Of the thirteen original States. 2Purchased from Russia. 3According to nearest census. 'Less sinking fund. POPULAR VOTE FOR PRESIDENT, 1888, 1892, 1896. Dem. Un. Lab. Pro. Rep. Dem. Pop. Pro. Rep. Dem.-Pop. Nat. Dem. Pro. Streeter. Fisk. son. land. Weaver. Bidwell. McKinley. Bryan. Palmer. &B'ntl'y. ett. 593 9,197 138,138 85,181 239 54,737 131,226 6,462 2,147 58,752 85,962 10,613 614 46,974 87,834 11,831 113 37,512 101,103 1,732 124,816 117,729 5,761 118,149 118,293 25,352 8,129 146,688 *144,766 2,006 3,620 1,611 Colorado.. 50,774 37,567 1,266 2,191 38,620 53,584 1,687 26,279 161,269 1 2,103 160 74.584 74,920 240 4,234 77,032 82,395 809 4,026 110,285 56,740 4,336 1,806 1,223 Delaware. 12,973 16,414 400 18,077 18,581 564 20,452 16,615 966 602 Florida. 26,659 39,561 403 30,143 4,843 569 11,257 31,958 1,772 644 Georgia. 40,446 100,449 48,305 129,386 42,939 988 60,091 $94,672 2,708 5.716 Idaho... 8,599 2 10,520 288 6,314 23,135 172 607,130 464,523 6,390 10,611 1,147 22,208 13,050 323,748 306,206 2,146 5,241 343 Iowa.... 211,958 179,877 9,105 Kansas. 182,904 102,745 37.788 3,550 219,795 196,367 6,779 157,241 20,595 6,402 289,293 223,741 4,516 3,544 453 163,111 4,553 159,345 172,854 1,209 2,318 Kentucky 155,134 183,800 5,225 135,441 175,461 23,500 6,423 218,171 217,890 5,114 4,781 Louisiana. 30,701 85,026 39 127 13,331 87,622 13,332 22,037 77,175 1,915 80,461 *34,587 1,870 1,589 136,978 104,746 2,507 6,058 588 278.976 105,711 11.749 2,998 2,114 203,327 237,251 6,930 6,777 292 193,503 139,735 3,216 4,363 948 Mississippi. 30,006 85.471 222 218 1,406 40,237 10,256 910 5,123 63,793 1,071 485 Missouri. son. land. Pro. Harri- Cleve- Rep. Dem. Pop. Pro. Rep. Dem.-Pop. Nat. Dem. Soc.- land. Weaver. Bidwell. McKinley. Bryan. Palmer. &B'ntl'y. ett. 268,400 41,204 Montana.. 18.838 17,534 7,259 Nebraska.. 108,425 80,552 4,220 9,420 87,227 24,943 83,134 Nevada... 7,238 5,326 41 2,811 714 7,264 89 1.938 *8.377 New-Hampshire. 45,728 43,456 42 1,593 45,658 42,081 292 1,297 57,444 *21,650 3,520 825 223 New-Jersey. 144,360 151,508 7,933 156,068 171,042 969 8,131 221,367 133,675 6,373 5,614 3,985 New-York. 650,338 635,965 626 30,231 C09,350 654,868 10,429 38,190 819,838 551,369 18,950 16,052 17,667 North Carolina. 134,784 147,902 47 2,789 100,346 132,951 44,732 2,543 155,222 174,488 578 635 North Dakota.. 17,159 17,700 899 26,335 20,686 358 Ohio.. 416,054 396,455 3.496 24,356 405,909 404,115 14,850 26,012 525,991 477,497 1,858 7.784 1,167 Oregon. 33,291 26,522 363 1,677 35,002 12,242 26,965 1,892 48,779 46,739 977 919 Pennsylvania. 523,585 444,327 3,877 20,708 516,011 452,264 8,714 25,123 728,300 $433,230 11,000 20.144 1,683 Rhode Island.. 21.969 17,530 1,251 26,975 24,356 228 1,654 36,437 14,459 1,166 1,165 558 South Carolina.. 13,740 65,825 13,384 54,698 2,410 9,313 58,801 824 South Dakota.... 34,888 9,081 26,544 41,042 41,225 683 Tennessee. 138,988 158,779 5,969 99,851 136,594 23,780 4,776 148,773 168,176 1,951 3,098 Texas. 88,280 234,883 29,459 4.749 81,444 239,148 99,688 2,165 158,811 361,224 4,853 1,722 Utah.... 13.491 64,607 21 Vermont. 45,192 10,788 1,459 37,992 16,325 44 1,424 50,991 *10,607 1.329 728 Virginia. 150,438 151,977 1,678 113,262 163,977 12.275 2,738 135,388 154,985 2,127 2,341 115 Washington 36,460 29,802 19,165 2,542 39,153 51,646 1,668 1,116 West Virginia. 78,171 Wisconsin 78.677 1.508 176,553 155,232 8,552 1.084 80,293 84,467 4,166 2,141 104,414 92,927 677 1,203 14,277 171,101 177,325 10,019 13,136 268,135 165,523 4,584 7,853 1,314 8,454 7,722 530 10,072 10,375 159 249,265 5,176,336 5,552,351 1,041,467 270,367 7,101,439 6,503,165 133,590 144,379 36,576 *George Washington. Thomas Jefferson. C. C. Pinckney. *James Madison. DeWitt Clinton. *James Monroe. Rufus King John Q. Adams Martin Van Buren John C. Fremont.. *Abraham Lincoln. J. C. Breckenridge. Abraham Lincoln.. George B. McClellan. Ulysses S. Grant... Horatio Seymour. Ulysses S. Grant. Horace Greeley *R. B. Hayes. Samuel J. Tilder. James A. Garfield. W, S. Hancock.. *Grover Cleveland. James G. Blaine. *Benjamin Harrison. Grover Cleveland. Grover Cleveland. Benjamin Harrison.. *William McKinley. e William J. Bryan...... | 1789 | Federalist... | Virginia Federalist.. 1792 Federalist.. Federalist.. 1796 Federalist.. Dem.-Rep... 1800|Dem.-Rep. Dem.-Rep.. 1804 | Dem.-Rep.. Federalist.. 1808 Dem. Rep... Federalist. 1812 | Dem.-Rep.. Federalist. 1816 Dem.-Rep. . Federalist... 1820 | Dem.-Rep.. Opposition.. c1824 | Coalition.. Dem.-Rep. 1828 | Democrat. Nat.--Rep 1832 Democrat Nat. -Rep 1836 | Democrat. Whig... 1840 Whig. Democrat. 1844 Democrat. | Whig. 1848 | Whig. Democrat. 1852| Democrat. Whig. 1856| Democrat. Massachusetts So. Carolina.. Massachuse:ls Tennessee Kentucky New-York Massachusetts Tennessee Tennessee Ohio Ohio | New-York Tennessee Kentucky Louisiana Michigan 26 294 234 1,275,017 60 1,128,702 26 275 170 1,337,243 1051,209,068 30 290 163 1,360,101 127 1,220,544 New-H'pshire 31 206 254 1,601,474 New-Jersey Pennsylvania Republican.. California 1860 | Republican. . | Illinois Democrat. Kentucky 1864|Republican.. Illinois Democrat. [New-Jersey 1868|Republican.. Illinois Democrat.. | New-York 1872| Republican.. | Illinois Dem. & Lib.. New-York 1876 Republican.. Ohio | Democrat.. 1880 / Republican.. Democrat.. 1884 | Democrat .. Republican 1888 | Republican Democrat. 1892 Democrat. New-York Pennsylvania Republican.. Indiana 1896 Republican JOhio 42 1,386,226 31 296 174 1,838,169 114/1,341.264 33 303 180/1,866.352 72 845,663 36 314 212 2,216,037 21 1,808,725 37 317 214 3,015,017 80 2.709,613 37 366 286 3,597,070 d42 2,834.079 38 36918514,033,975 184 4.284,873 38 369 2144,454,416 155 4.444,952 38 401 219 4,874.986 | 182 | 4.851.981 38 401 233 5,440.708 168 5.536,242 44 444 277 5,554.267 145 5,175,201 45 447 271|7,101.439 -1176:6,503, 165 The one re Previous to 1804 each elector voted for two candidates for President. ceiving the greatest number was declared President, and the one receiving the next highest was deciared Vice-President. a Three States not voting. b Tie vote; choice decided by House of Representatives on 36th ballot. No choice by Electoral College; choice decided by House of Rep resentatives on first ballot. d Horace Greeley, the Democrat and Liberal Republican candidate, died before the Electoral College met, and the Greeley electors of five States voted for Thomas A. Hendricks. e Including votes cast for Bryan and Watson (Pop.) ticket. Elected President. VOTE CAST IN EACH STATE AND TERRITORY CAL PARTY BY EACH POLITI- Totals 16,852,822 6,315 362 436,653 *Included in this column are the votes cast for the National (Gold) Democrat candidates, as follows: Alabama, 19,861; Connecticut, 5,236; Delaware, 933; Florida, 1.156; Illinois, 3.720; Indiana, 757; Kentucky, 19,435; Michigan, 519; Nebraska, 1.130; New-Hampshire, 314: New-Jersey, 5.733; New-York, 31,210; Ohio, 1,238; Oregon, 8,807; Pennsylvania, 7.255; Tennessee, 22,691; Texas, 8,962; Virginia, 13,912. Six of the seven candidates were indorsed by Populists. Four Populist candidates indorsed by Republicans, 1 Republican indorsed by Populists, 1 Populist indorsed by Demo crats. 1Includes Silver Republicans, Silver Democrats and Populists. Vote for straight Republican candidate, 9,492; Fusion, 33,932. POLITICAL COMPLEXION OF MEMBERS OF CONGRESS SINCE THE FORMATION OF THE REPUBLICAN PARTY IN 1856. *During Civil War some Southern States were unrepresented. Two Virginia Senators were Readjusters and voted with Republicans. Four Populists and two Silver, the latter of Nevada. Union party. Liberal Republicans. Populists. "Three vacancies. "Greenbackers. One vacancy. Five Populists, two Silver Republicans, one Independent, one vacancy. "Nine are Silver Republicans. 10Twenty-nine are Silver Democrats. Ten are Silver Republicans; also four vacancies. 12One hundred and twenty-nine are Silver Democrats. 13Fifteen Populists; eleven Democratic Populists. RATIO OF REPRESENTATION SINCE 1789. Figures in parentheses ehow increase over those allowed by 1880 census. Each Territory is also allowed one delegate. For number allowed each State since 1789, see Almanac of 1896, page 124. |