SOUTH DAKOTA.-Continued. Kelly, Pop. (Fus.), 41,125; Freeman nowles, Pop. (Fus.), 41,233; K. Lewis, To., 722; M. D. Alexander, Pro., 693. Official stupidity lost every constituonal amendment voted upon. All the mendments were carried by big majorties, but all this was null. Chapter 36, of the Session Laws of 1895, provides that whenever a proposed amendment to the constitution shall be submitted to a vote, the proposed amendment shall be printed upon each ticket on the ballot. There were four amendments to the constitution to be submitted, and instead of being printed upon each ticket they were arranged in a column at the side, and appeared but once upon the ballot. Of these amendments the most important was the repeal of Article 24 of the constitution, the prohibition article. The Prohibitionists were greatly elated over the discovery. TENNESSEE.-Continued. Lawrence, Dem., 13,256; S. R. Cheever, Pro., 232. II. Henry R. Gibson, Rep., 28,112; W. L. Ledgerwood, Dem., 9,448; W. C. Murphy, Pro., 234. III. W. J. Clift, Rep., 17,716; John A. Moon, Dem., 19,498; W. J. Farris, Pop., 133; J. L. Hopkins, Pro., 227. IV. Charles H. Whitney, Rep., 12,269; Benton McMillan, Dem., 18,070. V. Sydney Houston, Rep., 9,000; James D. Richardson, Dem., 16,089; W. W. Erwin, Pop., 2,384. VI. J. C. McReynolds, Dem. (S. M.), 12,135; John W. Gaines, Dem. (Sil.), 17,646; C. A. McGowan, Pop., 825; B. F. C. Brooks, Ind., 95. VII. A. M. Hughes, jr., Rep., 10,744; N. N. Cox, Dem., 15,434; J. K. P. Blackburn, Pop., 1,794. VIII. John E. Call, Rep., 13,619; T. W. Sims, Dem., 17,144; J. S. Leach, Pop., 1,130. IX. John H. McDowell, Pop., 10,714; Rice A. Pierce, Dem. (Sil.), 19.138. X. Josiah Patterson, Dem. (S. M.), 10,556; E. W. Carmack, Dem. (Sil.), 10,924; B. G. West, Pop., 926. TEXAS. *PRESIDENT. †GOV'N'R. 262 Counties. Culberson. Kearby.... Bryan & Bryan..... Mc Kinley... Counties. 252 Jeff Davis.... 102 48 Refugio 147 173 124 192 19 123 15 Robertson .2660 2447 422 84 Rockwell 267 1144 1108 Johnson ..... 869 3736 1629 2966 3346 Runnells 109 418 197 316 410 Rusk .1674 2184 473 2051 2224 Jones ........ 44 536 360 468 478 Karnes 389 840 529 792 885 Sabine 83 462 636 486 Kaufman ...1211 3734 836 2175 3616 San A'g'stne. 265 657 594 838 657 Kendall 515 216 51 466 275 San Jacinto.. 771 710 215 San Patricio. 71 531 108 San Saba.... 118 713 630 Kimble 98 325 39 177 156 188 157 Shackelford.. 117 286 108 265 247 King 1 88 Shelby 186 2162 882 1037 2031 Kinney 467 149 Knox 18 237 8 6 Smith .2603 3395 3361 Lamar .2191 4621 1350 3453 4492 Lampasas 290 677 473 824 565 Somerville 23 390 312 Starr 732 1035 La Salle.. 261 243 127 283 Lavaca .1476 2100 2777 Stephens 13 672 Lee .1320 960 267 1661 962 Sterling 22 113 85 Leon 1012 1518 537 1583 1477 Stonewall. 17 126 Liberty 464 700 192 590 784 Sutton 186 175 168 196 Limestone .1169 3154 1788 2759 3507 Swisher 15 1115 100 Tarrant .2294 6882 1093 3988 6193 Lipscomb 39 98 2 34 97 Live Oak. 56 418 89 160 Taylor 246 868 459 793 897 405 Liano 149 858 297 500 650 Throckmorton 158 52 151 173 Titus 1129 345 1115 Loving Lubbock Tom Green... 465 740 37 Travis .4138 3737 292 4002 3902 Madison 300 790 622 Marion 1409 611 93 859 1167 Trinity 445 762 508 763 922 Tyler 480 1273 278 Martin 22 97 Mason 300 Upshur 822 1461 452 1257 1539 Uvalde 515 536 2 Matagorda 561 449 80 213 Val Verde. 200 408 284 528 Maverick 319 517 Van Zandt.. 691 2330 McCullock 132 384 367 Victoria .1336 845 40 1104 706 McLennan .4126 6511 873 4649 5972 McMullen 53 141 Walker .1057 1205 256 1156 1103 7 51 120 Waller ..1495 1107 1486 Medina 580 792 Ward 71 93 9 93 78 Menard 129 294 55 256 206 Washington..4108 1654 2711 Midland 45 Webb 2067 1183 1 1758 1194 Milam 2160 3695 989 3333 3822 Wharton .1166 844 1356 Mills 180 604 537 731 596 Mitchell 338 147 Wheeler 23 77 4 30 214 297 Montague 375 3552 1062 Wichita 536 1871 3121 Montgomery.. 933 1489 454 1570 Williamson 1283 Wilburger 137 743 129 354 651 2151 3919 1164 3591 3965 Moore 3 25 12 Wilson 191 1716 586 1221 1290 Morris 506 784 Wise 540 3581 1447 2303 3280 Motley 7 134 43 Wood Nacodoches 1128 2091 1808 Navarro .2113 3885 2106 3952 Young 4225 Newton 345 508 117 370 583 Zapata Nolan .... 26 263 93 108 196 Zavala Nueces 10 581 1488 Ochiltree 9 28 Oldham 6 Orange 60 490 Palo Pinto. 196 1156 728 Panola 291 2219 376 786 1084 986 610 2236 Parker 638 3111 1332 Dem., 4.853. Pecos 60 196 1 Polk 625 Totals........ 162506 288723 79966 Per cent....30.33 53.80 14.92 44.61 55.39 *Levering, Pro., 5,030; Palmer, Nat. No official returns received. counted by Legislature in January. 188135 233553 205783 535825 45418 421688 To be Potter 52 228 71 Presidio 418 517 Rains 215 581 247 LEGISLATURE. -1897.1895.— Randall 1 t Sen. Ho. Jt.b. Sen. Ho. Jt.b. Raynor Republicans Red River. 1560 2960 Reeves 45 605 12 74 578 Democrats Populists 3 3 29 103 132 2 22 24 XI. J. H. Gress, Rep., 15,439; Rudolph Kleburg, Dem., 19, 159; J. M. Smith, Pop., 4,254. XII. George H. Noonan, Rep., 13,556; J. H. Slayden, Dem., 14,474; T. McRae, Pop., 3,210. XIII. J. H. Stephens, Dem., 22,988; H. L. Bentley, Pop., 14,219. OTHER STATE OFFICERS ELECTED, 1896. Lieutenant-Governor, George T. Jester, Dem. Attorney-General, M. M. Crane, Dem. Treasurer, W. B. Wortham, Dem. Land Commissioner, A. J. Baker, Dem. Superintendent of Public Instruction, J. M. Carlisle, Dem. Associate Justice of Supreme Court, Leroy G. Denman, Dem. Railroad Commissioners, John H. Reagan, L. J. Story and Allison Myfield, all Demo crats. Counties (27). Bryan... AMC Sam Pete..... 1738 Tooele Wells... Caine... 3120 1559 1390 Sevier 507 1805 679 559 ........ On December 7, 1896, Judge Ritchie, a defeated candidate of Salt Lake City, gave notice of his intention to contest the November election on the ground that the law under which the election was held was not properly passed by the Legislature, and if it had been properly passed it would not be constitutional, for the reason that it did not provide for a secret ballot. VOTE FOR CONGRESSMAN, 1896. Lafayette Holbrooke, Rep. (Sil.), 38,615; J. W. King, Dem., 21,563. Addison ...4,314 490 144 622 61 3,261 1,012 Jackson. Battell.. 8989 Grout. Palmer.. Bryan... Mc Kinley Bennington.3,086 Caledoria ..3,474 682 120 3,514 1,068 65 Franklin ..3.444 1,125 107 4,028 1,629 13 Essex 34 201 43 383 23 2,321 503 68 Orange ....3,067 547 121 3,207 848 49 Orleans ...3,412 413 56 3,730 Rutland ...6,658 1,597 159 6,891 1,989 139 Wash'gton..4,476 1,356 177 4,807 2,274 42 W'dham ...4,029 636 190 4,731 900 41 Windsor ...6,128 651 126 5,943 823 71 593 36 Grand Iron Juab Total ...50991 10146 1329 53426 14855 831 Per cent...80.01 16.66 2.09 76.41 21.24 1.19 Plurality ..40,384 *Total vote for Levering, Pro., 728; Bryan and Watson, Pop., 461. Total vote for Whittemore, Pro., 755; scattering, 55, |