IT LEADS WHERE OTHERS FOLLOW. Mutual Reserve Fund Life Association (incorporated) FREDERICK A. BURNHAM, President. HOME OFFICE, 305, 307 and 309 BROADWAY NEW YORK. The Motto of the Management is and will continue to be: GOOD WORK AT HONEST COST; TRUE ECONOMY AND NOT ITS SHADOW. SUCCESS IS THE ART OF SUCCEEDING THE RESULTS OF FIFTEEN YEARS' BUSINESS ARE: Number of Policies in Force.. Income during Fifteenth Year. Total Death Claims Paid in Fifteen Years. Insurance in Force at end of Fifteen Years. * ...1896 SHOWS... AN INCREASE IN GROSS ASSETS AN INCREASE IN INCOME AN INCREASE IN NEW BUSINESS WRITTEN 105,878 $5,575,282 4,084,075 3,435,026 5,661,708 25,000,000 69,025,895 308,659,371 * EXCELLENT POSITIONS OPEN in its Agency Department in every www.Town, City and State, to experienced and successful business men, who will find the MUTUAL RESERVE THE VERY BEST ASSOCIATION THEY CAN WORK FOR. Further information supplied by any of the Managers, General or Special Agents in the United States, Canada, Great Britain or Europe. THE CLOSE OF 1896 SHOWS TOTAL DEATH CLAIMS PAID OVER $29,000,000 THE National Park Bank OF NEW-YORK. Capital, $2,000,000. Surplus, $3,000,000. Extensive Safety Vaults for the convenience of Depositors and Investors. Entrance only through the Bank. INSURANCE COMPANY OF NEW YORK Richard A. McCurdy, President. Head Offices, Nassau, Cedar, Liberty Streets Assets over $240,000,000 Twenty-Year Distribution Policy on continuous life and limited payment plans. This affords the maximum of security at the minimum of cost; Endowment Life Option Policy provides a guarantee income, a secure investment, and absolute protection; Five Per Cent. Debentures provides the best and most effective forms of investment, indemnity and fixed annual income to survivors; Continuous Instalment Policy so adjusts the payment of the amount insured as to create a fixed income during the life of the beneficiary. For detailed information concerning these exclusive forms of insurance policies apply at any of the Company's authorized agencies, which may be found in every city and town of the United States. |