STATES. 1892. Harrison..** ||||||||||||88 Cleveland. | | 2* | || ||||||||||~|22 Seymour.. Grant..... New-York North Carolina.. North Dakota. Ohio Oregon Pennsylvania 261 Rhode Island.. South Carolina.. South Dakota. Tennessee Texas Utah Vermont Virginia Washington West Virginia. Wisconsin Wyoming Totals *21 scattering. *Rejected. |214| 80||286| 42||185|184||214|155||182|219||233|168||145|277| 22||271|176 a Under each year, the Republican candidate is in the first column, and the Democratic candidate in the second column. In 1892 they occur in this order. Republican in first column, Democrat in second, and Populist in third column. b Horace Greeley, the Democratic and Liberal Republican candidate for President, died before the electoral vote was cast, and the Greeley electors of five States voted for Thomas A. Hendricks. 272 STREET-CLEANING ER.-George E. Waring, jr., $6,000. COMMISSIONER OF PUBLIC WORKS.-Charles H. T. Collis, $8,000. FIRE COMMISSIONERS.-O. H. La Grange, James R. Sheffield and Thomas Sturgis; each $5,000. SUPERINTENDENT DEPARTMENT OF BUILDINGS.-Stevenson Constable, $5,000. CHARITIES COMMISSIONERS.-Silas C. Croft, James R. O'Beirne, John P. Faure; each $5,000. COMMISSIONER DEPARTMENT OF J. Wright, CORRECTIONS.-Robert $7,500. HEALTH COMMISSIONERS.-Charles G. Wilson (president), $5,000; Dr. George B. Fowler, $4,000. Samuel EACH (For electoral vote from 1789 to 1872 Almanac of 1895, page 121.) No. of States. see 1890.. 1892.. 1888.. 1884..∞ 37 38 381 381 38 10 10 10 10 10 6 1876..MÔ∞ 1872.. 1880..534 Arkansas 7 California Colorado 3 3 6 6 6 6 Delaware 3 Florida 4 4 Georgia 11 11 11 12 12 13 13 3 3 Massachusetts 13 13 13 14 14 15 15 Michigan 11 11 11 13 13 14 14 Minnesota 5 7 9 7 Mississippi 8 8 8 Missouri 15 15 15 16 16 17 17 Montana 3 G. Nebraska 3 3 Nevada 3 PARK COMMISSIONERS. DOCK COMMISSIONERS.-Edward C. O'Brien, Edwin Einstein, John Monks; each $5,000. TAX COMMISSIONERS.-Edward P. Barker (as president, $8,000), Theodore Sutro, James L. Wells; each $7,000. BOARD OF EDUCATION.-(No salary) -Robert Maclay (president), John Agar, Charles C. Wehrun, E. Ellery Anderson, Richard H. Adams, Joseph J. Little, James Speyer, Wm. Greenough, John E. Eustis, W. J. Van Arsdale, Wm. H. Hurlbut, Henry A. Rogers, Nathaniel A. Prentiss, Dr. Edward H. Peaslee, John L. N. Hunt, Auguste P. Montant, Dr. D. E. McSweeney, Hugh Kelly, Jacob W. Mack, Alexander P. Ketchum, Charles B. Hubbell. AQUEDUCT COMMISSIONERS.-Jas. C. Duane, John J. Tucker, Henry W. Cannon, George W. Green; each $5,000. COMMISSIONERS OF ACCOUNTS.Seth S. Terry, Rodney S. Dennis; each $5,000. REGISTER.-William Sohmer, $12,000. SURROGATES.-Frank T. Fitzgerald, John H. V. Arnold; $15,000. COUNTY CLERK.-Henry D. Purroy, $15,000. CORONERS.-E. T. Fitzpatrick, Wm. H. Dobbs, Theodore K. Tuthill, Emil W. Hoeber; each $5,000. COMMISSIONER OF JURORS.-William Plimley, $5,000. ALDERMEN.-John Jeroloman, presiDistrict Members-John P. dent, $3,000. Windolph, Nicholas T. Brown, William E. Burke, Thomas M. Campbell, William Clancy, Thomas Dwyer, Christian Goetz, Goodwin, Frank J. Elias Goodman, Joseph T. Hackett, Benjamin E. Hall, Jeremiah Kennefiek, Francis J. Lantry, Frederick L. Marshall, Robert Muh, John J. Murphy, Andrew A. Noonan, John T. Oakley, John J. O'Brien, William M. K. Olcott, Charles A. Parker, Rufus R. Randall, Andrew Robinson, Joseph Schilling, Henry L. School, William Tait, Frederick A. Ware, Charles Wines, Collin H. Woodward, Jacob C. Wund; each $2,000. Indiana New-Hampshire New-Jersey New-York 7 7 7 6 6 North Carolina. 10 10 10 11 Texas West Virginia.. Totals 4 9 12 8 12 12 81 10 W.13,427 11 22 S. 116 50 E. 3,393 152 26 E. 4,655 175 08 W. 4,428 175 32 W. 2,146 135 0 W. 1,640 118 50 E. 2,350 121 55 E. 2,549 124 02 E.12,794 130 37 E. 2,799 120 26 E. 2,799 2 30 W. (2,469 95 44 E. 1,975 |17 15 N. Sulu Sea 8 32 N. Celebes Sea 4 16 N. Banda Sea Flores Sea.. 5 24 S. 7 43 S. Arctic Ocean 78 05 N. Antarctic Ocean..162 26 S. In many respects the North Pacific Ocean resembles the North Atlantic. A great warm current, much like the Gulf Stream and of equal magnitude, called the Black Stream or Japan current, runs northward along the eastern shore of Asia. Close to the east coast of Japan it flows through a marine valley, which holds the deepest water in the world. It was sounded at a depth of five and a quarter miles by the United States steamer Tuscarora in 1875, while surveying for a projected cable route between the United States and Japan The heavy sounding-weight took more than an hour to sink to the bottom. But trial was made of a chasm yet more profound, where the lead did not fetch up at all. In November, 1895, a depth of 29,400 feet was attained without touching the bed of the ocean, in latitude 23 degrees 40 min. S.; longitude 175 degrees 10 min. W. Ill. NATIONAL DEMOCRATS. and treasurer. NATIONAL COMMITTEE. Headquarters, Palmer House, Chicago, Branch headquarters, No. 39 East 23d-st., New York City. Officers-William D. Bynum, chairman; Charles J. Canda, chairman of Finance Committee; John P. Frenzel, secretary Members-Alabama, J. M. Falkner; Arizona, P. J. Cole; Arkansas, C. B. Moore; California, É. B. Pond; Colorado, Louis R. Ehrich; Connecticut, Joel A. Sperry; Delaware, John S. Rossell; Florida, G. D. Ambler; Georgia, Thomas F. Corrigan; Illinois, Ben T. Cable; Indiana, John R. Wilson; Iowa, L. M. Martin; Kansas, Eugene Hagan; Kentucky, Zach Phelps; Louisiana, M. R. Spelman; Maine, C. Vey Holman; Maryland, Wm. Pinkney Whyte, Massachusetts, Nathan Mathews, jr.; Michigan, Thomas A. Wilson; Minnesota, F. W. M. Cutcheon; Mississippi, H. M. Street; Missouri, L. C. Krauthoff; Montana, A. H. Nelson; Nebraska, Euclid Martin; New-Hampshire, Gordon Woodbury; New-Jersey, William J. Curtis; New-Mexico, William B. Childers; NewYork, Charles Tracey; North Carolina, Louis de Lacroix; North Dakota, H. L. Whithed; Ohio, Talfourd P. Linn; Oregon, C. E. S. Wood; Pennsylvania, Seth T. McCormick; Rhode Island, C. C. Mumford; South Carolina, W. R. Davie; South Da-kota, John B. Hanten; Tennessee, Michael Savage; Texas, M. L. Crawford; Vermont, W. H. Creamer; Virginia, Joseph Bryan; Washington, Hugh C. Wallace; West Virginia, Randolph Stalnaker; Wisconsin, Ellis B. Usher. D. Executive Committee.-William Bynum, chairman; John P. Frenzel, Indianapolis, secretary and treasurer; W. B. Haldeman, Louisville, Ky.; Geo. Foster. Peabody, New-York; L. C. Krauthoff, Kansas City, Mo.; F. W. M. Cutcheon, St. Paul, Minn.; John P. Hopkins, Chicago, Ill.; John C. Bullitt, Philadelphia; C. Vey Holman, Rockland, Me.; J. M. Falkner, Montgomery, Ala.; M. R. Spelman, New-Orleans, La. STRENGTH OF SEVEN PRINCIPAL NAVIES, 1896. 274 OLITICAL COMPLEXION OF MEMBERS SINCE THE FORMATION Senate. House. Congress. Years. Rep. | Dem. Amer. Ind. Rep. Dem. Amer. Ind. XXV 1857-9 20 39 5 92 131 14 XXVI 1859-61 26 38 2 113 101 23 XXVII* 1861-3 31 10 a2 106 42 a28 XXVIII* 1863-5 36 9 102 75 XXXIX 1865-7 41 11 145 40 KL 1867-9 42 11 143 49 XLI 1869-71 58 11 151 78 XLII 1871-3 57 17 138 103 XLIII 1873-5 47 20 194 92 XLIV 1875-7 43 29 107 168 XLV 1877-9 36 39 142 151 XLVI 1879-81 32 44 129 148 116 XLVII 1881-3 37 38 146 138 f10 XLVIII 1883-5 †40 36 124 198 fl XLIX 1885-7 42 34 120 204 L 1887-9 39 37 153 168 LI 1889-91 39 37 166 159 LII 1891-3 47 39 88 236 LIII 1893-5 d37 44 126 220 LIV 1895-7 43 39 g104 LV 11897-9 1461 f33 f c11 205 137 c15 †Two Virginia Senb. Liberal Ree. Two Silver Senators of Nevada. f. g. One vacancy. f. Elections are yet to be held to fill vacancies of Greenbackers. those whose terms will expire. *During Civil War some Southern States were unrepresented. ators were Roadjusters and voted with Republicans. c. Populists. d. Three vacancies. publicans. a. Union party. |