Date of such Warrant in the Names of the said Commissioners for the Reduction of the National Debt to the Account, intituled "The Account of Dona"tions and Bequests towards the Reduction of the National "Debt," and upon such Cancellation being effected all Dividends. payable on the cancelled Stock shall cease from and after the last Day on which they were due previous to such Cancellation. Warrants to Provision for cancelling ties. 5. The Warrants to be issued to the said Governor and Company for the Cancellation of any Capital Stock under this Act shall be a sufficient Authority for such Cancellation. 6. In all future Cases of Purchases of Capital Stocks of Annuities future Annui- by the Application of Donations and Bequests Monies, unless it be otherwise expressly provided in every such Donation or Bequest respectively, such Annuities shall be at once cancelled by the Governor and Company of the Bank of England, on a Direction from the Commissioners for the Reduction of the National Debt, signified in Writing under the Hand of the Comptroller General or Assistant Comptroller for the Time being of the National Debt Office. CAP. XII. Jamaica Government. CA P. XII. An Act to make Provision for the Government of Jamaica. W [23d March 1866.] HEREAS Two Acts were passed by the Legislature of Majesty, intituled, respectively, An Act to alter and Acts passed by Legislature of amend the Political Constitution of this Island, An Act to amend Jamaica. an Act passed in the present Session, intituled An Act to alter and amend the Political Constitution of this Island,' and it is expedient that the said Acts should be brought into operation, under Authority of Parliament, in the Manner and to the Extent herein-after set forth: And whereas Parts of the said Acts are set out in the Schedule hereunto annexed: Be it therefore enacted by the Queen's most Excellent Majesty, by and with the Advice and Consent of the Lords Spiritual and Temporal, and Commons, in this present Parliament assembled, and by the Authority of the same, as follows: in Schedule to 1. So much of said recited Acts as is contained in the said So much of Schedule shall come into operation in the Island of Jamaica such Acts as so soon as the Assent thereto of Her Majesty in Council shall this Act to have been proclaimed in the said Island by the Officer administering take effect. the Government thereof. 2. In construing the said secondly-recited Act the Term "Government" "Government" shall be held to include" Legislature;" and the to include Legislature." Powers exerciseable by Her Majesty under the said Act shall be Powers how exerciseable by Her Majesty in Council. exerciseable. SCHE Jamaica Government. SCHEDULE. An Act to alter and amend the Political Constitution of this WHEREAS it is necessary to alter the present Political Constitution of this Island: Be it enacted by the Governor, Legislative Council, and Assembly of this Island, and it is hereby enacted by the Authority of the same, First, that from and after the coming into operation of this Act the present Legislative Council and House of Assembly, and all and every the Functions and Privileges of those Two Bodies respectively shall cease and determine absolutely. An Act to amend an Act passed in the present Session, entitled "An Act to alter and amend the Political Constitution of "this Island." WHEREAS an Act was passed by the Legislature of this Island during this present Session, entitled "An Act to alter and amend "the Political Constitution of this Island:" And whereas it is desirable that the same should be amended: Be it therefore enacted by the Governor, Legislative Council, and Assembly of this Island, and it is hereby enacted by the Authority of the same, In place of the Legislature abolished by the First Section of the recited Act it shall be lawful for Her Majesty the Queen to create and constitute a Government for this Island in such Form and with such Powers as to Her Majesty may best seem fitting and from Time to Time to alter or amend such Government. CAP. XIII. |